The document discusses how mobile devices are changing the way people live and work in the digital age. It recommends several apps in three categories: reading, news and learning; notes, sketches and presentations; and productivity and tools. Some of the highlighted apps include Pocket, iTunes U, TED, Evernote, MindHD, Dropbox, Instagram, Douban FM and IFTTT. The document emphasizes that mobile devices and apps allow people to access information, take notes, share content and automate tasks in an integrated way as part of a new "three-in-one" digital lifestyle.
El documento describe los esfuerzos de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa para promover una cultura inclusiva, incluyendo aproximadamente 1200 estudiantes con necesidades especiales. La universidad ofrece un programa de educación inclusiva y la Facultad de Agricultura del Valle del Fuerte está capacitando a los maestros a través de un curso en línea sobre competencias docentes para la atención a la diversidad y educación inclusiva. El objetivo es que los estudiantes con discapacidades u otras necesidades puedan desarrollar competencias y participar
Este proyecto pedagógico de 2 meses busca crear conciencia sobre el cuidado del medio ambiente entre estudiantes de 4° grado a través del uso de las TIC. Los estudiantes realizarán actividades como presentaciones sobre da?os ambientales, charlas orientadoras y elaboración de maquetas para demostrar habilidades de conservación, mientras son guiados por docentes. El proyecto aplica estrategias interdisciplinarias entre ciencias naturales e informática para despertar interés en el uso de tecnología para la protección ambiental.
The document discusses audience research for the 2011 film "The Inbetweeners Movie". It suggests the target demographic is teenagers aged 14-18, as the film is about four friends who have just finished school and are going on a summer holiday, which mirrors the experience of 18-year-olds finishing their exams. It also notes the film is based on a popular TV series about school life that was popular with teenagers. Additional evidence provided includes that the theme song has an alternative rock style popular with that age group, and the characters' costumes reflect stereotypical teenage styles. The gender audience is said to be balanced between male and female. The film was a box office success in the UK, setting records for comedy openings.
This blogpost describes the Work In Progress (WIP) limits of the Kanban process in detail. How you should use them and what to keep in mind by using them.
La comunicación asertiva implica expresar pensamientos, sentimientos y creencias de manera directa y apropiada sin violar los derechos de los demás. Se caracteriza por ser una comunicación abierta a las opiniones ajenas y aceptar que las posturas de los demás pueden ser diferentes. Para lograr una comunicación asertiva se deben desarrollar tres habilidades básicas: escuchar, observar y hablar.
Masters Thesis on Ethical Hacking Sagar - MISCUSagar
The document discusses threats to information security and whether ethical hacking can help enhance security. It presents research conducted in Mumbai and Pune, India on this topic. The document contains an introduction on information security and the cities studied. It then outlines the research questions, objectives, and use of primary data. The following chapters will discuss the research theory/framework, literature review on current security crimes/issues, awareness among Indians, and emerging cyber threats like hackers, malware, viruses, and social engineering.
Time is an Asset, Delay is a Cost: Applying qualitative and quantitative analysis for competitive advantage
In competitive product development, time often trumps cost and value. While cost of delay is now a part of our vocabulary, how to use it is less understood. Hear the historical context of time-agility strategies, have equations and qualitative approaches demystified - make more effective decisions.
While cost of delay has become a fashionable topic for Agile practitioners, agreement as to the correct way to apply it has been harder to find. This presentation will look to the historical use of time and agility to create winning strategies. It examines proposals to quantify cost of delay in product management contexts, and explains the justifications for the resulting formulae and archetypes - where appropriate giving the limitation of their applicability and when to apply different approaches. Finally the presentation looks to the synthesis of these ideas to use quantitative calculations and qualitative analysis in formulating product investment and development strategies.
Introduction of software project managementREHMAT ULLAH
This document discusses software project management. It defines software project management as a process of managing, allocating, and timing resources to develop computer software that meets requirements. The document outlines the key tasks in software project management, including problem identification, definition, planning, organization, resource allocation, scheduling, tracking, reporting, controlling, and project termination. It emphasizes that software project management plans, implements, monitors, and controls software projects from start to finish.
The document discusses audience research for the 2011 film "The Inbetweeners Movie". It suggests the target demographic is teenagers aged 14-18, as the film is about four friends who have just finished school and are going on a summer holiday, which mirrors the experience of 18-year-olds finishing their exams. It also notes the film is based on a popular TV series about school life that was popular with teenagers. Additional evidence provided includes that the theme song has an alternative rock style popular with that age group, and the characters' costumes reflect stereotypical teenage styles. The gender audience is said to be balanced between male and female. The film was a box office success in the UK, setting records for comedy openings.
This blogpost describes the Work In Progress (WIP) limits of the Kanban process in detail. How you should use them and what to keep in mind by using them.
La comunicación asertiva implica expresar pensamientos, sentimientos y creencias de manera directa y apropiada sin violar los derechos de los demás. Se caracteriza por ser una comunicación abierta a las opiniones ajenas y aceptar que las posturas de los demás pueden ser diferentes. Para lograr una comunicación asertiva se deben desarrollar tres habilidades básicas: escuchar, observar y hablar.
Masters Thesis on Ethical Hacking Sagar - MISCUSagar
The document discusses threats to information security and whether ethical hacking can help enhance security. It presents research conducted in Mumbai and Pune, India on this topic. The document contains an introduction on information security and the cities studied. It then outlines the research questions, objectives, and use of primary data. The following chapters will discuss the research theory/framework, literature review on current security crimes/issues, awareness among Indians, and emerging cyber threats like hackers, malware, viruses, and social engineering.
Time is an Asset, Delay is a Cost: Applying qualitative and quantitative analysis for competitive advantage
In competitive product development, time often trumps cost and value. While cost of delay is now a part of our vocabulary, how to use it is less understood. Hear the historical context of time-agility strategies, have equations and qualitative approaches demystified - make more effective decisions.
While cost of delay has become a fashionable topic for Agile practitioners, agreement as to the correct way to apply it has been harder to find. This presentation will look to the historical use of time and agility to create winning strategies. It examines proposals to quantify cost of delay in product management contexts, and explains the justifications for the resulting formulae and archetypes - where appropriate giving the limitation of their applicability and when to apply different approaches. Finally the presentation looks to the synthesis of these ideas to use quantitative calculations and qualitative analysis in formulating product investment and development strategies.
Introduction of software project managementREHMAT ULLAH
This document discusses software project management. It defines software project management as a process of managing, allocating, and timing resources to develop computer software that meets requirements. The document outlines the key tasks in software project management, including problem identification, definition, planning, organization, resource allocation, scheduling, tracking, reporting, controlling, and project termination. It emphasizes that software project management plans, implements, monitors, and controls software projects from start to finish.
The document discusses Android AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming). It describes key AOP concepts like join points, pointcuts, and advice. It provides examples of how AOP can be used for logging, data validation, and other cross-cutting concerns. It also shows how to set up AOP for Android projects using AspectJ including defining pointcuts and advice.
This document discusses testing a mobile app using TestFlight. It mentions uploading the app to TestFlight, starting internal testing, and redeeming testers' invites to test the app through their email. The document also notes there are steps to take to test different versions of the app and provide feedback.
This document discusses different types of mobile apps including native, HTML5, and hybrid apps. Hybrid apps embed HTML5 code inside a thin native container using frameworks like Ionic or PhoneGap/Cordova. While hybrid apps allow developing apps using web technologies like HTML5 and have cross-platform capabilities, they are limited compared to native apps and can have lower performance due to relying on a web view. Other solutions mentioned for building cross-platform mobile apps include React Native and Xamarin.
Elasticsearch is a distributed, real-time search and analytics engine. It allows storing, searching, and analyzing big volumes of data in near real-time. Elasticsearch uses Apache Lucene for indexing and searching. It has a RESTful API and can scale horizontally by adding nodes to a cluster. Elasticsearch is similar to a database but optimized for full-text searches rather than structured queries.