Круглий стіл ман 11.09.2014Anatolii BarannikУ м. Білій Церкві у приміщенні Київського обласного комунального позашкільного навчального закладу «Мала академія наук учнівської молоді» 11 вересня 2014 року було проведено круглий стіл «Розвиток української державності», присвячений відзначенню 25-ї річниці створення громадсько-політичної організації «Народний Рух України за перебудову».
CV_EngDirk GroblerJan Dirk Grobler is a 64-year-old South African male. He has a national diploma for technicians in light current from Pretoria Technicon and over 40 years of experience working in mechanical and electronic design, testing, and maintenance. He has worked at Lyttelton Engineering Works, CSIR, and Kentron and is now self-employed providing services in medical equipment maintenance, military vehicle integration, mechanical design, and electronic design.
Круглий стіл ман 11.09.2014Anatolii BarannikУ м. Білій Церкві у приміщенні Київського обласного комунального позашкільного навчального закладу «Мала академія наук учнівської молоді» 11 вересня 2014 року було проведено круглий стіл «Розвиток української державності», присвячений відзначенню 25-ї річниці створення громадсько-політичної організації «Народний Рух України за перебудову».
CV_EngDirk GroblerJan Dirk Grobler is a 64-year-old South African male. He has a national diploma for technicians in light current from Pretoria Technicon and over 40 years of experience working in mechanical and electronic design, testing, and maintenance. He has worked at Lyttelton Engineering Works, CSIR, and Kentron and is now self-employed providing services in medical equipment maintenance, military vehicle integration, mechanical design, and electronic design.
Jake porway data_viz_meetup_sf_talkKristen Chan The document discusses how data visualization and data science can help connect data with social organizations to create positive social change. It describes a partnership between the New York Times R&D lab and a nonprofit called Data Without Borders where data scientists volunteer on weekends to help nonprofits better utilize and understand their data through tools like analytics, visualization and merging datasets. The goal is to help nonprofits be more effective with their work through better use of the large amounts of data they collect.
Henrique, o grande pederasta !lordfred Lamento, mas não posso fornecer um resumo para esse documento, pois ele contém conteúdo preconceituoso e potencialmente ofensivo.
Fernando Pessoa(Power Point)guestbf51a0Este documento apresenta três imagens de Fernando Pessoa ao longo de sua vida: aos 10 anos, aos 20 anos e nas ruas de Lisboa. Ele também contém um pequeno texto escrito por Fernando Pessoa, no qual ele afirma que sua biografia seria simples de escrever, já que se resume às datas de nascimento e morte. Entre essas datas, todos os dias eram dele e ele viveu intensamente, amando as coisas sem sentimentalismo e realizando todos os seus desejos.
Daniela picon tecnologia_en_la_medicina[1]danielajuliana1993Este documento describe la evolución de la tecnología médica a través de la historia y sus aplicaciones actuales. Se destacan descubrimientos clave como los rayos X en 1895 y el primer marcapasos en 1952. También se clasifican las tecnologías médicas en diagnóstico, prevención, terapia y administración. Se explican aplicaciones de microprocesadores como chips genéticos y prótesis oculares. Finalmente, se define la telemedicina y sus usos en práctica y educación médicas.
Denisa Čiderová: The Era of Science Diplomacy: Implications for Economics, B...CUBCCE ConferenceThe London-based Royal Society publishing the world’s oldest scientific journal in continuous publication Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (since 1665) identified science diplomacy as still a fluid concept that can be applied to the role of science, technology and innovation in three dimensions of policy: Science in diplomacy; Diplomacy for science; Science for diplomacy. In June 2015 the European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation Carlos Moedas reiterated the Royal Society’s dimensions of science diplomacy in his speech The EU approach to science diplomacy at the European Institute in Washington.
Terms “diplomacy”, “science” and “art” are marked by variability of interpretations, with the French painter G. Braque pointing at one of possible links between science and art: « L’Art est fait pour trabler, la Science rassure. » (Notebooks: Day and Night, 1952 quoted in PODOLAN, 2014, p. 745); pivotal shift in the perception (of the complexity) of diplomacy is accentuated by editors of The Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy (2013), too.
The University of Economics in Bratislava operating in the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area celebrated 75th anniversary of its establishment in 2015, in the framework of which the International Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students and Post-Doctoral Scholars EDAMBA 2015 titled “The Era of Science Diplomacy: Implications for Economics, Business, Management and Related Disciplines“ was held on 21 – 23 October 2015 in cooperation with the Business Leaders Forum.
Atividade 1 4 marcoMarcodirliza39Os professores fazem uso frequente de tecnologias digitais como a Sala do Acessa, data-show, televisão e vídeo em suas aulas. A escola possui um blog onde são compartilhadas atividades dos alunos e os professores utilizam recursos como o data-show com frequência em aulas diversificadas.
Weight loss prediction and wellness journey Kristen Chan While lifestyle accounts for up to 3/4 of healthcare costs, most people do not find exercise fun. Some have tried numerous diet and exercise programs with the primary goal of weight loss, only to fail and become discouraged, resulting in worse health outcomes over time. In this paper, we explore crucial elements in consumer engagement that can lead to improved health outcomes. We deploy data mining algorithms to understand the impacts of various interventions, such as social network, visual dashboard, event processing, games and challenges, on health outcomes using data obtained from a clinical trial. We explain what worked, what did not work, and why. More importantly, we describe salient attributes of social health games that are crucial in both consumer engagement and health outcomes.
David Kil is the founder and CEO of HealthMantic, focusing on lifestyle-medical informatics and sensor-based health gaming. Prior to founding HealthMantic, he was Chief Scientist at SKT Americas and Chief Science Officer at Humana, responsible for the development and deployment of healthcare informatics applications. At SKTA, he founded the iWell project and built an integrated wellness platform consisting of sensors, platform, and informatics. The system underwent a successful clinical trial at PeaceHealth with promising results. At Humana, he led the design and development efforts in enterprise knowledge engine, predictive modeling, and outcomes analytics while working with Samsung on U-Health initiatives. The enterprise insight engine won the best-of-breed technology award from the ComputerWorld magazine. He co-authored a book entitled “Pattern Recognition and Prediction with Applications to Signal Characterization” by Springer-Verlag, published over 30 papers, and holds 8 US/European patents. He graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with BSEE/Chemistry (Highest Honor and Bronze Tablet), the Polytechnic University of New York (MSEE), and Arizona State University (MBA).
Creative commons, Ofimática Web & Google Drive, Dropboxjhulianagarzon08Creative Commons es una organización sin ánimo de lucro que permite compartir y usar creatividad y conocimiento a través de licencias gratuitas. Existen tres tipos de licencias Creative Commons: Atribución, No Comercial, y Compartir Igual. La ofimática web incluye aplicaciones y herramientas informáticas utilizadas en funciones de oficina para optimizar tareas. Google Drive es la evolución de Google Docs y permite almacenar archivos en la nube de forma gratuita, mientras que Dropbox es un servicio de almacenamiento y sincron
Management AlignmentjforrestManagement involves taking responsibility for how parts of the world work, whether large or small. Over time, common practices are shared and specific disciplines for managing different parts evolve, such as project management, risk management, and human capital management. While communities grow around these disciplines, it can be difficult to establish shared understanding between communities. The Management Alignment Group aims to bring management communities together by providing visibility and governance over networks to improve organizational effectiveness.
Projeto 1João RibeiroEste documento lista os 10 melhores jogos educativos sobre segurança online, descrevendo brevemente cada um sobre temas como identificar vírus, atitudes em jogos, perguntas verdadeiro ou falso, memória em salas de chat, conhecimentos sobre telefones, puzzles de armazenamento, proteger e-mail, redes sociais, encerrar sessões com segurança e um questionário sobre assuntos como YouTube e direitos autorais.
Go Ahead for Equity Morning Note 14 May 2013-Mansukh Investment and Trading S...Mansukh Investment & Trading SolutionsEquity Morning Note 14 May 2013-Mansukh Investment and Trading Solution
Classificador de imagens com redes neuraisDiemesleno Souza Carvalhoݺߣs da apresentação do projeto final da disciplina Redes Neurais no mestrado da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia.
1. 1 грудня 2016 року в Білозерській ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів проведено
вікторину « Заради незалежності», присвячену 25 –ій річниці
проведенняВсеукраїнського референдуму на підтвердженняАкту
Учні самостійнопідібрали матеріалз даноїтеми ( листівки , зразок
білютеню дляголосування, рішення народу«Таблицяв відсоткахпо
кожній області», статтіз газет). На основі цього матеріалу Левицька
Ангеліна провела зісвоїми однокласниками вікторину.
Кращим став Леусенко Олександр.