Research in Progress April 2014Vanessa S1. The document discusses research analyzing the genetic and neurological factors associated with autism spectrum disorders. It focuses on three areas: brain structure, behavioral phenotypes like eye gaze scores, and the genetic signature of behaviors.
2. Eye gaze scores were found to be significantly different between ASD and healthy control groups based on a large dataset. Developmental trajectories of eye gaze scores were also analyzed by age.
3. The research aims to develop a model linking local brain structure, neuropsychiatric and cognitive profiles, and genes, to better understand ASD. Gene expression analysis and other evaluation methods are discussed to analyze potential genetic signatures for behaviors.
Current research in the area of social skillsdaniellefullerThis document discusses current research on social skills development for individuals with autism. It notes that autism can present challenges in educational settings due to difficulties with communication, which is important for both learning and social connection. The document outlines specific social deficits common for those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) including problems with social communication, social initiation, social reciprocity, and social cognition. These deficits make skills like joint attention, conversation, relationship building, understanding others' perspectives, and reading social cues particularly challenging for students on the autism spectrum.
Positive Turn in Autism ResearchAnvita Tours2Health Pvt. Ltd.1) The document describes DOAST Integrated Therapy, an approach developed in Chennai, India that combines traditional Indian treatments like Ayurveda, yoga, and herbal medicines with modern medical practices to treat autism.
2) The therapy is based on the hypothesis that chronic inflammation may be a common factor in autism and that reducing inflammation and cellular stress can help restore molecular order and improve neuronal connectivity.
3) Preliminary results suggest the integrated therapy has led to improvements in behaviors, cognition, GI health, and other domains for the 30 patients treated so far, who represent a range of autism severity. However, more rigorous study is still needed.
Disability Project - ASDcmmcgowanAutism is a lifelong developmental disability characterized by difficulties in social interaction and communication. It is considered a spectrum disorder due to the wide variation in symptoms and severity between individuals. Early intervention is key to improving outcomes for children with autism. Technology plays an important role in teaching social, vocational, and independent living skills. Resources like Autism Speaks provide information, support, and funding for research toward understanding and treating autism spectrum disorders.
IMFAR 2014-ADHD Measures for ASD FINALShawna ScottThe document summarizes a review of measures used to assess Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It finds that while several measures have been used, many common ADHD measures have not been validated for use with ASD populations. It highlights the need to distinguish between overlapping symptoms of ASD and ADHD to properly diagnose and treat comorbid cases. Several measures are described and compared in terms of their domains assessed, psychometric properties, and advantages and disadvantages for assessing ADHD in children with ASD.
Autism ppBrittney OrtegaThis document discusses autism, including what it is, potential causes, signs and symptoms, treatments, facts, and how autism manifests in classrooms. Autism is a disorder of brain development that exists on a spectrum, with some forms being more or less severe. Boys are more likely to be diagnosed than girls. Early intervention and therapies like behavioral, occupational and speech therapies can help treat autism, for which there is currently no cure. Visual aids, social stories and specialized teaching techniques can help students with autism in the classroom.
Autism powerpointyobrithereAutism is a developmental disorder that appears in early childhood and affects social and communication skills. Boys are affected more than girls. While the causes are unknown, early signs may include lack of speech, repetitive movements, lack of eye contact and social skills. Treatment options include applied behavior analysis therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and sometimes medications to treat related symptoms. Diet changes eliminating gluten have helped some children with autism.
AUTISM pptMeril ManuelThis document provides an overview of autism including:
1. Autism is a developmental disorder appearing in the first 3 years that affects social and communication skills.
2. It was first described by Kanner in 1943 and prevalence is estimated at 2-6 per 1000 individuals.
3. Prognosis depends on severity but proper therapy can help individuals improve socialization and live independently.
Research in Progress April 2014Vanessa S1. The document discusses research analyzing the genetic and neurological factors associated with autism spectrum disorders. It focuses on three areas: brain structure, behavioral phenotypes like eye gaze scores, and the genetic signature of behaviors.
2. Eye gaze scores were found to be significantly different between ASD and healthy control groups based on a large dataset. Developmental trajectories of eye gaze scores were also analyzed by age.
3. The research aims to develop a model linking local brain structure, neuropsychiatric and cognitive profiles, and genes, to better understand ASD. Gene expression analysis and other evaluation methods are discussed to analyze potential genetic signatures for behaviors.
Current research in the area of social skillsdaniellefullerThis document discusses current research on social skills development for individuals with autism. It notes that autism can present challenges in educational settings due to difficulties with communication, which is important for both learning and social connection. The document outlines specific social deficits common for those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) including problems with social communication, social initiation, social reciprocity, and social cognition. These deficits make skills like joint attention, conversation, relationship building, understanding others' perspectives, and reading social cues particularly challenging for students on the autism spectrum.
Positive Turn in Autism ResearchAnvita Tours2Health Pvt. Ltd.1) The document describes DOAST Integrated Therapy, an approach developed in Chennai, India that combines traditional Indian treatments like Ayurveda, yoga, and herbal medicines with modern medical practices to treat autism.
2) The therapy is based on the hypothesis that chronic inflammation may be a common factor in autism and that reducing inflammation and cellular stress can help restore molecular order and improve neuronal connectivity.
3) Preliminary results suggest the integrated therapy has led to improvements in behaviors, cognition, GI health, and other domains for the 30 patients treated so far, who represent a range of autism severity. However, more rigorous study is still needed.
Disability Project - ASDcmmcgowanAutism is a lifelong developmental disability characterized by difficulties in social interaction and communication. It is considered a spectrum disorder due to the wide variation in symptoms and severity between individuals. Early intervention is key to improving outcomes for children with autism. Technology plays an important role in teaching social, vocational, and independent living skills. Resources like Autism Speaks provide information, support, and funding for research toward understanding and treating autism spectrum disorders.
IMFAR 2014-ADHD Measures for ASD FINALShawna ScottThe document summarizes a review of measures used to assess Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It finds that while several measures have been used, many common ADHD measures have not been validated for use with ASD populations. It highlights the need to distinguish between overlapping symptoms of ASD and ADHD to properly diagnose and treat comorbid cases. Several measures are described and compared in terms of their domains assessed, psychometric properties, and advantages and disadvantages for assessing ADHD in children with ASD.
Autism ppBrittney OrtegaThis document discusses autism, including what it is, potential causes, signs and symptoms, treatments, facts, and how autism manifests in classrooms. Autism is a disorder of brain development that exists on a spectrum, with some forms being more or less severe. Boys are more likely to be diagnosed than girls. Early intervention and therapies like behavioral, occupational and speech therapies can help treat autism, for which there is currently no cure. Visual aids, social stories and specialized teaching techniques can help students with autism in the classroom.
Autism powerpointyobrithereAutism is a developmental disorder that appears in early childhood and affects social and communication skills. Boys are affected more than girls. While the causes are unknown, early signs may include lack of speech, repetitive movements, lack of eye contact and social skills. Treatment options include applied behavior analysis therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and sometimes medications to treat related symptoms. Diet changes eliminating gluten have helped some children with autism.
AUTISM pptMeril ManuelThis document provides an overview of autism including:
1. Autism is a developmental disorder appearing in the first 3 years that affects social and communication skills.
2. It was first described by Kanner in 1943 and prevalence is estimated at 2-6 per 1000 individuals.
3. Prognosis depends on severity but proper therapy can help individuals improve socialization and live independently.
Математика. 2 класс. Урок 2.66 Умножение и деление чиселavtatuzovaПрезентация к уроку математики во 2-м классе Образовательной системы «Школа 2100» (учебники «Моя Математика» авторы Т.Е.Демидова, С.А.Козлова, А.П.Тонких).
Математика. 2 класс. Урок 2.66 Умножение и деление чисел
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6. Сокращение обыкновенных дробей Разделили числитель и знаменатель на « 4 » Разделили числитель и знаменатель на « 7 » \ \ \ \ 1 4 1 2 Разделили числитель и знаменатель На « 5 », на « 3 », на « 2 ». материал подготовлен для сайта (с) Коробейникова Н.А.
8. Сложение и вычитание обыкновенных дробей. материал подготовлен для сайта (с) Коробейникова Н.А.
9. Сложение и вычитание обыкновенных дробей 2 1 ( ( Приводим дроби к наименьшему общему знаменателю . Наименьший общий знаменатель 14 ( число, которое делится на знаменатель первой дроби и на знаменатель второй дроби). Дополнительный множитель для первой дроби : 14:7=2. Дополнительный множитель для второй дроби: 14:14=1. Числители дробей умножаем на дополнительные множители. материал подготовлен для сайта (с) Коробейникова Н.А.
12. Сложение обыкновенных дробей , содержащих целую и дробную часть 1 способ. Сложить целые части и дробные части. 2способ. Представить в виде неправильной дроби . 3 2 3 2 (с) Коробейникова Н.А. материал подготовлен для сайта
14. Вычитание обыкновенных дробей, СОДЕРЖАЩИХ ЦЕЛУЮ И ДРОБНУЮ ЧАСТЬ . 1 способ. Если не вычитается, то занять из целой части 1 и представить ее в виде дроби с найденным знаменателем. 2способ. Представить в виде неправильной дроби. 2 3 материал подготовлен для сайта (с) Коробейникова Н.А.
16. (с) Коробейникова Н.А. материал подготовлен для сайта Умножение и деление обыкновенных дробей Умножение . …числитель первой дроби умножить на числитель второй дроби. Знаменатель первой дроби умножить на знаменатель второй дроби … Деление. … Заменяем умножением на обратную дробь…