New Media Sustainability: Challenges & TrendsMetamorphosis
The document discusses challenges and trends in new media sustainability. It notes that monetizing digital content remains a challenge for professional journalism online. While audiences are shifting online, advertising revenues alone cannot replace print revenues. It also explores various monetization models for new media like the "soft paywall" and "restrictive paywall". Additionally, the document discusses the growth of online audiences for newspapers and the potential of video and multimedia content to drive engagement and revenues. It advocates embracing new technologies and social media to build brands while protecting copyright and monetizing content.
Sasa Popovic - Uci Slobodno Academy, Free Education for EverybodyMetamorphosis
Sasa Popovic's presentation on the International Conference 2012, held annually in Skopje, Macedonia, entitled "Open Education for an Open Society Lets Share the Knowledge!"
Recommendations for ICT Standards in public administration by Andon Stefanovs...Metamorphosis
Presentation by Mr. Andon Stefanovski, Official Gazette of RM at the third International Conference e-Society.Mk:Recommendations for ICT Standards in the Public Administration developed through Good Governance Project, November 29, 2007, Skopje Macedonia
Recommendations for ICT Standards in public administration by Andon Stefanovs...Metamorphosis
Presentation by Mr. Andon Stefanovski, Official Gazette of RM at the third International Conference e-Society.Mk:Recommendations for ICT Standards in the Public Administration developed through Good Governance Project, November 29, 2007, Skopje Macedonia