Proposed Changes in General-Season Deer Hunting — Dec. 2, 2010 MeetingUtah Division of Wildlife ResourcesThe document presents three options for proposed changes to Utah's general season deer hunting. Option 1 would implement unit-by-unit management with a regional target of 18 bucks per 100 does. Option 2 would manage all 29 units individually to maintain 18-25 bucks per 100 does. Option 3 is similar to the current system but with a regional target of 15 bucks per 100 does. The options seek to increase buck to doe ratios while varying hunting opportunity and management scale.
Law Enforcement — Dec. 2010 Board MeetingUtah Division of Wildlife ResourcesThe Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Law Enforcement Section has seen a surge in deer poaching cases involving significant overlimits. Several recent cases are described where groups of individuals have been poaching deer, often mature bucks, for their antlers over many years on wildlife habitats. Law enforcement strategies to address poaching include increasing patrols of targeted winter ranges, public outreach campaigns, and pursuing the most egregious violators with felony charges. The section works to support wildlife management goals through enforcement of regulations and protection of wildlife and their habitats.
Ocean user experience-swtokyoOcean ObservationsThe document outlines an Ocean Observations user experience session on designing for a startup weekend, including introductions of the presenters, an overview of Ocean Observations and its process for UX design. The session covers principles of user experience design like structure, simplicity and feedback and provides a graphic design crash course covering topics like wireframes, inspiration, iteration and delivering on time.
Detection of swine hepatitis e virus in thekpillerThis document summarizes the detection of swine hepatitis E virus (HEV) in pig livers in Jeju Island, South Korea. Samples from pig livers showed mild to moderate hepatitis and yellowish discoloration. RT-PCR testing detected swine HEV infection in the liver tissue. The findings suggest that swine can be a reservoir for zoonotic HEV infection, posing a risk to those with occupations exposed to pigs.
Harbor UCLA Neuro-Radiology Case #9Surgical Neurology InternationalThis case involves a 37-year-old woman with an intracranial mass in the cerebellopontine angle cistern. Imaging shows a complex mass with solid and cystic components causing compression of nearby structures. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis of the surgically resected tumor found features characteristic of a choroid plexus papilloma, a typically benign tumor arising from choroid plexus tissue. Complete resection of the tumor was performed.
Challenges in is developmentAhmad AmmariThis document discusses challenges in information system development projects. It identifies the main stakeholders in a project - end users, owners, and developers - and common problems seen from their perspectives, such as unmet user needs, overbudget projects, and constraints affecting developers. Quality problems stem from issues like analyzing the wrong requirements, while productivity problems include changing user needs and poor project control. Stakeholder analysis is presented as a way to consider ethical issues and impacts on all groups affected by a new system.
PresentacionpresentacionFrancisco Jesús AntiñoloDos personas, Tomás y Mateo, se presentan y saludan. Intercambian información sobre dónde viven, con Tomás viviendo en la Calle Jaén y Mateo viviendo en la Calle Beata, ambos en la ciudad de Fuensanta.
Lec2 MECH ENG STRuctureMohamed Yaser1. The document discusses loading and support conditions in structural analysis. It defines different types of loads like point loads, distributed loads, and concentrated moments. It also describes different support conditions like fixed supports, pinned supports, and pinned on rollers.
2. It explains that free body diagrams should show all external forces, dimensions, and the coordinate system. Equations of static equilibrium are then applied to solve for reactions.
3. Examples are provided to demonstrate solving for reactions on a diving board and a beam with a distributed load using free body diagrams and the equations of equilibrium. A method for finding forces in a planar truss is also outlined.
9th Congress of the International Neuropsychiatric AssociationSurgical Neurology International9th Congress of the International Neuropsychiatric Association, to be held September 25-27, 2013, in Chicago, IL, USA.
Exraindo informações de negócio a partir de logs de aplicações dom o ELKMarcus Vinicius LeandroO documento discute o uso da solução ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash e Kibana) para extrair informações de negócio a partir de logs de aplicações. Apresenta os desafios iniciais de análise manual e lentos dos logs, a construção da solução ELK para coleta e análise em tempo real dos dados, e os primeiros resultados como redução do tempo de troubleshooting. Também mostra dashboards criados no Kibana para métricas de desempenho transacional e análises de negócio.
Wildlife Disease & Deer — Dec. 2010 Board MeetingUtah Division of Wildlife ResourcesThis document discusses wildlife diseases that affect deer populations in Utah, with a focus on Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). It provides background on CWD, including that it is a prion disease fatal to cervids. The document outlines that disease can impact population growth, recruitment, and human and livestock health. It notes several diseases currently affecting deer populations in various Utah counties. The remainder of the document details CWD prevalence in Utah, surveillance efforts, transmission methods, clinical signs, and management strategies to control the disease, which is important to maintain healthy deer populations and hunting opportunities.
Compliance SoftwarecvrhijnRescop B.V. provides regulatory compliance solutions for automated systems, document management, and CAPA processes. It offers software solutions and consulting services to help clients maintain compliance. Rescop's software products include solutions for document management (RC-DMS), deviation handling and CAPA (RC-CAPA), inventory management (RC-CMDB), electronic logbooks (RC-Logbook), validation master planning (RC-VMP), and validation/qualification project management (RC-SDLC). The company aims to help clients efficiently achieve and maintain regulatory compliance through standardized, paperless processes and centralized electronic systems.
The 10 natural_laws_of_successful_time_and_life_managementMohamed YaserThe document summarizes the 10 natural laws of successful time and life management. It discusses how inner peace comes from aligning daily activities with core values. It provides a pyramid model showing the relationship between values, goals, and tasks. The laws discuss controlling events through planning, setting goals beyond one's comfort zone, and managing behavior by examining beliefs and needs. Behavior patterns reflect underlying beliefs, and negative behaviors are overcome by changing incorrect beliefs.
Phone gapRahul BansalThis document outlines the benefits, differentiators, supported platforms, standards, and resources for PhoneGap. Key benefits include developing mobile apps using one code base across multiple platforms, reusing existing web development skills, and building both a mobile site and app with the same code. PhoneGap runs on many platforms, has an open community and framework support, and is based on open web standards. Resources provided include documentation, forums, and listings of sample apps.
Harbor UCLA Neuroradiology ConferenceSurgical Neurology InternationalA 62-year-old male presented with headache, nausea and vomiting. Imaging showed a lobulated, peripherally enhancing mass in the left parietal-occipital lobe with surrounding edema. The mass was surgically resected. Pathology revealed sheets of uniform small blue cells consistent with a Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor (PNET), a rare and aggressive brain tumor seen more commonly in children. Immunohistochemical staining supported the diagnosis of PNET.
Challenges in is developmentAhmad AmmariThis document discusses challenges in information system development projects. It identifies the main stakeholders in a project - end users, owners, and developers - and common problems seen from their perspectives, such as unmet user needs, overbudget projects, and constraints affecting developers. Quality problems stem from issues like analyzing the wrong requirements, while productivity problems include changing user needs and poor project control. Stakeholder analysis is presented as a way to consider ethical issues and impacts on all groups affected by a new system.
PresentacionpresentacionFrancisco Jesús AntiñoloDos personas, Tomás y Mateo, se presentan y saludan. Intercambian información sobre dónde viven, con Tomás viviendo en la Calle Jaén y Mateo viviendo en la Calle Beata, ambos en la ciudad de Fuensanta.
Lec2 MECH ENG STRuctureMohamed Yaser1. The document discusses loading and support conditions in structural analysis. It defines different types of loads like point loads, distributed loads, and concentrated moments. It also describes different support conditions like fixed supports, pinned supports, and pinned on rollers.
2. It explains that free body diagrams should show all external forces, dimensions, and the coordinate system. Equations of static equilibrium are then applied to solve for reactions.
3. Examples are provided to demonstrate solving for reactions on a diving board and a beam with a distributed load using free body diagrams and the equations of equilibrium. A method for finding forces in a planar truss is also outlined.
9th Congress of the International Neuropsychiatric AssociationSurgical Neurology International9th Congress of the International Neuropsychiatric Association, to be held September 25-27, 2013, in Chicago, IL, USA.
Exraindo informações de negócio a partir de logs de aplicações dom o ELKMarcus Vinicius LeandroO documento discute o uso da solução ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash e Kibana) para extrair informações de negócio a partir de logs de aplicações. Apresenta os desafios iniciais de análise manual e lentos dos logs, a construção da solução ELK para coleta e análise em tempo real dos dados, e os primeiros resultados como redução do tempo de troubleshooting. Também mostra dashboards criados no Kibana para métricas de desempenho transacional e análises de negócio.
Wildlife Disease & Deer — Dec. 2010 Board MeetingUtah Division of Wildlife ResourcesThis document discusses wildlife diseases that affect deer populations in Utah, with a focus on Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). It provides background on CWD, including that it is a prion disease fatal to cervids. The document outlines that disease can impact population growth, recruitment, and human and livestock health. It notes several diseases currently affecting deer populations in various Utah counties. The remainder of the document details CWD prevalence in Utah, surveillance efforts, transmission methods, clinical signs, and management strategies to control the disease, which is important to maintain healthy deer populations and hunting opportunities.
Compliance SoftwarecvrhijnRescop B.V. provides regulatory compliance solutions for automated systems, document management, and CAPA processes. It offers software solutions and consulting services to help clients maintain compliance. Rescop's software products include solutions for document management (RC-DMS), deviation handling and CAPA (RC-CAPA), inventory management (RC-CMDB), electronic logbooks (RC-Logbook), validation master planning (RC-VMP), and validation/qualification project management (RC-SDLC). The company aims to help clients efficiently achieve and maintain regulatory compliance through standardized, paperless processes and centralized electronic systems.
The 10 natural_laws_of_successful_time_and_life_managementMohamed YaserThe document summarizes the 10 natural laws of successful time and life management. It discusses how inner peace comes from aligning daily activities with core values. It provides a pyramid model showing the relationship between values, goals, and tasks. The laws discuss controlling events through planning, setting goals beyond one's comfort zone, and managing behavior by examining beliefs and needs. Behavior patterns reflect underlying beliefs, and negative behaviors are overcome by changing incorrect beliefs.
Phone gapRahul BansalThis document outlines the benefits, differentiators, supported platforms, standards, and resources for PhoneGap. Key benefits include developing mobile apps using one code base across multiple platforms, reusing existing web development skills, and building both a mobile site and app with the same code. PhoneGap runs on many platforms, has an open community and framework support, and is based on open web standards. Resources provided include documentation, forums, and listings of sample apps.
Harbor UCLA Neuroradiology ConferenceSurgical Neurology InternationalA 62-year-old male presented with headache, nausea and vomiting. Imaging showed a lobulated, peripherally enhancing mass in the left parietal-occipital lobe with surrounding edema. The mass was surgically resected. Pathology revealed sheets of uniform small blue cells consistent with a Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor (PNET), a rare and aggressive brain tumor seen more commonly in children. Immunohistochemical staining supported the diagnosis of PNET.
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