Context Based Learning for GIS: an Interdisciplinary ApproachPatrick RicklesThis presentation was given at the RGS Annual Conference 2016 on research into understanding how interdisciplinary researchers have gone about learning GIS. The outputs of this work hopes to understand how to improve learning materials and ways of better supporting them in the learning journey.
Portfolio DraftVictoria EsserThe document provides descriptions and images of various vegan and paleo-friendly dishes that would be served at a chef's table or Spanish tapas event. The dishes include beet ravioli with white bean sauce, s'mores inspired flourless chocolate cake, curd tarts, a raw cashew cheesecake, and a baked apple lunch. Additional plates shown are a frittata, calamari, charcuterie items, seared duck with peaches, and a Mexican omelet.
Context Based Learning for GIS: an Interdisciplinary ApproachPatrick RicklesThis presentation was given at the RGS Annual Conference 2016 on research into understanding how interdisciplinary researchers have gone about learning GIS. The outputs of this work hopes to understand how to improve learning materials and ways of better supporting them in the learning journey.
Portfolio DraftVictoria EsserThe document provides descriptions and images of various vegan and paleo-friendly dishes that would be served at a chef's table or Spanish tapas event. The dishes include beet ravioli with white bean sauce, s'mores inspired flourless chocolate cake, curd tarts, a raw cashew cheesecake, and a baked apple lunch. Additional plates shown are a frittata, calamari, charcuterie items, seared duck with peaches, and a Mexican omelet.
CopyofAResumeWilliam JonesThis document provides a summary of William L. Jones' experience in hiring, training, and management over 25 years. He seeks a part-time position utilizing these skills and references his experience as a General Manager and Senior Area Manager/Director of Training at various restaurants.
Psicopedagoga CadastroPsicopedagogaRJO documento convida o leitor a se cadastrar no site para ficar por dentro de assuntos relacionados à psicopedagogia e aproveitar os serviços oferecidos no site, fornecendo também os contatos telefônicos e de e-mail para mais informações.
Pre Production (Planning)Rahul KaravadraRahul Karavadra is creating a new rap magazine targeted towards 18-25 year olds. The magazine will be called "Westside" and will follow the conventions of popular rap magazines like Vibe and XXL with large cover images, bold fonts and titles. It will focus on the rap genre and include stories, images and content that would appeal to its target audience. The magazine will be distributed both physically and digitally to make it affordable and accessible to younger readers.
Creep Coursework Presentationkess1aThe movie begins with the antagonist intensely stalking the protagonist online, saving their photos and details. The antagonist's room is filled with photos they have taken of the protagonist without permission. The film is a mystery/thriller that will create suspense and tension as the antagonist stalks the protagonist. It will target teenage males and younger audiences who use social media platforms. The main characters are Johnny, the 19-year-old stalker from a troubled background, and Stacy, the 17-year-old popular target of the stalking who is struggling privately. Key locations include Kings Cross and Westminster Kingsway College.
Copia de resumen qué son los mapas conceptuales.doc%0 anoeliavillarEste documento describe los mapas conceptuales y su uso en la educación primaria. Los mapas conceptuales son herramientas que representan conceptos y relaciones jerárquicas entre ellos para visualizar el conocimiento. Existen diferentes tipos de mapas conceptuales como los jerárquicos, de araña y sistemáticos. Hoy en día hay varios programas disponibles para crear mapas conceptuales que permiten incluir diferentes elementos multimedia y compartir los mapas en línea.
Continuous Delivery at Oracle Database InsightsMichael MedinA slightly DB:a ish version of my CI/CD pressentation which I held at an Oracle Database Insights event at Oracle in Stockholm
Using puppet to leverage DevOps in Large Enterprise Oracle Environments Bert HajeeDevOps in large companies is difficult. When you add Oracle and WebLogic to the equation, it becomes even more difficult. This presentation tells the story of IT Manager John and how he use Puppet en the puppet modules from Enterprise Modules to get started with DevOps in his organization. The change was staggering. Where before a new release lasted more than a year, now they were able to implement changes within days or even hours.
Edition Based Redefinition - Continuous Database Application Evolution with O...Lucas JellemaPerforming an application upgrade with new versions of tables, views, and packages without downtime: that is the objective of many organizations striving for high availability of applications. A related objective is to run several versions of an application in parallel, with some users running against one version and others against another. In this session, learn how these objectives can be met and how database development can be organized using capabilities in the upcoming Oracle Database 11g Release 2. The session includes tips for migrating users and client applications one by one to the latest versions of the database objects without loss of availability; guidelines for benefiting from Release 2 functionality in this area; and a demo.
Nature and animal conservation by artART Raviteja akarapuThe document discusses the decline of wildlife populations and threats to biodiversity globally. It notes that since 1970, global populations of fish, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles have declined by 58% due to factors like habitat loss, pollution, natural disasters, overuse of resources, and hunting/poaching. Specifically, tiger populations have declined 95% in the last century, lion numbers in Africa have fallen from 200,000 to under 20,000 recently, and rhino, elephant, monkey and vulture populations are also under severe threat. The document advocates for conservation efforts like adopting endangered animals, volunteering, avoiding pollution, and stopping deforestation.
Continuous Integration - Oracle Database ObjectsPrabhu RamasamyThis document discusses continuous integration for Oracle Database objects. It defines continuous integration as integrating code changes at least daily to verify changes through automated builds. This helps detect errors quickly and reduces issues that arise from distributed teams and manual testing. The document recommends principles like source control, automated builds and testing, and making each commit trigger an integration build. It demonstrates how tools like Jenkins, Maven, UTPLSQL and SonarQube can be used together in a continuous integration pipeline to continuously build, test and analyze code changes.
ckitterman resumecraig kittermanCraig Lee Kitterman has over 30 years of experience as an aircraft mechanic and welder. He has worked for American Airlines, Dalfort Aviation, and Pro-Aircraft performing maintenance, repair, welding, and structural modifications on aircraft engines and structures. Kitterman also has experience owning and managing a motorcycle specialty shop and holds an FAA Airframe and Power Plant license.
Twenty is PlentyBob WardThis document discusses improvements that could be made to signage and traffic calming measures in a 20mph zone in Chapel Allerton, Leeds. It finds that some signs are too high and difficult to read. It also finds that the spacing between traffic calming measures on some roads does not meet legal requirements, making the 20mph limit not self-enforcing. It provides data on distances between speed bumps and other traffic calming features on various roads within the zone. The document concludes that the current scheme is not in compliance with traffic regulations and is therefore illegal.
SQL Server R Services: What Every SQL Professional Should KnowBob WardSQL Server 2016 introduces a new platform for building intelligent, advanced analytic applications called SQL Server R Services. This session is for the SQL Server Database professional to learn more about this technology and its impact on managing a SQL Server environment. We will cover the basics of this technology but also look at how it works, troubleshooting topics, and even usage case scenarios. You don't have to be a data scientist to understand SQL Server R Services but you need to know how this works so come upgrade you career by learning more about SQL Server and advanced analytics.
Qué fue el holocausto judío Yamila ValdezEste PowerPoint está pensado para demostrar de una manera mas dinámica y comprensiva lo que fue el Holocausto judío, llevado a cabo por los nazis, bajo el mandato de Adolf Hitler, en 1941, hasta su fin.
SQL Server It Just Runs FasterBob WardBased on the popular blog series, join me in taking a deep dive and a behind the scenes look at how SQL Server 2016 “It Just Runs Faster”, focused on scalability and performance enhancements. This talk will discuss the improvements, not only for awareness, but expose design and internal change details. The beauty behind ‘It Just Runs Faster’ is your ability to just upgrade, in place, and take advantage without lengthy and costly application or infrastructure changes. If you are looking at why SQL Server 2016 makes sense for your business you won’t want to miss this session.
SQL Server In-Memory OLTP: What Every SQL Professional Should KnowBob WardPerhaps you have heard the term “In-Memory” but not sure what it means. If you are a SQL Server Professional then you will want to know. Even if you are new to SQL Server, you will want to learn more about this topic. Come learn the basics of how In-Memory OLTP technology in SQL Server 2016 and Azure SQL Database can boost your OLTP application by 30X. We will compare how In-Memory OTLP works vs “normal” disk-based tables. We will discuss what is required to migrate your existing data into memory optimized tables or how to build a new set of data and applications to take advantage of this technology. This presentation will cover the fundamentals of what, how, and why this technology is something every SQL Server Professional should know
Otimizando a performance com in memory no sql 2016Luiz Henrique Garetti RosárioO documento discute as funcionalidades do In-Memory OLTP no SQL Server 2016, incluindo: 1) Armazenamento de dados diretamente na memória ao invés de páginas; 2) Novos tipos de índices como Hash e Range para melhor desempenho; 3) Procedures compiladas nativamente para execução em nível de máquina.
2. Голубович Ольга Сергеевна
Дата рождения: 08.08.1988
Семейное положение: замужем
Дети: 1 ребенок (3 года)
Водительские права: В
Специализация и навыки:
Проведение маркетинговых исследований
Маркетинговое планирование;
бюджетирование и отчетность
Разработка рекламных материалов
(презентации, сувенирная/ полиграфическая
Внутренний PR
Организация и проведении деловых и PR
Работа на тендерных площадках
Помощь в работе со СМИ
3. 2006-2011
Белорусский Государственный Университет
Факультет радиофизики и компьютерных технологий
Институт бизнеса и менеджмента технологий БГУ
Повышение квалификации
Академия управления при президенте РБ
Курсы: Маркетинговая стратегия организации
4. 2011-20122009-2011
специалист по
работе с клиентами
менеджер по
2012-н.в. 2014-н.в.
специалист по
маркетингу и PR
ИНТЕНТА (Группа компаний СИТЕК)
5. Создание презентационных материалов компании (презентации о продуктах
и услугах компании) ссылка
Разработка и заказ сувенирной и полиграфической продукции (визитки,
диски, флешки, ручки, блокноты, календари, пакеты, листовки и т.д.)
6. Оформление офиса в соответствии с корпоративным стилем
Написание корпоративной газеты ссылка
Организация корпоративных и командообразующих мероприятий
7. Работа с сайтом компании (обновление контента, написание мелких
Размещение банерной рекламы в интернете
Помощь в разработке нового сайта с нуля
Поддержка и наполнение контентом социальных сетей компании/SMM
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Рассылка информационного материала и опросов об услугах компании
по Заказчикам ссылка
E-mail рассылка
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(информация о заказчиках, конкурентах, поставщиках и д.р)
Работа на тендерных площадках B2B и Fabrikant (отслеживание
предложений, участие в составление тендерной документации,
Работа с региональными представителями и агентами
Написание и оформление деловых писем ссылка
Поздравление заказчиков/клиентов/ партнеров
Ведение внутренней отчетности
9. Организация встреч и семинаров (разработка концепций мероприятия,
приглашения потенциальных заказчиков и партнеров, заказ сувенирной и
полиграфической продукции, организация выступления заказчиков, организация
фуршета) ссылка
Помощь в организации круглого стола («ИТ для производства: инновации и тренды в
автоматизации» в г. Н. Новгород (Россия) ссылка
Помощь в организации выставки («Металлообработка. Сварка-2013» в г. Пермь
(Россия) ссылка
Помощь в организации пресс-конференции (вывод компании «Интента» на рынок
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• приглашение на семинар
• ИНТЕНТА - наши проекты
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#2: Tecnomatix™ — это комплексный пакет решений для цифрового производства, объединяющий все области производства и разработки изделия, от схемы производственного процесса и проектирования, моделирования и проверки процессов до производства. Основанный на принципах управления жизненным циклом изделия (PLM) производственной платформы Teamcenter™ Tecnomatix предлагает набор легко конфигурируемых производственных решений.
Продукт Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Tool появился на рынке более 17 лет назад, в 1991 году. Он разрабатывался в Германии в компании AESOP, расположенной в Штуттгарте и первоначально назывался SIMPLE++ (Simulation in Produktion Logistik und Engineering). В 1997 году фирма была приобретена компанией Tecnomatix, а продукт занял
своё место в линейке решений для технологической подготовки производства eM-Power под именем eM-Plant. В настоящее время продукт распространяется под именем Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Tool и принадлежит компании
Siemens PLM Software.