This document discusses growth hacking strategies used by early internet companies like Hotmail to achieve rapid growth. It defines growth hacking as a set of tactics and best practices for acquiring, activating, and retaining users. Some key tactics discussed include viral growth, A/B testing landing pages, optimizing the user lifecycle funnel, and identifying bottlenecks. The document provides examples of notable growth hacks from companies like Dropbox, Path, and Eventbrite.
本次分享將從何謂網站分析開始,介紹分析主要會使用的關鍵指標,並進行基本數據判讀。適合有 Google Analytics 帳號,但卻不知道如何將關鍵指標與日常營運結合的非營利組織朋友,快來一起進入數據分析的世界吧!
Akamai operates the largest cloud delivery platform on the internet, handling over 2 trillion interactions daily across its global network. It protects against cyber attacks over 200 Gbps and enables over $250 billion in annual e-commerce. Akamai has over 4,000 customers including 7 of the top 10 world banks and all of the top 30 media companies.
The document discusses how mobile devices are changing the way people live and work in the digital age. It recommends several apps in three categories: reading, news and learning; notes, sketches and presentations; and productivity and tools. Some of the highlighted apps include Pocket, iTunes U, TED, Evernote, MindHD, Dropbox, Instagram, Douban FM and IFTTT. The document emphasizes that mobile devices and apps allow people to access information, take notes, share content and automate tasks in an integrated way as part of a new "three-in-one" digital lifestyle.
Vista Cheng shared a summary of her blog and social media profiles, including her blog URL and Facebook profile. She then provided the 5W1H framework (Who, What, When, Where, Why, How) and filled in details about her blog posts such as the number of posts, SMS messages received, and Facebook likes. She concluded by sharing 10 tips for brands to effectively post on their Facebook pages, such as not automating updates, showing your human side, posting photos and videos, putting fans in charge, and tracking post performance.
8. Web Analytics 2.0 之定義
? the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data from your
website and the competition,
? to drive a continual improvement of the online experience of
your customers and prospects,
? which translates into your desired outcomes (online and offline)
9. 元素 & 問題
The What: Click Stream
?直接的基本資料-Visits, Visitors, Time on Site, Page Views,
Bounce Rate, Source, etc.
The How Much: Multiple Outcomes Analysis
The Why: Experimentation and Testing
The Why: Voice of Customer
The What Else: Competitive Intelligence
17. Bounce Rate
? The sexiest web metrics! The percentage of
sessions on your website with only one page view.
? 兩個衡量層次
– 全站的平均 bounce rate
– 熱門 landing page 的 bounce rate
? 其他應用(+維度)
– Top referrers 的 bounce rate
– 關鍵字(paid/organic)的 bounce rate
– Blog的bounce rate是否重要?
18. Adjusted Bounce Rate by Google
? 25 July Announcement
<script type="text/javascript">
var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXXXX-1']);
setTimeout("_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', '15_seconds', 'read'])",15000);
(function() {
var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript';
ga.async = true;
ga.src = /slideshow/web-analytics-20-14263806/14263806/(& == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' :
'http://www') + '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
19. Exit Rate
? How many people left your site from
a certain page.
? 使用者終究會離開網站,但他們是否是在
? Bounce Rate & Exit Rate 是相輔相成的。
20. Conversion Rate
? Outcomes divided by Unique Visitors
(or Visitors).
? Depends on your mind-set.
21. Engagement
? 參與、涉入:吸引更多喜好與關注。
– Time on site?Frequency?回訪?回購?
? 量化資料只能得知 Engagement 的程度,
? 因地制宜,適時加入質性研究。
26. Metrics & KPIs for E-mail Marketing - 1
? Email List Size 寄件清單
– Net Sent =寄件清單-hard bounce-opt-outs(取消訂閱)
? New Email List Subscribers 新收件者
– Subscriber retention rate = # subscribers – bounce backs –
unsubscribes / # subscribers
? Unsubscribes 取消訂閱
? Bounce Rate 退信率
– Delivery rate = (# of emails sent – # of bounce backs) / # of
emails sent
? Growth Rate 成長率
– Growth Rate = (New Subscribers – Opt Outs – Hard
bounces)/List size
? Open Rate 開信率
– 可能會低估
27. Metrics & KPIs for E-mail Marketing - 2
? Click Rate 點擊率
? Open to Click Ratio 開信點擊率
– Click-to-deliver rate (CTDR) = # of clicks / # of emails
? Cost per Click 點擊成本
? Conversion Rate 轉換率
? Depth of Visit = percent of email campaign visits that last longer
than xx pages
? Actions Completed = percent of email campaign visits that
watched a video
? Average Revenue per Email Sent = total revenue / # of emails
? Profitability = (revenue generated – campaign cost – cost of
goods sold) / # of emails sent
28. bounces
? Hard bounce (permanently)
– the recipient's address is invalid
– domain name doesn't
– the recipient is unknown
? Soft bounce
– the recipient's mailbox is full
– the mail server is temporarily unavailable
– the recipient no longer has an e-mail account
at that address
31. Google Website Optimizer
? 23 July Announcement
– Support for relative URLs. (Easy for cross domain.)
– Ability to copy experiments.
– Improvements to the experiments report.
45. 电子商务可追蹤哪些數字
Transaction Data Item Data
? Transaction ID: your ? Transaction ID: same as in
internal transaction ID transaction data
[required] [required]
? Affiliate or store name ? SKU
? Total ? Product name
? Tax
? Product category or
? Shipping product variation
? City
? Unit price [required]
? State or region
? Quantity [required]
? Country
53. A/B testing in Online Advertising
54. A/B testing in email marketing
Quick and Easy:
Subject Line / From / Time of Day / Day of the Week
A bit more involved:
Body Copy / Layout and Design / Call to Action
Open rate / Click through rate / Unsubscribes
55. 萬變不離其宗
? A/B testing your Website
? A/B testing your Mobile App
? …
59. 跨主題
Web Analytics 2.0 Google Analytics 流量的秘密
Avinash Kaushik 網頁分析 Brian Clifton
ISBN 0470529393 Justin Cutroni ISBN 9789572239087
ISBN 9789862762080
62. A/B Testing
? 使用 A/B Testing 工具引導你做網站設計,
? Why A/B testing is essential to your startup’s campaigns,
63. 參考資料(Google Analytics)
? Google Analytics E-Commerce Tracking Pt. 1: How It Works,
? Google Analytics电子商务追踪1—追踪代码定制和实施,
? Google Analytics功能篇—事件追踪,
? Making Google Analytics Content Experiments Even Better,
? Tracking Adjusted Bounce Rate In Google Analytics,
? Understanding And Using Page Value,
? Google Analytics 新版 – 事件目標,
65. 補充資料(未在分享投影片中)
? Build a Conversion Rate Heatmap by Hour & Day
of Week in Google Docs (補充)
? Google analytics教學手冊