꿈꾸는 데이터 디자이너 시즌2 교육 설명회 2부neuroassociates꿈꾸는 데이터 디자이너 시즌2 교육설명회 슬라이드 입니다. 시즌2에 대한 정보와 시즌1에서의 결과에 대한 설명입니다.
These Beings He Canbos Solo ShowCharles JiHe Canbo's solo exhibition featured ink paintings inhabited by mysterious human-like shapes called "omega beings". These creatures appeared in uniform, orderly formations and had translucent spaces inside their heads, conveying a sense of thoughtfulness. Though lacking distinct features, the shapes maintained a glass-like transparency even in large crowds. They seemed to pass their light substance into the surroundings, becoming abstractions that resembled the Greek letter omega, suggesting they had reached the end of their journey but contained potential for new beginnings. The exhibition showcased He Canbo's exploration of form and the transmission of light through ink paintings.
A Long Road Home, exhibition Doctor of Philosphy Fine Art, the University of ...Annemarie MurlandThe document lists the titles, dimensions, and media of artworks included in an exhibition by Annemarie Murland at the University of Newcastle Gallery from July 15-24, 2009. The exhibition featured oil paintings on canvas and mixed media works on paper exploring themes of Ireland, Scotland, and journeys. Titles referenced Irish and Scottish culture and music.
Global Fine Arts Awards 15Ty MurphyThe Global Fine Art Awards program honors innovation in design,historical context, educational value, and public appeal.
We launched the Global Fine Art Awards (GFAA) program in 2014 with the conviction that there is not enough visibility or understanding of the world of art and design in the world today.
Wilson Davis Fine Art - The Spring Thing 2010ValerieRossThe Spring Thing 2010 is WIlson Davis Fine Art\'s month-long art exhibition featuring work from over 30 of Scotland\'s leading artists, as well as stunning new jewellery, glassware and ceramic collections from the countyr\'s finest designers.
Catalogue Contemporary Fine Art Exhibition Jaco RouxNatasha IsabellaRoux merges two opposing painting traditions - naturalism and abstraction. He overlays abstract blocks of color onto landscape scenes, reconciling the familiar and unfamiliar. While absorbing the pictureque tradition, he transforms it with abstraction. The tension between traditions gives his paintings their signature style. They are soothing works that allow different cultural forms to coexist peacefully.
Mystery Meets MajestyAMAMAMin depicting the motion and spontaneity of horse and rider in action, I’ve developed a manipulative technique within the digital camera that happens during the shooting, thus creating the composition of the image. The work is then printed as is, unaltered on the computer. I guess it would be fair to say that, in a sense, my overall quest is to uncover the true equine spirit, the rush of immediacy and athleticism of these amazing animals. Anything less seems unfaithful to nature at its most majestic.
꿈꾸는 데이터 디자이너 시즌2 교육 설명회 2부neuroassociates꿈꾸는 데이터 디자이너 시즌2 교육설명회 슬라이드 입니다. 시즌2에 대한 정보와 시즌1에서의 결과에 대한 설명입니다.
These Beings He Canbos Solo ShowCharles JiHe Canbo's solo exhibition featured ink paintings inhabited by mysterious human-like shapes called "omega beings". These creatures appeared in uniform, orderly formations and had translucent spaces inside their heads, conveying a sense of thoughtfulness. Though lacking distinct features, the shapes maintained a glass-like transparency even in large crowds. They seemed to pass their light substance into the surroundings, becoming abstractions that resembled the Greek letter omega, suggesting they had reached the end of their journey but contained potential for new beginnings. The exhibition showcased He Canbo's exploration of form and the transmission of light through ink paintings.
A Long Road Home, exhibition Doctor of Philosphy Fine Art, the University of ...Annemarie MurlandThe document lists the titles, dimensions, and media of artworks included in an exhibition by Annemarie Murland at the University of Newcastle Gallery from July 15-24, 2009. The exhibition featured oil paintings on canvas and mixed media works on paper exploring themes of Ireland, Scotland, and journeys. Titles referenced Irish and Scottish culture and music.
Global Fine Arts Awards 15Ty MurphyThe Global Fine Art Awards program honors innovation in design,historical context, educational value, and public appeal.
We launched the Global Fine Art Awards (GFAA) program in 2014 with the conviction that there is not enough visibility or understanding of the world of art and design in the world today.
Wilson Davis Fine Art - The Spring Thing 2010ValerieRossThe Spring Thing 2010 is WIlson Davis Fine Art\'s month-long art exhibition featuring work from over 30 of Scotland\'s leading artists, as well as stunning new jewellery, glassware and ceramic collections from the countyr\'s finest designers.
Catalogue Contemporary Fine Art Exhibition Jaco RouxNatasha IsabellaRoux merges two opposing painting traditions - naturalism and abstraction. He overlays abstract blocks of color onto landscape scenes, reconciling the familiar and unfamiliar. While absorbing the pictureque tradition, he transforms it with abstraction. The tension between traditions gives his paintings their signature style. They are soothing works that allow different cultural forms to coexist peacefully.
Mystery Meets MajestyAMAMAMin depicting the motion and spontaneity of horse and rider in action, I’ve developed a manipulative technique within the digital camera that happens during the shooting, thus creating the composition of the image. The work is then printed as is, unaltered on the computer. I guess it would be fair to say that, in a sense, my overall quest is to uncover the true equine spirit, the rush of immediacy and athleticism of these amazing animals. Anything less seems unfaithful to nature at its most majestic.
0925 고래가난다요youlimThis document discusses surveys, research, and ideas related to improving air quality. It lists several surveys and research sections along with links to YouTube videos and the Seoul Metropolitan Government website on clean air initiatives. The overall topic is gathering information and brainstorming ways to enhance environmental conditions through data collection and exploring potential solutions.
0925 고래가난다요youlimThis document discusses surveys and research related to Hyundai Oilbank and air quality. It contains several links to websites for the Seoul Metropolitan Government on air quality initiatives and YouTube videos about reducing air pollution. The document focuses on gathering information and ideas around oil companies and clean air.
3. 정의
‘팝아트’는 글자 그대로 대중문화(popular culture)와 미술(fine art)이
결합한 파퓰러 아트 (Popular Art, 대중예술)를 줄인 말로서,
1960년대 뉴욕을 중심으로 일어난 미술의 한 경향을 가리킨다.
4. 배경
대량 생산과 대량 소비 문화가 형성되던 시기
~소비자들은 물건을 구입하고 재빨리 소비하였고,
이런 소비자의 지갑을 열기 위해 눈을 현혹하는 포장과 로고,
새로운 것에 대한 욕망을 끝없이 자극하는 상품 광고가 상행되었다.
팝아트는 이러한 자본주의 문화를 그대로 포용
~상품과 광고, 텔레비전과 영화, 만화책과 연예인 등,
‘대중 문화’의 영역에 속해있던 모든 것들이 소재가되었다.
5. 주요 작가
1945년 로런스 앨러웨이(Lawrence Alloway)가
처음으로 ‘팝아트’라는 용어를 사용
6. 주요 작가
당대 대중문화 만화책을 베껴 그렸다.
그는 인기 있는 만화책의 한 장면을 골라 세부를 수정하여
큰 캔버스에 유화로 옮기면서, 만화책의 전형적인 포맷은 그대로 유지했다.
7. 특징
-검은 윤곽선과 몇 가지의 원색으로 단순하게 그려진 인물들
-정사각형 틀 안에 말풍선과 함께 등장
-색 면은 균일하게 칠하지 않고,
색을 점으로 분할하여 찍어내는 인쇄기법인
벤데이닷(Ben-Day dot)을 모방하여 하나하나 손으로 점을 그렸다.
12. 주요 작가
미국 팝아트의 제왕. 20세기의 가장 영향력 있는 미술가 중 하나로 평가된다.
유명인을 아이콘화한 초상, 반복적인 상품 이미지 등을 통해
미국 문화의 속성을 논평하고자 했다.
13. 특징
- 기계를 이용해 작업하는 실크스크린으로 작업함으로써 원작자의 손길 제거
- 대담하고 선명한 색상
- 미국 문화의 대량생산되는 상업품과 유명인 도상에 대한 논평이 담김
19. 주요 작가
‘앤디 워홀은 가벼운 주제를 무겁고 심각하게 표현한 반면,
키스 해링은 정반대로 무거운 주제를 가볍고 밝게 그려낸다’
간결하면서도 힘있는 선과 율동감 있는 상징적 형상들을 통해
낙서와 예술의 경계를 무너뜨리고 예술을 대중 가까이로 끌어들였다.
20. 특징
- 카툰의 외곽선을 닮은 듯한 굵고 힘있게 표현된 '선'
- 스케치나 습작을 하지않음,
그럼에도 어떤 실수나 수정, 비율의 비대칭도 존재하지 않음
-밝고 귀여운 이미지의 그림
-단순한 선과 선명한 색상
26. 느낀점
이번 디자인 연구를 통해 자본주의나 물질만능주의를 비판하고 비관하는
형태의 예술에서, 이를 포용하고 오히려 소재로 삼으면서 그안에서
자신의 철학과 생각을 담아낸작가들을 볼 수 있었다.
단순한 선과 강렬한 색채로 대중문화를 작품안에 녹여든
팝아트의 매력을 볼 수 있어 좋은 시간이된 것 같다.
주위의 어떤 것이든 내 작품의 소재가 될 수 있음을 다시금 느낄 수 있었다.