Medical complexity and complications of patients with traumatically induced docBrain Injury Alliance of New JerseyThis document discusses medical complexity and complications experienced by patients with traumatically induced disorders of consciousness. It begins with an overview and definitions of various disorders of consciousness including coma, vegetative state, and minimally conscious state. It then discusses outcomes from studies showing high rates of medical complications in these patients that can impact recovery. Several key points are made: 1) Patients with disorders of consciousness have high rates of rehospitalization, often for infections, seizures, or neurological issues; 2) They experience many medical complications like spasticity, dysautonomia, and pulmonary embolisms; 3) Active duty military with disorders of consciousness from combat injuries face even higher medical complexity. Proper assessment and medical stabilization is crucial for
Colton-Pierrepont Poverty Presentation 01132017Robert MackeyA presentation for a small rural public school staff in the Adirondack Mountain region of New York State. This presentation focuses on the contemporary impact of poverty on rural NYS and on learning for students, family engagement, and school culture.
The Pacific Research Platform: A Science-Driven Big-Data Freeway SystemLarry SmarrOpening Presentation
Pacific Research Platform Workshop
Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute
University of California, San Diego
October 14, 2015
Product_CatalogMandy KhannaThe document is a catalog from a jewelry company called Fashion Tangent that lists various pieces of water buffalo horn, fabric, and bead jewelry available for purchase. It provides stock numbers and references over 100 different jewelry listings across several categories including water buffalo horn pendants, hand-embroidered fabric jewelry, bead accessories, and drop earrings. Contact information is also listed at the top and bottom for the company.
Medical complexity and complications of patients with traumatically induced docBrain Injury Alliance of New JerseyThis document discusses medical complexity and complications experienced by patients with traumatically induced disorders of consciousness. It begins with an overview and definitions of various disorders of consciousness including coma, vegetative state, and minimally conscious state. It then discusses outcomes from studies showing high rates of medical complications in these patients that can impact recovery. Several key points are made: 1) Patients with disorders of consciousness have high rates of rehospitalization, often for infections, seizures, or neurological issues; 2) They experience many medical complications like spasticity, dysautonomia, and pulmonary embolisms; 3) Active duty military with disorders of consciousness from combat injuries face even higher medical complexity. Proper assessment and medical stabilization is crucial for
Colton-Pierrepont Poverty Presentation 01132017Robert MackeyA presentation for a small rural public school staff in the Adirondack Mountain region of New York State. This presentation focuses on the contemporary impact of poverty on rural NYS and on learning for students, family engagement, and school culture.
The Pacific Research Platform: A Science-Driven Big-Data Freeway SystemLarry SmarrOpening Presentation
Pacific Research Platform Workshop
Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute
University of California, San Diego
October 14, 2015
Product_CatalogMandy KhannaThe document is a catalog from a jewelry company called Fashion Tangent that lists various pieces of water buffalo horn, fabric, and bead jewelry available for purchase. It provides stock numbers and references over 100 different jewelry listings across several categories including water buffalo horn pendants, hand-embroidered fabric jewelry, bead accessories, and drop earrings. Contact information is also listed at the top and bottom for the company.
Hot pump parts_HOT MiningLolita LiaoHOT Mining has range of process equipments suitable for most minerals and industrial applications. HOT focus on innovation so that we can produce equipments of the highest quality with competitive prices.
All HOT products are backed up by experienced process engineers providing prompt, accurate advice on kinds of operations and applications including equipment selection, installation guide and installation, on-site commissioning and back-up service.
We have two OEM manufacture plants, one plant is in Hengshui and focuses on Coal Preparation, and the other one is in Nanchang and focuses on mineral processing. In our OEM plants, we can produce many process equipments with HOT brand, such as cyclone, classifying cyclone, cone crusher, cake crusher, TBS (slurry separator), spiral, screen, pump parts, coarse coal centrifuge (horizontal vibratory screen centrifuge) and fine coal centrifuge.
HOT Mining could provide many kinds of pump parts.
Using Supercomputers and Data Analytics to Discover the Differences in Health...Larry SmarrBriefing for
Dell Analytics Team
Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute
University of California, San Diego
April 7, 2016
Viewpoints: Leveraging ISS to Enable LEO CommercializationmtnadminThe document discusses leveraging the International Space Station (ISS) to enable commercialization in low Earth orbit (LEO). Several speakers provide their perspectives. Jeff Bingham outlines the legislative history that designated the US segment of the ISS as a national lab and mandated its operation through at least 2024. Sam Sciame discusses leveraging remaining ISS time to enable demand for LEO services. Orbital ATK, Boeing, NanoRacks and Teledyne Brown Engineering describe commercial activities and plans to increase commercial utilization of the ISS and support a LEO economy beyond the ISS.
Velkommen som IKT student på 16 gluMagnus NohrVelkommen som ikt student på 16 glu.
Política del respeto y del buen tratolindemann2006La política de la institución promueve el diálogo permanente, respeto y buen trato entre compañeros de trabajo y estudiantes. Se busca interiorizar el respeto a la diferencia del otro como base de las relaciones humanas y garantizar la calidad en la enseñanza sin distinción de raza, creencia u otros factores a través de un ambiente cálido y procesos eficientes. Adicionalmente, la política de buen trato busca satisfacer a los estudiantes mediante un trato cordial y amable aplicando valores institucionales de respeto, conf
Ozone Detection in Pharmaceutical ContainersCharlotteBellPresented at the Molecular Interactions in Biopharmaceutical Formulations: Can Stability be Rationalised and Predicted. Held by the Formulation Science and Technology Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry in association with the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Microbial agents involve in food contamination and food spoilageIrum KhanThe document discusses food spoilage, contamination, and the microorganisms involved. It explains that food spoilage occurs when the nutritional value, texture, or flavor of food is damaged, making it unsafe to eat. Contamination can occur through food, people, equipment, or surfaces and is a factor in food poisoning. Food can be contaminated physically, chemically, or bacterially. The main microorganisms that cause spoilage are yeasts, molds, and bacteria. Yeasts and molds thrive in high acid foods and are destroyed by heat, while bacteria prefer low acid foods and require pressure canning to destroy spores. Common spoilage-causing genera of bacteria and fungi are also identified.
Image InterpolationThomasUnivalorThe document describes the CEDCT (Continuous Extension of the Discrete Orbit Function Transform) interpolation algorithm. CEDCT is based on Lie groups and can be applied for 2D and 3D image and data interpolation. It has advantages over other interpolation methods like bilinear and bicubic in terms of speed and reducing artifacts like aliasing, blurring, and edge halos through adaptive filtering. Examples show CEDCT better preserves details and textures compared to other methods for image and MRI data interpolation.
The Role of Libraries and Librarians in Information LiteracyPLAI STRLC*Paper presented during the PLAI-STRLC Regional Conference on Promoting Information Literacy for Lifelong Learning, September 25, 2006 at Capuchin Retreat Center, Lipa City, Batangas