This document contains a list of SQL query transformation hints. Each hint is listed with its name, feature class, inverse hint if applicable, target level, property, version introduced, and version deprecated. Some key hints include ALL_ROWS for full table scans, INDEX for index access, LEADING for join order, and NOPARALLEL to disable parallel execution.
Upgrade gi crs to in linuxmaclean liu
This document provides instructions for upgrading the Grid Infrastructure (GI) from to on Linux. It notes that there are two bugs in the to upgrade and that to successfully perform the upgrade, the bugs must be addressed by applying patches 9413827 and 9706490, and modifying a configuration file. It then outlines the steps to take which include downloading patches, installing a new version of Opatch, applying patch 9413827, and performing the rolling upgrade of GI.
Virtualization VM VirtualBox + Oracle Enterprise Linux With Oracle 11GR2John Heaton
This document provides an overview of virtualization and describes how to build a virtualized environment using Oracle VM VirtualBox. It outlines the steps to create a virtual machine, install Oracle Enterprise Linux as the guest operating system, install the VirtualBox additions, configure the environment, and install Oracle 11g database software. It also briefly discusses open virtualization format (OVF) and portable virtual machine backups.
The document discusses how to install one-off patches in Oracle and things to note. It provides the following key points:
- One-off patches are small and fix one or a few bugs. They can be created on demand to address bugs in a specific database version and platform.
- When installing a new one-off patch, it is important to check that it does not conflict with existing patches applied in the system, such as other one-off patches, patch sets, or CPU updates.
- Tools like opatch can be used to check for conflicts between the new one-off patch and existing patches before applying the patch. This helps ensure a smooth installation process.
The document discusses how to use an Oracle database event trace to analyze the decisions made by the cost-based optimizer (CBO) when choosing an execution plan for a SQL query. It explains how to enable the 10053 event trace to see all the access plans evaluated by the CBO and their associated costs. The trace output is divided into sections that provide information on the query, parameters used by the optimizer, table statistics, and access plan costs. Understanding the 10053 trace can provide insight into why the CBO chooses certain plans and allow tuning changes to influence its decisions.
Percona Live 2012PPT: MySQL Cluster And NDB Clustermysqlops
This document provides an introduction and overview of MySQL NDB Cluster. It discusses what NDB Cluster is, how MySQL uses NDB Cluster, good and bad use cases, and provides an example of query tuning. NDB Cluster is a high availability, distributed storage engine. It distributes and replicates data across nodes for high performance and reliability. MySQL can use NDB Cluster as a storage engine to provide scalability and high availability to MySQL applications.
This document contains a list of SQL query transformation hints. Each hint is listed with its name, feature class, inverse hint if applicable, target level, property, version introduced, and version deprecated. Some key hints include ALL_ROWS for full table scans, INDEX for index access, LEADING for join order, and NOPARALLEL to disable parallel execution.
Upgrade gi crs to in linuxmaclean liu
This document provides instructions for upgrading the Grid Infrastructure (GI) from to on Linux. It notes that there are two bugs in the to upgrade and that to successfully perform the upgrade, the bugs must be addressed by applying patches 9413827 and 9706490, and modifying a configuration file. It then outlines the steps to take which include downloading patches, installing a new version of Opatch, applying patch 9413827, and performing the rolling upgrade of GI.
Virtualization VM VirtualBox + Oracle Enterprise Linux With Oracle 11GR2John Heaton
This document provides an overview of virtualization and describes how to build a virtualized environment using Oracle VM VirtualBox. It outlines the steps to create a virtual machine, install Oracle Enterprise Linux as the guest operating system, install the VirtualBox additions, configure the environment, and install Oracle 11g database software. It also briefly discusses open virtualization format (OVF) and portable virtual machine backups.
The document discusses how to install one-off patches in Oracle and things to note. It provides the following key points:
- One-off patches are small and fix one or a few bugs. They can be created on demand to address bugs in a specific database version and platform.
- When installing a new one-off patch, it is important to check that it does not conflict with existing patches applied in the system, such as other one-off patches, patch sets, or CPU updates.
- Tools like opatch can be used to check for conflicts between the new one-off patch and existing patches before applying the patch. This helps ensure a smooth installation process.
The document discusses how to use an Oracle database event trace to analyze the decisions made by the cost-based optimizer (CBO) when choosing an execution plan for a SQL query. It explains how to enable the 10053 event trace to see all the access plans evaluated by the CBO and their associated costs. The trace output is divided into sections that provide information on the query, parameters used by the optimizer, table statistics, and access plan costs. Understanding the 10053 trace can provide insight into why the CBO chooses certain plans and allow tuning changes to influence its decisions.
Percona Live 2012PPT: MySQL Cluster And NDB Clustermysqlops
This document provides an introduction and overview of MySQL NDB Cluster. It discusses what NDB Cluster is, how MySQL uses NDB Cluster, good and bad use cases, and provides an example of query tuning. NDB Cluster is a high availability, distributed storage engine. It distributes and replicates data across nodes for high performance and reliability. MySQL can use NDB Cluster as a storage engine to provide scalability and high availability to MySQL applications.
Percona Live 2012PPT:mysql-security-privileges-and-user-managementmysqlops
The document discusses various aspects of MySQL security including:
- Privilege systems that control user access through granting of privileges to databases, tables, and other objects.
- User management features like creating and dropping users, setting passwords, and viewing granted privileges.
- Certain privileges like PROCESS, RELOAD, SHUTDOWN, and SUPER that provide powerful control over the database and should be granted carefully.
Percona Live 2012PPT: introduction-to-mysql-replicationmysqlops
This document provides an overview of MySQL replication including:
- Replication enables data from a master database to be replicated to one or more slave databases.
- Binary logs contain all writes and schema changes on the master which are used by slaves to replicate data.
- Setting up replication involves configuring the master to log binary logs, granting replication privileges, and configuring slaves to connect to the master and read binary logs from the specified position.
- Commands like START SLAVE are used to control replication and SHOW SLAVE STATUS displays replication status and lag.
Percona Live 2012PPT: MySQL Query optimizationmysqlops
The document discusses techniques for optimizing MySQL queries. It begins by explaining how to use EXPLAIN to view a query's execution plan and identify opportunities for improvement. Examples demonstrate how adding appropriate indexes can speed up queries by reducing the number of rows examined. The use of composite indexes, covering indexes, and index column order are also addressed. More advanced profiling techniques are presented to further analyze query performance beyond what EXPLAIN shows.
Pldc2012 innodb architecture and internalsmysqlops
Innodb uses a traditional OLTP architecture with row-based storage and row locking. Data is stored in tablespaces made up of segments and logs record changes in circular log files. The buffer pool caches data pages and uses an LRU algorithm to flush dirty pages. Multi-versioning allows transactions to read past versions of rows without locking while write operations require row locks. A variety of helper threads perform tasks like flushing data from the buffer pool to disk.
The document discusses eBay's data warehouse (EDW) and metadata management applications. It provides a history of eBay and overview of the EDW, which started in 2000 and is now the largest Teradata installation in the world. It describes key applications including a data flow diagram tool, data rationalization process, and JobTrack tool for monitoring ETL jobs. These applications help optimize the EDW through automated metadata analysis and management.
This document discusses Redis, a key-value store that is commonly used at Weibo for caching and storing relationship data. Redis has fast read and write performance but has limitations for large datasets due to its fully in-memory design. The document describes how Weibo uses Redis in conjunction with MySQL and Memcached to store relationship data for over 100 million users in a performant and scalable way. Challenges around high memory usage, persistence, and availability are also discussed.
8. 1 ) SEO 创建可访问和有用的 Web 站点 SEO 对于用户的优化,可以让网站的信息更具阅读特性。让用户更容易找到他想要的内容。 2 ) SEO 对于商业站点至关重要 有价值的流量是商业站点盈利的保证, seo 恰好可以很好的解决这个问题。 3 ) SEO 是 Web 使用方式演进的一部分 多数的用户通过 SE 选择网页,这是巨大的进步。 SEO 刚好可以帮助用户作出精准选择。 4 ) SEO 可以帮助改进业务流程,提高客户转化率 SEO 对于流量的分析过程,可以帮助产物和业务部门改进流程,提高客户转化率。 搜索引擎优化概论 B. 搜索引擎优化是不可或缺的
9. 四、搜索引擎优化基本术语 搜索引擎营销( SEM ) 权重( Weightiness ) 垃圾技术( Spamming ) 反作弊( Anti-Spam ) 桥页( Cloaking ) 黑帽 SEO ( Black hat SEO ) 白帽 SEO ( White hat SEO ) 搜索蜘蛛( Spider ) 网站地图( Sitemaps ) 链接工厂( Link farm ) MFA ( Made for Adsense ) 目录( Directory ) ROI ( Return On Investment ) 搜索引擎结果页面( Search Engine Results Page ) W3C ( The World Wide Web Consortium ) 搜索引擎优化( SEO ) 关键词( Keyword ) 排名( Ranking ) 竞价排名( Paid Listing ) 自然排名( Organic Listing ) PR 值( PageRank ) 相似网页( Similar Pages ) 补充材料( Supplemental Result ) 外部链接( External Linking ) 内部链接( Internal Linking ) 外部优化( Offpage Optimization ) 内页优化( Onpage Optimization ) 收录( Embody ) 信任级( Trust Rank ) 沙盒效应( Sandbox ) 搜索引擎优化概论
10. 五、搜索引擎优化基本手段 黑帽 SEO ( Black hat SEO ) 伪装 (cloaking) 关键词堆积 (keywords stuffing) 隐藏文本 (hidden text) 门户页面 (doorway pages) 欺骗性重定向 (sneaky redirect pages) 内容或者站点复制 (duplicate contents or websites) 内容替换 (code swapping) 链接到不相关站点或者坏邻居 (link to unrelated site or bad neighbour) 连接工厂 (link farms) 搜索引擎优化概论 白帽 SEO ( White hat SEO ) 结构优化( Structural Optimization ) 关键词优化 (Keywords Optimization) 外部链接优化( External Linking Optimization ) 内部连接优化( Internal Linking Optimization ) 特殊优化( special Optimization ) 不要欺骗用户,或提交给搜索引擎一种内容,而显示给用户另一种。 1 、首先站点应该是面向用户的,而不是面向搜索引擎的。 2 、有独特内容的网页,而不是简单抄袭和重复互联网上已有内容的网页。 3 、经常有新内容产生的站点
21. 内页优化 D 、正文重点浏览处 页面靠顶部、左侧、标题,正文前 200 字和代码结束处 200 字,是搜索引擎的重点抓取点,也是判断网页与事前设定的关键词是否匹配或者匹配度有多高的重要依据。 Nielsen Norman Group 用户网页浏览行为研究表明,用户浏览注意力呈“ F ” 型结构,而根据 SEO 们的研究发现,搜索引擎蜘蛛的浏览注意力呈“ E ” 型。
22. 内页优化 E 、超链接采用有意义的“文本链接”和 Title 属性的使用 超级链接的作用,大概相当于搜索引擎的领路人,如果链接过多的采用类似于“ A 网”“ A.COM” 这样的“锚文本”,搜索引擎基本上会忽略;如果采用 LOGO 作为链接,那搜索引擎根本看不懂;只有采用“ A 网站的相关业务关键词”或“中国某行业第一站”这样的锚文本,搜索引擎才能按照新的 关键词 建立索引,才能真正意义上影响到 PageRank 和 Ranking 。 链接中的 Title 属性是 SEO 经常采用并且具有较好效果的手段之一。 <a href=“underwear.htm” title=“ 内衣连锁加盟” > 女大学生月入百万 </a> 具体的外部链接策略将在第五课中详细讲解。 F 、 H1 > H2 > Strong≥Em >普通正文 >Alt>Flash 根据搜索引擎的一些官方文件,和一些测试,我们总结出“ H1 > H2 > Strong≥Em >普通正文”,这样一个权重顺序。 一般而言,我们用 H1 定义正文标题,或者频道名; H2 一般用来定义副标题和频道关键词, Srtong 和 Em 则用在正文中,对关键词起强调作用。 Alt 属性则用来表明图片的主题和关键词。 另外, Flash 中的纯文本(即没有成为动画组件的文字)可以被搜索引擎抓取,但权重比普通正文要低因此建议少用 Flash 。
23. 内页优化 G 、导航的关键词利用 根据前面的用户浏览注意力的 E 型和 F 型图,我们知道导航对于一个网站的意义。决不仅仅是帮助用户找到内页,也决不仅仅是帮助搜索引擎找到内页。而应该是两者的结合体,那么在这种情况下,我们就应该对导航采取特殊的关键词部署策略,来体现这样的重要地位。 1 )突出核心关键词或拓展关键词。 很多商业站点的导航喜欢采取“新闻中心”这样的名字,要知道,新闻中心作为一个 词,具有很高的搜索量,但对于一个站点,只要他不是 sina ,那么他就应该改成“环保新闻“或者“金融新闻”,至少,包含环保这样的专业关键词,或者公司名关键词。 2 )突出转化率较高的关键词。 另外,由于导航条对应的页面应该是栏目列表页,总体来说其权重是高于内页的,对应该频道的关键词,其权重甚至高于首页,那么我们在导航条的关键词部署上还应该考虑 ROI 的问题,适当增加 1 ~ 3 个”如何创业“”小本创业项目“这样的栏目名称。
37. 结构优化和内链建设 D 、增加栏目页之间的链接 栏目是网站的“中间层”,起承上启下的作用,并且作为一个主题鲜明的网站,其栏目间必然具有较高的相关性,例如,创业网包括“创业项目”、“大学生创业”、“创业计划书”和“创业贷款”这三个栏目。 大学生创业必定需要“创业项目”,有了创业项目必然考虑“创业计划书”,写好“创业计划书”就是“创业贷款”,那么基于这样一种流程式的关系,我们除了在每个栏目中做一个推荐外,还可以做这样一个流程图,来加强栏目间的链接,并帮助用户更快的找到最终内容。 E 、内页之间增加基于业务的链接 基于业务的链接包括“相关内容”“热门内容”“推荐内容”“最新信息”“其他人在搜索”“浏览过该商品的用户还浏览过”等。