Este documento describe el marco te¨®rico de la psicolog¨ªa y psicoterapia cognitiva post-racionalista. Explica que surgi¨® como una respuesta a las limitaciones del enfoque cognitivo tradicional para explicar ciertos fen¨®menos cl¨ªnicos. Plantea que la epistemolog¨ªa subyacente al cognitivismo tradicional era racionalista/empirista, asumiendo una realidad externa objetiva, mientras que el post-racionalismo se basa en una epistemolog¨ªa evolutiva y constructivista, donde cada observ
El documento trata sobre una persona que se perdi¨® buscando un aula para rendir un examen. Contiene di¨¢logos en los que la persona le pregunta a otros sobre la ubicaci¨®n del aula, pero no logra encontrarla. Tambi¨¦n incluye algunos ejercicios de matem¨¢tica resueltos por una tal Sof¨ªa Pi?a.
The presentation will introduce the NLP technologies used in Shiyibao and the main product features, covering the following points:
Function of giving automatic grades for translations based on translation quality automatic evaluation algorithm;
Function of giving automatic comments based on rules matching;
Function of sorting translations according to their similarity or some specific fragments to dramatically improve the efficiency of reviewing and commenting on translations.
SDL is the leader in global content management and language translation solutions. With more than 20 years of experience, SDL helps companies build relevant online experiences that deliver transformative business results on a global scale. Translation Industry continues to grow, and Freelancers, LSPs and Corporate clients all see increased demand as more and more content is created, so we have to address them all. As a Market-leading translation productivity tool, SDL Trados Studio is trusted by over 200,000 translation professionals to boost productivity, control quality and aid collaboration. SDL has launched Trados Studio 2017. This presentation will introduce SDL Trados Studio 2017 and highlight SDL¡¯s new productivity booster- UPLIFT, which is well welcomed by global clients.
The presentation will introduce the NLP technologies used in Shiyibao and the main product features, covering the following points:
Function of giving automatic grades for translations based on translation quality automatic evaluation algorithm;
Function of giving automatic comments based on rules matching;
Function of sorting translations according to their similarity or some specific fragments to dramatically improve the efficiency of reviewing and commenting on translations.
SDL is the leader in global content management and language translation solutions. With more than 20 years of experience, SDL helps companies build relevant online experiences that deliver transformative business results on a global scale. Translation Industry continues to grow, and Freelancers, LSPs and Corporate clients all see increased demand as more and more content is created, so we have to address them all. As a Market-leading translation productivity tool, SDL Trados Studio is trusted by over 200,000 translation professionals to boost productivity, control quality and aid collaboration. SDL has launched Trados Studio 2017. This presentation will introduce SDL Trados Studio 2017 and highlight SDL¡¯s new productivity booster- UPLIFT, which is well welcomed by global clients.