0925 고래가난다요youlimThis document discusses surveys, research, and ideas related to improving air quality. It lists several surveys and research sections along with links to YouTube videos and the Seoul Metropolitan Government website on clean air initiatives. The overall topic is gathering information and brainstorming ways to enhance environmental conditions through data collection and exploring potential solutions.
0925 고래가난다요youlimThis document discusses surveys and research related to Hyundai Oilbank and air quality. It contains several links to websites for the Seoul Metropolitan Government on air quality initiatives and YouTube videos about reducing air pollution. The document focuses on gathering information and ideas around oil companies and clean air.
0925 고래가난다요youlimThis document discusses surveys, research, and ideas related to improving air quality. It lists several surveys and research sections along with links to YouTube videos and the Seoul Metropolitan Government website on clean air initiatives. The overall topic is gathering information and brainstorming ways to enhance environmental conditions through data collection and exploring potential solutions.
0925 고래가난다요youlimThis document discusses surveys and research related to Hyundai Oilbank and air quality. It contains several links to websites for the Seoul Metropolitan Government on air quality initiatives and YouTube videos about reducing air pollution. The document focuses on gathering information and ideas around oil companies and clean air.
3. Research_ ˳대오일뱅크
˳대오일뱅크는 국내 최초 민간 정유회사로
'오일뱅크(OILBANK)'라는 주유소 브랜드를 도입해 경질유 시장에 새로운 바람을 불어 넣었고,
전국 2천500여개 주유소에서 최상의 제품과 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.
특히 ˳대오일뱅크는 지난 2010년 세계 최고의 종합중공업회사 현대중공업 가족이 되면서
최고의 경쟁력을 갖춘 기업으로 발돋움하고 있습니다.
4. Research_ 상징마크
Energy와 인간의 조화
청원색, 연속성, 무한성의 '푸른지구'의미
녹색, 영문이니셜 'H'를 '희망의 빛’으로 상징,
인간을 이해하고, 인간에 이롭자는 의미
5. Research_ 소비자분석1
이종찬_주유소 서비스품질과 정유사 선호도가 만족과
재이용의사에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 논문중 발췌
주유소 재이용 의사
이길웅_주유소 소비자의 점포선택 성향에 관한 연구 논문중 발췌
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