This document discusses a talk given by William W Nazaroff on collaborating to study indoor microbiomes from Newtonian and Darwinian perspectives. It summarizes Harte's analysis of how physicists and ecologists approach their work differently, with physics seeking simplicity and universality while ecology finds increasing complexity. Nazaroff observes successful collaborations occur in small groups that foster mutual trust, teaching, and credit-sharing. Studying indoor microbiomes provides opportunities to advance understanding, though sustained support and challenging assumptions will be needed to overcome inertia. Nazaroff's own collaboration with Peccia's lab is producing results on indoor bacteria and fungi emissions.
This document discusses a talk given by William W Nazaroff on collaborating to study indoor microbiomes from Newtonian and Darwinian perspectives. It summarizes Harte's analysis of how physicists and ecologists approach their work differently, with physics seeking simplicity and universality while ecology finds increasing complexity. Nazaroff observes successful collaborations occur in small groups that foster mutual trust, teaching, and credit-sharing. Studying indoor microbiomes provides opportunities to advance understanding, though sustained support and challenging assumptions will be needed to overcome inertia. Nazaroff's own collaboration with Peccia's lab is producing results on indoor bacteria and fungi emissions.
The document discusses post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and poverty. It notes that psychological evaluation is necessary to identify PTSD in people living in poverty, as they often go undiagnosed. While much focus has been on PTSD in war veterans, the document stresses that many factors can cause PTSD in children, including living in impoverished areas exposed to violence. The author argues that their own experiences with suffering support the need to study the relationship between PTSD and poverty.
McNeil Generating Station has provided economic and employment benefits to Vermont since 1984. It has contributed over $274 million to the state economy through payroll, taxes, and contracts with local businesses. It employees over 130 people total and supports jobs in forest management, harvesting, processing, and transportation. The plant also benefits the environment by providing an outlet to dispose of over 5,000 tons of waste wood annually from local residents and businesses. It has provided reliable power to Burlington, keeping the lights on during blackouts. New technologies are allowing the plant to operate more efficiently and use different fuel sources.
Op 4 juli 2011 was ik spreker bij de eerste SMC van Leeuwarden, georganiseerd en in het leven geroepen door @corhospes en heb hier het verhaal van de vermiste Mary-Anne Goossens verteld en wat er met sociale media rondom dit topic gedaan is/wordt en wat de resultaten ervan zijn. A story worth telling omdat ze gevonden moet worden! Hoe sociaal is sociale media draag ik bij deze op aan alle mensen die op wat voor manier dan ook een bijdrage leveren / hebben geleverd om Mary-Anne Goossens terug naar huis te brengen. Laten we doorgaan, tot ze daadwerkelijk thuis is! #maryannemissing Keep it up!
Wat ik graag wil benadrukken: 'if you create meaning, you create money' en wat mij betreft komt 'meaning' dus echt op de eerste plaats! Deze zaak gaat uiteraard niet over 'geld' verdienen maar wel over oproepen tot 'actie' en dat is de paralel met het bedrijfsleven. A story worth telling!
Sosiale og kulturelle forhold i samfunnsplanleggingGrete Waaseth
Presentasjon for ansatte ved H?gskolen i Nord-Tr?ndelag (HINT) for ? etablere samarbeid om ? utvikle kunnskapsgrunnlag for lokal samfunnsplanlegging og -utvikling, september 2012
Likestilling og mangfold i SteinkjerlandbruketGrete Waaseth
Innlegg om det nasjonale pilotprosjektet "Likestilling og mangfold i Steinkjerlandbruket" for ressursgruppe sammensatt av utvalgte g?rdbrukere i Steinkjer og regionale utviklingsakt?rer, august 2011.
This document discusses social data mining from Yammer networks. It provides instructions for network administrators to export Yammer data which includes admins, files, groups, messages, networks, pages, topics and users. It also discusses building applications using the Yammer APIs, which allow accessing this data through REST API endpoints. Finally, it presents examples of processing and analyzing the exported social data for insights, as well as visualizing the results.
This professional portfolio uses a minimalist design to showcase completed and in-progress projects organized by topic for easy viewing, allowing visitors to quickly understand projects and see them in action, while also including a brief biography and contact information in a clean coded layout that promotes efficient browsing of information.
The Congressional Budget Office estimates the budgetary effects of the Budget Control Act of 2011. It finds that imposing discretionary spending caps and establishing a Congressional committee to find further savings would reduce deficits by at least $2.1 trillion from 2012-2021 compared to current law. The caps would cut spending relative to CBO's baseline projections. The act aims to reduce improper payments through new "program integrity" initiatives.
SOLR is an open source search platform that provides distributed search and indexing capabilities using Lucene. It can scale independently from applications and supports features like faceted search, hit highlighting, autocomplete suggestions, and geospatial search. SOLR indexes data from databases, files, folders, and other sources using handlers and can integrate with other systems and applications through HTTP APIs.
This calendar celebrates the culture and resilience of the Indian people. India's 1.2 billion people demonstrate resilience through facing daily challenges with hope, smiles, and a desire to live fully. The calendar was created to honor the simple yet extraordinary spirit of Indians in their everyday lives.
1) The document discusses social beliefs and environmental influences in urban areas. It describes the author's experience growing up in an urban environment plagued by crime, poverty, and lack of positive role models.
2) As a child, the author's environment influenced their behavior and orientation, trapping them with no avenue for advancement. Education helped the author persevere and obtain goals. However, many of the author's peers succumbed to their environment due to lack of support.
3) The author believes that improving education in all areas, including urban environments, is key to helping break cycles of poverty, crime, and lack of opportunity that plague many urban communities. Improving living conditions and implementing community interventions could help alleviate problems