Yamal-402Станислав ЛисовThe Yamal-402 geostationary communications satellite was launched on December 8, 2012 by Gazprom Space Systems to provide Ku-band satellite communications services from 55°E orbital slot. It has 46 transponders across multiple beams with transmission power of 150W and accuracy of 0.1 degrees for station keeping and satellite orientation. The satellite provides coverage of Russia, Europe, and northern regions with various transponder bandwidths and polarization configurations.
ISFM Poster_V3_CNobleCory RobinsonThis document describes the initial development of a health-related quality of life (HRQL) instrument specifically for cats with osteoarthritis (OA). It involved:
1) Conducting interviews with experts and cat owners to understand behaviors associated with HRQL and OA, which were analyzed to generate potential items.
2) Experts reviewed items, which were assigned to instrument components and revised based on relevance and clarity feedback.
3) A prototype was tested, and appropriate revisions were made, resulting in instruments to be field tested measuring the impact of OA on cats' quality of life.
Yamal-402Станислав ЛисовThe Yamal-402 geostationary communications satellite was launched on December 8, 2012 by Gazprom Space Systems to provide Ku-band satellite communications services from 55°E orbital slot. It has 46 transponders across multiple beams with transmission power of 150W and accuracy of 0.1 degrees for station keeping and satellite orientation. The satellite provides coverage of Russia, Europe, and northern regions with various transponder bandwidths and polarization configurations.
ISFM Poster_V3_CNobleCory RobinsonThis document describes the initial development of a health-related quality of life (HRQL) instrument specifically for cats with osteoarthritis (OA). It involved:
1) Conducting interviews with experts and cat owners to understand behaviors associated with HRQL and OA, which were analyzed to generate potential items.
2) Experts reviewed items, which were assigned to instrument components and revised based on relevance and clarity feedback.
3) A prototype was tested, and appropriate revisions were made, resulting in instruments to be field tested measuring the impact of OA on cats' quality of life.
Concurrent PlanningbartoncenterAchieving permanency for foster children through concurrent planning. Guides outline case planning that includes reunification for families and steps leading to adoption when reunification is not an option.
O melhor amigo do diabo - palestra 27Rogerio SenaSe trata daquela pessoa que tenta ignorantemente impedir outros de fazerem o que Deus pede.
Acesse http://www.maisrelevante.com.br/
Ben a6benchaistyThe document outlines 3 initial ideas for music videos. Idea #1 follows friends throughout a day, with performance shots of an artist singing by a campfire using natural lighting. Idea #2 features a band performing in various locations, cutting between members. Idea #3 uses both narrative and performance elements to tell the story of a boy meeting a girl at a club and following their relationship, with parts of the narrative matching song lyrics. The conclusion recommends pursuing Idea #1 as the most feasible given available props and lighting, and having the most interesting themes to appeal commercially.
Food food foodprofesorasofiakThis document is about a speaking club at Asil Koleji that focused heavily on food. It mentions food multiple times and lists the club, year, and a professor but provides no other details about the club, its purpose, or activities.
Liderança é um Contrato Daniel de Carvalho LuzO documento discute os aspectos essenciais da liderança legítima. Apresenta as quatro cláusulas do contrato de liderança: liderança é uma decisão, uma obrigação, requer trabalho árduo e conexão com a comunidade. Também discute a importância da responsabilidade, confiança, foco e tomada de decisões para ser um líder eficaz.
How to analyze and tune sql queries for better performanceoysteingThe document discusses how to analyze and tune MySQL queries for better performance. It covers topics like cost-based query optimization in MySQL, tools for monitoring, analyzing and tuning queries, data access and index selection, the join optimizer, and influencing the optimizer. The agenda includes cost-based query optimization, tools like the performance schema and EXPLAIN, data access methods, joins, sorting, and influencing the optimizer.
Employee Voice and Employer Brand N. Robert Johnson, APRThis document summarizes a webinar discussion about employee voice and employer branding. It discusses how empowering employees and giving them a voice through storytelling can help attract and retain top talent. The webinar reviewed findings from Gallup's State of the American Workforce report, which showed that over 50% of employees are actively looking to change jobs. The top factors employees consider in a new job are ability to do what they do best, work-life balance, stability, increased pay, and working for a great brand. The webinar provided action steps employers can take to address these factors and strengthen their employer brand through employee voice.
1. 20 февраля прошло празднование широкой Масленицы 2017 года.
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