Ti svelo i colpevoli! ecco a te i principali fattori di rischio dei disturbi ...Curarsi al Naturale
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Ognuno di noi, almeno una volta nella vita, ha sperimentato un¡¯indigestione o qualche disturbo digestivo. A volte ¨¨ un fatto sporadico, ma spesso pu¨° diventare uno stile di vita perch¨¦ lo stomaco e l¡¯intestino risentono delle nostre azioni ed emozioni quotidiane.
Se soffri spesso di nausea o ricorrenti mal di stomaco, di gonfiore addominale, di dolore addominale o hai notato una perdita di appetito o comunque un cambiamento nella tua sensazione di fame, allora stai leggendo l¡¯articolo che fa per te.
Rimedi naturali per la Digestione Lenta e la Cura del Mal di GolaCurarsi al Naturale
Vuoi curare in maniera naturale e definitiva i tuoi disturbi?
Stai per scoprire come utilizzare i principi attivi delle piante officinali
in modo davvero efficace.
Excerpts dr nilofar vazir forty rules of love. elif shafak. pptAbdullah Nasim
This document contains excerpts from "The Forty Rules of Love" by Elif Shafak, which are rules of love written by the 13th century mystic Mawlana Muhammad Jalaludin Rumi. The excerpts were compiled by Dr. Nilofar Vazir and include 18 rules on topics such as seeing God as love, following your heart over your mind, finding God within yourself, and changing yourself before trying to change others. The introduction provides background on Rumi and frames the rules as guidance for reflection on love, life, and spirituality.
This document discusses whether 3D printing is a revolution or a fad. It outlines how 3D printing could be used to print toys, furniture, spare parts, houses, prosthetics, and human organs. While some argue 3D printing is just a fad due to limitations like copyright and materials, the document argues that 3D printing will become mainstream due to decreasing prices, expanding capabilities, and its potential to address waste and scarcity issues. The future of 3D printing may include on-demand printing of goods, wearable printers, printed food, and advances like bioprinting and 4D printing.
Clean technology and sustainability trends dec 2013Frederic De Meyer
The document summarizes three observations about trends in clean technology adoption:
1. Many emerging trends like crowdsourcing, 3D printing, and urban farming will indirectly promote sustainability by reducing transportation and resource needs. While individual impacts are small, collectively they will significantly impact global sustainability.
2. Companies are increasingly making sustainability a core part of their strategies, both out of their own initiative because it makes business sense, and in response to social pressures. This shows sustainability practices becoming a business necessity.
3. Sustainable innovation will likely come more from developing countries in Africa and Asia, as well as grassroots efforts everywhere, as people worldwide seek solutions to climate change impacts. Many small-scale examples already exist,
Excerpts dr nilofar vazir forty rules of love. elif shafak. pptAbdullah Nasim
This document contains excerpts from "The Forty Rules of Love" by Elif Shafak, which are rules of love written by the 13th century mystic Mawlana Muhammad Jalaludin Rumi. The excerpts were compiled by Dr. Nilofar Vazir and include 18 rules on topics such as seeing God as love, following your heart over your mind, finding God within yourself, and changing yourself before trying to change others. The introduction provides background on Rumi and frames the rules as guidance for reflection on love, life, and spirituality.
This document discusses whether 3D printing is a revolution or a fad. It outlines how 3D printing could be used to print toys, furniture, spare parts, houses, prosthetics, and human organs. While some argue 3D printing is just a fad due to limitations like copyright and materials, the document argues that 3D printing will become mainstream due to decreasing prices, expanding capabilities, and its potential to address waste and scarcity issues. The future of 3D printing may include on-demand printing of goods, wearable printers, printed food, and advances like bioprinting and 4D printing.
Clean technology and sustainability trends dec 2013Frederic De Meyer
The document summarizes three observations about trends in clean technology adoption:
1. Many emerging trends like crowdsourcing, 3D printing, and urban farming will indirectly promote sustainability by reducing transportation and resource needs. While individual impacts are small, collectively they will significantly impact global sustainability.
2. Companies are increasingly making sustainability a core part of their strategies, both out of their own initiative because it makes business sense, and in response to social pressures. This shows sustainability practices becoming a business necessity.
3. Sustainable innovation will likely come more from developing countries in Africa and Asia, as well as grassroots efforts everywhere, as people worldwide seek solutions to climate change impacts. Many small-scale examples already exist,