Love wins,這是我們在支持同性婚姻平權時一句振奮的口號,但我想它同時可以包含另一層意思。是對於依然不能諒解同志朋友們的身分及感情的那群人們,或許應該試著從愛的觀點出發,好好的靜靜的看看同志身分的人的true colours,那麼你一定會發現,他們有多認真、多努力、多可愛,沒有不同的。如果能夠暫時放下偏見而從愛出發,那麼這次愛將帶領我們跨越爭執,看到同志們單純透明的可愛的一面。
Love wins,表示愛終將勝利,同志們的愛是一樣珍貴的,而愛也是唯一能夠帶領我們放下偏見的途徑。
This document summarizes the contents of a magazine issue focused on Christmas music. It describes the main image of an artist in a Christmas-themed photo appealing to readers wanting to feel festive. It lists the different sections covered, including news, reviews, live performances, articles and a band index. An advertisement promotes 33% off back issues of the magazine to attract new and returning readers.
El documento presenta una serie de preguntas realizadas a estudiantes de secundaria sobre su experiencia en este nivel educativo, incluyendo si les gusta la secundaria, si se ajusta a sus expectativas previas, si aprenden más que en primaria, sobre sus relaciones con estudiantes de otros grados, si les resultó difícil acostumbrarse al método de ense?anza y sobre sus actividades en los recreos.
WiWelcome to Windisch Renovations
Winidsch Renovations specializes in interior and
exterior home improvements and repairs. The company
is based in Westford, MA and provides services to
towns in Middlesex County, Metro West and southern
New Hampshire.
As a professional craftsman, I take pride in my work
and will strive to complete all projects in a high quality
manner. Backed by 9 years of experience, I provide a
variety of helpful services from general home repairs
and remodeling to kitchen and bathroom renovations.
This document is a list of dates, all repeating "January 12, 2009". It does not contain any other text or information beyond listing the same date ten times in a row.
The document discusses serial communication, including the basics of parallel vs serial communication. It describes synchronous and asynchronous serial communication methods. It provides details on serial communication using an 8051 microcontroller, including programming the 8051 for transmitting and receiving serial data, setting the baud rate, and using registers like SBUF, SCON, TMOD and TH1. Code examples are given to transmit and receive the letter 'A' serially at 4800 baud using both assembly and C programming languages.
The dog got lost in the fog while out for a walk with its owner. The owner searched for the dog and was able to find it, feeling very happy and relieved upon doing so since the owner would have missed the dog if it was not found.
Este documento describe una actividad de arte con arcilla. Los objetivos son experimentar con la arcilla, potenciar la creatividad y desarrollar la motricidad fina. Se crearon varias figuras libres con la arcilla y luego se moldeó una plancha para pegar las figuras usando una mezcla de arcilla y agua. Una vez colocadas las figuras, se fijaron con la mezcla y se cubrió con papel prensado. La actividad tomó una hora y se valoró positivamente por permitir la creatividad y canalizar emociones a trav
El documento describe la educación a distancia y el proyecto PROCADIS en Argentina. Explica que la educación a distancia ha aumentado en demanda debido a Internet, permitiendo flexibilidad espacial y temporal. PROCADIS ha ofrecido cursos a distancia sobre temas agropecuarios desde 1993, atendiendo a más de 8,000 participantes. Su objetivo es promover la educación a distancia como alternativa de transferencia de tecnología en programas de investigación y desarrollo.
This document summarizes the contents of a magazine issue focused on Christmas music. It describes the main image of an artist in a Christmas-themed photo appealing to readers wanting to feel festive. It lists the different sections covered, including news, reviews, live performances, articles and a band index. An advertisement promotes 33% off back issues of the magazine to attract new and returning readers.
El documento presenta una serie de preguntas realizadas a estudiantes de secundaria sobre su experiencia en este nivel educativo, incluyendo si les gusta la secundaria, si se ajusta a sus expectativas previas, si aprenden más que en primaria, sobre sus relaciones con estudiantes de otros grados, si les resultó difícil acostumbrarse al método de ense?anza y sobre sus actividades en los recreos.
WiWelcome to Windisch Renovations
Winidsch Renovations specializes in interior and
exterior home improvements and repairs. The company
is based in Westford, MA and provides services to
towns in Middlesex County, Metro West and southern
New Hampshire.
As a professional craftsman, I take pride in my work
and will strive to complete all projects in a high quality
manner. Backed by 9 years of experience, I provide a
variety of helpful services from general home repairs
and remodeling to kitchen and bathroom renovations.
This document is a list of dates, all repeating "January 12, 2009". It does not contain any other text or information beyond listing the same date ten times in a row.
The document discusses serial communication, including the basics of parallel vs serial communication. It describes synchronous and asynchronous serial communication methods. It provides details on serial communication using an 8051 microcontroller, including programming the 8051 for transmitting and receiving serial data, setting the baud rate, and using registers like SBUF, SCON, TMOD and TH1. Code examples are given to transmit and receive the letter 'A' serially at 4800 baud using both assembly and C programming languages.
The dog got lost in the fog while out for a walk with its owner. The owner searched for the dog and was able to find it, feeling very happy and relieved upon doing so since the owner would have missed the dog if it was not found.
Este documento describe una actividad de arte con arcilla. Los objetivos son experimentar con la arcilla, potenciar la creatividad y desarrollar la motricidad fina. Se crearon varias figuras libres con la arcilla y luego se moldeó una plancha para pegar las figuras usando una mezcla de arcilla y agua. Una vez colocadas las figuras, se fijaron con la mezcla y se cubrió con papel prensado. La actividad tomó una hora y se valoró positivamente por permitir la creatividad y canalizar emociones a trav
El documento describe la educación a distancia y el proyecto PROCADIS en Argentina. Explica que la educación a distancia ha aumentado en demanda debido a Internet, permitiendo flexibilidad espacial y temporal. PROCADIS ha ofrecido cursos a distancia sobre temas agropecuarios desde 1993, atendiendo a más de 8,000 participantes. Su objetivo es promover la educación a distancia como alternativa de transferencia de tecnología en programas de investigación y desarrollo.