Эхэд задлал хийхOtgontungalag Moodoi"Бастама" ахлах сургуулийн Монгол хэл, уран зохиолын багш М.Отгонтунгалаг/ web site : http://otgontungalag.ucoz.com/
Promoting paritarian social funds in the construction industryFundación Laboral de la ConstrucciónEnrique Corral,
Managing Director of Fundación Laboral de la Construcción
Bucarest, 19 de octubre de 2009
The use of ICT on H&S training at FLC - José A. ViejoFundación Laboral de la ConstrucciónPonencia de José A. Viejo, director de Formación de la Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, en la conferencia sobre 'Prevención ante los riesgos laborales: simulaciones, entrenamientos, formación y soluciones para el futuro' organizada por el Institut de Formation Sectoriel du Bâtiment y el Ministerio de Trabajo del Gobierno de Luxemburgo, celebrada el 22 de noviembre de 2012.
E corral bucarest oct10Fundación Laboral de la ConstrucciónThe Foundation is a non-profit organization created by the National Collective Agreement in 1992 to promote occupational safety and health, training, and employment in the Spanish construction industry. It is governed by representatives of trade unions and employer associations. In 2009, the Foundation trained over 180,000 students in over 400 courses across 42 training centers and 21 health and safety practice centers with over 1,700 trainers. The Foundation also focuses on disseminating health and safety information and supporting the Construction Professional Card system.
Short story noteselizagolightlyThis document provides an overview of short stories, including what they are, how to think about them, and their typical elements. It notes that short stories are always fictional, can be read in one sitting, and aim to illustrate truths about life. It defines key elements like plot, setting, characterization, and theme. It also outlines the typical plot development of a short story, including exposition, narrative hook, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Finally, it lists different types of conflict that can be present in short stories.
Эхэд задлал хийхOtgontungalag Moodoi"Бастама" ахлах сургуулийн Монгол хэл, уран зохиолын багш М.Отгонтунгалаг/ web site : http://otgontungalag.ucoz.com/
Promoting paritarian social funds in the construction industryFundación Laboral de la ConstrucciónEnrique Corral,
Managing Director of Fundación Laboral de la Construcción
Bucarest, 19 de octubre de 2009
The use of ICT on H&S training at FLC - José A. ViejoFundación Laboral de la ConstrucciónPonencia de José A. Viejo, director de Formación de la Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, en la conferencia sobre 'Prevención ante los riesgos laborales: simulaciones, entrenamientos, formación y soluciones para el futuro' organizada por el Institut de Formation Sectoriel du Bâtiment y el Ministerio de Trabajo del Gobierno de Luxemburgo, celebrada el 22 de noviembre de 2012.
E corral bucarest oct10Fundación Laboral de la ConstrucciónThe Foundation is a non-profit organization created by the National Collective Agreement in 1992 to promote occupational safety and health, training, and employment in the Spanish construction industry. It is governed by representatives of trade unions and employer associations. In 2009, the Foundation trained over 180,000 students in over 400 courses across 42 training centers and 21 health and safety practice centers with over 1,700 trainers. The Foundation also focuses on disseminating health and safety information and supporting the Construction Professional Card system.
Short story noteselizagolightlyThis document provides an overview of short stories, including what they are, how to think about them, and their typical elements. It notes that short stories are always fictional, can be read in one sitting, and aim to illustrate truths about life. It defines key elements like plot, setting, characterization, and theme. It also outlines the typical plot development of a short story, including exposition, narrative hook, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Finally, it lists different types of conflict that can be present in short stories.
Target audience 2CharlotteConstanceThis document discusses the target audience for a film project. The primary target audience is males aged 15-30 who would relate to the teenage lifestyle portrayed by the characters. However, the film may appeal to an older audience due to some adult themes. While mainly targeting males, the film also expects to attract females due to an emotional romantic storyline and a main female character. The target audience would also be interested in thriller, action, mystery and dark, gritty films.
La sostenibilidad y la eficiencia energética en el catálogo nacional de cuali...Fundación Laboral de la ConstrucciónPonencia de Ignacio Pérez de Mier, jefe del Área de Investigación Metodológica y Articulación del Sistema Nacional del Incual, en la jornada de difusión final del proyecto europeo Build Up Skills "Construye 2020".
OdysseyelizagolightlyThe Odyssey is an epic poem attributed to Homer that tells the story of Odysseus and his 10-year journey home after the Trojan War. It describes his encounters with mythical creatures like the Cyclops and enchantresses like Circe. The poem also depicts the suitors trying to win the hand of his wife Penelope in his absence and Odysseus's eventual revenge against them when he finally returns home to Ithaca.
Animal FarmelizagolightlyAnimal Farm by George Orwell is an allegorical novella about the Russian Revolution and Stalinism. It describes the rebellion of farm animals against their human farmer which leads them to set up their own society and government. However, the pigs who have taken leadership roles end up imposing a totalitarian regime and tyrannical rule, mirroring the corruption of the Soviet system under Stalin. The novella was influenced by Orwell's opposition to totalitarianism and was a critique of Stalin's leadership in particular.
Necesidad de competencias verdes en el sector de construcción. Rehabilitave...Fundación Laboral de la ConstrucciónEl director de Formación de Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, José Antonio Viejo, ofrece una ponencia sobre las 'Necesidades de competencias verdes en el sector de la construcción' durante la celebración de Rehabilitaverde 2016.
GESINPREC Y TPC: nuevas herramientas para PRL en las obras de construcciónFundación Laboral de la ConstrucciónEl director de Área de Seguridad y Salud de la Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, David Sáez Chicharro, presenta “GESINPREC Y TPC: nuevas herramientas para la PRL en las obras de construcción”.
Esta presentación se realizó el pasado jueves 17 de diciembre, durante la Jornada técnica bajo el título "Seguridad y cualificación para el manejo de maquinaria de construcción", que tuvo lugar en Madrid, en la sede del Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo (INSHT).
En primer lugar, presentó la herramienta GESINPREC, una aplicación para la gestión documental en las obras de construcción. Destacó que “permite ahorrar tiempo y dinero en la gestión de la prevención de una obra”. A continuación, expuso las nuevas funcionalidades de la Tarjeta Profesional de la Construcción (TPC). Explicó, entre otras, la incorporación de un código QR por el que se podrán ver todos los datos del trabajador desde cualquier dispositivo móvil.
Russian RevolutionelizagolightlyThe document summarizes key events of the Russian Revolution of 1917. It describes how Czar Nicholas II's involvement in World War I exhausted Russia's economy and left citizens poor. Inspired by communist ideas of Marx, the people revolted against the Czar's rule. The Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, succeeded in overthrowing the Czar in 1918 and established communist rule. However, power struggles ensued after Lenin's death in 1924, which Stalin ultimately won, allowing him to consolidate power and rule as a ruthless dictator through his secret police.
Elizabethan Era/Shakespeare/Romeo + JulietelizagolightlyThe document provides information about Elizabethan England and William Shakespeare. It discusses that Queen Elizabeth I ruled from 1533-1603 and greatly supported the arts. Shakespeare wrote around 37 plays during this time, including the famous tragedy Romeo and Juliet, set in Verona, Italy. The play involves the star-crossed love between Romeo, of the Montague family, and Juliet, of the rival Capulet family, over the course of just 5 days.