The document outlines the typical purchase process in 5 stages: 1) Need Recognition, 2) Research, 3) Evaluation, 4) Purchase, and 5) Review. It describes the activities, duration, influencers, buyer and seller actions involved in each stage of evaluating and purchasing a product or service.
This document summarizes the analysis of log and IDS files from an active website over 60 days. It found that on average there were 529 probes and attacks per day, though the number varied widely from 83 to 4355. The most common types of probes targeted ports 137, 53, 27960, 500, and 33480. A two-day distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack resulted in over 10,000 hits one day and over 77,000 the next. The site employs multiple layers of defense including routing, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems to monitor attacks and block malicious traffic.
GET SET GO Sourcing and Trading Co helps companies source products and services from Asia. As global competition increases, companies must look to new suppliers that can provide quality products on time and at competitive prices. While relying on offshore sources can be risky, many companies have found success partnering with Asian manufacturers like those in China, Taiwan, and Korea. GET SET GO specializes in sourcing and contract manufacturing from these regions to help companies both access new suppliers and better manage global supply chains.
RoboGuru is a robotics education software that allows users to program and simulate robots in 2D or 3D environments. Earlier versions focused on 2D simulation and teaching basic C programming through puzzles, while later versions added physics simulation and support for additional microcontrollers. All versions provide programming editors for designing robot behaviors and completing puzzles to learn programming concepts.
A typical day for a Mexican student begins with waking up between 6-7am, taking a shower or washing up, getting dressed properly, eating breakfast, and preparing their school bag before leaving for school. At school, the student studies, interacts with friends and teachers, then goes home after to eat, do homework, exercise at the gym, and go to sleep.
URGENTE - STF derruba decis達o do Presidente do TJSP que havia suspendido o fo...Fabio Motta
Neste ju鱈zo cautelar que se faz da mat辿ria, a presen巽a de repercuss達o
geral (tema 500) empresta plausibilidade jur鱈dica tese suscitada pela
recorrente, a recomendar, por ora, a concess達o da medida cautelar, para
suspender decis達o proferida pelo Presidente do Tribunal de Justi巽a do
Estado de S達o Paulo, em sede de Suspens達o de Tutela Antecipada
Intime-se, com a urg棚ncia que o caso requer, pelo meio mais c辿lere,
inclusive fax.
Bras鱈lia, 06 de outubro de 2015, s 22h06min.
Este documento presenta los resultados de una encuesta sobre el reciclaje y la contaminaci坦n ambiental. La encuesta contiene 6 preguntas sobre temas como la urgencia de medidas ambientales, el conocimiento de la recogida selectiva de basura, la disponibilidad de contenedores de reciclaje cerca de los hogares, la clasificaci坦n de basura dom辿stica y los desaf鱈os para clasificar la basura.
The document provides an overview of 16th century Italian art during the High Renaissance and Mannerism periods. It summarizes the key artists of this time including Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, Bramante, Bellini, Giorgione, Titian, and Palladio. It also describes the transition from the High Renaissance style of balanced compositions to the exaggerated Mannerist style that emerged after Raphael's death in 1520.
Este documento describe diferentes m辿todos para organizar y analizar datos estad鱈sticos, incluyendo la recopilaci坦n de datos en una tabla, el c叩lculo de frecuencias absolutas y relativas, el c叩lculo de la media, la identificaci坦n de la moda y el rango, y la representaci坦n de los datos mediante una gr叩fica de barras.
Neoplatonism was a philosophical system that synthesized Platonic, Aristotelian, and Stoic ideas. It experienced a revival during the Renaissance and emphasized that spiritual things were real while material things were not. The goal was to free the soul from the body through knowledge and contemplation. Neoplatonism was embraced by the powerful Medici family in Florence and viewed all sources of inspiration, whether classical mythology or biblical, as means to unite with the divine. Artists like Botticelli produced works allegorizing the relationship between physical and spiritual beauty. Savonarola denounced humanism and Neoplatonism as heretical in 1490s Florence and forced the bonfire of secular art and literature
Este documento discute diferentes concepciones de calidad en la educaci坦n universitaria. Explica que comprender el t辿rmino calidad requiere entender sus dimensiones y ejes fundamentales desde los cuales se puede reconocer la calidad de un sistema educativo. El objetivo es explicitar las opciones ideol坦gicas y pedag坦gicas que enfrentan los tomadores de decisiones para mejorar la calidad de la educaci坦n y enfrentar los retos del siglo XXI. Se analizan cinco concepciones de calidad: fen坦meno excepcional, logro de un prop
This document summarizes various hormonal contraceptive methods. It discusses oral contraceptive pills including combination and progestin-only pills. It describes injectable and implantable contraceptives such as DMPA and Norplant. Emergency contraception methods like Plan B are mentioned. The mechanisms of action, effectiveness, side effects, and contraindications are summarized for each method. Non-contraceptive health benefits are also noted such as reduced cancer risk. Research into male hormonal contraception is described though challenges in reversibly inhibiting spermatogenesis without affecting libido or hormones are acknowledged.
Spain in the 20th century experienced the reign of King Alfonso XIII, the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera from 1923-1930, and the Second Republic from 1931-1939 which established rights for both genders and separation of church and state. A civil war from 1936-1939 resulted in victory for rebel forces led by Franco, beginning a dictatorship until 1975. Franco centralized power under a single authoritarian regime that prohibited opposition and favored Catholicism. In the 1970s, protests increased and upon Franco's death in 1975, Spain transitioned to a democratic constitutional monarchy through a process known as the Transition.
Organizational climate refers to employees' perceptions of the policies, practices and procedures in their workplace. It is shaped by both objective structural factors like rules and policies as well as subjective perceptual factors regarding how employees interpret and respond to their work environment. Organizational climate exists at multiple levels - the overall organization, individual work groups, and personal psychological experiences. It is measured through employee perceptions and influences important outcomes like job satisfaction, performance and retention. Managing organizational climate effectively requires understanding factors that create resistance to change as well as strategies to overcome resistance.
rapid rural appraisal and participatory rural appraisalpooja garg
Rapid Rural Appraisal consists of a series of techniques for "quick and dirty" research that are claimed to generate results of less apparent precision, but greater evidential value, than classic quantitative survey techniques
A growing combination of approaches and methods that enable rural people to share, enhance and analyze their knowledge of life and conditions, to plan and act and to monitor and evaluate.
Este documento presenta un proyecto para aumentar el 鱈ndice de cultura organizacional y contable de los comerciantes informales en el corredor comercial de Venecia en Bogot叩. El proyecto justifica la necesidad de capacitar a los vendedores informales debido a que actualmente no tienen los conocimientos adecuados para gestionar de manera 坦ptima sus negocios. El proyecto tiene como objetivo general aumentar la cultura de la organizaci坦n empresarial en el sector y como objetivos espec鱈ficos analizar informaci坦n sobre comercio, capacitar a las
The document discusses the characteristics of curved mirrors, including concave and convex mirrors. It defines key terms like focal point, focal length, vertex, and describes the four cases of image formation for concave mirrors based on the object's distance from the mirror. Real images can be projected, virtual images appear behind the mirror. Concave mirrors form inverted and magnified or reduced real images. Convex mirrors always form upright, virtual and reduced images. Ray diagrams illustrate the reflection of light rays for both concave and convex mirrors.
Sculptures are three-dimensional objects that take up real space and have mass. Sculptures employ various techniques like modeling, carving, and casting to represent subjects like the human figure, animals, and portraits in diverse materials from wood and marble to modern mixed media. Modern trends in sculpture include kinetic sculptures that move, installations that transform entire spaces, and land art that uses earthworks to create site-specific sculptures in nature.
Modal verbs are used differently than normal verbs. They don't take an 's' for third person singular and questions are formed with inversion. They are followed directly by the infinitive form of another verb without "to."
Modal verbs express abilities, habits, logical assumptions, possibilities, obligations, prohibitions, permissions, and polite requests. They include can, could, will, would, must, have to, should, ought to, need, may, might, mustn't, needn't, and don't have to. Each modal verb has specific meanings and uses depending on the context.
Este documento describe la gastritis, una enfermedad inflamatoria del est坦mago. Explica que la gastritis puede ser aguda o cr坦nica, y que factores como la infecci坦n por Helicobacter pylori, el consumo excesivo de alcohol, y fumar pueden causarla. Tambi辿n detalla la anatom鱈a y fisiolog鱈a del est坦mago y el aparato digestivo, y los s鱈ntomas m叩s comunes de la gastritis como dolor abdominal, n叩useas y v坦mitos.
Xmas Living 2016 - P.431 (Remi Clerima)Natalie Sung
This document appears to be from a photography shoot for a 2016 Christmas publication. It lists the page number, photographer, art director, stylist, model, and photo file names for images taken of the model Remy during a photo shoot. The images were taken for page 431 and credit the creative team involved in the shoot.
This document appears to be a collection of codes related to a photo shoot for a 2017 campaign. The codes reference the photographer, art director, stylist, groomer, and model for a shoot on page 578 featuring model Justin Davis.
Christmas Living 2016 - P.350351 (Lisa Marie Jafthra)Natalie Sung
This document appears to be from a photography studio catalog called "XMAS LIVING 2016" and features photos from pages 350-351 of a model named Lisa Marie Jaftha. The photos were taken by photographer Karl Grieve, with art direction by Peter Knowles and styling by Hester Brodie. Hair and makeup was done by Michael Richmond. Contact information is provided for the online studio, including an order line phone number.
Christmas Living 2016 - P.342343 (Lisa Marie Jaftha)Natalie Sung
The document appears to be from a 2016 Christmas living magazine and includes photographs from a photo shoot. The photographer was Karl Grieve, the art director was Peter Knowles, and the stylist was Hester Brodie. The hair and makeup was done by Michael Richmond and the model was Lisa Marie Jaftha. The photographs were taken to showcase clothing, footwear, and holiday styling ideas. Contact information is provided for online ordering.
The document provides credits for a photo shoot including Ian Mac as the photographer, Sam Morton for art direction, Carol McKitty for styling, Collette Casey for hair and makeup, and Livia Rangel as the model.
This document appears to be notes from a photo shoot for an August 2016 clothing campaign. It lists the date, project name and code, photographer, creative director, stylist, brand representative, and model. It also includes 5 photo IDs from the shoot.
Este documento presenta los resultados de una encuesta sobre el reciclaje y la contaminaci坦n ambiental. La encuesta contiene 6 preguntas sobre temas como la urgencia de medidas ambientales, el conocimiento de la recogida selectiva de basura, la disponibilidad de contenedores de reciclaje cerca de los hogares, la clasificaci坦n de basura dom辿stica y los desaf鱈os para clasificar la basura.
The document provides an overview of 16th century Italian art during the High Renaissance and Mannerism periods. It summarizes the key artists of this time including Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, Bramante, Bellini, Giorgione, Titian, and Palladio. It also describes the transition from the High Renaissance style of balanced compositions to the exaggerated Mannerist style that emerged after Raphael's death in 1520.
Este documento describe diferentes m辿todos para organizar y analizar datos estad鱈sticos, incluyendo la recopilaci坦n de datos en una tabla, el c叩lculo de frecuencias absolutas y relativas, el c叩lculo de la media, la identificaci坦n de la moda y el rango, y la representaci坦n de los datos mediante una gr叩fica de barras.
Neoplatonism was a philosophical system that synthesized Platonic, Aristotelian, and Stoic ideas. It experienced a revival during the Renaissance and emphasized that spiritual things were real while material things were not. The goal was to free the soul from the body through knowledge and contemplation. Neoplatonism was embraced by the powerful Medici family in Florence and viewed all sources of inspiration, whether classical mythology or biblical, as means to unite with the divine. Artists like Botticelli produced works allegorizing the relationship between physical and spiritual beauty. Savonarola denounced humanism and Neoplatonism as heretical in 1490s Florence and forced the bonfire of secular art and literature
Este documento discute diferentes concepciones de calidad en la educaci坦n universitaria. Explica que comprender el t辿rmino calidad requiere entender sus dimensiones y ejes fundamentales desde los cuales se puede reconocer la calidad de un sistema educativo. El objetivo es explicitar las opciones ideol坦gicas y pedag坦gicas que enfrentan los tomadores de decisiones para mejorar la calidad de la educaci坦n y enfrentar los retos del siglo XXI. Se analizan cinco concepciones de calidad: fen坦meno excepcional, logro de un prop
This document summarizes various hormonal contraceptive methods. It discusses oral contraceptive pills including combination and progestin-only pills. It describes injectable and implantable contraceptives such as DMPA and Norplant. Emergency contraception methods like Plan B are mentioned. The mechanisms of action, effectiveness, side effects, and contraindications are summarized for each method. Non-contraceptive health benefits are also noted such as reduced cancer risk. Research into male hormonal contraception is described though challenges in reversibly inhibiting spermatogenesis without affecting libido or hormones are acknowledged.
Spain in the 20th century experienced the reign of King Alfonso XIII, the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera from 1923-1930, and the Second Republic from 1931-1939 which established rights for both genders and separation of church and state. A civil war from 1936-1939 resulted in victory for rebel forces led by Franco, beginning a dictatorship until 1975. Franco centralized power under a single authoritarian regime that prohibited opposition and favored Catholicism. In the 1970s, protests increased and upon Franco's death in 1975, Spain transitioned to a democratic constitutional monarchy through a process known as the Transition.
Organizational climate refers to employees' perceptions of the policies, practices and procedures in their workplace. It is shaped by both objective structural factors like rules and policies as well as subjective perceptual factors regarding how employees interpret and respond to their work environment. Organizational climate exists at multiple levels - the overall organization, individual work groups, and personal psychological experiences. It is measured through employee perceptions and influences important outcomes like job satisfaction, performance and retention. Managing organizational climate effectively requires understanding factors that create resistance to change as well as strategies to overcome resistance.
rapid rural appraisal and participatory rural appraisalpooja garg
Rapid Rural Appraisal consists of a series of techniques for "quick and dirty" research that are claimed to generate results of less apparent precision, but greater evidential value, than classic quantitative survey techniques
A growing combination of approaches and methods that enable rural people to share, enhance and analyze their knowledge of life and conditions, to plan and act and to monitor and evaluate.
Este documento presenta un proyecto para aumentar el 鱈ndice de cultura organizacional y contable de los comerciantes informales en el corredor comercial de Venecia en Bogot叩. El proyecto justifica la necesidad de capacitar a los vendedores informales debido a que actualmente no tienen los conocimientos adecuados para gestionar de manera 坦ptima sus negocios. El proyecto tiene como objetivo general aumentar la cultura de la organizaci坦n empresarial en el sector y como objetivos espec鱈ficos analizar informaci坦n sobre comercio, capacitar a las
The document discusses the characteristics of curved mirrors, including concave and convex mirrors. It defines key terms like focal point, focal length, vertex, and describes the four cases of image formation for concave mirrors based on the object's distance from the mirror. Real images can be projected, virtual images appear behind the mirror. Concave mirrors form inverted and magnified or reduced real images. Convex mirrors always form upright, virtual and reduced images. Ray diagrams illustrate the reflection of light rays for both concave and convex mirrors.
Sculptures are three-dimensional objects that take up real space and have mass. Sculptures employ various techniques like modeling, carving, and casting to represent subjects like the human figure, animals, and portraits in diverse materials from wood and marble to modern mixed media. Modern trends in sculpture include kinetic sculptures that move, installations that transform entire spaces, and land art that uses earthworks to create site-specific sculptures in nature.
Modal verbs are used differently than normal verbs. They don't take an 's' for third person singular and questions are formed with inversion. They are followed directly by the infinitive form of another verb without "to."
Modal verbs express abilities, habits, logical assumptions, possibilities, obligations, prohibitions, permissions, and polite requests. They include can, could, will, would, must, have to, should, ought to, need, may, might, mustn't, needn't, and don't have to. Each modal verb has specific meanings and uses depending on the context.
Este documento describe la gastritis, una enfermedad inflamatoria del est坦mago. Explica que la gastritis puede ser aguda o cr坦nica, y que factores como la infecci坦n por Helicobacter pylori, el consumo excesivo de alcohol, y fumar pueden causarla. Tambi辿n detalla la anatom鱈a y fisiolog鱈a del est坦mago y el aparato digestivo, y los s鱈ntomas m叩s comunes de la gastritis como dolor abdominal, n叩useas y v坦mitos.
Xmas Living 2016 - P.431 (Remi Clerima)Natalie Sung
This document appears to be from a photography shoot for a 2016 Christmas publication. It lists the page number, photographer, art director, stylist, model, and photo file names for images taken of the model Remy during a photo shoot. The images were taken for page 431 and credit the creative team involved in the shoot.
This document appears to be a collection of codes related to a photo shoot for a 2017 campaign. The codes reference the photographer, art director, stylist, groomer, and model for a shoot on page 578 featuring model Justin Davis.
Christmas Living 2016 - P.350351 (Lisa Marie Jafthra)Natalie Sung
This document appears to be from a photography studio catalog called "XMAS LIVING 2016" and features photos from pages 350-351 of a model named Lisa Marie Jaftha. The photos were taken by photographer Karl Grieve, with art direction by Peter Knowles and styling by Hester Brodie. Hair and makeup was done by Michael Richmond. Contact information is provided for the online studio, including an order line phone number.
Christmas Living 2016 - P.342343 (Lisa Marie Jaftha)Natalie Sung
The document appears to be from a 2016 Christmas living magazine and includes photographs from a photo shoot. The photographer was Karl Grieve, the art director was Peter Knowles, and the stylist was Hester Brodie. The hair and makeup was done by Michael Richmond and the model was Lisa Marie Jaftha. The photographs were taken to showcase clothing, footwear, and holiday styling ideas. Contact information is provided for online ordering.
The document provides credits for a photo shoot including Ian Mac as the photographer, Sam Morton for art direction, Carol McKitty for styling, Collette Casey for hair and makeup, and Livia Rangel as the model.
This document appears to be notes from a photo shoot for an August 2016 clothing campaign. It lists the date, project name and code, photographer, creative director, stylist, brand representative, and model. It also includes 5 photo IDs from the shoot.
This document appears to be a production record for a photo shoot from June 27th, 2016. It lists the book as August P666 and names the photographer Willie Runte, advertising executive Sam Morton, stylist Zoe Tilston, hair and makeup artist Becky Cawthra, and model Beth Riley. File names and numbers are included for 4 photos taken.
This document contains information from photo shoots for a Christmas living magazine. It lists the photographer, creative director, stylist, and models for multiple shoots on pages 380, 390, and 391 from August 21, 2016. File names and contact information is provided for images from each shoot.
This document appears to be a casting sheet for a photo shoot, listing the photographer, stylist, and models involved. It includes the page numbers, photographer's name, stylist's name, and agency representation for several child models. Photos were taken for the Spring/Summer 2017 season.