Innovation in Governmentpeter williamsThis document discusses how to sustain innovation in government. It notes that while governments can innovate with groundbreaking solutions, innovation tends to be isolated incidents rather than a regular process. The real problem is that few governments take a systemic view of the innovation process. The document advocates establishing a process for innovation, getting diverse perspectives on problems and ideas, using prototyping to test ideas without large costs, and keeping an open approach rather than a closed one.
Av city innovation systems-the metro manila experienceSarit TiyawongsuwanThis document discusses city innovation systems in Metro Manila, Philippines. It aims to disentangle Asian innovation systems, define city innovation systems, and design future city innovation systems. It provides context on Metro Manila's governance, urban concerns, and examples of city innovations like Gawad Kalinga, medical tourism, and the UP-Ayala Technopark. These innovations address issues like housing, healthcare access, and technology development. The document also examines aspects of innovations and how they interact with and help drive city development and growth in Metro Manila.
GOVERNMENT PROJECTSesocietymk4The document outlines several government projects in Macedonia aimed at integrating information and communication technologies (ICT) into education. The projects include investing in computer equipment and internet access for all primary and secondary schools, implementing a "Computer for Every Student" initiative to provide modern tools for teaching and learning, and distributing vouchers to university students and students with disabilities to purchase computers. The goals are to improve access to ICT, advance IT skills among students and teachers, make the educational system more efficient, and develop an informed society. Progress reported includes fully equipping secondary schools, partial equipping of primary schools, developing educational software and online learning platforms, and over 11,000 vouchers distributed to university students in the 2008-2009 school year.
AadharAbhishek AggrawalThe document discusses the Aadhaar identification system in India. It provides details on the enrollment process for Aadhaar, including required documents for proof of identity, address, date of birth, and relationship. Accepted documents include the election photo ID card, ration card, passport, and driving license. The enrollment is free and involves submitting forms and biometric data at an enrollment center, after which an Aadhaar number will be generated within 60-90 days.
Innovations in TransportationBill KuhlThis document discusses innovations in transportation fuels and vehicles. It begins by outlining the major types of transportation and fuels currently used. It then discusses the large quantities of oil consumed daily, especially in the United States. Several negatives of fuel usage are outlined, including pollution and the non-renewable nature of oil. The document concludes by describing emerging innovations like electric, hybrid, natural gas and hydrogen-powered vehicles that aim to improve energy efficiency and reduce pollution from transportation.
Digital Transportation Exchange (DTE) PresentationnvpradhanThe Digital Transportation Exchange (DTE) would connect citizens, businesses, state and local governments, industry, entrepreneurs, researchers, and investors though a public private partnership like never before—creating a thriving marketplace for transportation solutions.
AadharVivek KumarThe document discusses the Aadhaar card system implemented in India. It provides background on the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) which oversees Aadhaar. Aadhaar aims to provide identification to all residents and facilitate access to benefits and services. It discusses the benefits of Aadhaar in reducing leakage in welfare schemes but also acknowledges criticisms around privacy, security of personal data, and reliability of biometric data collection. Overall, the document presents information on both sides of the Aadhaar system debate.
Filip Stojanovski - Privacy policies on the internet and a Code for privacy p...MetamorphosisPresentation at the conference Freedom and privacy on the Internet (FPI), 2012, Skopje, Macedonia
Igor Kuzevski - Personal data protection and the internetMetamorphosisPresentation at the conference Freedom and privacy on the Internet (FPI), 2012, Skopje, Macedonia
Developing new Learning Environment: SEE University Solutionesocietymk4The document summarizes the development of a Learning Content Management System (LCMS) at South East European University. It discusses how the university initially used a commercial LCMS but later developed its own in-house system to better suit its needs. The in-house LCMS was designed with modular architecture using a three-tier client-server model. Key modules included user management, course management, and security features to control access and safely exchange content. The LCMS provided benefits like customizable learning content and improved communication and was developed to allow future expansion.
Macedonian Academic and Research Network - MARNetesocietymk4MARNet is the academic and research network of Macedonia established in 1994. It provides networking services and supports research and education. MARNet connects to international networks and participates in organizations like TERENA, CEENET, and RIPE. It has increased its international connectivity over the years through projects like SEEREN. MARNet operates the Gigabit Metro Optical Network in Skopje and connects academic institutions across Macedonia. It aims to participate in developing the European Research Area through regional projects on networking, grids, and more.
Overview of European Research and Education Networkingesocietymk4The document provides an overview of European research and education networking through National Research and Education Networks (NRENs). It discusses the history and role of NRENs in Europe since the 1970s, including organizations like TERENA, RARE, and projects like GÉANT2. It outlines benefits NRENs provide such as innovation, cost savings, and technical expertise. NRENs are presented as non-commercial organizations that support research and education needs better than commercial internet service providers.
Macedonian Academic and Research GRID Initiative – MARGIesocietymk41. Scientific research requires collaboration between distributed teams using shared tools and resources, which grids were created to enable through information technology.
2. The Large Hadron Collider will generate huge amounts of data requiring a worldwide grid for analysis, and current grids like EGEE include over 200 sites in 40 countries.
3. MARGI is Macedonia's national grid initiative established in 2005 to deploy and expand grid infrastructure, currently including several universities and research organizations with hundreds of CPUs and clusters to achieve national goals through European projects.
Managing Information Security in Education: Power of Enforcement or Cultur...esocietymk41. The document discusses different approaches to promoting cybersecurity in education, including regulatory measures by the government, self-regulatory measures by stakeholders like schools, and voluntary community initiatives.
2. It recommends implementing the ISO 27001 information security management system standard in schools and pursuing nationwide cybersecurity awareness campaigns through a collaborative approach involving all key actors.
3. The author expresses hope that participants will help establish a "culture of security" and notes that cybersecurity is a shared responsibility.
International Standards for Online Publishing of Macedonian Journal of Medica...esocietymk4MJMS is a top-tier open access medical journal published in Macedonia that aims to promote the translation of research. It fulfills several international standards for online medical journals including using ISSN numbers, requiring online submission and Creative Commons licensing. MJMS is a member of several organizations that promote open access publishing standards such as OASPA and COPE.
Open Access in Serbia: KoBSON, DOI, SCIndeksesocietymk4The document discusses open access in Serbia and the role of various organizations and initiatives in promoting open access to Serbian scholarly publications. It describes KoBSON, the Consortium of Libraries in Serbia for Coordinated Procurement, which helps libraries gain purchasing power. It also outlines DOI implementation in Serbia through the National Library of Serbia and SCIndeks, the Serbian Citation Index, which evaluates journals for financial support and increases their visibility internationally. The goal is to make Serbian research outputs more accessible and raise their quality and impact.
Social Media Classroomesocietymk4The document discusses, a free and open-source social media platform initially created by Howard Rheingold and Sam Rose with support from the MacArthur Foundation. The platform provides teachers and students an integrated set of social media tools for courses, including forums, blogs, comments, wikis, chat, bookmarks, RSS, and microblogging. It aims to support collaborative learning by engaging students to actively construct knowledge together about issues that matter to them.
Filip Stojanovski - Privacy policies on the internet and a Code for privacy p...MetamorphosisPresentation at the conference Freedom and privacy on the Internet (FPI), 2012, Skopje, Macedonia
Igor Kuzevski - Personal data protection and the internetMetamorphosisPresentation at the conference Freedom and privacy on the Internet (FPI), 2012, Skopje, Macedonia
Developing new Learning Environment: SEE University Solutionesocietymk4The document summarizes the development of a Learning Content Management System (LCMS) at South East European University. It discusses how the university initially used a commercial LCMS but later developed its own in-house system to better suit its needs. The in-house LCMS was designed with modular architecture using a three-tier client-server model. Key modules included user management, course management, and security features to control access and safely exchange content. The LCMS provided benefits like customizable learning content and improved communication and was developed to allow future expansion.
Macedonian Academic and Research Network - MARNetesocietymk4MARNet is the academic and research network of Macedonia established in 1994. It provides networking services and supports research and education. MARNet connects to international networks and participates in organizations like TERENA, CEENET, and RIPE. It has increased its international connectivity over the years through projects like SEEREN. MARNet operates the Gigabit Metro Optical Network in Skopje and connects academic institutions across Macedonia. It aims to participate in developing the European Research Area through regional projects on networking, grids, and more.
Overview of European Research and Education Networkingesocietymk4The document provides an overview of European research and education networking through National Research and Education Networks (NRENs). It discusses the history and role of NRENs in Europe since the 1970s, including organizations like TERENA, RARE, and projects like GÉANT2. It outlines benefits NRENs provide such as innovation, cost savings, and technical expertise. NRENs are presented as non-commercial organizations that support research and education needs better than commercial internet service providers.
Macedonian Academic and Research GRID Initiative – MARGIesocietymk41. Scientific research requires collaboration between distributed teams using shared tools and resources, which grids were created to enable through information technology.
2. The Large Hadron Collider will generate huge amounts of data requiring a worldwide grid for analysis, and current grids like EGEE include over 200 sites in 40 countries.
3. MARGI is Macedonia's national grid initiative established in 2005 to deploy and expand grid infrastructure, currently including several universities and research organizations with hundreds of CPUs and clusters to achieve national goals through European projects.
Managing Information Security in Education: Power of Enforcement or Cultur...esocietymk41. The document discusses different approaches to promoting cybersecurity in education, including regulatory measures by the government, self-regulatory measures by stakeholders like schools, and voluntary community initiatives.
2. It recommends implementing the ISO 27001 information security management system standard in schools and pursuing nationwide cybersecurity awareness campaigns through a collaborative approach involving all key actors.
3. The author expresses hope that participants will help establish a "culture of security" and notes that cybersecurity is a shared responsibility.
International Standards for Online Publishing of Macedonian Journal of Medica...esocietymk4MJMS is a top-tier open access medical journal published in Macedonia that aims to promote the translation of research. It fulfills several international standards for online medical journals including using ISSN numbers, requiring online submission and Creative Commons licensing. MJMS is a member of several organizations that promote open access publishing standards such as OASPA and COPE.
Open Access in Serbia: KoBSON, DOI, SCIndeksesocietymk4The document discusses open access in Serbia and the role of various organizations and initiatives in promoting open access to Serbian scholarly publications. It describes KoBSON, the Consortium of Libraries in Serbia for Coordinated Procurement, which helps libraries gain purchasing power. It also outlines DOI implementation in Serbia through the National Library of Serbia and SCIndeks, the Serbian Citation Index, which evaluates journals for financial support and increases their visibility internationally. The goal is to make Serbian research outputs more accessible and raise their quality and impact.
Social Media Classroomesocietymk4The document discusses, a free and open-source social media platform initially created by Howard Rheingold and Sam Rose with support from the MacArthur Foundation. The platform provides teachers and students an integrated set of social media tools for courses, including forums, blogs, comments, wikis, chat, bookmarks, RSS, and microblogging. It aims to support collaborative learning by engaging students to actively construct knowledge together about issues that matter to them.
USAID’s Primary Education Projectesocietymk4The USAID Primary Education Project from 2006-2011 aimed to improve schools in Macedonia and develop 21st century skills through various initiatives including improving buildings, using information and communication technology (ICT), strengthening math and science, and conducting assessments. Key goals of the ICT in Education component were to increase student benefits from computers, develop educational software and online learning, design teacher training programs, and improve computer maintenance and deployment through student and school technology committees.
ICT Challenges for the Teachersesocietymk41. The document discusses four dimensions of ICT use in schools including as a tool across the curriculum, to enhance learning outcomes, as part of broader curriculum reforms, and to alter the organization of schooling.
2. It outlines challenges for Macedonia including integrating ICT into teaching practices and using ICT for both subject teaching and learning.
3. The document recommends appointing ICT coordinators in schools to provide technical and pedagogical support to teachers in integrating technology.
2. Право на заштита на личните податоци во РМ Обврски на образовните установи како контролори на лични податоци Технички мерки Препораки за заштита на приватноста на учениците Препораки до провајдерите
3. ПРАВО НА ЗАШТИТА НА ЛИЧНИТЕ ПОДАТОЦИ ВО РЕПУБЛИКА МАКЕДОНИЈА Правото на заштита на личните податоци, како основно право на човекот и г раѓанинот е загарантирано со Уставот на Република Македонија (Член 18) со кој се гарантира сигурноста и тајноста на личните податоци. Законот за заштита на личните податоци (Службен в есник на РМ 7/05), ја утврдува правната и институционална рамка за заштита на личните податоци во Република Македонија. Закон за изменување и дополнување на Законот за заштита на личните податоци. Конвенција бр.108/81 за заштита на физичките лица која се однесува на автоматската обработка на личните податоци . Законот во голема мерка е усогласен со : Директива 95/46/ЕК за заштита на личните податоци и слободното движење на податоците.
4. ШТО Е ЛИЧЕН ПОДАТОК ? Личен податок - секоја информација која се однесува на идентификувано лице или на лице кое може да се идентификува. Сите лични податоци не уживаат еднаков степен на заштита. Постојат чувствителни лични податоци кои се посебно заштитени: личните податоци кои го откриваат расното и етничкото потекло политичкото уверување, верското уверување, членството во синдикална организација, здравствената состојба или сексуалниот живот се посебна категорија на лични податоци. посебна заштита ужива и ЕМБГ како личен податок врз основа на кој со сигурност може да се утврди идентитетот на определено лице, затоа што ЕМБГ претставува универзален идентификатор на граѓанинот.
5. ОБРАЗОВНИ УСТАНОВИ Образовните установи се контролори на лични податоци; Законски обврски на контролорите Да се грижат за квалитетот на податоците Да ги почитуват принципите за заштита на личните податоци при обработка на истите Да применат соодветни технички и организациски мерки за заштита на личните податоци Да водат евиденција за секоја збирка на лични податоци и да ја известат Дирекцијата за воспоставување на нова збирка или промена на податоците на веќе воспоставена збирка на лични податоци.
6. ТЕХНИЧКИ МЕРКИ Технички мерки – инсталирање на firewalls , антивирус, adware и spyware програми за да се спречи неавторизиран пристап. Програми и мерки за едукација на учениците и наставниот кадар при користењето на информатичко-комуникациската технологија, особено почитувањето на принципите за заштита на личните податоци. Меѓусебна соработка – формирање центри за врски кои ќе се грижат за безбедноста на корисниците на компјутерите и кои ќе нудат помош и поддршка за безбедноста на компјутерскиот систем на заинтересираните страни. Криптографска заштита на чувствителните податоци.
7. ПРЕПОРАКИ ЗА ОБРАЗОВНИТЕ УСТАНОВИ дневници, индекси и документи со статистички податоци лични податоци на родителите биометриски податоци на учениците/студентите видео надзор во образовните установи објавување на фотографии од ученици на интернет увид во оцените од страна на родителите објавување на резултати од испити на интернет евалуации за квалитетот на работата на професорите
8. ПРЕПОРАКИ ЗА ОБРАЗОВНИТЕ УСТАНОВИ 1 Дневници, индекси и документи со статистички податоци Податоците содржани во овие документи се собираат и чуваат во согласност со закон, нивниот обем е соодветен Технички мерки за физичка заштита на овие документи Лични податоци на родителите Личните податоци на родителите или старателите кои се собираат во матичните книги се собираат и чуваат во согласност со закон. Праксата на основните и средните училишта да ги задржуваат или копираат личните карти и да го запишуваат ЕМБГ на родителите кои влегуваат по која било основа во училиштето треба да се смени.
9. ПРЕПОРАКИ ЗА ОБРАЗОВНИТЕ УСТАНОВИ 2 Биометриски податоци на учениците/студентите сите биометриски системи функционираат врз основа на автоматска идентификација или верификација на лице. Различна е природата на биометриските податоци и начинот на чување. биометриските податоци треба да бидат адекватни, релевантни и не преобемни за целта заради која се собрани. согласност од субјектот на податоците за собирање, обработка и чување на биометриските податоци.
10. ПРЕПОРАКИ ЗА ОБРАЗОВНИТЕ УСТАНОВИ 3 Видео надзор во образовните установи систем за видео надзор во образовните установи може да се инсталира исклучиво заради безбедносни цели прецизно утврдени рокови на чување на снимените материјали прецизно утврдени правила за пристап до снимените материјали места на кои не смее да има инсталирано видео надзор – училници, сали за состаноци, гардероби и санитарни чворови
11. ПРЕПОРАКИ ЗА ОБРАЗОВНИТЕ УСТАНОВИ 4 Објавување на фотографии од ученици на интернет фотографии од ученици/студенти снимени по која било основа не може да бидат објавувани на интернет без согласност од учениците/студентите или нивните родители/старатели доколку се малолетни. Евалуации за квалитетот на работата на професорите Евалуациските прашалници за оценување на квалитетот на работата на професорите треба да бидат анонимни.
12. ПРЕПОРАКИ ЗА ОБРАЗОВНИТЕ УСТАНОВИ 5 Увид во оцените од страна на родителите и објавување на резултати од испити на интернет Оцените и резултатите од испити може да бидат достапни на интернет само на матичните веб страници на образовната установа, но не за целата јавност. Пристапот до нив треба да биде со посебни кориснички имиња и лозинки. За малолетните ученици корисничките имиња и лозинки треба да им бидат дадени на родителите. Кај полнолетните, односно, студентите пристапот до резултатите од испити од страна на родителите е можен само со претходна согласност.
13. ПРЕПОРАКИ ЗА ПРОВАЈДЕРИТЕ Транспарентност и отворена информација до корисниците т.е. јасно истакната политика на приватност Овозможување на креирање и користење на профили под кориснички имиња – псевдоними Исполнување на ветувањата дадени на корисниците Лесно достапни поставки ( settings ) за уредување на политиката на приватност на веб страницата Подобрување на контролата врз користењето на податоците на корисниците
14. Дирекција за заштита на личните податоци Елена Стојановска Тел : +389 2 3244 762 Факс : +389 2 3244 766 e-mail: [email_address]