It is not my works, I got it from a friend, but I think the originator hops sharing these words with more people also, so I upload it and hope someone translate it into English.
Tim works as a customer service representative for a bank in Sacramento, California. He follows a regular daily routine:
He gets up at 6am each workday and drives to work, arriving at 8am. During the day, he helps customers over the phone by asking for their personal details to verify their identity before providing banking information. He is always polite and friendly with callers. In the evenings, he works out at the gym before having dinner and watching TV.
Roxana introduces her friendly, funny and big family. She has 2 brothers and 1 sister. They enjoy spending time together in the living room talking, going out to eat, studying, watching TV and walking on weekends. Her mom and sister often prepare meals together while her dad and she sometimes do the dishes. Her family visits her grandparents on holidays.
Students will create a project about healthy eating habits and upload it to Google Drive. They will work in groups of four to research eating habits, conduct a survey on food habits at school, present their findings to classmates, and share their work with the community. The goal is for students to understand how important healthy food is for well-being and to progressively improve their own eating habits at home, school, and when celebrating birthdays or snacking.
Big Island is the largest of 365 islands in Brazil, with over 100 beaches spanning its 193 square kilometers of coastline. The island has a tropical climate with warm temperatures year-round and annual rainfall of 2,242mm. Notable attractions include its many pristine beaches, opportunities for scuba diving around coral reefs and shipwrecks, and hiking trails between beaches separated by mountainous terrain. Visitors need 7 or more days to experience the island's natural beauty across its long stretches of coastline accessible mainly by boat or lengthy treks on foot.
This document provides information on forming verbs in the simple present tense in English. It discusses three main rules:
1. For verbs ending in y before a consonant, change the y to i and add -es (e.g. study - studies).
2. For verbs ending in certain letters (-ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o), add -es to the base form (e.g. kiss - kisses).
3. For other verbs, just add -s to the base form (e.g. play - plays).
It then provides examples of verbs conjugated in the affirmative, negative, and interrogative forms in the simple present tense.
This document provides research tips and information about library resources for students in BIO 124 at JMU. It recommends using library databases and resources to efficiently find scholarly articles, and emphasizes reading abstracts to evaluate sources. Contacting the science librarian for help with research is also suggested. The document describes different article types and how to search databases, evaluate sources, cite articles, and find books and assistance.
Este documento describe los adverbios de frecuencia en inglés y sus porcentajes de uso aproximados, así como reglas para su ubicación en oraciones. Siempre se usa el 100% del tiempo, frecuentemente el 90%, usualmente el 70%, a menudo el 60%, a veces el 40%, rara vez el 20% y nunca el 0% del tiempo. Normalmente van entre el sujeto y el verbo, o después del auxiliar en oraciones pasivas. También se colocan antes del verbo principal en preguntas o en oraciones negativas.
Key challenges for social entrepreneurs - By Daniela PapiDaniela Papi
Learn more about what types of organizations are considering themselves "social enterprises" and about some of the key challenges of social entrepreneurship. In essence, this deck is helpful for ANY entrepreneur, especially since all entrepreneurs should be considering their social and environmental impact.
This deck was originally presented to a group in Siem Reap hosted by Social Enterprise Cambodia at the New Leaf Book Cafe.
By Daniela Papi - Lecturer and consultant at Oxford's Sa?d Business School and the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship
View this presentation by Xtraordinary, Blackbaud and Care2 to find out how your organization can tap into the next generation of giving. Using groundbreaking data from a study of over 1,500 UK donors, and riveting examples, we'll talk you through the new dos and don'ts of fundraising.
This swimming/aquatics unit plan contains a sequence of activities (thank you Water Safe - that are easily adapted to a range of ability levels, incorporating things like: hypothermia and its effect on the body; rip education in the swimming pool and life-jackets.
Tim works as a customer service representative for a bank in Sacramento, California. He follows a regular daily routine:
He gets up at 6am each workday and drives to work, arriving at 8am. During the day, he helps customers over the phone by asking for their personal details to verify their identity before providing banking information. He is always polite and friendly with callers. In the evenings, he works out at the gym before having dinner and watching TV.
Roxana introduces her friendly, funny and big family. She has 2 brothers and 1 sister. They enjoy spending time together in the living room talking, going out to eat, studying, watching TV and walking on weekends. Her mom and sister often prepare meals together while her dad and she sometimes do the dishes. Her family visits her grandparents on holidays.
Students will create a project about healthy eating habits and upload it to Google Drive. They will work in groups of four to research eating habits, conduct a survey on food habits at school, present their findings to classmates, and share their work with the community. The goal is for students to understand how important healthy food is for well-being and to progressively improve their own eating habits at home, school, and when celebrating birthdays or snacking.
Big Island is the largest of 365 islands in Brazil, with over 100 beaches spanning its 193 square kilometers of coastline. The island has a tropical climate with warm temperatures year-round and annual rainfall of 2,242mm. Notable attractions include its many pristine beaches, opportunities for scuba diving around coral reefs and shipwrecks, and hiking trails between beaches separated by mountainous terrain. Visitors need 7 or more days to experience the island's natural beauty across its long stretches of coastline accessible mainly by boat or lengthy treks on foot.
This document provides information on forming verbs in the simple present tense in English. It discusses three main rules:
1. For verbs ending in y before a consonant, change the y to i and add -es (e.g. study - studies).
2. For verbs ending in certain letters (-ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o), add -es to the base form (e.g. kiss - kisses).
3. For other verbs, just add -s to the base form (e.g. play - plays).
It then provides examples of verbs conjugated in the affirmative, negative, and interrogative forms in the simple present tense.
This document provides research tips and information about library resources for students in BIO 124 at JMU. It recommends using library databases and resources to efficiently find scholarly articles, and emphasizes reading abstracts to evaluate sources. Contacting the science librarian for help with research is also suggested. The document describes different article types and how to search databases, evaluate sources, cite articles, and find books and assistance.
Este documento describe los adverbios de frecuencia en inglés y sus porcentajes de uso aproximados, así como reglas para su ubicación en oraciones. Siempre se usa el 100% del tiempo, frecuentemente el 90%, usualmente el 70%, a menudo el 60%, a veces el 40%, rara vez el 20% y nunca el 0% del tiempo. Normalmente van entre el sujeto y el verbo, o después del auxiliar en oraciones pasivas. También se colocan antes del verbo principal en preguntas o en oraciones negativas.
Key challenges for social entrepreneurs - By Daniela PapiDaniela Papi
Learn more about what types of organizations are considering themselves "social enterprises" and about some of the key challenges of social entrepreneurship. In essence, this deck is helpful for ANY entrepreneur, especially since all entrepreneurs should be considering their social and environmental impact.
This deck was originally presented to a group in Siem Reap hosted by Social Enterprise Cambodia at the New Leaf Book Cafe.
By Daniela Papi - Lecturer and consultant at Oxford's Sa?d Business School and the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship
View this presentation by Xtraordinary, Blackbaud and Care2 to find out how your organization can tap into the next generation of giving. Using groundbreaking data from a study of over 1,500 UK donors, and riveting examples, we'll talk you through the new dos and don'ts of fundraising.
This swimming/aquatics unit plan contains a sequence of activities (thank you Water Safe - that are easily adapted to a range of ability levels, incorporating things like: hypothermia and its effect on the body; rip education in the swimming pool and life-jackets.
This document discusses how God is always present and speaks to people through feelings, experiences, and solutions to problems. It provides examples of when someone might feel love or peace from God, such as when receiving an unexpected gift, finding clarity in difficult times, or feeling comfort during sadness. The document encourages sharing this message to spread awareness of God's love and presence in people's lives. It asserts that nothing happens by chance and that God is always guiding and accompanying people.
1. The document discusses how choosing a positive attitude can impact one's life outcomes, rather than empowering negative thoughts.
2. It recommends making a list of blessings to reference when negative thoughts arise and notes that both good and bad are part of everyone's life.
3. The perspective one takes on life, whether optimistic or pessimistic, is their choice and will determine how they feel and perform, as well as interact with others.
1) A group of tiny frogs held a race to climb a very tall tower while a crowd watched and doubted they could succeed.
2) Most of the frogs gave up climbing due to exhaustion or discouragement from the crowd.
3) However, one determined deaf frog reached the top of the tower while the rest failed, surprising the crowd.
4) The story's message is to ignore negative people and pursue your dreams with confidence in yourself.
1. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL ! 生命是美麗的 ! Music: Una Noche (Give me just one night)
2. When a door of the happiness is closed, another opens, but us, we continue to look at the closed door and we do not attach importance to that which we have just opened. 當快樂之門關閉時,會有另一扇門打開, 但是我們往往會繼續緊盯著那關閉的門 , 而忽視已 經 開啟的那一扇。
3. Do not trust appearances; they are often false. Do not interest yourself in the wealth; it will disappear . 不要信賴外表 ; 外表常常是假象 。 不要想著財富;財富是會消失的。
4. Seek somebody who communicates with you in laughters, because one laughter could turn a sad day into a joyful day . 找尋能以笑臉和你說話的人, 因為 一個歡笑 能使悲傷的一天 轉變為快樂的一天。
5. Dream whatever you desire to dream. Go wherever you wish. Seek whatever you desire. Because life is unique by how you shape it. 你可以夢想任何你想要的事情。 你可以 前往 任何你想去的地方。 你可以追尋任何你想要的東西。 任何人的生命都是獨一無二的 , 就看你如何去 面對 生活 了 。
6. The lucky ones inevitably do not have best of the best. 幸運的人通常 都不會得到 最珍貴的東西。
7. They seek simply the best of what they see on their journey 他們僅能在人生的旅途中尋找他們 眼睛所 看到 自以為 最 美 好的 東西 。
8. The most beautiful future will always depend on the need F or forgetting the past. 如果你想得到最美好的未來 , 你一定要忘掉過去。
9. But one thing I do; Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what I s ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize . 我只有一件事,就是忘記背後,努力面前的,向著標竿直跑 。
10. You will not be able to go from the past in life as long as you will not have overcome the errors of the past and all that hurt you. 如果不能克服 過去 的錯誤和所有傷害你的事情 那麼 你將永遠 也 走不出 從前 的陰影。
11. Live the life in full, and always smile in spite of difficult times. 盡你的全力去生活, 即使在艱困的時候也還是要帶著微笑。
18. To those who just passed by you… 寄給那些 剛剛從你身邊走過的人…
19. To those who look up to you for encouragement. To those who need you at their side. 寄給那些 祈望 從你得到 鼓勵的人 寄給那些 需要你留在他 們 身邊的人
20. Never loose the opportunity to give sunshine to the day of a person who needs a few encouraging words. 如果有人需要聽到一些鼓舞的話 , 你 絕對不要 失去 這個機會 , 你要 帶一些陽光給他。
21. Life is not the amounts of breath you take in, It's the moment that take your breath away . 生命的價值不是看你活了多久, 而是 在乎 你活得是否精彩。