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Stirling Henry 2010 Brochure
STIRLING HENRY GLOBAL MIGRATION                              Stirling Henry places      and identification of
                                                             great emphasis on          regulatory breaches.
WAS ESTABLISHED IN SYDNEY IN                                 partnering with our        Stirling Henry services
1991 AND IS REGARDED AS ONE OF                               clients to better          include mock audits
                                                             understand their           to ensure regulatory
THE LEADING SPECIALIST MIGRATION                             business needs and         compliance. We
FIRMS IN AUSTRALIA.                                          to deliver the best        are also proud of
                                                             migration outcomes.        our reputation as
                                                             Our consultants            forceful advocates
                                                             regularly visit North      for clients interests
           At Stirling Henry we are dedicated to providing   America, Europe,           during Department
           specialist, corporate migration services to       South-East Asia and        of Immigration and
           companies from all sectors of the Australian      the Subcontinent to        Citizenship audits.
           market. Stirling Henry clients include world      provide client briefings
           leaders in IT, finance, construction, resources   on Australian migration    With our up-front,
                                                             trends and to provide      transparent pricing,
           and manufacturing industries.
                                                             strategic advice at        Stirling Henrys clients
                                                             executive level so that    are able to predict
           Stirling Henry operates within an increasingly    our clients are able       and budget for their
           globalised market and recognises that our         to effectively manage      migration service
           clients needs require a firm with global         their ongoing people       needs.
           reach. With a presence in Sydney, Melbourne,      mobility demands.
           Perth and Los Angeles, Stirling Henry is able                                We provide corporate
           to provide personalised service wherever you      We also provide            clients with a
           are located.                                      training to human          personal contact
                                                             resources and mobility     and ensure efficient
           We are affiliated with top-ten migration firms    managers in order          communication,
                                                             to streamline their        regardless of time
           in the US, and linked to specialist migration
                                                             migration procedures       zones.
           firms in strategic locations around the globe.
                                                             and achieve faster,
                                                             more cost-effective        Our size and specialist
           Stirling Henry provides a full range of inbound   visa processing. Our       expertise ensures that
           and outbound professional, corporate and          experienced migration      you are always dealing
           individual migration services to clients in       consultants provide        with experienced,
           North America, Europe, Africa and Asia-Pacific.   client and industry        registered migration
                                                             focussed migration         consultants and receive
                                                             solutions and our          prompt, professional
                                                             in-house lawyers           and personalised
                                                             ensure that your           service dedicated
                                                             organisation               to achieving your
                                                             complies with              migration goals.
                                                             Australian regulatory
                                                             requirements.              As an independent
                                                                                        firm, solely dedicated
                                                             As Australian              to migration, Stirling
                                                             migration regulation       Henry is uniquely
                                                             continues to place         placed to provide
                                                             greater emphasis on        competitive global
                                                             compliance obligations,    migration services,
                                                             we are constantly          while reducing your
                                                             mindful of the risk to     risk to business
                                                             employers and their        interruption through
                                                             business continuation      delayed visa processing
                                                             as a result of             or government
                                                             government monitoring      intervention.
The AusTrAliAn              A ChAnGinG
MArkeT                      enVirOnMenT
Australia has fared         The Australian Federal
better than most            Government has
advanced economies          recently introduced
over recent years           wide ranging changes
and future growth           to inbound skilled and
in the resources,           corporate migration
manufacturing               and further changes are
and IT industries is        foreshadowed. These
expected to create          changes have increased
an increased demand         the complexity of
for skilled workers.        inbound migration to
Australia faces             Australia and impose
challenges as a result      greater obligations on
                                                       experT AdViCe             Our COMMiTMenT
of an ageing population     employer-sponsors.
                                                       Stirling Henry has        Stirling Henry is
and an anticipated
                                                       a valued reputation       committed to providing
shortage of local skilled   The legislative
                                                       for providing             high-quality, timely and
workers. Australia          environment in
                                                       client and industry       cost-effective migration
therefore remains in        which corporations
                                                       specific migration        services, tailored to the
ongoing need of skilled     now operate in
                                                       advice. We focus on       needs of corporate and
workers to fill roles not   Australia demands
                                                       corporate migration       individual clients.
able to be met from         greater adherence to
                                                       and distinguish
the local labour market.    regulatory compliance.
                                                       ourselves through
                            It is essential that
                                                       our commitment to
As world economic           companies engaging
                                                       understanding your
power inevitably shifts     overseas workers
                                                       business and migration
towards the emerging        within Australia obtain
                                                       needs. Our team of
Chinese and Indian          comprehensive and
                                                       experienced, registered
economies, Australia        expert migration
                                                       migration consultants
is ideally located as       advice, specific to
                                                       provides strategic,
an advanced, stable         their industry. Stirling
and well regulated          Henry is proud of its
                                                       migration advice and
base from which to          reputation for providing
                                                       accurate, timely visa
take advantage of           these high-level
developing business         migration services.
opportunities in Asia.
Our Management Team

Michael Snell                  Tim Denney                    Peter Snell
CEO                            General Manager               Lawyer
Lawyer                         Registered Migration Agent    Registered Migration Agent
                               MARN: 9683856                 MARN: 0956898

Michael Snell is skilled in    Stirling Henrys General      Peter Snell provides
managing political and         Manager, Tim Denney           strategic advice to
media sensitive matters        is highly regarded as         corporations seeking to
of strategic importance        an expert in corporate        access the expatriate labour
to corporate clients. Prior    migration and is one of       market. With more than
to joining Stirling Henry      a select few migration        10 years experience as a
as CEO, Michael was a          agents to receive an          lawyer, and a registered
senior partner in a national   Award of Excellence           migration agent who has
law firm. He has extensive     from the Department of        acted for clients from the
experience in administrative   Immigration. Tim has          manufacturing, resources,
law and litigation, acting     over 15 years experience      financial and government
for Commonwealth               providing migration           sectors, Peter has a strong
government departments,        advice and services to our    understanding of client
statutory authorities and      clients. Tim is a Governor    business expectations
corporations, including the    of the NSW branch of the      and provides guidance for
Department of Immigration      American Chamber of           organisations wishing to
and Citizenship. Michael       Commerce and a member         operate with the constantly
advised Commonwealth           of the American Australian    evolving and complex
bodies on regulatory issues    Association and Worldwide     legislative environment
for their compliance with      ERC. Tim regularly presents   now governing Australian
licence and statutory          Australian Corporate          migration.
obligations, auditing of       Migration seminars in
processes and dispute          Australia and abroad.

Sydney                         Los Angeles                   Migration Agent                Stirling Henry Global
Head Office                    350 N. Crescent Dr. #107      Registration                   Migration has a policy
Level 1                        Beverly Hills, Los Angeles    All persons, including         of employing only
350 Kent Street                CA 90210                      lawyers, who provide           highly skilled registered
Sydney NSW 2000                p: +1 310 278 2574            migration advice and           migration agents with
p: +61 2 9279 0202             f: +1 480 287 9508            assistance in Australia must   specialist experience in
f: +61 2 9279 0203             e: usa@stirlinghenry.com      be registered migration        corporate migration.
e: visas@stirlinghenry.com                                   agents. The registration
                                                             body is the Migration
                                                             Agents Registration
                                                             Authority (MARA).
                                                             Registered Migration
                                                             Agents must subscribe
                                                             to a code of conduct

www.stirlinghenry.com                                        (www.themara.com.au/

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Stirling Henry 2010 Brochure

  • 2. STIRLING HENRY GLOBAL MIGRATION Stirling Henry places and identification of great emphasis on regulatory breaches. WAS ESTABLISHED IN SYDNEY IN partnering with our Stirling Henry services 1991 AND IS REGARDED AS ONE OF clients to better include mock audits understand their to ensure regulatory THE LEADING SPECIALIST MIGRATION business needs and compliance. We FIRMS IN AUSTRALIA. to deliver the best are also proud of migration outcomes. our reputation as Our consultants forceful advocates regularly visit North for clients interests At Stirling Henry we are dedicated to providing America, Europe, during Department specialist, corporate migration services to South-East Asia and of Immigration and companies from all sectors of the Australian the Subcontinent to Citizenship audits. market. Stirling Henry clients include world provide client briefings leaders in IT, finance, construction, resources on Australian migration With our up-front, trends and to provide transparent pricing, and manufacturing industries. strategic advice at Stirling Henrys clients executive level so that are able to predict Stirling Henry operates within an increasingly our clients are able and budget for their globalised market and recognises that our to effectively manage migration service clients needs require a firm with global their ongoing people needs. reach. With a presence in Sydney, Melbourne, mobility demands. Perth and Los Angeles, Stirling Henry is able We provide corporate to provide personalised service wherever you We also provide clients with a are located. training to human personal contact resources and mobility and ensure efficient We are affiliated with top-ten migration firms managers in order communication, to streamline their regardless of time in the US, and linked to specialist migration migration procedures zones. firms in strategic locations around the globe. and achieve faster, more cost-effective Our size and specialist Stirling Henry provides a full range of inbound visa processing. Our expertise ensures that and outbound professional, corporate and experienced migration you are always dealing individual migration services to clients in consultants provide with experienced, North America, Europe, Africa and Asia-Pacific. client and industry registered migration focussed migration consultants and receive solutions and our prompt, professional in-house lawyers and personalised ensure that your service dedicated organisation to achieving your complies with migration goals. Australian regulatory requirements. As an independent firm, solely dedicated As Australian to migration, Stirling migration regulation Henry is uniquely continues to place placed to provide greater emphasis on competitive global compliance obligations, migration services, we are constantly while reducing your mindful of the risk to risk to business employers and their interruption through business continuation delayed visa processing as a result of or government government monitoring intervention.
  • 3. The AusTrAliAn A ChAnGinG MArkeT enVirOnMenT Australia has fared The Australian Federal better than most Government has advanced economies recently introduced over recent years wide ranging changes and future growth to inbound skilled and in the resources, corporate migration manufacturing and further changes are and IT industries is foreshadowed. These expected to create changes have increased an increased demand the complexity of for skilled workers. inbound migration to Australia faces Australia and impose challenges as a result greater obligations on experT AdViCe Our COMMiTMenT of an ageing population employer-sponsors. Stirling Henry has Stirling Henry is and an anticipated a valued reputation committed to providing shortage of local skilled The legislative for providing high-quality, timely and workers. Australia environment in client and industry cost-effective migration therefore remains in which corporations specific migration services, tailored to the ongoing need of skilled now operate in advice. We focus on needs of corporate and workers to fill roles not Australia demands corporate migration individual clients. able to be met from greater adherence to and distinguish the local labour market. regulatory compliance. ourselves through It is essential that our commitment to As world economic companies engaging understanding your power inevitably shifts overseas workers business and migration towards the emerging within Australia obtain needs. Our team of Chinese and Indian comprehensive and experienced, registered economies, Australia expert migration migration consultants is ideally located as advice, specific to provides strategic, an advanced, stable their industry. Stirling client-focused and well regulated Henry is proud of its migration advice and base from which to reputation for providing accurate, timely visa take advantage of these high-level processing. developing business migration services. opportunities in Asia.
  • 4. Our Management Team Michael Snell Tim Denney Peter Snell CEO General Manager Lawyer Lawyer Registered Migration Agent Registered Migration Agent MARN: 9683856 MARN: 0956898 Michael Snell is skilled in Stirling Henrys General Peter Snell provides managing political and Manager, Tim Denney strategic advice to media sensitive matters is highly regarded as corporations seeking to of strategic importance an expert in corporate access the expatriate labour to corporate clients. Prior migration and is one of market. With more than to joining Stirling Henry a select few migration 10 years experience as a as CEO, Michael was a agents to receive an lawyer, and a registered senior partner in a national Award of Excellence migration agent who has law firm. He has extensive from the Department of acted for clients from the experience in administrative Immigration. Tim has manufacturing, resources, law and litigation, acting over 15 years experience financial and government for Commonwealth providing migration sectors, Peter has a strong government departments, advice and services to our understanding of client statutory authorities and clients. Tim is a Governor business expectations corporations, including the of the NSW branch of the and provides guidance for Department of Immigration American Chamber of organisations wishing to and Citizenship. Michael Commerce and a member operate with the constantly advised Commonwealth of the American Australian evolving and complex bodies on regulatory issues Association and Worldwide legislative environment for their compliance with ERC. Tim regularly presents now governing Australian licence and statutory Australian Corporate migration. obligations, auditing of Migration seminars in processes and dispute Australia and abroad. management. Sydney Los Angeles Migration Agent Stirling Henry Global Head Office 350 N. Crescent Dr. #107 Registration Migration has a policy Level 1 Beverly Hills, Los Angeles All persons, including of employing only 350 Kent Street CA 90210 lawyers, who provide highly skilled registered Sydney NSW 2000 p: +1 310 278 2574 migration advice and migration agents with p: +61 2 9279 0202 f: +1 480 287 9508 assistance in Australia must specialist experience in f: +61 2 9279 0203 e: usa@stirlinghenry.com be registered migration corporate migration. e: visas@stirlinghenry.com agents. The registration body is the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA). Registered Migration Agents must subscribe to a code of conduct www.stirlinghenry.com (www.themara.com.au/ mara/reference/conduct/).