#LookUpMoments CampaignAnkita SinhaHousing rebranded itself in 2015 with a new logo and tagline, "Look Up", to maximize brand recall. It launched the #LookUpMoments social media campaign, asking people to submit photos taken at 90 degrees that showed optimistic moments of looking up in architecture, nature, or their homes. Within 7 days the campaign received around 5,000 submissions, helping make the new logo and tagline iconic. It was a successful campaign that received celebrity participation and appreciation from Facebook and Instagram.
Final Draftportfolio comm125Taylor NiuTaylor Niu is a designer offering services such as event fliers, web pages, movie posters, typography, photography, and magazine spreads. Some of Niu's design work includes themes around Coca Cola Life and its natural ingredients, as well as religious quotes. Niu promises to be a reliable hire who won't disappoint clients.
#LookUpMoments CampaignAnkita SinhaHousing rebranded itself in 2015 with a new logo and tagline, "Look Up", to maximize brand recall. It launched the #LookUpMoments social media campaign, asking people to submit photos taken at 90 degrees that showed optimistic moments of looking up in architecture, nature, or their homes. Within 7 days the campaign received around 5,000 submissions, helping make the new logo and tagline iconic. It was a successful campaign that received celebrity participation and appreciation from Facebook and Instagram.
Final Draftportfolio comm125Taylor NiuTaylor Niu is a designer offering services such as event fliers, web pages, movie posters, typography, photography, and magazine spreads. Some of Niu's design work includes themes around Coca Cola Life and its natural ingredients, as well as religious quotes. Niu promises to be a reliable hire who won't disappoint clients.
Якщо тобі сутужно, прийде на поміч дружбаНадвірнянський інформаційно - методичний центрАктивізувати читацькі інтереси; удосконалювати навички виразного читання, уміння аналізувати прочитані твори; розкрити зміст понять «дружба» і «справжній друг»; прищеплювати почуття дружби; розвивати уміння спілкуватися та висловлювати власну думку; виховувати почуття відповідальності за стосунки з другом, товариськості та колективізму.
Internship Report by Md. Mizanur Rahman-Id No.08304083numan_buThe document is an internship report submitted by Md. Mizanur Rahman to fulfill the requirements of his BBA program at BRAC University. The report analyzes the customer satisfaction levels and operating processes of City Brokerage Limited's Nikunja branch, where Rahman completed his internship. It includes an introduction outlining the report's objectives and methodology, a chapter on the company overview, and findings from Rahman's analysis of customer survey data and observations of branch operations.
HumeNombre Apellidos1) Hume critica los fundamentos del conocimiento racionalista y defiende que todo conocimiento proviene de la experiencia a través de los sentidos. 2) Pone en duda la validez de la inducción y del principio de causalidad, argumentando que carecen de fundamentos lógicos. 3) Sostiene una postura escéptica respecto a conceptos metafísicos como Dios, el alma y el mundo exterior, afirmando que exceden los límites de la experiencia.
Gioi thieu cam ket ve thue trong khuon kho hiep dinh TPP va EVFTACÔNG TY TNHH MTV XUẤT NHẬP KHẨU ĐÀM VIỆTGiới thiệu cam kết về thuế trong khuôn khổ Hiệp định TPP, EVFTA - Lãnh đạo Vụ Hợp tác quốc tế, Bộ Tài chính.