1. O documento descreve as principais altera??es ortográficas no português resultantes do Acordo Ortográfico, incluindo mudan?as no uso de letras e acentos.
2. Foram simplificadas sequências de consoantes como cc, c?, ct, pc, p? e pt, e facilmente mudan?as no uso do h e acentos gráficos.
3. O acordo também padronizou o uso de letras como k, w e y em certos casos.
The document discusses a method called Effectiveness Mapping that aims to objectively measure the subjective experiences of customers over time. It involves defining categories of effectiveness, developing queries to measure customer experiences before and after using a product or service, and using the results to prove and improve the offering. Effectiveness Mapping provides benefits like enhanced customer engagement, intelligence to differentiate from competitors, and credibility for companies. It is presented as a better approach than traditional satisfaction surveys by quantifying the actual changes customers experience.
O documento discute as mudan?as trazidas pelo Dicionário Terminológico de 2008 em rela??o à tradi??o gramatical, especificamente nos termos e conceitos usados para descrever a linguagem. O DT introduz novos termos de domínios como fonética-fonologia e sem?ntica e atualiza outros para refletir melhor os fen?menos linguísticos. Algumas diferen?as entre o DT e os programas anteriores incluem novos termos, mudan?as nos termos para maior precis?o e altera??es nos próprios conceitos.
This document provides an overview of cloud computing, including what it is, how it is being used, essential characteristics, current leaders in cloud computing platforms, cloud storage comparisons, deployment models, advantages and disadvantages, the present status, and the growth of cloud computing. In conclusion, while cloud computing usage has rapidly increased, security remains a major issue that customers are concerned about, as well as potential loss of service availability, though cloud computing is still in strong growth as a technology.
APMP Foundation: Proposal Outline DevelopmentBid to Win Ltd
Second session in the Planning the Proposal Phase module of Bid to Win's APMP Foundation Accreditation preparation webinars.
In this webinar we shall learn about the purpose and content of the proposal outline, and how it can help us get organised.
The Body Shop - Strategy After Acquisition by L’oréal Disha Bedi
The document provides a strategic analysis of The Body Shop company. It includes sections on the company's vision, mission, core values, social activism, policies on animal testing and trade programs. It also includes a SWOT analysis, analysis using Porter's 5 Forces model, identification of strategic challenges and issues, potential strategic options and factors important for implementation. The strategic analysis examines both the internal and external environment of the company to understand its strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for growth or threats it may face.
Helm Society Virtual CEO round table - Life Sciences groupMarc McLaughlin
This was a virtual CEO round table event hosted by The Helm Society. We spent a few hours discussing and testing the use of visual tools for strategy & business design and testing the use of the Business Model Canvas & Value Proposition Design Canvas.
OEP allows harvesting of real time business insights from edge devices in the Internet of Things. It combines data from multiple sources to identify complex events and enable faster decision making and actions. This reduces latency and improves responsiveness. OEP Embedded is optimized for edge devices like sensors and gateways. It features a continuous query language, event processing network, and supports modular development. Use cases include smart grids, industrial automation, building security, and vehicle telematics.
The document discusses sustainable financing for marine protected areas (MPAs). It notes several pressures threatening marine ecosystems and biodiversity. MPAs can help address these pressures but require stable long-term financing. Current MPA financing comes from domestic government budgets, external development aid, trust funds, user fees, taxes, subsidies, and payments for ecosystem services in some areas. Effective MPA financing requires understanding costs and benefits, siting MPAs optimally, including financing strategies in management plans, robust monitoring, and compliance. The EU provides funding to MPAs in Mauritania and Guinea-Bissau through fisheries agreements, though political support fluctuates.
2016 GGSD Forum - Session 2: Presentation by Prof. Walid Oueslati, Senior Eco...OECD Environment
This document discusses trends in urban sprawl, including that land consumption for built-up areas will increase more rapidly than population growth in most OECD countries from 2000-2050. It also examines how to measure urban sprawl using factors like population density, fragmentation, and dispersion. Finally, it promotes policies to address urban sprawl through the OECD SPINE project, which aims to improve environmental effectiveness and economic efficiency by measuring sprawl and evaluating policies related to topics such as greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, open space, and transport.
Le 27 décembre, j’ai eu l’occasion d’animer avec le centre de recherche en numérique de Sfax un workshop sur le Design Thinking. CE workshop était destiné pour environ 50 personnes dont 40 sont des doctorants (en 2ème, 3ème et 4ème année de thèse) tous dans la discipline informatique (génie logiciel) et 10 sont des enseignants chercheurs aussi des informaticiens.
L’objectif de ce workshop est de développer l’esprit du ? design Thinking ? chez les participants. Il est était basé sur une approche pédagogique de ? Learning by Doing ? ou les participants ont essayé de développer des concepts innovants avec l’approche du design thinking.
1. O documento descreve as principais altera??es ortográficas no português resultantes do Acordo Ortográfico, incluindo mudan?as no uso de letras e acentos.
2. Foram simplificadas sequências de consoantes como cc, c?, ct, pc, p? e pt, e facilmente mudan?as no uso do h e acentos gráficos.
3. O acordo também padronizou o uso de letras como k, w e y em certos casos.
The document discusses a method called Effectiveness Mapping that aims to objectively measure the subjective experiences of customers over time. It involves defining categories of effectiveness, developing queries to measure customer experiences before and after using a product or service, and using the results to prove and improve the offering. Effectiveness Mapping provides benefits like enhanced customer engagement, intelligence to differentiate from competitors, and credibility for companies. It is presented as a better approach than traditional satisfaction surveys by quantifying the actual changes customers experience.
O documento discute as mudan?as trazidas pelo Dicionário Terminológico de 2008 em rela??o à tradi??o gramatical, especificamente nos termos e conceitos usados para descrever a linguagem. O DT introduz novos termos de domínios como fonética-fonologia e sem?ntica e atualiza outros para refletir melhor os fen?menos linguísticos. Algumas diferen?as entre o DT e os programas anteriores incluem novos termos, mudan?as nos termos para maior precis?o e altera??es nos próprios conceitos.
This document provides an overview of cloud computing, including what it is, how it is being used, essential characteristics, current leaders in cloud computing platforms, cloud storage comparisons, deployment models, advantages and disadvantages, the present status, and the growth of cloud computing. In conclusion, while cloud computing usage has rapidly increased, security remains a major issue that customers are concerned about, as well as potential loss of service availability, though cloud computing is still in strong growth as a technology.
APMP Foundation: Proposal Outline DevelopmentBid to Win Ltd
Second session in the Planning the Proposal Phase module of Bid to Win's APMP Foundation Accreditation preparation webinars.
In this webinar we shall learn about the purpose and content of the proposal outline, and how it can help us get organised.
The Body Shop - Strategy After Acquisition by L’oréal Disha Bedi
The document provides a strategic analysis of The Body Shop company. It includes sections on the company's vision, mission, core values, social activism, policies on animal testing and trade programs. It also includes a SWOT analysis, analysis using Porter's 5 Forces model, identification of strategic challenges and issues, potential strategic options and factors important for implementation. The strategic analysis examines both the internal and external environment of the company to understand its strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for growth or threats it may face.
Helm Society Virtual CEO round table - Life Sciences groupMarc McLaughlin
This was a virtual CEO round table event hosted by The Helm Society. We spent a few hours discussing and testing the use of visual tools for strategy & business design and testing the use of the Business Model Canvas & Value Proposition Design Canvas.
OEP allows harvesting of real time business insights from edge devices in the Internet of Things. It combines data from multiple sources to identify complex events and enable faster decision making and actions. This reduces latency and improves responsiveness. OEP Embedded is optimized for edge devices like sensors and gateways. It features a continuous query language, event processing network, and supports modular development. Use cases include smart grids, industrial automation, building security, and vehicle telematics.
The document discusses sustainable financing for marine protected areas (MPAs). It notes several pressures threatening marine ecosystems and biodiversity. MPAs can help address these pressures but require stable long-term financing. Current MPA financing comes from domestic government budgets, external development aid, trust funds, user fees, taxes, subsidies, and payments for ecosystem services in some areas. Effective MPA financing requires understanding costs and benefits, siting MPAs optimally, including financing strategies in management plans, robust monitoring, and compliance. The EU provides funding to MPAs in Mauritania and Guinea-Bissau through fisheries agreements, though political support fluctuates.
2016 GGSD Forum - Session 2: Presentation by Prof. Walid Oueslati, Senior Eco...OECD Environment
This document discusses trends in urban sprawl, including that land consumption for built-up areas will increase more rapidly than population growth in most OECD countries from 2000-2050. It also examines how to measure urban sprawl using factors like population density, fragmentation, and dispersion. Finally, it promotes policies to address urban sprawl through the OECD SPINE project, which aims to improve environmental effectiveness and economic efficiency by measuring sprawl and evaluating policies related to topics such as greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, open space, and transport.
Le 27 décembre, j’ai eu l’occasion d’animer avec le centre de recherche en numérique de Sfax un workshop sur le Design Thinking. CE workshop était destiné pour environ 50 personnes dont 40 sont des doctorants (en 2ème, 3ème et 4ème année de thèse) tous dans la discipline informatique (génie logiciel) et 10 sont des enseignants chercheurs aussi des informaticiens.
L’objectif de ce workshop est de développer l’esprit du ? design Thinking ? chez les participants. Il est était basé sur une approche pédagogique de ? Learning by Doing ? ou les participants ont essayé de développer des concepts innovants avec l’approche du design thinking.
O documento fornece várias li??es de vida curtas em frases concisas. As principais li??es incluem: 1) aprender com os erros; 2) crescer n?o significa apenas ficar mais velho; 3) o silêncio é melhor do que a indiferen?a.