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My	name	is	Jose	Diaz	and	I	am	a	member	of	the	student-run	PR	firm	here	at	Fresno	State.	Im	
working	to	promote	the	2016	STEM	Conference	to	be	held	on	the	Reedley	College	campus.	
News	release	is	attached.	
Our	free	STEM	conference	will	take	place	on	Saturday,	April	23,	from	8:30	a.m.	to	3	p.m.	Middle	
and	high	schools	from	all	over	the	Valley	are	encouraged	to	bring	their	students	to	the	
conference	and	take	part	in	many	activities	like	making	ice	cream	or	playing	with	3-D	pens.	The	
purpose	of	the	event	is	to	instill	in	students	a	desire	to	pursue	a	career	in	science,	technology,	
engineering	or	math.	
I	highly	encourage	you	to	do	a	story	about	the	upcoming	STEM	conference.	Please	let	me	know	
if	you	would	like	me	to	set	up	an	interview	with	the	event	coordinator,	Dr.	Brissa	Quiroz.	I	can	
be	reached	at	jdiaz1994@mail.fresnostate.edu	or	by	phone	at	(559)743-4127.		
And,	if	you	are	also	able	to	attend	the	event,	there	will	be	plenty	of	photo	opportunities	
including	students	engaging	in	fun,	scientific	activities.	
Thank	you	for	your	consideration.	
Jose	Diaz	
Account	Manager	
TALK	Strategic	Promotion	Solutions		
Fresno	State's	Student-Run	PR	Firm

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