2014.05.19 - OECD-ECLAC Workshop_Session 1_Greg FISHEROECD_NAEC1) Policy makers often use simple models to address complex policy questions, which can create tensions as real-world systems tend to be complex with emergent and networked properties.
2) Work by David Tuckett on narratives in financial markets illustrates complexity, as investors make decisions under uncertainty based on sense-making narratives rather than rational utility maximization.
3) Examples of interactions between complexity academics and policymakers, like projects applying complexity science to real cases, show potential for better addressing complex problems but also questions if current structures support such work.
Tmkabedts captureAnoushHrachTmkaberd castle had a brave knight named Tatul as its king who successfully defended the castle from attacks by its enemy, King Nadir. However, Tatul's beautiful wife betrayed him by opening the castle gates for Nadir after she was bribed with promises of gold and servants. Nadir and his soldiers then killed Tatul, his warriors, and Tatul's wife after Tatul and his men had drunk wine and fallen asleep. The legend teaches that nothing is more dangerous for a knight than wine and women.
2014.09.22 - NAEC Seminar_Origins of the crisisOECD_NAECThe document analyzes the determinants of the financial crisis, identifying three key factors: 1) Low interest rates increased the supply of credit. 2) Rising income inequality and growth of institutional investors increased demand for mortgages and securitized bonds. 3) The rise of shadow banking and enabling factors allowed risks to accumulate in the financial system.
Naec 29 9-2014 helmOECD_NAECThis document outlines New Zealand's approach to national security which focuses on building resilience through a systems approach. It emphasizes managing risks, reducing vulnerabilities, and building resilience within the same framework. Recent crises in New Zealand like earthquakes and industrial accidents highlighted the importance of this approach and lessons around strengthening infrastructure, community support, and adaptive emergency management.
2014.11.28 - NAEC Group Meeting_Lamia Kamal-ChaouiOECD_NAECThis document summarizes the work of the OECD's Inclusive Growth Initiative. It established a multidimensional framework to measure inclusive growth that accounts for income as well as non-income factors like employment and health. Between 2012-2014, the initiative delivered reports applying this framework and identifying policy areas that can boost both growth and inclusiveness. Going forward, it will refine the methodology, integrate inclusive growth analysis across policy sectors, and conduct national and regional case studies to strengthen the evidence base and mainstream inclusive growth policymaking.
2014.03.24 - NAEC seminar_Implications for globalisation for competitionOECD_NAECGlobalization has led to more cross-border mergers and competition cases, requiring improved cooperation among competition authorities to avoid inconsistent decisions. As the number of authorities increases, the current system may prove insufficient. Revisions to OECD recommendations aim to modernize procedures, improve information exchange, and increase international enforcement cooperation. Long-term goals include expanding participation, facilitating information sharing, and exploring new means of cooperation like multilateral instruments or mutual recognition of decisions.
2014.05.19 - OECD-ECLAC Workshop_Session 1_Greg FISHEROECD_NAEC1) Policy makers often use simple models to address complex policy questions, which can create tensions as real-world systems tend to be complex with emergent and networked properties.
2) Work by David Tuckett on narratives in financial markets illustrates complexity, as investors make decisions under uncertainty based on sense-making narratives rather than rational utility maximization.
3) Examples of interactions between complexity academics and policymakers, like projects applying complexity science to real cases, show potential for better addressing complex problems but also questions if current structures support such work.
Tmkabedts captureAnoushHrachTmkaberd castle had a brave knight named Tatul as its king who successfully defended the castle from attacks by its enemy, King Nadir. However, Tatul's beautiful wife betrayed him by opening the castle gates for Nadir after she was bribed with promises of gold and servants. Nadir and his soldiers then killed Tatul, his warriors, and Tatul's wife after Tatul and his men had drunk wine and fallen asleep. The legend teaches that nothing is more dangerous for a knight than wine and women.
2014.09.22 - NAEC Seminar_Origins of the crisisOECD_NAECThe document analyzes the determinants of the financial crisis, identifying three key factors: 1) Low interest rates increased the supply of credit. 2) Rising income inequality and growth of institutional investors increased demand for mortgages and securitized bonds. 3) The rise of shadow banking and enabling factors allowed risks to accumulate in the financial system.
Naec 29 9-2014 helmOECD_NAECThis document outlines New Zealand's approach to national security which focuses on building resilience through a systems approach. It emphasizes managing risks, reducing vulnerabilities, and building resilience within the same framework. Recent crises in New Zealand like earthquakes and industrial accidents highlighted the importance of this approach and lessons around strengthening infrastructure, community support, and adaptive emergency management.
2014.11.28 - NAEC Group Meeting_Lamia Kamal-ChaouiOECD_NAECThis document summarizes the work of the OECD's Inclusive Growth Initiative. It established a multidimensional framework to measure inclusive growth that accounts for income as well as non-income factors like employment and health. Between 2012-2014, the initiative delivered reports applying this framework and identifying policy areas that can boost both growth and inclusiveness. Going forward, it will refine the methodology, integrate inclusive growth analysis across policy sectors, and conduct national and regional case studies to strengthen the evidence base and mainstream inclusive growth policymaking.
2014.03.24 - NAEC seminar_Implications for globalisation for competitionOECD_NAECGlobalization has led to more cross-border mergers and competition cases, requiring improved cooperation among competition authorities to avoid inconsistent decisions. As the number of authorities increases, the current system may prove insufficient. Revisions to OECD recommendations aim to modernize procedures, improve information exchange, and increase international enforcement cooperation. Long-term goals include expanding participation, facilitating information sharing, and exploring new means of cooperation like multilateral instruments or mutual recognition of decisions.
A poster presentation about a bandAnoushHrachThe poster presentation is about the Swedish pop band ABBA. It provides information on the band members whose first initials make up the band's name. It also notes that ABBA has sold between 140-500 million records worldwide, making them one of the best-selling music artists of all time. The poster includes photos of the band and lists some of the presenter's favorite ABBA songs.
A poster presentation about a bandAnoushHrachThe poster presentation is about the Swedish pop band ABBA. It provides information on the band members whose first initials make up the band's name. It also notes that ABBA has sold between 140-500 million records worldwide, making them one of the best-selling music artists of all time. The poster includes photos of the band and lists some of the presenter's favorite ABBA songs.
Come and visit maliaAnoushHrachMalia has many shops selling soaps and souvenirs, as well as tasty food from Greece and other countries. There are also fun dolls outside the shops good for photos. Sights include the Palace of Malia from 1800 BC and the soft sandy seaside is great for swimming, building sandcastles, and relaxing in nature.
2. Բնական ալմաստներն միներալներն են և նման են անփայլ ապակու
գնդիկների։ Լավագույն ալմաստները կամ անգույն են, կամ երկնագույն։
Տարբերում են ակնագործական և տեխնիկական ալմաստներ։ Առավել
արժեքավոր է ակնագործականի անգույն տեսակը, որը նիստավորումից
(մակերևույթը ողորկում են այնպես, որ ստացվեն բազմաթիվ հարթ 57
նիստեր) հետո կոչվում է ադամանդ։ Նիստավորման շնորհիվ ձեռք բերած
ուժեղ փայլի և գունախաղի համար ադամանդը կոչվում է նաև շողակն։
Ալմաստ անվանումը ծագել է արաբերեն «ալմաս» (ամրագույն) բառից։
Ադամանդ հունարեն նշանակում է աննվաճելի, անհաղթահարելի։ Ալմաստը
Հայաստան է բերվել հավանաբար Հնդկաստանից։ Փոշին լայնորեն
օգտագործվել է հղկման նպատակով և մշակվել է հղկափոշու ստացման
հատուկ եղանակ։ Իսկ որպես թանկարժեք քար՝ օգտագործվել է զարդեր
պատրաստելու նպատակով։ Հայ ոսկերիչները մշտապես վայելել են հմուտ
վարպետների համբավ։ Ալմաստե զարդերին վերագրել են ցավեր մեղմելու,
հաղթանակ պարգևելու և երջանկացնելու հատկություններ։