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勝券在握 鐘祥仁 資策會資訊技術訓練中心  http://ryan403.tw Get Certifications,  Get O pportunities !
講師簡介 - 鐘祥仁 現任 資策會資訊技術訓練中心專任講師 學歷 國立台灣科技大學資訊工程研究所 經歷 工業局自由軟體產業推動計畫
平鎮陸軍通訊學校講師 http://ryan403.tw
大綱 為什麼要考证照
IT 证照的源起與發展
IT 证照的分類
Why certifications?
近六成企業招募新人的標準 資料來源:「 2008 年台灣 1000 大企業人才策略與最愛大學生」
大學畢業新鮮人認定的求職條件 資料來源:行政院勞工委員會全國就業 e 網「 2008 職場新鮮人就業趨勢大調查」
十大 IT 熱門证照 資料來源  :  http://www.certcities.com/ ,  http://knowhow-now.com/
2009 十大 IT 熱門证照 資料來源  : Techrepolic ,About.com
Top 10 Strategic Technologies for 2010 Top Strategic Technologies Related Certifications 1 Cloud Computing CompTIA Network+, CCNA 2 Advanced Analytics Prediction related technology 3 Client Computing Familiar with cross-platform AP 4 IT for Green Green Related technology 5 Reshaping the Data Center Database Related Certification 6 Social Computing Web Service technology 7 Security – Activity Monitoring CEH,CISSP,..... 8 Flash Memory Storage device related technology 9 Virtualization for Availability VMware Certified Professional  VMware Certified Design Expert 10 Mobile Applications SCJP Nokia Certification Gartner, October 20, 2009
認證的分類 認證單位屬性 認證難易度 认证领域
Microsoft MCP  (235 萬人 ) 考過任何一科微軟認證考試 MCSA on Windows Server 2003  (22.3 萬人 ) 網路系統:管理與維護 Win Server 2003 環境 (Exam 70-290)
網路系統:實作、管理與維護 Win Server 2003 網路架構 (Exam 70-291)
Client 作業系統安裝、管理與維護 (XP or Vista or Windows 2000)
22 選 1 : SQL Server, Exchange Server, ISA Server,SharePoint Server,... MCSE on Windows Server 2003  (14.2 萬人 ) MCSA
網路系統:規畫與維護 Win Server 2003 網路架構 (Exam 70-293)
網路系統:規畫、實作與維護 Win Server 2003 AD 架構 (Exam 70-294)
2 選 1 Win Server 2003 AD 與網路架構之設計
Win Server 2003  网路安全机制之设计
Architect MCA Master MCM Professional MCITP
MCPD Technology MCTS Microsoft 新認證制度
Microsoft Business Worker MCAS-Microsoft Certified Application Specialist  (Vista+Office2007)
MOS-Microsoft Office Specialist (Office2000,Office XP,Office2003) Technology Practitioner MCTS-Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist Windows technologies
Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft .NET Framework technologies
Microsoft SQL Server technologies
Microsoft Office System technologies (including Office SharePoint Server and Office Project Server)
Microsoft Exchange Server technology
Other technologies MCITP-Microsoft Certified IT Professional Windows Client
Windows Server
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft Office Project Server
Microsoft Exchange Server MCPD-Microsoft Certified Professional Developer MCPD on Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
MCITP Win Server2008 Server Administrator 目前全球擁有人數: 4,654 人  (2008/12/1) US$80 US$80 US$80
Microsoft Certified Master: Windows Server 2008: Directory US$80 US$80 US$80 US$80 US$80 US$80 報名費: US$125 上課費: US$18500 Exam 70-219 Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure  經歷 五年以上AD管理經驗 ...... ....... three-week training program
Cisco認證 http://www.cisco.com/web/learning/le3/learning_career_certifications_and_learning_paths_home.html
Cisco認證 CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Administrator) EXAM 640-802  US$250 (90mins for 45-55questions) Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1
Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 2 CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional) EXAM 642-892  US$300 Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks
Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Networks  EXAM 642-825  US$250 Implementing Secure Converged Wide Area Networks EXAM 642-845  US$250 Optimizing Converged Cisco Networks CCIE   (Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert) Written Exam #350-001   US$350
Lab Exam   US$1400
LPI Linux Professional Institute  ( http://www.lpi.org.tw )
LPIC-1 ( 中文 / 英文 ) 101  NT$5120 ( 上機 120min or  紙本 90min) 硬體和架構、 Linux  安裝及套件管理、 GNU 和 UNIX 作業系統指令、裝置、 Linux  檔案系統、標準檔案系統階層、 X 視窗系統。
單複選及填空題 ,  考試時間 2 小時 , 500 分及格 102   NT$5120 ( 上機 120min or  紙本 90min) 核心、開機、初始化、關機和執行階層、列印、文件、 Shells 、 Scripting 、程式編譯、管理者任務、網路基礎、網路服務、系統安全。
單複選及填空題 ,  考試時間 2 小時 , 500 分及格
LPI LPIC-2 201  NT$5120 進階管理 –  Linux  核心、系統開機、檔案系統、硬體、檔案與服務分享、系統維護、系統客製化與自動化、疑難排解。
單複選及填空題 ,  考試時間 2 小時 , 530 分及格 202  NT$5120 Linux  最佳化 –  網路、電子郵件與新聞群組、網域名稱伺服器、網站服務、網路客戶端管理、系統安全、網路疑難排解。
單複選及填空題 ,  考試時間 2 小時 , 530 分及格
LPI LPIC-3 301  NT$8250 LDAP 概念與系統結構
OpenLDAP Schema 302  NT$5120 SMB/CIFS
Trivial 資料庫 能維護一個中小型的跨平台系統網路架構( MS , Linux )包括: SAMBA 、防火牆 ,  代理伺服器 ,  電子郵件 ,  新聞 、 web 伺服器 , FTP  伺服器
RedHat RHCVA(Red Hat Certified Virtualization Administrator) ? day hands on ,9AM~12AM, US$599 RHCT (Red Hat Certified Technician) ? day hands on ,9AM~1PM,  US$399 RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer) 1 day hands on ,9AM~5PM,  US$799 RHCDS(Red Hat Certified Datacenter Specialist) EX401 US$749 +EX423 US$749 +EX436 US$749 RHCSS(Red Hat Certified Security Specialist) EX333 US$749 +EX423 US$749 +EX429 US$749 RHCA(Red Hat Certified Architect) EX333+EX401+EX423+EX436+EX442
(ISC) 2 The International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium
CISSP  Certified Information Systems Security Professional
考試時間 : 6 小時, 250 題選擇題,十個領域得分均在  70%  以上即可取得证照 (約 700 分)
考生要求 :  具備 5 年資訊安全直接相關工作經驗
考試費用 : 499  美金  / 599  美金  ( 考試 3 週內報名 )
每三年需完成 120 個 CPE(continuing professional education) ,一年最少要 20 個
需繳年費 US$85 SSCP -  Systems Security Certified Practitioner 1 年資安工作經驗  考試費用 US$469

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Editor's Notes

  • #13: 1.MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional) 2.CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate):Trapp reasons that most network administrator jobs right now are IP related and they are in more demand at a higher professional level as compared to Microsoft Certifications. 3.MCPD (Microsoft Certified Professional Developer): Demand for these developers is up over 80% compared to last year. Trapp says there are only a little over 3,000 currently with the certification. 4.SCJP (SUN Certified Java Programmer): Trapp says that a Java credential is one of the most valuable credentials that a programmer or developer can have, since about 70% of business entities’ development projects are done through J2EE. 5.CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional): With CISSPs earning $94,070 a year on average, it’s easy to see why Trapp puts this one on the list. (Note that the exam costs $500, lasts up to six hours, and includes 250 multiple choice questions. 6.Comptia A+: By far the most popular entry level certification. 7.Comptia Network +: A good cert to have since the network systems and data communications analyst is ranked Number 2 on the most in demand jobs list. 8.MCTS SQL Server 2005 (The Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist): Trapp thinks SQL Server 2005 is going to be hot next year since many companies are switching to SQL Server 2005. 9.RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer): RHCE is called the “crown jewel of Linux certifications.” According to a survey by Saugatuck Technology and BusinessWeek Researce Services, about 25% of enterprises will be running mission-critical business applications on the Linux open source operating system by 2009. 10.Comptia Security+: Growth in Security+, which covers topics like communication security, infrastructure security, cryptography, access control and authentication, shows no signs of slowing down. According to Trapp, “Comptia’s Security+ Credential is must have in today’s world.”
  • #14: 1.MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional) 2.CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate):Trapp reasons that most network administrator jobs right now are IP related and they are in more demand at a higher professional level as compared to Microsoft Certifications. 3.MCPD (Microsoft Certified Professional Developer): Demand for these developers is up over 80% compared to last year. Trapp says there are only a little over 3,000 currently with the certification. 4.SCJP (SUN Certified Java Programmer): Trapp says that a Java credential is one of the most valuable credentials that a programmer or developer can have, since about 70% of business entities’ development projects are done through J2EE. 5.CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional): With CISSPs earning $94,070 a year on average, it’s easy to see why Trapp puts this one on the list. (Note that the exam costs $500, lasts up to six hours, and includes 250 multiple choice questions. 6.Comptia A+: By far the most popular entry level certification. 7.Comptia Network +: A good cert to have since the network systems and data communications analyst is ranked Number 2 on the most in demand jobs list. 8.MCTS SQL Server 2005 (The Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist): Trapp thinks SQL Server 2005 is going to be hot next year since many companies are switching to SQL Server 2005. 9.RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer): RHCE is called the “crown jewel of Linux certifications.” According to a survey by Saugatuck Technology and BusinessWeek Researce Services, about 25% of enterprises will be running mission-critical business applications on the Linux open source operating system by 2009. 10.Comptia Security+: Growth in Security+, which covers topics like communication security, infrastructure security, cryptography, access control and authentication, shows no signs of slowing down. According to Trapp, “Comptia’s Security+ Credential is must have in today’s world.”
  • #15: 1.MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional) 2.CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate):Trapp reasons that most network administrator jobs right now are IP related and they are in more demand at a higher professional level as compared to Microsoft Certifications. 3.MCPD (Microsoft Certified Professional Developer): Demand for these developers is up over 80% compared to last year. Trapp says there are only a little over 3,000 currently with the certification. 4.SCJP (SUN Certified Java Programmer): Trapp says that a Java credential is one of the most valuable credentials that a programmer or developer can have, since about 70% of business entities’ development projects are done through J2EE. 5.CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional): With CISSPs earning $94,070 a year on average, it’s easy to see why Trapp puts this one on the list. (Note that the exam costs $500, lasts up to six hours, and includes 250 multiple choice questions. 6.Comptia A+: By far the most popular entry level certification. 7.Comptia Network +: A good cert to have since the network systems and data communications analyst is ranked Number 2 on the most in demand jobs list. 8.MCTS SQL Server 2005 (The Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist): Trapp thinks SQL Server 2005 is going to be hot next year since many companies are switching to SQL Server 2005. 9.RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer): RHCE is called the “crown jewel of Linux certifications.” According to a survey by Saugatuck Technology and BusinessWeek Researce Services, about 25% of enterprises will be running mission-critical business applications on the Linux open source operating system by 2009. 10.Comptia Security+: Growth in Security+, which covers topics like communication security, infrastructure security, cryptography, access control and authentication, shows no signs of slowing down. According to Trapp, “Comptia’s Security+ Credential is must have in today’s world.”