imu2010 - Тенденции в баннерной рекламе. Евгений Шевченко, УаМастерUAMASTER Digital AgencyТенденции в баннерной рекламе. Конференция ИМУ, Киев, 20-21 мая 2010
Profile - Scott Parks - 2015Scott ParksScott Parks is a senior IT manager with over 30 years of experience managing diverse teams and departments across multiple industries. He has held leadership roles in IT management, storage architecture, software development, and more. Parks is skilled in areas such as ITIL service management, storage networks, disaster recovery, and solution architecture. He has a track record of exceeding goals and saving companies millions through initiatives like labor cost reductions, efficiency improvements, and retired legacy systems.
MAGAZINE RESEARCH - DOUBLE SPREAD PAGEGiulia MalacridaThe document provides a summary and analysis of a magazine article spread about the band The Vaccines. It notes key design elements like the large central image of the band looking at the camera, the simple color scheme of light blue, black and white, and text divided into columns. Quotes within the article are highlighted in light blue for prominence. Overall the layout and visual elements are analyzed to understand how information is presented and what grabs the reader's attention.
Opportunity Execution Project Demo Deck abhishekpupThis is the demo deck for the
Technology Entrepreneurship Part 2's Opportunity Execution Project.
Team: Peak Business Services
About us: For early stage companies with limited resources Peak Business Services (PBS) supplies online services and resources combined with personal assistance and mentoring from experts to provide the customer with a 'one stop shop for entrepreneurs'. Unlike 'traditional consultancies' PBS provides customers with an online community to share experiences, and a personalized services to assist with establishing and growing the customers business.
Fitness MythbustersderizenYou cannot spot reduce fat from specific areas of your body through exercise alone. While targeted exercises like tricep extensions can build the underlying muscles, they will not directly burn fat from just the triceps. To reduce body fat, focus on overall fat loss through a balanced diet and full-body strength training routines of 3-8 sets of 8-20 repetitions to promote muscle growth and calorie burning.
Preventing CancerderizenMichelle died of ovarian cancer at age 62. She was at risk because her mother had ovarian cancer, she was overweight, and her age. She noticed an enlarged abdomen but thought it was due to her weight. She also had digestive issues but attributed them to her poor diet. Her cancer could have been spotted and treated sooner if she had regular pelvic exams, ate better, exercised, and lost weight.
Alliance StructureShaon BiswasThe document discusses the alliance governance structure between KLM and Northwest Airlines over a 20 year period from 1989 to 2007. It describes how the alliance adjusted its governance in response to environmental changes from 1989-1997, adopting a more integrated structure. From 1997-2007, the alliance was able to survive without major adjustments due to features like cross-board positions, extensive informal communication channels, and a focus on trust and commitment between partners. The case provides lessons on effective alliance governance, like the importance of formal and informal coordination mechanisms.
Racism the red cardnetherlandphillipFans at soccer games have been directing racist insults like monkey chants at players, leading the Spanish federation to fine clubs $710 if such behavior continues. If the racist comments do not stop, the fines will increase to thousands of dollars and could result in stadium closures to curb further racism in the stands.
Unit 4 -fitness mythsderizenWhile doing sit-ups alone will not target belly fat specifically, reducing overall body fat through a healthier diet and exercises that build lean muscle mass can help reduce belly fat over time. The two most effective exercises for the rectus abdominus and obliques are the captain's chair and bicycle maneuvers rather than sit-ups, so incorporating these moves into a normal workout will help see better results.
Solucionario games and information rasmusenByron Bravo G- Software Inc. and Hardware Inc. form a joint venture where they can each exert high or low effort, costing 20 or 0 respectively
- Hardware moves first but Software cannot observe its effort level
- Revenues are split equally between the firms
- If both exert low effort, revenue is 100
- If parts are defective, revenue is 100
- If both exert high effort, revenue is 200 with certainty
- If only one exerts high effort, revenue is 100 with 90% probability and 200 with 10% probability
- Initially, both firms believe the probability of defective parts is 70%
CANINE DIABETES MELLITUS AND ITS MANAGEMENTSourabh KantThis document discusses canine diabetes mellitus and its management. It begins by listing dog breeds with higher or moderate risk of developing diabetes. It then covers the pathogenesis of the disease, symptoms, disease complications like ketoacidosis and dehydration, diagnosis including blood glucose guidelines, and treatment including insulin therapy, managing hypoglycemia, and monitoring blood glucose levels. The document concludes with a case study showing the treatment and monitoring of an 8-year old male dog over several visits for diabetes, with improvements seen in symptoms and bloodwork.
Profile 2016Thangaraj ThanasegaramRCC Global (M) Sdn Bhd adalah syarikat pengeluar dan pengedar produk berasaskan stevia yang ditubuhkan pada 2012. Syarikat ini menawarkan pelbagai keistimewaan kepada ahli berdaftarnya termasuk diskaun besar untuk pembelian berulang, sumbangan dari tabung kebajikan dan khairah kematian, mata ganjaran, dan bonus royaliti.
Сергей Скороход. Рынок Digital&SMM компаний. Участники, Цифры, Проблемы.Webcom GroupМеждународная конференция по интернет-маркетингу Неделя Байнета. Истоки
14-17 апреля 2015 года
Profile - Scott Parks - 2015Scott ParksScott Parks is a senior IT manager with over 30 years of experience managing diverse teams and departments across multiple industries. He has held leadership roles in IT management, storage architecture, software development, and more. Parks is skilled in areas such as ITIL service management, storage networks, disaster recovery, and solution architecture. He has a track record of exceeding goals and saving companies millions through initiatives like labor cost reductions, efficiency improvements, and retired legacy systems.
MAGAZINE RESEARCH - DOUBLE SPREAD PAGEGiulia MalacridaThe document provides a summary and analysis of a magazine article spread about the band The Vaccines. It notes key design elements like the large central image of the band looking at the camera, the simple color scheme of light blue, black and white, and text divided into columns. Quotes within the article are highlighted in light blue for prominence. Overall the layout and visual elements are analyzed to understand how information is presented and what grabs the reader's attention.
Opportunity Execution Project Demo Deck abhishekpupThis is the demo deck for the
Technology Entrepreneurship Part 2's Opportunity Execution Project.
Team: Peak Business Services
About us: For early stage companies with limited resources Peak Business Services (PBS) supplies online services and resources combined with personal assistance and mentoring from experts to provide the customer with a 'one stop shop for entrepreneurs'. Unlike 'traditional consultancies' PBS provides customers with an online community to share experiences, and a personalized services to assist with establishing and growing the customers business.
Fitness MythbustersderizenYou cannot spot reduce fat from specific areas of your body through exercise alone. While targeted exercises like tricep extensions can build the underlying muscles, they will not directly burn fat from just the triceps. To reduce body fat, focus on overall fat loss through a balanced diet and full-body strength training routines of 3-8 sets of 8-20 repetitions to promote muscle growth and calorie burning.
Preventing CancerderizenMichelle died of ovarian cancer at age 62. She was at risk because her mother had ovarian cancer, she was overweight, and her age. She noticed an enlarged abdomen but thought it was due to her weight. She also had digestive issues but attributed them to her poor diet. Her cancer could have been spotted and treated sooner if she had regular pelvic exams, ate better, exercised, and lost weight.
Alliance StructureShaon BiswasThe document discusses the alliance governance structure between KLM and Northwest Airlines over a 20 year period from 1989 to 2007. It describes how the alliance adjusted its governance in response to environmental changes from 1989-1997, adopting a more integrated structure. From 1997-2007, the alliance was able to survive without major adjustments due to features like cross-board positions, extensive informal communication channels, and a focus on trust and commitment between partners. The case provides lessons on effective alliance governance, like the importance of formal and informal coordination mechanisms.
Racism the red cardnetherlandphillipFans at soccer games have been directing racist insults like monkey chants at players, leading the Spanish federation to fine clubs $710 if such behavior continues. If the racist comments do not stop, the fines will increase to thousands of dollars and could result in stadium closures to curb further racism in the stands.
Unit 4 -fitness mythsderizenWhile doing sit-ups alone will not target belly fat specifically, reducing overall body fat through a healthier diet and exercises that build lean muscle mass can help reduce belly fat over time. The two most effective exercises for the rectus abdominus and obliques are the captain's chair and bicycle maneuvers rather than sit-ups, so incorporating these moves into a normal workout will help see better results.
Solucionario games and information rasmusenByron Bravo G- Software Inc. and Hardware Inc. form a joint venture where they can each exert high or low effort, costing 20 or 0 respectively
- Hardware moves first but Software cannot observe its effort level
- Revenues are split equally between the firms
- If both exert low effort, revenue is 100
- If parts are defective, revenue is 100
- If both exert high effort, revenue is 200 with certainty
- If only one exerts high effort, revenue is 100 with 90% probability and 200 with 10% probability
- Initially, both firms believe the probability of defective parts is 70%
CANINE DIABETES MELLITUS AND ITS MANAGEMENTSourabh KantThis document discusses canine diabetes mellitus and its management. It begins by listing dog breeds with higher or moderate risk of developing diabetes. It then covers the pathogenesis of the disease, symptoms, disease complications like ketoacidosis and dehydration, diagnosis including blood glucose guidelines, and treatment including insulin therapy, managing hypoglycemia, and monitoring blood glucose levels. The document concludes with a case study showing the treatment and monitoring of an 8-year old male dog over several visits for diabetes, with improvements seen in symptoms and bloodwork.
Profile 2016Thangaraj ThanasegaramRCC Global (M) Sdn Bhd adalah syarikat pengeluar dan pengedar produk berasaskan stevia yang ditubuhkan pada 2012. Syarikat ini menawarkan pelbagai keistimewaan kepada ahli berdaftarnya termasuk diskaun besar untuk pembelian berulang, sumbangan dari tabung kebajikan dan khairah kematian, mata ganjaran, dan bonus royaliti.
Сергей Скороход. Рынок Digital&SMM компаний. Участники, Цифры, Проблемы.Webcom GroupМеждународная конференция по интернет-маркетингу Неделя Байнета. Истоки
14-17 апреля 2015 года
проект «Медиагрех» Dentsu Aegis Network KazakhstanНадежда Федорецпроект «Медиагрех» Dentsu Aegis Network Kazakhstan за качественную профессиональную подачу продвижения арт-проекта и первый необычный казахстанский эксперимент в области продвижения специализированной книги
Реклама в печатных СМИ. Где деньги?DariyaДоклад Натальи Бойко, директора по стратегическом маркетингу ООО «Медиа Инвест Групп» на стратегической сессии-конференции для членов УАИПП 12 марта 2010
Сергей Кедров «Медиапланер. Инструмент для продажи рекламных мест»Openstat«Медиапланер» - это открытый бесплатный инструмент поиска целевой аудитории при планировании рекламной кампании рекламодателями и рекламными агентствами, помогающий рекламным площадкам продавать рекламу.
Пресса и интернет. Сравнение мирового и украинского опытаDariyaДоклад Натальи Бойко, директора по стратегическом маркетингу ООО «Медиа Инвест Групп» на Газетном Клубе 30 марта 2010
Механизмы повышения эффективности продвижения объектов недвижимости в кризисAddressПрезентация руководителя отдела по работе с клиентами агентства Media-Storm Екатерины Беспаловой на тему правильной организации продвижения недвижимости на падающем рынке.
2. Медиа Бриф География: С-Пб, Новосибирск, Екатеринбург, Н. Новгород, Самара, Ростов, Челябинск, Пермь, Красноярск. Период: январь-июль 2012 Рекламное сообщение: Мы любим свое дело! Всегда низкие цены! Бюджет: 2 500 000 USD
3. График рекламной кампании В общем, Мвидео использует две похожих стратегии размещения рекламных сообщений. Сезонный график - СМИ используется наиболее интенсивно во время пиковых сезонных распродаж. Импульсная подача - СМИ используются периодически, через равные интервалы, независимо от времени года.
4. Рынок После кризиса 2009 года рынок сумел подняться на прежний уровень. В 2011 году он снижает свой рост. В будущем стоит ожидать стабилизации рынка на прежней, докризисной позиции.
5. Лояльность потребителей Наиболее лояльны к бренду женщины 25-45. Мужчины 25-45 большее доверие испытывают к марке « MediaMarkt ». Узнают бренд 65-70% людей из каждой категории. Посещают – более 20%. Вывод: маркетинговые коммуникации надо нацелить на молодых женщин, т.к. это «незанятая» аудитория. К тому же они чаще прислушиваются к рекламным сообщениям, только надо учитывать, что построение сообщения лучше строить на эмоциональном посыле.
6. Аудитория конкурентов MediaMarkt: ЦА – работающие мужчины со средним и высоким доходом, Radio и Outdoor – самая большая статья расходов. Техносила: рекламный бюджет тратят в основном на TV (Нтв и Тв3) и на Outdoor , для своих роликов в основном используют радиостанцию «Шансон». Смело можно предполагать, что их аудитория – работающие мужчины с низким доходом. Эльдорадо: размещают рекламу на TV , на общенациональных каналах. Целевая аудитория – члены семьи, принимающие решение о покупке (мужчины и женщины), низший средний класс. Вывод: Мвидео нужно тратить свой бюджет на прессу («Лиза», «Коммерсант») и наружную рекламу (таргетировано в каждом городе )
7. Целевая аудитория Женщины 20-35. Интересы: просмотр ТВ, приготовление пищи, интернет, музыка, забота о доме. Отношение к СМИ: большое доверие к ТВ и журналам
8. Экспертная оценка 16 1 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 Tv Интернет Уличн. Н. Радио Пресса Кино Транспорт Потенциал охвата 2 2 2 2 1 3 Частота контакта 2 3 2 3 1 2 Построение фокуса на ЦА 3 2 1 2 1 1 Стоимость кампании 1 2 2 3 3 2 Общая стоимость РК 2 2 2 2 3 2 Подходящий контекст для сообщение 3 2 2 3 1 2 Доступность в регионах 1 3 3 3 1 3 Использование конкурентами 1 1 2 2 3 2 Итого 1 5 1 7 1 6 20 14 17
9. Экспертная оценка. Выводы. Самые подходящие каналы коммуникации для компании Мвидео – пресса, наружная и транзитная реклама. Телевидение для данной кампании не подходит по нескольким причинам (слишком дорогое, аудитория кампании - сегментирована). Radio (городские радиостанции) можно использовать, но сложно угадать, когда именно его включит наша целевая аудитория. Internet – можно просто своевременно обновлять контент сайта компании для поддержки других носителей.
10. Распределению бюджета 30 0000 Radio региональное 2 500 000 Итого 20 000 Жизнь 55 000 Лиза 35 000 Антенна-телесемь 100 000 Комсомольская правда 2 000 000 Billboard