This document appears to list various brands and products across different categories without much additional context. It mentions prize-winning ads for Lancome, Nike, Weston, Burger King, and Bijouteries Natan. It also lists products or categories such as incredibly soft, Harry's Bread, Tobacco, Speed, Sports, Beverages, Dental Care, Bags, window cleaner, and hair removal.
La carta habla sobre las diferencias culturales entre China y Occidente que son incomparables. Susy explica que a pesar de los avances, las culturas siguen siendo muy diferentes y es importante respetar las diferencias.
This document appears to list various brands and products across different categories without much additional context. It mentions prize-winning ads for Lancome, Nike, Weston, Burger King, and Bijouteries Natan. It also lists products or categories such as incredibly soft, Harry's Bread, Tobacco, Speed, Sports, Beverages, Dental Care, Bags, window cleaner, and hair removal.
La carta habla sobre las diferencias culturales entre China y Occidente que son incomparables. Susy explica que a pesar de los avances, las culturas siguen siendo muy diferentes y es importante respetar las diferencias.
Este documento lista nove músicas populares dos anos 60 e 70, incluindo "Unchained Melody" por The Righteous Brothers, "Ouvir a música até ao fim, ou clique para continuar" por Cat Stevens, e "Puppy Love" por Paul Anka, e encoraja o leitor a ouvir as músicas ou continuar.
According to neuroscientist Richard Davidson's research:
1. Meditating Buddhist monks showed much greater brain activation and better organized neural connections in the prefrontal cortex compared to student volunteers.
2. This suggests mental training through meditation can physically change the structure and function of the brain.
3. Davidson's previous research found the left prefrontal cortex is associated with happiness, and the monks' brain activity was especially high in this region.
This document summarizes the results of a study on the effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) in Hong Kong. The study had 21 participants who completed pre- and post-testing and a 5-month follow up with 13 participants. Testing showed significant reductions in psychological symptoms as measured by the SCL-90-R psychological symptom inventory. At the 5-month follow up, most participants reported continuing mindfulness practices like meditation and yoga weekly and applying mindfulness to daily activities. Participants also reported improved health attitudes, behaviors, and ability to handle stress.