Det interkommunale samarbeidet i Kristiandsregionen har skiftet navn fra Knutepunkt S淡rlandet til Region Kristiansand. Endringene synliggj淡res gjennom ny grafisk profil og nye nettsider.
Med nytt navn og ny strategisk retning, g奪r det interkommunale samarbeidet over i en ny fase. Styrets rolle som politisk akt淡r blir styrket og tilpasset regionale politiske samordningsarenaer som er etablert de siste 奪rene. R奪dmannsutvalget vil fortsatt ha ansvar for st淡tte, styring og kontroll av tjenestesamarbeid og prioriterte prosjekter med begrenset rapportering til styret ut over ordin脱re rutiner som 奪rsrapportering.
Endringen synliggj淡res gjennom nytt navn, ny grafisk profil og nye nettsider. Forel淡pig er innholdet p奪 nettsidene litt begrenset. Etter hvert som den nye samarbeidsmodellen utvikles med nye prosjekter og aktiviteter, vil nettsiden bli fylt opp med informasjon og aktuelle saker. Det vil ogs奪 bli lagt opp til en enkel s淡kefunksjon for tilgang til tidligere saker fra nettsiden til Knutepunkt S淡rlandet.
Mockup of inaugural 16-page issue of Proximity-Tech Magazine
Proximity-Tech Magazine reports on technology and the business of technology in the Baltimore/Washington DC region. With a circulation of 116,500 we reach the largest technology readership while providing access to key audience demographics.
Viral Marketing Assistants offers outsourced marketing services at different levels, including capturing pages, backlink posting on social media and forums, SEO marketing and posting on web 2.0 sites starting at $3 per person for basic services up to $27 per person for more advanced marketing work to help easily outsource and scale digital marketing efforts.
This document discusses altered consciousness and diabetes mellitus. It defines altered consciousness as a confused or delirious state that can be caused by factors like drugs, hyperventilation, hypoglycemia, or cerebrovascular accidents. Diabetes mellitus is defined as a disorder of glucose metabolism resulting in hyperglycemia. The two main types discussed are Type I diabetes, which is insulin dependent, and Type II diabetes, which is non-insulin dependent. Clinical manifestations, prevention, and management of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia in diabetic dental patients are also covered.
Mockup of inaugural 16-page issue of Proximity-Tech Magazine
Proximity-Tech Magazine reports on technology and the business of technology in the Baltimore/Washington DC region. With a circulation of 116,500 we reach the largest technology readership while providing access to key audience demographics.
Viral Marketing Assistants offers outsourced marketing services at different levels, including capturing pages, backlink posting on social media and forums, SEO marketing and posting on web 2.0 sites starting at $3 per person for basic services up to $27 per person for more advanced marketing work to help easily outsource and scale digital marketing efforts.
This document discusses altered consciousness and diabetes mellitus. It defines altered consciousness as a confused or delirious state that can be caused by factors like drugs, hyperventilation, hypoglycemia, or cerebrovascular accidents. Diabetes mellitus is defined as a disorder of glucose metabolism resulting in hyperglycemia. The two main types discussed are Type I diabetes, which is insulin dependent, and Type II diabetes, which is non-insulin dependent. Clinical manifestations, prevention, and management of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia in diabetic dental patients are also covered.
A photo essay from Ana Novas, resident of 501 East Iliff Street. Built in 1876, the home is the second-oldest home south of Alameda and one of the 15 oldest structures in the entire city. It was the home of famed city planner and landscape architect, Saco Rienk DeBoer. The trees and landscape are no accident: DeBoer was the most knowledgable arborist in the region and helped to plant all of the parks and parkways. This was his home, a forested enclave amidst the surrounding city. Enjoy.
Liminar Concedida - Advocacia do Estado alega que n達o tem condi巽探es financeir...Fabio Motta
1. O Estado de S達o Paulo recorreu de decis達o que concedeu tutela de urg棚ncia para fornecimento de subst但ncia experimental a paciente de c但ncer.
2. O relator rejeitou os embargos, afirmando que a decis達o anterior n達o continha omiss探es ou contradi巽探es e que cada caso deve ser analisado individualmente, n達o havendo vincula巽達o a precedentes.
3. A tutela foi mantida porque, em an叩lise sum叩ria, os requisitos legais estavam preenchidos e a subst但ncia pode ter efeitos positivos, cabendo ao Estado garantir trat
Este documento menciona varias ciudades espa単olas como M叩laga, Granada, Tenerife, Sevilla, Zaragoza, Ir炭n, Alicante, Madrid, Segovia, Barcelona, Jerez, Ibiza, Toledo, la Alhambra, San Sebasti叩n, Valencia y algunas otras. Tambi辿n contiene fragmentos de poemas que describen el origen y la voz de Espa単a.
This document summarizes thyroid dysfunction and diseases. It discusses the basics of thyroid function including production of hormones, control by TSH, and effects of other hormones. It then covers thyroid function tests, diseases including hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and thyroiditis, investigations, and management. Key points are TSH and free T4/T3 levels guide diagnosis and treatment with levothyroxine or anti-thyroid drugs depending on hypo- or hyperthyroidism. Thyroid cancer types and appropriate surgery or radioactive iodine treatment are also summarized.
Thank you for the detailed presentation on medical emergencies in the dental office. I appreciate you taking the time to educate us on this important topic to help ensure patient safety. is the leading online shoe retailer in Greece. In 2015, it was awarded the title of 'Best Greek eShop' and it represented Greece, on the European eCommerce Awards, held during the Global eCommerce Summit, in Barcelona (2015).
p.s. We made it to the short list (top-6) ;-)
Participatory Rapid Appraisal (PRA) utilizes qualitative techniques like interviews, discussions, mapping exercises with local people to examine their financial, economic and social environment. Some key PRA techniques discussed are venn diagrams to understand important organizations, wealth ranking to identify poverty levels, life cycle profiling to understand cash needs over a person's life, and time series analysis to identify important crises over time and their impact. Seasonality analysis examines how income, expenses, savings and credit fluctuate monthly. PRA provides useful information for designing appropriate microfinance products and services.
This document provides information about thyroid gland dysfunction including hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. It outlines the anatomy and physiology of the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism is caused by inadequate thyroid hormone production and results in slowed body functions. Symptoms include fatigue, weight gain, and dry skin. Hyperthyroidism is caused by excess thyroid hormones and results in increased body functions. Symptoms include nervousness, tremors, warm and wet skin, and increased heart rate. The document discusses the clinical features, management, and dental considerations for patients with thyroid dysfunction.
The document discusses the past perfect tense and provides examples of its use. The past perfect is formed using "had" plus the past participle of the main verb. It is used to talk about something that happened before another action in the past. The examples show using the past perfect to discuss events that had already happened before other past actions, such as studying before taking a test or it raining before the ground became wet.
This document provides an overview of art in Europe during the Middle Ages and Renaissance periods. It discusses how art in the Middle Ages focused more on spiritual subjects, while Renaissance art emphasized humanism and a return to naturalism inspired by ancient Greek and Roman art. A key development was the loss of Constantinople in 1453, which brought Greek scholars and knowledge of antiquity to Italy and sparked new interest there. Artists like Masaccio and Donatello developed techniques like linear perspective and freestanding nudes that advanced realism in painting and sculpture. Major Italian city-states like Florence also saw growth in wealth and civic pride during this time, as expressed through large architectural projects and commissions.
The document summarizes key events in 19th century Spanish history, including the French Revolution's impact on Spain, the War of Independence against Napoleon, the liberal Constitution of 1812, the loss of Spain's American colonies, and the turbulent reigns of Fernando VII and Isabella II. It also discusses social changes, the rise of the labor movement, and Francisco Goya's paintings which reflected the political upheaval and violence of the time period.
Concave mirrors are curved mirrors that are bent inward. They reflect light to a single focal point and are used to focus light. Common applications of concave mirrors include vehicle headlights, telescopes, microscopes, and solar power devices. Concave mirrors form different types of images depending on where the object is placed relative to the center of curvature and focal point of the mirror.
This study aims to prevent childhood obesity through early childhood feeding and parenting guidance. It will randomize pregnant women into an intervention and control group. The intervention group will receive home visits and guidance from community health workers, while the control group will only receive measurements. The study hypothesizes that fewer children in the intervention group will be overweight or obese due to differences in feeding practices and responsiveness to infant cues. Data on infant growth, diet, sleep and more will be collected to assess the effectiveness of the early intervention program in preventing childhood obesity.
Xmas Living 2016 - P.431 (Remi Clerima)Natalie Sung
This document appears to be from a photography shoot for a 2016 Christmas publication. It lists the page number, photographer, art director, stylist, model, and photo file names for images taken of the model Remy during a photo shoot. The images were taken for page 431 and credit the creative team involved in the shoot.
This document appears to be a collection of codes related to a photo shoot for a 2017 campaign. The codes reference the photographer, art director, stylist, groomer, and model for a shoot on page 578 featuring model Justin Davis.
Christmas Living 2016 - P.350351 (Lisa Marie Jafthra)Natalie Sung
This document appears to be from a photography studio catalog called "XMAS LIVING 2016" and features photos from pages 350-351 of a model named Lisa Marie Jaftha. The photos were taken by photographer Karl Grieve, with art direction by Peter Knowles and styling by Hester Brodie. Hair and makeup was done by Michael Richmond. Contact information is provided for the online studio, including an order line phone number.
Christmas Living 2016 - P.342343 (Lisa Marie Jaftha)Natalie Sung
The document appears to be from a 2016 Christmas living magazine and includes photographs from a photo shoot. The photographer was Karl Grieve, the art director was Peter Knowles, and the stylist was Hester Brodie. The hair and makeup was done by Michael Richmond and the model was Lisa Marie Jaftha. The photographs were taken to showcase clothing, footwear, and holiday styling ideas. Contact information is provided for online ordering.
The document provides credits for a photo shoot including Ian Mac as the photographer, Sam Morton for art direction, Carol McKitty for styling, Collette Casey for hair and makeup, and Livia Rangel as the model.
This document appears to be notes from a photo shoot for an August 2016 clothing campaign. It lists the date, project name and code, photographer, creative director, stylist, brand representative, and model. It also includes 5 photo IDs from the shoot.
This document appears to be a production record for a photo shoot from June 27th, 2016. It lists the book as August P666 and names the photographer Willie Runte, advertising executive Sam Morton, stylist Zoe Tilston, hair and makeup artist Becky Cawthra, and model Beth Riley. File names and numbers are included for 4 photos taken.
This document contains information from photo shoots for a Christmas living magazine. It lists the photographer, creative director, stylist, and models for multiple shoots on pages 380, 390, and 391 from August 21, 2016. File names and contact information is provided for images from each shoot.
This document appears to be a casting sheet for a photo shoot, listing the photographer, stylist, and models involved. It includes the page numbers, photographer's name, stylist's name, and agency representation for several child models. Photos were taken for the Spring/Summer 2017 season.
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S/S 16_P598_
S/S 16_P598_
S/S 16_P599_
Photographer: Kirstie Mcnulty
Art Director: Jo Oakland
Stylist: Hester Brodie
Groomer: Richard Harvey
Model: Sam Moore - StormS/S 16_P598_