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Steve Joyce
Address: 2/2 East Broughton Place, D.O.B: 09 November 1993
Edinburgh, EH1 3RP Nationality: British
Home Tel: 07802608605
Email: steve.joyce@live.co.uk
A recent Mechanical Engineering graduate with vast experience within hospitality and looking to make a first
step into a mechanical or design engineering career. Throughout university and work, I have developed into
a great team player with a very analytical and structured mind as well as a strong desire to learn new things.
My work has given me the opportunity to develop into a leader with the communication skills to engage
fellow workers and management on issues and successes. Mentoring and training work have also shown
myself to be a very patient and supportive worker.
Education and Qualifications
• Accepted into Strathclyde University 2016 - 2017
MSc Design Engineering
• Edinburgh Napier University 2011 - 2015
BEng Mechanical Engineering 2:1
• Glasgow College of Nautical Studies 2010 – 2011
HNC Mechanical Engineering B
• Cumbernauld High School 2005 – 2010
Highers – English A, Computing A, Graphic Communication A, Maths B, Physics C.
Standard Grades – Maths 1, Graphic Communication 1, Physics 1, Computing 1, English 2,
Modern Studies 2, Art and Design 2, French 3.
Employment History
10/2013 to Present
Team Leader, Bar Supervisor, Waiter, Concierge Prestonfield House Hotel
Key Responsibilities
• Providing great customer service to achieve such accolades as a World Top 100, UK Top 25 and
Scotland's Best Hotel.
• Working in all front of house areas of the hotel to develop a diverse skill set that management can
freely implement.
• Liaising with management to discuss business progress and areas to improve.
• Training and mentoring new employees.
• Supervising dining events and staff.
• Developing support material to assist myself and fellow employees with challenging and time
consuming tasks.
• Managing stock consumption throughout the hotel and, primarily, for one of the worlds largest wine
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Working simultaneously within these roles in a five star establishment has has given me a deep insight into
offering great customer service as well as allowing me to succeed at the pinnacle of world hospitality and
European wine service. I work primarily within the bar and with my fellow team members have made great
progress within the past few months to establish and run a highly efficient environment which has allowed
management to utilize our team in other areas of the business during busy and challenging times.
Developing through my first months within the hotel I took on more responsibilities such as team leader
and bar supervisor after displaying my hard work ethic, willingness to learn and adaptability. I have followed
on from these responsibilities to train new employees, supervise full functions and events and become a key
support employee for management and the link between management and the rest of the team.
02/2011 to 08/2013
Waiter Cathay Cuisine
I was previously employed in Cathay Cuisine in Cumbernauld Village, a family run Chinese restaurant and
takeaway dedicated to their food and service. I worked a front of house position catering for customers’
orders to take away as well as working in the restaurant serving food and drinks. This role gave me an
understanding of customer service in busy environments as well as cash handling and other skills necessary
in a customer service role. As I developed in the business, I was regularly given the responsibility of running
the takeaway and restaurant by myself which has taught me a great deal in the running of a business.
Work Experience Elite Printing Services
I also spent a week working in Elite Printing Services in Cumbernauld for my S4 Work Experience placement.
I worked hard alongside an office team; learning the operations of an everyday office environment eg
computer applications, emails, administration, completing orders, liaising with customers and colleagues.
For the later part of the week I worked in the workshop, learning the skills required for the smooth operation
of a busy, factory-like environment eg Health & Safety, CAD design work, completing work schedules,
operation of machinery, handling materials and tools etc.
Most recently I ran the Edinburgh Mens 10k in November to raise money for C.C.L.A.S.P, other interests
include football and playing the guitar.
In June 2013, myself and a team of 6 others travelled to Romania to assist a community on the outskirts of
Constanta. This involved some labour work as well as working with kids in the area and families in poor
circumstances. It was a great experience working in a team that I had only met once before departure and
integrating so well into another culture.
Through my time in the Boys Brigade I worked towards the Queens Badge award, which includes volunteer
work and teamwork. I have worked voluntary in the Craighalbert Center in Cumbernauld. This center helps
young people with Motor Impairment conditions eg spina bifida, cerebral palsy etc. I enjoyed this
experience as it helped me to understand and appreciate some of the challenges which are experienced by
those with disabilities and develop my caring skills.
Reference's and referee details available on request.
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Steve Joyce CV

  • 1. Steve Joyce Address: 2/2 East Broughton Place, D.O.B: 09 November 1993 Edinburgh, EH1 3RP Nationality: British Home Tel: 07802608605 Email: steve.joyce@live.co.uk A recent Mechanical Engineering graduate with vast experience within hospitality and looking to make a first step into a mechanical or design engineering career. Throughout university and work, I have developed into a great team player with a very analytical and structured mind as well as a strong desire to learn new things. My work has given me the opportunity to develop into a leader with the communication skills to engage fellow workers and management on issues and successes. Mentoring and training work have also shown myself to be a very patient and supportive worker. Education and Qualifications • Accepted into Strathclyde University 2016 - 2017 MSc Design Engineering • Edinburgh Napier University 2011 - 2015 BEng Mechanical Engineering 2:1 • Glasgow College of Nautical Studies 2010 – 2011 HNC Mechanical Engineering B • Cumbernauld High School 2005 – 2010 Highers – English A, Computing A, Graphic Communication A, Maths B, Physics C. Standard Grades – Maths 1, Graphic Communication 1, Physics 1, Computing 1, English 2, Modern Studies 2, Art and Design 2, French 3. Employment History 10/2013 to Present Team Leader, Bar Supervisor, Waiter, Concierge Prestonfield House Hotel Key Responsibilities • Providing great customer service to achieve such accolades as a World Top 100, UK Top 25 and Scotland's Best Hotel. • Working in all front of house areas of the hotel to develop a diverse skill set that management can freely implement. • Liaising with management to discuss business progress and areas to improve. • Training and mentoring new employees. • Supervising dining events and staff. • Developing support material to assist myself and fellow employees with challenging and time consuming tasks. • Managing stock consumption throughout the hotel and, primarily, for one of the worlds largest wine lists. Page 1 / 2
  • 2. Working simultaneously within these roles in a five star establishment has has given me a deep insight into offering great customer service as well as allowing me to succeed at the pinnacle of world hospitality and European wine service. I work primarily within the bar and with my fellow team members have made great progress within the past few months to establish and run a highly efficient environment which has allowed management to utilize our team in other areas of the business during busy and challenging times. Developing through my first months within the hotel I took on more responsibilities such as team leader and bar supervisor after displaying my hard work ethic, willingness to learn and adaptability. I have followed on from these responsibilities to train new employees, supervise full functions and events and become a key support employee for management and the link between management and the rest of the team. 02/2011 to 08/2013 Waiter Cathay Cuisine I was previously employed in Cathay Cuisine in Cumbernauld Village, a family run Chinese restaurant and takeaway dedicated to their food and service. I worked a front of house position catering for customers’ orders to take away as well as working in the restaurant serving food and drinks. This role gave me an understanding of customer service in busy environments as well as cash handling and other skills necessary in a customer service role. As I developed in the business, I was regularly given the responsibility of running the takeaway and restaurant by myself which has taught me a great deal in the running of a business. 11/2009 Work Experience Elite Printing Services I also spent a week working in Elite Printing Services in Cumbernauld for my S4 Work Experience placement. I worked hard alongside an office team; learning the operations of an everyday office environment eg computer applications, emails, administration, completing orders, liaising with customers and colleagues. For the later part of the week I worked in the workshop, learning the skills required for the smooth operation of a busy, factory-like environment eg Health & Safety, CAD design work, completing work schedules, operation of machinery, handling materials and tools etc. Interests Most recently I ran the Edinburgh Mens 10k in November to raise money for C.C.L.A.S.P, other interests include football and playing the guitar. In June 2013, myself and a team of 6 others travelled to Romania to assist a community on the outskirts of Constanta. This involved some labour work as well as working with kids in the area and families in poor circumstances. It was a great experience working in a team that I had only met once before departure and integrating so well into another culture. Through my time in the Boys Brigade I worked towards the Queens Badge award, which includes volunteer work and teamwork. I have worked voluntary in the Craighalbert Center in Cumbernauld. This center helps young people with Motor Impairment conditions eg spina bifida, cerebral palsy etc. I enjoyed this experience as it helped me to understand and appreciate some of the challenges which are experienced by those with disabilities and develop my caring skills. References Reference's and referee details available on request. Page 2 / 2