Brochure prometheebc mongolsoshepatitesCette brochure est le fruit d’un travail collectif, mené par des groupes ‘publics’ et ‘professionnels’ sous la coordination de Prométhée, Réseau des Hépatites en Isère.
Bulgaa97shaagaaThis document appears to be a test or quiz on grammar in English. It contains multiple choice questions testing grammar concepts like parts of speech, verb tenses and forms, and sentence structure. The test questions are in Mongolian but seem to focus on completing sentences in English with the correct grammar form. There are also sections that provide scoring information for the test but some fields are marked as "#NAME?" suggesting incomplete or invalid data.
ээлжит хичээлийн хэрэглэгдхүүн 2shaagaaEarth is the third planet from the Sun and the densest of the terrestrial planets. It is the only known place where life exists, and life first appeared on Earth around 4.54 billion years ago. The proliferation of life has significantly altered Earth's atmosphere and conditions, enabling the formation of an ozone layer that shields life from solar radiation and allows life to exist on land.
Idree geriin daalgavar 2shaagaaThe document provides examples and exercises to practice using conditionals in English. It focuses on the first conditional (if + present, will/can/may + bare infinitive) and second conditional (if + past, would + bare infinitive). There are multiple choice, fill in the blank, word order, and translation exercises involving conditional sentences.
бие даалтын даалгавар 2shaagaaOne, ones, this/there that, those are used to refer to nouns that are near or far from the speaker. We use one or ones instead of repeating a noun, this and these refer to things near the speaker, and that and those refer to things further away. The present passive is used to talk about what happens now to people or things, while the past passive talks about what happened in the past. Like with an -ing form expresses enjoyment or interest, and would like to plus an infinitive expresses preferences.
Idree zain surgalt 2shaagaaThe document contrasts the qualities of a bad teacher versus a good teacher. A bad teacher is negative, swears, discourages students, and does not prepare or care about students. In contrast, a good teacher is positive, cares about students, encourages students, prepares students for success, and focuses on teaching and developing students' talents.
Durem 5shaagaaThe verb "be" can be used as an auxiliary verb or a full verb. As an auxiliary, it is used to form compound tenses and the passive voice. It is an irregular verb. The verb "have" can also be an auxiliary or full verb, and is used to form compound tenses in active and passive voice. It too is irregular. The verb "will" can only be used as an auxiliary to form the future tenses. The verb "do" has multiple uses - it is used as an auxiliary in negative statements and questions for most verbs in simple present and past tense, and as a full verb in certain expressions.