The document discusses the importance and blessings of reciting "Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim" (In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful) before beginning any important task. It states that the Prophet Muhammad instructed Muslims to recite Bismillah before various activities to gain blessings and protection from evil. Reciting Bismillah is said to imbue actions with worship of Allah and help ensure success and safety in this life and the next.
Authentic Step By Step Illustrated Janazah Guide1Rashida Brookins
The document discusses several key Islamic concepts related to death and the afterlife according to the Quran and hadiths. It describes that in Islam, death is a natural transition and all souls will taste death. It outlines what Muslims should do before, during, and after death, such as making dua for the deceased. It also discusses beliefs about the taking of the soul, questioning in the grave, and punishment or reward in the hereafter based on one's faith and actions.
Melihat bagaimana Rasulullah sholallahu 'alaihi wasallaam melakukan shalat, hanya bisa ditempuh dengan satu cara, yakni memahami penuturan para sahabat ridwanallah 'alaihim ajma'in. Agar Ibadah sholat kita diterima...
1. Salawat refers to the obligatory daily prayers that Muslims perform. It is considered one of the pillars of Islam and the best form of worshipping Allah.
2. There are different types of salawat, including the daily prayers (Fajr, Zhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha), optional prayers (Tahajjud, Ayat), prayers for special occasions (Jumu'ah, Eid), and other occasions (funerals, visiting parents).
3. Performing salawat correctly and with presence of mind is important to gain its benefits. It helps concentrate the mind on the hereafter, refrain from evil, and cure anxiety according to Islamic
The document outlines 10 steps to draw closer to Allah: 1) Fulfilling obligatory duties and abstaining from prohibitions. 2) Performing supererogatory prayers like Nawafil and Tahajjud. 3) Remembrance of Allah through Zikr and glorification. 4) Calling upon Allah in supplication. 5) Building a close relationship with the Quran by reciting, understanding, and implementing it. 6) Keeping good company of pious friends. 7) Having an appropriate balance of fear and hope in Allah. 8) Increasing acts of charity like Zakat and Sadaqah. 9) Making pilgrimage to the House of Allah. 10) Sincer
The document provides 16 tips for maximizing worship during the last 10 nights of Ramadan, which include the most blessed night of Laylatul Qadr. Some of the key tips mentioned are: doing I'tikaf by spending time in the masjid worshipping; making dua and asking for forgiveness; reciting and reflecting on the Quran; evaluating oneself and making a to-do list for Night of Power; and planning for self-improvement in the coming year.
The document discusses the significance and meaning of salah (prayers) in Islam. It provides details on the five daily obligatory prayers and their times. It explains that salah is the second of the five pillars of Islam and is mentioned over 700 times in the Quran with many verses emphasizing its importance. Hadith also stress that salah will be the first thing people are asked about on Judgment Day. The document conveys that salah purifies a person from sins and connects them to God. It provides conditions for valid salah such as purity, covering one's awrah, and facing the qiblah.
This document contains summaries of various Islamic prayers and supplications for different occasions such as greeting others, before and after meals, visiting the sick, travel, marriage, and repentance. It provides translations of these prayers from Arabic to English.
This document outlines topics from Al-Adab al-Mufrad by Al-Bukhari. It discusses duties towards parents, including honoring, obeying, and being gentle with them, even if they are unjust. While one must be dutiful to parents, this does not apply if it involves disobeying Allah. The document notes hadith stating that failing to fulfill one's duties to parents or causing them distress will lead to hellfire. It also discusses not asking forgiveness for an idolatrous father and being dutiful even towards non-Muslim parents.
The document defines major sins according to Islamic scripture and teachings. It discusses 7 major sins: 1) Associating partners with Allah (shirk), including idol worship and ostentation. 2) Unlawful killing of humans. 3) Sorcery. 4) Not performing the five daily prayers. 5) Not paying obligatory charity (zakat). The document provides Quranic verses and hadith to support the definition of each major sin and associated punishments. Scholars differ on the exact number of major sins but agree that they are the most severe sins whose punishment is explicitly mentioned.
This document provides an analysis and summary of verses 21-30 from the Quran's Surah Al-Baqarah. It discusses three different character types - the believer (Momin), the disbeliever (Kafir), and the hypocrite (Munafiq). It also covers topics like the signs of Tawheed (monotheism), challenges to mankind to produce a surah like the Quran, descriptions of Paradise, examples from the life of mosquitoes, breaking promises, the beginning and end of life, and avoiding lies and doubt.
New Edited and updated slides.
Ruku by Ruku pointers.
Flow charts and action pointers added.
Self Evaluation chart added
Virtues and duas and much more!
This slide program describes the significance of our strong relation with Allah Subhanahu, our only Creator and Deity. It explains various levels of this relation. It also describes ways to develop this relation in the light of Quran and Sunnah. It outlines impediments in the way to get close to Allah Subhanahu.
The document discusses the rules regarding awrah and purity for Muslim prayer (salat). It states that for men, the awrah is the area between the navel and knees, and for women it is the entire body except for the face and hands. It provides evidence from the Quran and hadiths to support this. It also explains that one's body, clothing, and prayer area must be free from impurities in order to perform valid salat.
1. Salawat refers to the obligatory daily prayers that Muslims perform. It is considered one of the pillars of Islam and the best form of worshipping Allah.
2. There are different types of salawat, including the daily prayers (Fajr, Zhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha), optional prayers (Tahajjud, Ayat), prayers for special occasions (Jumu'ah, Eid), and other occasions (funerals, visiting parents).
3. Performing salawat correctly and with presence of mind is important to gain its benefits. It helps concentrate the mind on the hereafter, refrain from evil, and cure anxiety according to Islamic
The document outlines 10 steps to draw closer to Allah: 1) Fulfilling obligatory duties and abstaining from prohibitions. 2) Performing supererogatory prayers like Nawafil and Tahajjud. 3) Remembrance of Allah through Zikr and glorification. 4) Calling upon Allah in supplication. 5) Building a close relationship with the Quran by reciting, understanding, and implementing it. 6) Keeping good company of pious friends. 7) Having an appropriate balance of fear and hope in Allah. 8) Increasing acts of charity like Zakat and Sadaqah. 9) Making pilgrimage to the House of Allah. 10) Sincer
The document provides 16 tips for maximizing worship during the last 10 nights of Ramadan, which include the most blessed night of Laylatul Qadr. Some of the key tips mentioned are: doing I'tikaf by spending time in the masjid worshipping; making dua and asking for forgiveness; reciting and reflecting on the Quran; evaluating oneself and making a to-do list for Night of Power; and planning for self-improvement in the coming year.
The document discusses the significance and meaning of salah (prayers) in Islam. It provides details on the five daily obligatory prayers and their times. It explains that salah is the second of the five pillars of Islam and is mentioned over 700 times in the Quran with many verses emphasizing its importance. Hadith also stress that salah will be the first thing people are asked about on Judgment Day. The document conveys that salah purifies a person from sins and connects them to God. It provides conditions for valid salah such as purity, covering one's awrah, and facing the qiblah.
This document contains summaries of various Islamic prayers and supplications for different occasions such as greeting others, before and after meals, visiting the sick, travel, marriage, and repentance. It provides translations of these prayers from Arabic to English.
This document outlines topics from Al-Adab al-Mufrad by Al-Bukhari. It discusses duties towards parents, including honoring, obeying, and being gentle with them, even if they are unjust. While one must be dutiful to parents, this does not apply if it involves disobeying Allah. The document notes hadith stating that failing to fulfill one's duties to parents or causing them distress will lead to hellfire. It also discusses not asking forgiveness for an idolatrous father and being dutiful even towards non-Muslim parents.
The document defines major sins according to Islamic scripture and teachings. It discusses 7 major sins: 1) Associating partners with Allah (shirk), including idol worship and ostentation. 2) Unlawful killing of humans. 3) Sorcery. 4) Not performing the five daily prayers. 5) Not paying obligatory charity (zakat). The document provides Quranic verses and hadith to support the definition of each major sin and associated punishments. Scholars differ on the exact number of major sins but agree that they are the most severe sins whose punishment is explicitly mentioned.
This document provides an analysis and summary of verses 21-30 from the Quran's Surah Al-Baqarah. It discusses three different character types - the believer (Momin), the disbeliever (Kafir), and the hypocrite (Munafiq). It also covers topics like the signs of Tawheed (monotheism), challenges to mankind to produce a surah like the Quran, descriptions of Paradise, examples from the life of mosquitoes, breaking promises, the beginning and end of life, and avoiding lies and doubt.
New Edited and updated slides.
Ruku by Ruku pointers.
Flow charts and action pointers added.
Self Evaluation chart added
Virtues and duas and much more!
This slide program describes the significance of our strong relation with Allah Subhanahu, our only Creator and Deity. It explains various levels of this relation. It also describes ways to develop this relation in the light of Quran and Sunnah. It outlines impediments in the way to get close to Allah Subhanahu.
The document discusses the rules regarding awrah and purity for Muslim prayer (salat). It states that for men, the awrah is the area between the navel and knees, and for women it is the entire body except for the face and hands. It provides evidence from the Quran and hadiths to support this. It also explains that one's body, clothing, and prayer area must be free from impurities in order to perform valid salat.