1. The document discusses how God will provide for those who love and acknowledge Him, as seen in the stories of Abraham and Isaac.
2. It encourages believers to accept God's provision by determining to believe, follow, and give as He leads.
3. God's ultimate provision was sending Jesus to die for humanity, so He will also graciously provide all other things.
The meaning of bearing fruit in john 15 and the key of getting whatever your ...C J Yang
This document discusses two key points from John 15:
1) The meaning of "bearing fruit" refers to doing good works that God has prepared for believers to do, by abiding in Christ and following His will.
2) Verse 7 promises that any wish asked of God will be granted, but only if believers abide in Christ by looking for His will within themselves and following His teachings in their heart. When doing this, they will find that all their wishes are actually for needs to do God's work.
Does Our Lord really dislike yeast (leaven) and whyC J Yang
After reading this article, the author would like to establish the Incompatibility between what God was asking to have (sacrificing all the first born animals which were set apart when the worms opened; fresh/brand new) and the leaven/yeast (old stuff).
This document discusses who can be considered servants of God based on passages from Revelation and Ephesians. It argues that only Christians who follow Jesus as their head and do God's will from the heart can be called servants of God, not those who call themselves servants. True servants will be raised by the Holy Spirit, seated with Christ, and reign as kings in heaven and earth. The parable of the ten virgins is used to illustrate that not all Christians who receive the Holy Spirit are true servants accepted by God, and that being a servant requires paying the price to remove self and receive God's grace.
1) The document discusses the concept of "saved once, saved always" based on passages from Ephesians and other books of the Bible.
2) It argues that God predestined all faithful servants in Christ Jesus for salvation even before the world was created, based on Ephesians 1:1-5, 10.
3) However, it also cites passages like Hebrews 6:4-8 that suggest those who have tasted of the Holy Spirit and God's gifts can fall away and crucify Christ again if they sin and do not repent. This implies salvation can be lost.
The unjust (worldly smart) Steward (Luke 16:1-8); A role model that Christian...C J Yang
Jesus tells his followers to use wealth from unrighteous sources, such as money collected through ungodly means like taxation, to help the poor. This will allow believers to prepare for their eternal home in heaven. The parable of the unjust steward in Luke 16:1-8 is separate and refers to using worldly wisdom to prepare for life on earth, which believers should not emulate. Instead, Jesus instructs his followers in Luke 16:9-13 to faithfully use resources not from God to aid those in need, which will please God and gain them entrance to paradise.
The meaning of bearing fruit in john 15 and the key of getting whatever your ...C J Yang
This document discusses two key points from John 15:
1) The meaning of "bearing fruit" refers to doing good works that God has prepared for believers to do, by abiding in Christ and following His will.
2) Verse 7 promises that any wish asked of God will be granted, but only if believers abide in Christ by looking for His will within themselves and following His teachings in their heart. When doing this, they will find that all their wishes are actually for needs to do God's work.
Does Our Lord really dislike yeast (leaven) and whyC J Yang
After reading this article, the author would like to establish the Incompatibility between what God was asking to have (sacrificing all the first born animals which were set apart when the worms opened; fresh/brand new) and the leaven/yeast (old stuff).
This document discusses who can be considered servants of God based on passages from Revelation and Ephesians. It argues that only Christians who follow Jesus as their head and do God's will from the heart can be called servants of God, not those who call themselves servants. True servants will be raised by the Holy Spirit, seated with Christ, and reign as kings in heaven and earth. The parable of the ten virgins is used to illustrate that not all Christians who receive the Holy Spirit are true servants accepted by God, and that being a servant requires paying the price to remove self and receive God's grace.
1) The document discusses the concept of "saved once, saved always" based on passages from Ephesians and other books of the Bible.
2) It argues that God predestined all faithful servants in Christ Jesus for salvation even before the world was created, based on Ephesians 1:1-5, 10.
3) However, it also cites passages like Hebrews 6:4-8 that suggest those who have tasted of the Holy Spirit and God's gifts can fall away and crucify Christ again if they sin and do not repent. This implies salvation can be lost.
The unjust (worldly smart) Steward (Luke 16:1-8); A role model that Christian...C J Yang
Jesus tells his followers to use wealth from unrighteous sources, such as money collected through ungodly means like taxation, to help the poor. This will allow believers to prepare for their eternal home in heaven. The parable of the unjust steward in Luke 16:1-8 is separate and refers to using worldly wisdom to prepare for life on earth, which believers should not emulate. Instead, Jesus instructs his followers in Luke 16:9-13 to faithfully use resources not from God to aid those in need, which will please God and gain them entrance to paradise.
1. The document discusses whether Jesus is subordinate to God the Father based on passages like Philippians 2:6-8. It argues that Jesus is fully God and fully man, having emptied himself by taking human form while retaining his divine nature.
2. It also examines Jesus' childhood and when he knew he was the Messiah, suggesting he grew in human wisdom through his experiences like other people while guided by the Holy Spirit.
3. The paper seeks to address these theological topics by analyzing biblical passages and views from theological sources to understand the dual nature of Christ.
What happen to physical body soul and spiritC J Yang
After death, people's souls will go to either Paradise or torment in Hades. The story of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16 shows that in Hades, souls still have feelings and awareness after death. Revelation 20 refers to both death and Hades delivering the dead for judgment before God. Some interpretations view death as controlling the body and Hades controlling the soul, while others see death representing complete control over a person's spirit, soul, and spiritual body. At the final judgment, all people will be resurrected and judged according to their works, whether righteous or wicked, to receive eternal reward or punishment.
When will we_(christians)_be_raised; before, during or after the Tabulation?C J Yang
The document discusses when Christians will be raised based on passages from the Bible. It argues that Christians will be raised in two times: (1) Some Christians ("saints") who were martyred for their faith or who rejected the mark of the beast will be raised to rule with Christ for 1000 years during the Millennium period. (2) Most Christians today ("ordinary Christians") will have their bodies transformed and be raised into the sky to meet God after the Millennium period, at the time of the Great White Throne judgment. The document concludes that "ordinary Christians" will not rule with Christ during the Millennium like some Christians, contrary to common teachings.
From the unity of husband and wife to see the three godheads' relationship in...C J Yang
The document discusses the relationship between husband and wife and the Trinity. It states that while husband and wife are different persons, they can become one by sharing the Holy Spirit and being led by the Spirit. Similarly, Christians can become one body through the Holy Spirit despite their differences. The Trinity consists of Father, Son and Holy Spirit who are equal in divinity but fulfill different functional roles, with the Son submitted to the Father. Examples from creation, earthly governance, and salvation are provided to illustrate the Trinity's internal equality and external functional submission.
Matthew correctly quotes Isaiah 7:14 in reference to Jesus. While Isaiah originally prophesied a sign to King Ahaz involving a young woman conceiving, the prophecy had a deeper meaning. It foretold that God would one day be with his people through the virgin-born Immanuel. Matthew sees the fulfillment of this prophecy in Jesus, as his name Immanuel means "God with us". Though the immediate context in Isaiah was different, Matthew recognizes the eternal significance that God would dwell among his people through Christ.
This document provides an analysis of Ecclesiastes 11. It includes:
1) A summary of the key verses and themes about helping others without expectation of return and obeying God's will despite circumstances.
2) An outline dividing the passage into sections about trusting in God's timing and ultimately being judged.
3) Detailed interpretations of individual verses examining original Hebrew words and concepts.
The overall message encourages spreading kindness, sowing seeds of faith regularly, and remembering God will judge all actions, so youth should avoid evil and turn to their Creator.