Genetic changes in the viral genomeMousumi Bora1. Viruses can undergo genetic changes through various mechanisms such as random mutation, recombination, reassortment, and gene amplification/reduction.
2. Mutation occurs via changes to the nitrogen bases in the DNA or RNA genome, such as single nucleotide changes or insertions/deletions.
3. Recombination involves the exchange of genetic material between viral genomes through mechanisms like classic recombination seen in DNA viruses, copy-choice recombination in retroviruses, and site-specific recombination.
Der blaue reiter 1911 14venus2899Der Blaue Reiter fue un grupo de artistas alemán formado en Múnich en 1911 que buscaba la abstracción y la espiritualidad en el arte a través del uso atrevido del color y la influencia de lo primitivo. Los principales miembros fueron Kandinsky, Marc, Macke y Jawlensky, quienes rechazaban el naturalismo en favor de la expresión de las emociones y el interior a través de la música y el simbolismo del color.
Genetic changes in the viral genomeMousumi Bora1. Viruses can undergo genetic changes through various mechanisms such as random mutation, recombination, reassortment, and gene amplification/reduction.
2. Mutation occurs via changes to the nitrogen bases in the DNA or RNA genome, such as single nucleotide changes or insertions/deletions.
3. Recombination involves the exchange of genetic material between viral genomes through mechanisms like classic recombination seen in DNA viruses, copy-choice recombination in retroviruses, and site-specific recombination.
Der blaue reiter 1911 14venus2899Der Blaue Reiter fue un grupo de artistas alemán formado en Múnich en 1911 que buscaba la abstracción y la espiritualidad en el arte a través del uso atrevido del color y la influencia de lo primitivo. Los principales miembros fueron Kandinsky, Marc, Macke y Jawlensky, quienes rechazaban el naturalismo en favor de la expresión de las emociones y el interior a través de la música y el simbolismo del color.
Resume - HariGanesanHari SubramanianHari Ganesan is a senior test coordinator and quality analyst with over 10 years of experience in the banking industry testing payment platforms, credit cards, loans, and accounts. He has worked at BNP Paribas Fortis and Tesco Bank leading the testing of major migration, new product launches, and regulatory compliance projects. This document provides details on his work history, qualifications, languages, and references.
SQL Server 2016: Just a Few of Our DBA's Favorite ThingsHostway|HOSTINGJoin Rodney Landrum, Senior DBA Consultant for Ntirety, a division of HOSTING, as he demonstrates his favorite new features of the latest Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Service Pack 1.
During the accompanying webinar and slides, Rodney will touch on the following:
• A demo of his favorite new features in SQL Server 2016 and SP1 including:
o Query Store
o Database Cloning
o Dynamic Data Masking
o Create or Alter
• A review of Enterprise features that are now available in standard edition
• New information in Dynamic Management Views and SQL Error Log that will make your DBAs job easier.
IT - Remote Center ManagerJeff AndersonThe Remote Center Support Manager will oversee a team providing IT support to remote users, including installing, configuring, and troubleshooting computers and equipment. Key responsibilities include developing service quality standards, supervising and training team members, implementing an IT service management platform, and managing relationships with third-party vendors. The ideal candidate will have 5+ years of experience in desktop support or customer service, technical expertise, strong communication and problem-solving skills, and experience supervising others.
3Com 006979-002savomirThis document provides information about purchasing a 3Com 006979-002 ETHERLINK III product from Launch 3 Telecom. It details how to purchase the product via phone, email, or by sending a request for quote online. It also provides information about Launch 3 Telecom's payment options, same-day shipping and order tracking, warranty, and additional repair and logistics services available.
MSBProfile.docMelony BroadnaxMelony Broadnax has over 15 years of experience in banking, including 10 years in data analysis, testing, and reporting for large transition projects. She has expertise in quality assurance methodologies, system integration testing, requirements review, and complex functional testing. Broadnax most recently worked as a planning analyst for Wells Fargo, where she planned testing activities and created test scenarios, scripts, and documentation. She has experience working with various banking software and a track record of relationship building.
3Com 3C95108M-TPsavomirThis document provides information about purchasing a 3Com 3C95108M-TP product from Launch 3 Telecom. It describes Launch 3 Telecom as a supplier of 3Com and other telecom hardware products, with over 15 years of experience. It provides contact information for purchasing the 3Com 3C95108M-TP, as well as details on payment options, same-day shipping, product warranty, and additional services offered by Launch 3 Telecom.
tray back painAlexander EverakesThe Tray Haven is a new product that aims to reduce back pain for parents by making mealtimes less stressful. It is an adjustable mesh barrier that attaches around highchairs, booster seats, and strollers to prevent items from falling onto the floor. This reduces the need for parents to constantly bend over to pick things up. The portable Tray Haven is easy to set up and store. It allows parents and children to interact while protecting toys, bottles, and food from falling during meals and outings. The company hopes sharing the Tray Haven will help limit potential back pain for parents.
Clase 03 busquedas a ciegasCarlos Manuel Sanchez FernandezEl documento presenta los conceptos básicos de la resolución de problemas mediante búsqueda ciega. Explica el proceso general de formulación de problemas, búsqueda de soluciones y ejecución de acciones. También describe diferentes estrategias de búsqueda como la búsqueda primero en anchura/profundidad y comparaciones entre ellas. Finalmente, muestra el algoritmo general de búsqueda en árboles utilizando una frontera.
IndianculturepptRamamurthy KaturiThis document provides an overview of Indian culture, traditions, and history. It discusses various aspects of culture including religions, languages, food, clothing, festivals, epics, and the arts. India has a long and rich cultural history with influences from Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and other religions. Traditions vary widely by region but festivals celebrating various religions are celebrated nationwide. Sculpture, architecture, painting, music and dance are deeply ingrained in Indian cultural heritage.
El expresionismo alemánvenus2899El documento describe el expresionismo alemán, un movimiento artístico que representaba los sentimientos de miedo, horror y fealdad a través del uso de colores intensos y formas distorsionadas. El grupo Die Brücke, formado en 1905, fue pionero de este estilo revolucionario que buscaba impactar al espectador a través de composiciones toscas y antinaturalistas. El documento también proporciona detalles biográficos y una lista de obras del pintor expresionista alemán Ernst Ludwig Kirchner.
Playing nice with the neighbors dealing with adjoining properties during cons...francistoriagaThis document discusses considerations for dealing with adjoining properties during construction projects in New York City. It notes that construction is booming in NYC, requiring developers and owners to understand how their projects impact neighbors and comply with building codes. The key requirements are to protect neighboring footings, foundations, walls and roofs from damage, control water runoff, secure access to perform inspections and monitoring, and notify neighbors. When negotiating a license agreement for access, the top considerations include clearly defining the scope of access work, conducting a pre-construction survey, providing insurance, documenting any damage, establishing communication procedures, and paying a small license fee to avoid conflicts.
Postimpresionismovenus2899El documento describe el contexto histórico del postimpresionismo entre 1880-1905, una época de cambios políticos y alianzas en Europa. El postimpresionismo surgió como una reacción al impresionismo, dando más énfasis al color y la imaginación que al naturalismo. Artistas clave como Paul Cézanne y Vincent van Gogh pintaron en una variedad de estilos compartiendo este enfoque y allanando el camino para los movimientos artísticos del siglo XX.
2. Голубович Ольга Сергеевна
Дата рождения: 08.08.1988
Семейное положение: замужем
Дети: 1 ребенок (3 года)
Водительские права: В
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Повышение квалификации
Академия управления при президенте РБ
Курсы: Маркетинговая стратегия организации
4. 2011-20122009-2011
специалист по
работе с клиентами
менеджер по
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Editor's Notes
#2: Tecnomatix™ — это комплексный пакет решений для цифрового производства, объединяющий все области производства и разработки изделия, от схемы производственного процесса и проектирования, моделирования и проверки процессов до производства. Основанный на принципах управления жизненным циклом изделия (PLM) производственной платформы Teamcenter™ Tecnomatix предлагает набор легко конфигурируемых производственных решений.
Продукт Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Tool появился на рынке более 17 лет назад, в 1991 году. Он разрабатывался в Германии в компании AESOP, расположенной в Штуттгарте и первоначально назывался SIMPLE++ (Simulation in Produktion Logistik und Engineering). В 1997 году фирма была приобретена компанией Tecnomatix, а продукт занял
своё место в линейке решений для технологической подготовки производства eM-Power под именем eM-Plant. В настоящее время продукт распространяется под именем Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Tool и принадлежит компании
Siemens PLM Software.