Verbal and nonverbal communication in small groups was presented by five students. They discussed definitions of communication concepts, theories of group structuration, appropriate verbal communication styles, organizing remarks, categories and significance of nonverbal signals, and challenges with computer-mediated communication groups due to lack of nonverbal cues. The presenters aimed to provide an overview of effective verbal and nonverbal communication within groups and different communication mediums.
Verbal and nonverbal communication in small groups was presented by five students. They discussed definitions of communication concepts, theories of group structuration, appropriate verbal communication styles, organizing remarks, categories and significance of nonverbal signals, and challenges with computer-mediated communication groups due to lack of nonverbal cues. The presenters aimed to provide an overview of effective verbal and nonverbal communication within groups and different communication mediums.
The mobile phone market has grown dramatically since its early years. In the early years, growth was limited by the high costs of infrastructure like cell towers. Today, the picture looks very different with much larger subscriber bases. Service revenues now exceed operating costs and can cover up to 85% of infrastructure costs as well.
The document advertises opportunities to join the web/marketing committee or publications committee at an organization, describing what members would do such as social media, graphic design, photography, and writing. It lists projects like an e-newsletter, media relations, and updating websites and social media. It encourages interested people to email the contact for more information on becoming a committee member.
Een kleine poging om te experimenteren met powerpoint, reeds enkele jaren geleden, de inhoud is onzin, sindsdien heb ik wel zinniger presentaties gemaakt, maar dat doet er nu niet toe
1) El documento describe los efectos de depresores y estimulantes del sistema nervioso central, incluyendo s¨ªntomas, tratamiento y pron¨®stico de intoxicaciones por barbit¨²ricos, benzodiacepinas, antidepresivos tric¨ªclicos, inhibidores de monoaminooxidasa y anfetaminas. 2) Explica las partes de una receta m¨¦dica y su importancia para prescribir de manera clara los medicamentos y tratamientos a pacientes. 3) Resalta la necesidad de escribir de manera legible, usar lenguaje m¨¦dico correcto y
The ways of SCM transformation in the main competitive advantage of the companyVladislav Mandryka
Strategic sourcing is a systematic process of analyzing spending data, both internally and externally, to develop an optimal supplier strategy. The goals are to reduce costs, improve quality, increase ROI, and facilitate just-in-time delivery. The classic strategic sourcing process involves 7 steps: 1) identifying commodity groups, 2) developing a sourcing strategy, 3) generating a supplier portfolio, 4) implementing the strategy, 5) managing negotiations, 6) operational integration, and 7) continuous benchmarking and market monitoring. This ensures strategic sourcing remains an ongoing process that adapts to changes in the supply market.
Strategic sourcing involves systematically analyzing internal and external data to develop an optimal supplier strategy. It aims to optimize spend, improve quality, increase ROI, and cut costs through partnership with a limited number of suppliers. The process identifies current spending and viable suppliers, develops sourcing approaches, issues RFPs, negotiates with suppliers, and integrates and monitors selected suppliers. Benefits include estimated 5-10% savings, collaborative spending improvements, new performance metrics, innovation, and better teamwork. Most Fortune 500 companies use strategic sourcing.
La 6¨¨me ¨¦dition du Meetup de la Voiture Connect¨¦e ¨¤ Paris s'est tenue le 16 F¨¦vrier 2017, au Square Paris, le nouveau lab digital de Renault.
1) Liberty Rider : Premi¨¨re application de d¨¦tection de chute en France, Liberty Rider a ¨¦t¨¦ con?ue pour d¨¦tecter les accidents ¨¤ moto afin de pr¨¦venir les services de secours le plus rapidement et le plus efficacement possible.
2) Jamaica-Car par AICAS GmbH: un framework applicatif pour l'automobile connect¨¦e, ou comment impl¨¦menter un appstore sur un syst¨¨me d'info-divertissement automobile sans modifier le mat¨¦riel existant.
3) De plus, Vincent Viollain de Viva Technology nous a pr¨¦sent¨¦ ses challenges de startups en lien avec les v¨¦hicules connect¨¦s et autonomes.
Les Meetups Voiture Connect¨¦e et Autonome vous sont propos¨¦s par Laurent Dunys,, depuis 2016.
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