Evac staff mtg 3 25-13recllhoffmanThe staff meeting focused on planning an alternate site evacuation drill. Staff were asked to review evacuation procedures before the meeting to discuss how to improve safety plans. On April 1st, staff would participate in a lockdown drill and evacuation to the designated alternate site, the Chisago Community Center. On May 23rd, a drill with students would take place. Staff were given questions to consider regarding the logistics and roles for an off-site evacuation. The role of law enforcement would also be discussed. Staff were asked to review lockdown and evacuation procedures in preparation for the meeting.
Itecn453 it infrastructureAhmad AmmariIT infrastructure consists of shared technology resources that provide a platform for information systems applications across an organization. It includes investments in hardware, software, services, and physical facilities. Common components of IT infrastructure are computer hardware, operating systems, enterprise applications, networking/telecommunications, data management and storage systems, internet platforms, and consulting/integration services. Large organizations rely on consulting firms to help implement new infrastructure due to lack of internal skills, resources, and experience integrating complex systems.
Lec2 MECH ENG STRuctureMohamed Yaser1. The document discusses loading and support conditions in structural analysis. It defines different types of loads like point loads, distributed loads, and concentrated moments. It also describes different support conditions like fixed supports, pinned supports, and pinned on rollers.
2. It explains that free body diagrams should show all external forces, dimensions, and the coordinate system. Equations of static equilibrium are then applied to solve for reactions.
3. Examples are provided to demonstrate solving for reactions on a diving board and a beam with a distributed load using free body diagrams and the equations of equilibrium. A method for finding forces in a planar truss is also outlined.
Proposed Changes in General-Season Deer Hunting — Dec. 2, 2010 MeetingUtah Division of Wildlife ResourcesThe document presents three options for proposed changes to Utah's general season deer hunting. Option 1 would implement unit-by-unit management with a regional target of 18 bucks per 100 does. Option 2 would manage all 29 units individually to maintain 18-25 bucks per 100 does. Option 3 is similar to the current system but with a regional target of 15 bucks per 100 does. The options seek to increase buck to doe ratios while varying hunting opportunity and management scale.
Software Series ]5Mohamed YaserThe document discusses software design principles and methods. It notes that software design is a creative problem-solving activity that requires expertise rather than following rigid recipes or methods. While early design methods aimed to systematize development, they have increased complexity and may not reflect how expert designers work opportunistically. The field would benefit from developing designers' skills rather than pretending design is just following procedures.
Harbor UCLA Neuro-Radiology -- Case 3Surgical Neurology International- A 29 month old boy presented with decreased activity and lethargy and was found to have a large, heterogeneous mass in his posterior fossa compressing the brainstem
- He underwent a subtotal resection of the tumor, which was found to be difficult to fully remove due to its attachment to nearby structures
- Post-operative imaging showed residual enhancing tumor and diffuse dural enhancement, likely due to intracranial hypotension from the subtotal resection
- Pathology revealed the tumor was an atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor (ATRT), a highly malignant tumor in young children that commonly arises in the posterior fossa
Repaso clase4Francisco Jesús AntiñoloEl documento presenta varias situaciones de conversación cotidianas en español para practicar saludos, presentaciones, pedidos en un restaurante y preguntas sobre lugares de origen y residencia. El lector debe elegir la respuesta correcta a cada intercambio planteado.
Compras convencionalesAlejandro HechtEl documento describe el proceso convencional de compras, que incluye la generación de una orden de compra por parte del departamento de compras, la recepción y almacenamiento del producto en el almacén, y el pago al vendedor una vez recibida la factura.
ListeningjjcamachoThe document discusses listening and the human mind. It notes that the mind generates constant thoughts and can drift away from the present moment. Exercises are presented to illustrate how the mind works, such as thinking of one's own thoughts during silence or bringing attention back to a partner speaking. The document advises being aware of thoughts and separating events from our interpretations of them in order to listen better and not be ruled by impulses or past trauma. The key is to keep bringing one's attention back to the present moment.
Phone gapRahul BansalThis document outlines the benefits, differentiators, supported platforms, standards, and resources for PhoneGap. Key benefits include developing mobile apps using one code base across multiple platforms, reusing existing web development skills, and building both a mobile site and app with the same code. PhoneGap runs on many platforms, has an open community and framework support, and is based on open web standards. Resources provided include documentation, forums, and listings of sample apps.
Partesdemicuerpo2Francisco Jesús AntiñoloEl documento habla sobre las diferentes partes del cuerpo humano. Explica que el cuerpo está formado por segmentos corporales distintos como la cabeza, el pecho, los brazos, las manos y los pies. Además, señala que gracias a las articulaciones, el cuerpo puede realizar diversos movimientos de manera flexible.
Autoretrats dels felins i les felinesesther669This document appears to be a list of names of children in a class about felines who are working on self-portraits. The names listed are Núria, Sira, Adrián, Carla, Gerard, Andrea, Marina, and Judith.
CIS 2303 LO2 Part 3Ahmad AmmariThis document discusses requirements modeling during the analysis phase of the systems development life cycle. It covers the importance of requirements, identifying requirements through various fact-finding techniques like interviews and questionnaires, and categorizing requirements into functional and technical categories like inputs, outputs, processes, performance, and controls. Key points covered include understanding user needs, determining requirements through open-ended questions in interviews, and using sampling approaches to ensure representations of the overall population.
Lec09Mohamed YaserThis document provides an overview of linear impulse and momentum. It defines linear momentum as mass times velocity and describes how the principle of linear impulse and momentum can be derived by integrating Newton's second law over time. Examples are provided to demonstrate how to use this principle to calculate average forces from changes in linear momentum. Impulsive forces that cause large momentum changes over short time intervals are also discussed.
Software Series 3Mohamed YaserThe document discusses requirements and design specifications for software systems. It provides definitions and descriptions of requirements specifications, design specifications, and the contents of requirements documents. Key points covered include:
- Requirements specifications define the services a system is expected to provide, acting as a contract between procurer and developer.
- Design specifications describe how requirements will be achieved and are intended for designers/implementers rather than users/management.
- Contents of requirements documents typically include system description, model, evolution, functional requirements, constraints, priorities, and interfaces.
- Requirements must be testable, consistent, complete, and unambiguous.
Lec02Mohamed YaserThe document discusses degrees of freedom, kinematic constraints, and rectilinear motion. It defines degrees of freedom as the number of coordinates needed to specify the position of a body. Kinematic constraints reduce degrees of freedom by limiting dimensions or relationships between coordinates. Rectilinear motion describes the position, velocity, and acceleration of a particle moving in a straight line over time.
Ktima Chantzi Company Presentation EN ktimamarketingThe document summarizes information about a construction company called TH. CHANTZIS & CO O.E. It was founded in 2001 and specializes in building luxury summer homes. It has received awards for its development called KTIMA CHANTZI. The document then provides details about the types of homes available for purchase at KTIMA CHANTZI and their prices and amenities. It concludes by outlining a proposed expansion of the development that would include building additional luxury homes that could be rented on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
Lec5Mohamed YaserThis document summarizes a lecture on forces and moments transmitted by slender members. It defines slender members as long, skinny structural elements like skis, golf clubs, and I-beams. It discusses axial forces that act along the member's axis, shear forces that act in the plane of the member's face, and bending moments. Sign conventions for these internal loads are also defined. An example is provided to demonstrate calculating the internal forces and moments in a beam by setting up free body diagrams at different points.
Itecn453 social mediaAhmad AmmariSocial media allows for communication and sharing between businesses and customers. It comes in many forms like forums, blogs, social networks, multimedia sharing, bookmarking, and microblogging. Companies use social media to market and promote their brand, get customer feedback, and build customer loyalty. Examples of successful businesses that use social media include large companies like Coca-Cola and small businesses alike.
Repaso clase4Francisco Jesús AntiñoloEl documento presenta varias situaciones de conversación cotidianas en español para practicar saludos, presentaciones, pedidos en un restaurante y preguntas sobre lugares de origen y residencia. El lector debe elegir la respuesta correcta a cada intercambio planteado.
Compras convencionalesAlejandro HechtEl documento describe el proceso convencional de compras, que incluye la generación de una orden de compra por parte del departamento de compras, la recepción y almacenamiento del producto en el almacén, y el pago al vendedor una vez recibida la factura.
ListeningjjcamachoThe document discusses listening and the human mind. It notes that the mind generates constant thoughts and can drift away from the present moment. Exercises are presented to illustrate how the mind works, such as thinking of one's own thoughts during silence or bringing attention back to a partner speaking. The document advises being aware of thoughts and separating events from our interpretations of them in order to listen better and not be ruled by impulses or past trauma. The key is to keep bringing one's attention back to the present moment.
Phone gapRahul BansalThis document outlines the benefits, differentiators, supported platforms, standards, and resources for PhoneGap. Key benefits include developing mobile apps using one code base across multiple platforms, reusing existing web development skills, and building both a mobile site and app with the same code. PhoneGap runs on many platforms, has an open community and framework support, and is based on open web standards. Resources provided include documentation, forums, and listings of sample apps.
Partesdemicuerpo2Francisco Jesús AntiñoloEl documento habla sobre las diferentes partes del cuerpo humano. Explica que el cuerpo está formado por segmentos corporales distintos como la cabeza, el pecho, los brazos, las manos y los pies. Además, señala que gracias a las articulaciones, el cuerpo puede realizar diversos movimientos de manera flexible.
Autoretrats dels felins i les felinesesther669This document appears to be a list of names of children in a class about felines who are working on self-portraits. The names listed are Núria, Sira, Adrián, Carla, Gerard, Andrea, Marina, and Judith.
CIS 2303 LO2 Part 3Ahmad AmmariThis document discusses requirements modeling during the analysis phase of the systems development life cycle. It covers the importance of requirements, identifying requirements through various fact-finding techniques like interviews and questionnaires, and categorizing requirements into functional and technical categories like inputs, outputs, processes, performance, and controls. Key points covered include understanding user needs, determining requirements through open-ended questions in interviews, and using sampling approaches to ensure representations of the overall population.
Lec09Mohamed YaserThis document provides an overview of linear impulse and momentum. It defines linear momentum as mass times velocity and describes how the principle of linear impulse and momentum can be derived by integrating Newton's second law over time. Examples are provided to demonstrate how to use this principle to calculate average forces from changes in linear momentum. Impulsive forces that cause large momentum changes over short time intervals are also discussed.
Software Series 3Mohamed YaserThe document discusses requirements and design specifications for software systems. It provides definitions and descriptions of requirements specifications, design specifications, and the contents of requirements documents. Key points covered include:
- Requirements specifications define the services a system is expected to provide, acting as a contract between procurer and developer.
- Design specifications describe how requirements will be achieved and are intended for designers/implementers rather than users/management.
- Contents of requirements documents typically include system description, model, evolution, functional requirements, constraints, priorities, and interfaces.
- Requirements must be testable, consistent, complete, and unambiguous.
Lec02Mohamed YaserThe document discusses degrees of freedom, kinematic constraints, and rectilinear motion. It defines degrees of freedom as the number of coordinates needed to specify the position of a body. Kinematic constraints reduce degrees of freedom by limiting dimensions or relationships between coordinates. Rectilinear motion describes the position, velocity, and acceleration of a particle moving in a straight line over time.
Ktima Chantzi Company Presentation EN ktimamarketingThe document summarizes information about a construction company called TH. CHANTZIS & CO O.E. It was founded in 2001 and specializes in building luxury summer homes. It has received awards for its development called KTIMA CHANTZI. The document then provides details about the types of homes available for purchase at KTIMA CHANTZI and their prices and amenities. It concludes by outlining a proposed expansion of the development that would include building additional luxury homes that could be rented on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
Lec5Mohamed YaserThis document summarizes a lecture on forces and moments transmitted by slender members. It defines slender members as long, skinny structural elements like skis, golf clubs, and I-beams. It discusses axial forces that act along the member's axis, shear forces that act in the plane of the member's face, and bending moments. Sign conventions for these internal loads are also defined. An example is provided to demonstrate calculating the internal forces and moments in a beam by setting up free body diagrams at different points.
Itecn453 social mediaAhmad AmmariSocial media allows for communication and sharing between businesses and customers. It comes in many forms like forums, blogs, social networks, multimedia sharing, bookmarking, and microblogging. Companies use social media to market and promote their brand, get customer feedback, and build customer loyalty. Examples of successful businesses that use social media include large companies like Coca-Cola and small businesses alike.