The document discusses scenario planning for Q-Tech Source, a document imaging outsourcing company in Qatar, over the next 5 years. It identifies key uncertainties like a prolonged recession, potential joint ventures/mergers, threats from foreign competitors, and unfavorable legislation. Three scenarios are presented: 1) increased hostility from sums forces, 2) intense competition, and 3) head-on competition. Strategic alliances through mergers or joint ventures are recommended to strengthen Q-Tech Source's position in potential difficult times. Maintaining cost management and operational excellence are also advised.
The document discusses various software development lifecycle models including:
1. The waterfall model which follows sequential phases from requirements to delivery. It is easy to understand but inflexible.
2. Code-and-fix which starts with informal ideas and code without planning. It is dangerous and only suitable for small proofs of concept.
3. The spiral model which takes an iterative approach including risk analysis and management on each cycle. It accurately reflects iterative development but is complex.
4. Rapid prototyping emphasizes requirements analysis through building prototypes and getting customer feedback in iterations. It reduces risk but requires extensive customer involvement.
5. Agile methods like extreme programming (XP) value individuals, working software
Modelling Determinants of Software Development Outsourcing for NigeriaIJMTST Journal
Software Development Outsourcing is one of the common practices in global business operations today; a
practice that has to a large extent changed the landscape of IT services in Nigeria. This research predicts a
fitted model using a number of success factors, for software development outsourcing in Nigeria. The
researchers adopted six success factors (Cost Saving and Financial Stability, Effective Communication and
Trust, Technical Expertise and Knowledge Transfer, Understanding Software Development Outsourcing
Industry, Effective Software Privacy and Security, and Overcome Cultural Barrier) for use from a prior study
carried out using factor analysis; and these six success factors were analysed using multiple regression to
determine those that are critical for software development outsourcing. The result of the analysis indicates
that both individually and collectively, the six success factors are all critical to software development
outsourcing in Nigeria. A model was thus derived to predict successful software development outsourcing;
= . + . 垂 + . 垂 + . 垂 + . 垂 + . 垂 + 0.188垂, with denoting the predicted
outcome (successful software development outsourcing), and to denotes the six independent predictor
variables. IT Businesses and organizations in Nigeria should therefore pay maximum attention to these
critical success factors in other to achieve a significant stride in outsourcing the development of their
software. In addition, the result of this research can be applied in further studies as well as in literatures.
Building Innovative Industry Solutions for System zdkang
This document summarizes a presentation about using System z for smarter computing. It discusses how System z can help organizations reduce IT costs across various industries by up to 56% while improving capabilities. Examples are given of companies leveraging System z to deliver new innovations in areas like transportation, banking, and technology. Industry frameworks are presented as the foundation of IBM's industry solutions, with System z playing a key role in supporting workloads like core banking, payments, and risk management.
This document summarizes a study that investigated factors affecting requirements adherence to business processes in agile projects. The study conducted a cross-case analysis of seven companies, collecting data through interviews, observations, and document analysis. The analysis identified that customer business knowledge by the development team and customer availability during requirements elicitation and validation are essential for requirements to align with business needs in agile projects. This allows developed systems to better meet the needs of an organization's business processes.
The Work Ahead in Manufacturing: Fulfilling the Agility MandateCognizant
Manufacturers are ahead of other industries in IoT deployments but lag in investments in analytics and AI needed to maximize IoT's benefits. While many have IoT pilots, few have implemented machine learning at scale to analyze sensor data and optimize processes. To fully digitize manufacturing, investments in automation, analytics, and AI must increase from the current 5.5% of revenue to over 11% to integrate IT, OT, and PT across the value chain.
Prof. Vladimir Marik presented at Stanford's program on European Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Engineering School. At the invitation from Burton Lee, PhD, MBA Lecturer at Stanford School of Engineering.
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to describe the analysis phase, define requirements like purpose, scope and boundaries, and detail functional requirements and data flow. During analysis, the client's needs are extracted through interviews, questionnaires and observations to create a software specification. This specification outlines the scope, boundaries and functional requirements and is verified by the client. It forms the basis for development but may require revisions if limitations are identified. Analysis establishes the purpose, scope, boundaries and functional requirements to guide development.
The term technical debt' and the challenges it can bring are becoming more widely understood and discussed by IT practitioners, vendor managers and business leaders. If you're looking at technical debt in your organization, or already thinking about measuring technical debt with your vendors, you will find this report useful.
Wolters Kluwer and Risk.Net present the current challenges, priorities and trends influencing banks investment in risktech and assesses how they can drive better value in the future. Survey report.
Kislaya Kumar Singh provides a summary of his career objective, education, experience, technical skills, projects, and work experience. He has a Post Graduate Program in Business Analytics and Business Intelligence in progress and a Bachelor's degree in Information Science. His experience includes data modeling, machine learning, data analysis tools like Python and R, and statistical modeling. Some of his projects include analyzing cricket data, factor analysis of cereal brands, clustering engineering colleges, and predictive modeling of employee attrition. He has worked as a Technical Lead for Western Union and as a Software Engineer for Symantec, where his responsibilities included API testing, incident management, and executing various security and code coverage tools.
This document summarizes a dissertation submitted by Madhumanti Samaddar to fulfill requirements for a Post-Graduate Diploma in Management from the Institute of Management Technology (IMT) in Ghaziabad, India. The dissertation focuses on improving project management processes related to risk management. It presents literature on risk management practices in project management and models for achieving project management maturity. It also describes research conducted through industry surveys to understand current risk management awareness, practices, and maturity levels achieved in different industries like engineering, procurement and construction. The research aims to understand the relationship between project management maturity and effective risk management.
Establishing risk management factors for construction projects in iraqIAEME Publication
This document summarizes a research study that aimed to identify and evaluate key risk factors for construction projects in Iraq. A questionnaire was distributed to 75 respondents representing clients, consultants, and contractors. It identified 65 critical risk factors that were categorized into 8 groups: financial, legal, management, market, political/security, technical, environmental, and social. The top 10 most important risk factors identified were security measures, loss due to corruption/bribery, loss due to bureaucracy, unofficial holidays, loss due to political changes, increase in materials prices, unfair tendering, improper project planning/budgeting, design changes, and increased labor costs. The study analyzed the risk factors based on their frequency, severity, and importance using statistical analysis
The Quality Logs-Jam: Why Alerting for Cybersecurity is Awash with False Po...Mark Underwood
What happens when the (Observe) Plan-Do-Check-Adjust cycle is undermined by lapses in data integrity? Observations are questioned. Plans may be ill-conceived. Actions may be undertaken that undermine rather than enhance. Checks can fail. Adjustments may be guesswork. In cybersecurity, the results of poor data integrity can be expensive outages, ransom requests, breaches, fines -- even bankruptcy (think Cambridge Analytica). But data integrity issues take many forms, ranging from benign to malicious. The full range of these issues is surveyed from a cybersecurity perspective, where logs and alerts are critical for defenders -- as well as quality engineers . Techniques borrowed from model-based systems engineering and ontology AI to are identified that can mitigate these deleterious effects on PDCA.
This document discusses how Troux software can help plug critical management information gaps. It provides answers to key business and IT questions around disconnects between IT and business, technology risks, current IT costs, portfolio savings, necessary applications and contracts, unsupported technologies, the application landscape, optimization opportunities, changes to the technology roadmap, roadmap risks, impacted business processes, reusable designs, enterprise interdependencies, required data collection, and how the future landscape should look. Troux uniquely empowers EA teams to quickly deliver consolidated, visual summaries of enterprise information to address strategic questions.
Claims Management And Assessment Through Documentationvivatechijri
This document summarizes a research paper on claims management and assessment through documentation in construction projects. The research aimed to present key concepts of construction claims and claims management from the contractor's perspective. A survey was conducted of 300 claims management staff from contractor organizations to assess claims management efficiency. The research found that contractors performed tasks like identifying changes, documenting changes, and analyzing time/cost impacts efficiently. Areas for improvement included actively notifying about changes, negotiating claims, and identifying defensive changes. The results can help contractors strengthen efficient processes and improve weaker areas to better manage claims.
In the outsourcing territory, research and development (R&D) is considered the final frontier. Thats because R&D is seen as a source of...innovation the mother of competitiveness, which is to be protected at any cost. As we all well know, from our business studies text books, core activities should never be outsourced.
This document discusses three models of change management strategy for information systems (IS) specialists: the traditional IS model, the facilitator model, and the advocate model. The traditional model views technology as the driver of change and the IS specialist as an expert responsible only for technical matters. This can lead to reduced credibility and inhibit organizational change. The facilitator model sees people, not technology, as the drivers of change and positions the IS specialist as a facilitator of group processes to build user capacity. The advocate model positions the IS specialist as responsible for achieving organizational change through technology.
The document discusses several common change management models:
- The ADKAR model focuses on individual change and how it must match organizational change.
- Kotter's 8-step model includes phases of unfreezing, changing, and refreezing an organization.
- Lewin's 3-phase model highlights the psychological differences between change and transition.
- The McKinsey 7S model offers a holistic approach to understand how rational and emotional components in an organization are interconnected.
You can receive our Powerpoint slides by sharing this presentation and submitting your email at | Digital Transformation Strategy Template and Training | By ex-Deloitte and McKinsey Consultants
This document provides an overview of key principles and activities for effective change management in corporate transformations. It discusses (1) principles of change including that change is a process enabled not managed and behavioral change occurs at the emotional level, (2) five key activities for change management - motivating change, creating a vision, developing political support, managing the transition, and sustaining momentum, and (3) additional concepts like overcoming resistance to change, roles in organizational change, and skills needed by change agents.
This document provides an overview of leading corporate change and change management. It discusses key principles of change including viewing change as a process, linking change to business goals, building organizational capacity for change, and understanding that behavioral change occurs at the emotional level. It also outlines five key activities for effective change management: motivating change, creating a vision, developing political support, managing the transition, and sustaining momentum. Additionally, it discusses forces for change, resistance to change, and elements to enable change such as change architecture, communication, performance management, and leadership capacity.
This presentation discusses change management strategies. It defines change management as applying tools, processes, skills and principles to manage people through change to achieve project goals. The key aspects of change management include understanding who is impacted, supporting change teams and strategies, and analyzing risks and resistance. An effective change management strategy considers timing, culture, short-term wins, and clear communication. Strategies include visioning, engaging employees, amending plans based on feedback, committed communication, and managing the change project until the new approach is established.
1. Quantum technology is based on principles of quantum mechanics developed in the early 20th century and describes nature at the atomic scale. The second revolution of quantum technology focuses on quantum computing, communications, and sensing.
2. The document discusses the maturity levels and market sizes of different segments within quantum computing, communications, and sensing. It also analyzes investments and partnerships in the field of quantum technologies globally.
3. Industries like chemicals, pharmaceuticals, automotive, banking and defense are expected to see near term impact from quantum computing capabilities between 2025-2035.
The document discusses a webinar on system modernization among APAC insurers. It provides an overview of the webinar agenda, which includes a discussion on how system modernization can enhance customer experience while reducing costs. It also shares key findings from a Forrester study on the system modernization landscape in APAC. The study found that most insurers see system modernization as critical to business success but face challenges modernizing legacy systems. Claims management systems were the highest priority for modernization. Most insurers are taking steps like cloud migration and retooling core systems rather than replacing or retiring them.
Response to DCMS Digital Communications Infrastructure Strategy consultationMartin Geddes
This document is a joint response of Predictable Network Solutions Ltd and Martin Geddes Consulting Ltd to the UKs Department for Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) consultation on Digital Communications Infrastructure Strategy.
This document discusses the rapidly changing landscape of technology in the financial services industry from 2020 and beyond. It identifies 10 key technology trends that will impact financial institutions, including the rise of fintech driving new business models, adoption of blockchain, increased use of customer data analytics, growth of cloud computing and cybersecurity risks. The document urges financial institution executives to develop clear technology strategies to navigate these changes and compete successfully in the future.
The document discusses challenges with application rationalization and modernization projects. It notes that such projects carry high risks of delays and failures due to issues like internal politics, workload coexistence, and inaccurate savings expectations. Additionally, obtaining and managing data for testing during these projects can be very difficult and expensive due to the large amounts of storage needed. The Delphix Modernization Engine is presented as a solution to help mitigate these risks and challenges. It does so through capabilities like virtualizing data to reduce storage needs, efficiently synchronizing data between environments, and providing automated data services.
Wolters Kluwer and Risk.Net present the current challenges, priorities and trends influencing banks investment in risktech and assesses how they can drive better value in the future. Survey report.
Kislaya Kumar Singh provides a summary of his career objective, education, experience, technical skills, projects, and work experience. He has a Post Graduate Program in Business Analytics and Business Intelligence in progress and a Bachelor's degree in Information Science. His experience includes data modeling, machine learning, data analysis tools like Python and R, and statistical modeling. Some of his projects include analyzing cricket data, factor analysis of cereal brands, clustering engineering colleges, and predictive modeling of employee attrition. He has worked as a Technical Lead for Western Union and as a Software Engineer for Symantec, where his responsibilities included API testing, incident management, and executing various security and code coverage tools.
This document summarizes a dissertation submitted by Madhumanti Samaddar to fulfill requirements for a Post-Graduate Diploma in Management from the Institute of Management Technology (IMT) in Ghaziabad, India. The dissertation focuses on improving project management processes related to risk management. It presents literature on risk management practices in project management and models for achieving project management maturity. It also describes research conducted through industry surveys to understand current risk management awareness, practices, and maturity levels achieved in different industries like engineering, procurement and construction. The research aims to understand the relationship between project management maturity and effective risk management.
Establishing risk management factors for construction projects in iraqIAEME Publication
This document summarizes a research study that aimed to identify and evaluate key risk factors for construction projects in Iraq. A questionnaire was distributed to 75 respondents representing clients, consultants, and contractors. It identified 65 critical risk factors that were categorized into 8 groups: financial, legal, management, market, political/security, technical, environmental, and social. The top 10 most important risk factors identified were security measures, loss due to corruption/bribery, loss due to bureaucracy, unofficial holidays, loss due to political changes, increase in materials prices, unfair tendering, improper project planning/budgeting, design changes, and increased labor costs. The study analyzed the risk factors based on their frequency, severity, and importance using statistical analysis
The Quality Logs-Jam: Why Alerting for Cybersecurity is Awash with False Po...Mark Underwood
What happens when the (Observe) Plan-Do-Check-Adjust cycle is undermined by lapses in data integrity? Observations are questioned. Plans may be ill-conceived. Actions may be undertaken that undermine rather than enhance. Checks can fail. Adjustments may be guesswork. In cybersecurity, the results of poor data integrity can be expensive outages, ransom requests, breaches, fines -- even bankruptcy (think Cambridge Analytica). But data integrity issues take many forms, ranging from benign to malicious. The full range of these issues is surveyed from a cybersecurity perspective, where logs and alerts are critical for defenders -- as well as quality engineers . Techniques borrowed from model-based systems engineering and ontology AI to are identified that can mitigate these deleterious effects on PDCA.
This document discusses how Troux software can help plug critical management information gaps. It provides answers to key business and IT questions around disconnects between IT and business, technology risks, current IT costs, portfolio savings, necessary applications and contracts, unsupported technologies, the application landscape, optimization opportunities, changes to the technology roadmap, roadmap risks, impacted business processes, reusable designs, enterprise interdependencies, required data collection, and how the future landscape should look. Troux uniquely empowers EA teams to quickly deliver consolidated, visual summaries of enterprise information to address strategic questions.
Claims Management And Assessment Through Documentationvivatechijri
This document summarizes a research paper on claims management and assessment through documentation in construction projects. The research aimed to present key concepts of construction claims and claims management from the contractor's perspective. A survey was conducted of 300 claims management staff from contractor organizations to assess claims management efficiency. The research found that contractors performed tasks like identifying changes, documenting changes, and analyzing time/cost impacts efficiently. Areas for improvement included actively notifying about changes, negotiating claims, and identifying defensive changes. The results can help contractors strengthen efficient processes and improve weaker areas to better manage claims.
In the outsourcing territory, research and development (R&D) is considered the final frontier. Thats because R&D is seen as a source of...innovation the mother of competitiveness, which is to be protected at any cost. As we all well know, from our business studies text books, core activities should never be outsourced.
This document discusses three models of change management strategy for information systems (IS) specialists: the traditional IS model, the facilitator model, and the advocate model. The traditional model views technology as the driver of change and the IS specialist as an expert responsible only for technical matters. This can lead to reduced credibility and inhibit organizational change. The facilitator model sees people, not technology, as the drivers of change and positions the IS specialist as a facilitator of group processes to build user capacity. The advocate model positions the IS specialist as responsible for achieving organizational change through technology.
The document discusses several common change management models:
- The ADKAR model focuses on individual change and how it must match organizational change.
- Kotter's 8-step model includes phases of unfreezing, changing, and refreezing an organization.
- Lewin's 3-phase model highlights the psychological differences between change and transition.
- The McKinsey 7S model offers a holistic approach to understand how rational and emotional components in an organization are interconnected.
You can receive our Powerpoint slides by sharing this presentation and submitting your email at | Digital Transformation Strategy Template and Training | By ex-Deloitte and McKinsey Consultants
This document provides an overview of key principles and activities for effective change management in corporate transformations. It discusses (1) principles of change including that change is a process enabled not managed and behavioral change occurs at the emotional level, (2) five key activities for change management - motivating change, creating a vision, developing political support, managing the transition, and sustaining momentum, and (3) additional concepts like overcoming resistance to change, roles in organizational change, and skills needed by change agents.
This document provides an overview of leading corporate change and change management. It discusses key principles of change including viewing change as a process, linking change to business goals, building organizational capacity for change, and understanding that behavioral change occurs at the emotional level. It also outlines five key activities for effective change management: motivating change, creating a vision, developing political support, managing the transition, and sustaining momentum. Additionally, it discusses forces for change, resistance to change, and elements to enable change such as change architecture, communication, performance management, and leadership capacity.
This presentation discusses change management strategies. It defines change management as applying tools, processes, skills and principles to manage people through change to achieve project goals. The key aspects of change management include understanding who is impacted, supporting change teams and strategies, and analyzing risks and resistance. An effective change management strategy considers timing, culture, short-term wins, and clear communication. Strategies include visioning, engaging employees, amending plans based on feedback, committed communication, and managing the change project until the new approach is established.
1. Quantum technology is based on principles of quantum mechanics developed in the early 20th century and describes nature at the atomic scale. The second revolution of quantum technology focuses on quantum computing, communications, and sensing.
2. The document discusses the maturity levels and market sizes of different segments within quantum computing, communications, and sensing. It also analyzes investments and partnerships in the field of quantum technologies globally.
3. Industries like chemicals, pharmaceuticals, automotive, banking and defense are expected to see near term impact from quantum computing capabilities between 2025-2035.
The document discusses a webinar on system modernization among APAC insurers. It provides an overview of the webinar agenda, which includes a discussion on how system modernization can enhance customer experience while reducing costs. It also shares key findings from a Forrester study on the system modernization landscape in APAC. The study found that most insurers see system modernization as critical to business success but face challenges modernizing legacy systems. Claims management systems were the highest priority for modernization. Most insurers are taking steps like cloud migration and retooling core systems rather than replacing or retiring them.
Response to DCMS Digital Communications Infrastructure Strategy consultationMartin Geddes
This document is a joint response of Predictable Network Solutions Ltd and Martin Geddes Consulting Ltd to the UKs Department for Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) consultation on Digital Communications Infrastructure Strategy.
This document discusses the rapidly changing landscape of technology in the financial services industry from 2020 and beyond. It identifies 10 key technology trends that will impact financial institutions, including the rise of fintech driving new business models, adoption of blockchain, increased use of customer data analytics, growth of cloud computing and cybersecurity risks. The document urges financial institution executives to develop clear technology strategies to navigate these changes and compete successfully in the future.
The document discusses challenges with application rationalization and modernization projects. It notes that such projects carry high risks of delays and failures due to issues like internal politics, workload coexistence, and inaccurate savings expectations. Additionally, obtaining and managing data for testing during these projects can be very difficult and expensive due to the large amounts of storage needed. The Delphix Modernization Engine is presented as a solution to help mitigate these risks and challenges. It does so through capabilities like virtualizing data to reduce storage needs, efficiently synchronizing data between environments, and providing automated data services.
How are organizations in Asia-Pacific using cloud to drive business innovation? How are they balancing the rising demand for data-intensive technologies with overall business objectives? Whats driving the move to industry cloud? Find out in this brief.
How are organizations in the United Kingdom & Ireland using cloud-enabled business models to innovate at scale? What is clouds role in sustainability? Learn these answers and other findings in this brief.
The document discusses the rise of cloud computing in healthcare and financial services industries in India. It highlights that while cloud adoption is increasing in these industries due to benefits like scalability, there are still concerns around data security and privacy due to the sensitive nature of data handled. The document notes that cloud services are maturing and addressing security needs, with governments also increasing trust in cloud. It analyzes trends in cloud computing adoption in India and recommends approaches to formulate laws and regulations governing data protection and privacy in the cloud context.
The survey found that cloud/SaaS and data management initiatives continue to be a focus, while AI/ML are seen as having more potential impact but are still in earlier adoption phases. Blockchain remains further from widespread practical application than previously thought. Respondents expect the most investment in cloud/SaaS and AI/ML over the next few years, and see AI/ML having the most potential impact in areas like data analysis, asset modeling, and price forecasting. Disruptive technologies are seen as most likely to emerge from cloud-based AI/ML vendors and platforms that facilitate digitalization of business processes.
Digital and Innovation Strategies for the Infrastructure Industry: Tim McManu...Smart City
Productivity in the engineering and construction industry has been stagnant for decades. The proliferation of digital solutions has made it difficult for users to develop a coherent strategy. Companies who are able to successfully navigate the new digital landscape are on the brink of a transformation that will see top performers reduce overall project costs by 20-45%. However, digital transformations require developing digital capability across all aspects of the organization. Therefore, each entity involved in the industry must understand its critical challenges in order to guide its path to increased digital capability.
The Impact of Cloud Computing in the field of Finance: A Comprehensive AnalysisIRJET Journal
This document provides an overview of the impact of cloud computing in the finance industry. It discusses the benefits of cloud adoption such as cost reduction, scalability, and enhanced security. The document also examines some challenges like security and privacy concerns, regulatory compliance issues, and vendor lock-in. It presents two case studies on how financial institutions have successfully implemented cloud-based solutions for financial planning and risk management. The document concludes that cloud computing has the potential to transform the finance sector if risks are adequately addressed and businesses adapt their models to leverage cloud advantages.
The document discusses how legacy practice management systems struggle to keep up with current demands for efficiency, real-time access, automation, and compliance. It argues that cloud-based systems address these challenges by providing a centralized database accessible in real-time from any location, automating workflows, handling upgrades and compliance, and reducing costs. Choosing the right technology partner is important for a practice to get customized solutions, remain competitive through future upgrades, and receive strong support.
Digitizing Insurance - A Whitepaper by RapidValue SolutionsRadhakrishnan Iyer
This document discusses how insurance companies can digitize their legacy systems to adopt modern technologies. It defines digitalization as shifting to electronic channels while balancing traditional practices. Insurers must modernize to drive growth amid rising customer expectations. Technical challenges include outdated, siloed legacy systems that are difficult to integrate and scale. The document recommends insurers establish a digital center of excellence, consult digital partners, assess technologies and identify gaps, target areas and users, and develop strategic IT initiatives to orchestrate their digital transformation.
A new kind of industrial revolution is upon us, as digital technologies redefine business strategy and operational execution. Executives are under pressure to innovate and make smart investments in game-changers like the Internet of Things (IoT), mobility, cloud computing and analytics.油Challenges remain, such as talent issues, data security and more. And while some industries are embracing a transformation agenda redefining core processes and creating new business models for competitive advantage others are lagging behind. What can executives do to stay at the forefront of the digital operations revolution?
Keynote address channel middle east 2013Meera Kaul
The document discusses recent trends in IT spending and opportunities in the Middle East region. It notes that after a period of stagnation, businesses have regained confidence and begun reinvesting in IT. This has provided opportunities for small and medium IT companies to resume revenue growth. Key areas seeing investment include security, storage, virtualization, and analytics. Government initiatives are also driving IT education. Overall, the sentiment in the region is bullish as backlogs are cleared. The document identifies opportunities for channels partners in areas like SMB solutions, infrastructure, open source, cloud computing, mobility, security, and addressing skills shortages.
Future of IIoT Predictive Maintenance StudyPresenso
What is the future of IIoT Predictive Maintenance? Emory University and Presenso partner for this study of Operations and Maintenance professionals to get their perspective on this new solution.
Infrastructure that can stand the test of time | Accentureaccenture
The document summarizes key findings from a survey of 490 public infrastructure leaders from 7 countries conducted by Accenture. Some of the main findings include:
- 80% of respondents expected increased infrastructure investments in the next 1-2 years.
- Top challenges for digital aspects of projects included lack of data strategies and incentives, and limited interest in data-driven transformation.
- Top technologies planned for investment were cloud platforms, blockchain, and robotic process automation.
- Developing a holistic strategy balancing short and long-term goals was identified as a key pillar for success.
Deep Packet Inspection and Processing Market PPT: Growth, Outlook, Demand, Ke...IMARC Group
The global deep packet inspection and processing market size reached US$ 24.0 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 150.9 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 22% during 2024-2032.
More Info:-
Iaetsd design and implementation of secure cloud systems usingIaetsd Iaetsd
The document proposes a Business Continuity Management (BCM) framework to address data security issues when transforming cloud systems into a meta cloud. BCM is a holistic management process that identifies risks and reduces the impacts of data leakage. It involves understanding the organization, determining continuity strategies, developing response plans, and exercising/reviewing plans. The framework contains components like business continuity leads, working groups, and links to emergency preparedness. It uses a plan-do-check-act approach and aims to embed continuity into the organization's culture.
Digitizing Insurance - Transforming Legacy Systems to Adopt Modern and Emergi...RapidValue
This paper explains how insurers can use the digitization (digitalization) opportunity to deliver greater value to their customers. It is also, revealed how the companies can gain competitive advantage. Insurers are able to engage more intensely with the existing customers and also, attract newer customers with the help of innovative products. Digitizing improves profitability and facilitates growth.
This document summarizes a project proposal from Abeth Consult Co. to undertake a Hepatitis B awareness, screening, and vaccination project in China. The project aims to help Abeth Consult establish brand awareness in China and meet requirements to obtain a license to operate there. It will be funded by a WHO grant and involve partnering with local hospitals to conduct screening and vaccinations over a 6 month period. The project is low risk for Abeth Consult as most work will be outsourced and fully funded by WHO. It is expected to help Abeth Consult build their brand reputation in China before formally entering the market.
XYZ Sdn Bhd is a Malaysian software development company established in 2001 with a mission to provide superior IT services. Recognizing the growth of globalization and competition, XYZ decided to develop Islamic banking software. However, their initial project design only covered internal banking operations and did not account for growing mobile banking trends. An implementation plan is proposed to develop the software efficiently and address operational risks through outsourcing technical expertise and considering regulatory, security, and socio-economic risks.
AL-AKHAA Printing Press is a printing and publishing company established in 1985 in Iraq with branches in the UAE, Syria, and Egypt. The company uses a geographic organizational structure with departments for selling and marketing, accounts and finance, human resources, and operations. It faces problems of low employee motivation leading to high turnover and absenteeism, increased customer complaints due to delays, and conflicts between departments. Recommendations to address these issues include improving motivation through communication, evaluating employee performance and opinions, avoiding discrimination, and using positive language.
This document provides an analysis of Neutrogena Skin ID, a line of personalized skincare products by Johnson & Johnson. It discusses Neutrogena Skin ID's current marketing strategies, target market, and recommendations to increase sales. The recommendations include expanding the line to include cosmetics and perfume using the same personalized approach, and installing kiosks to promote the products in stores and allow skin evaluations onsite.
The Australian airline industry is dominated by two major airlines, Qantas and Virgin. A PEST analysis identified key political, economic, social and technological factors impacting the industry, such as industry deregulation, rising fuel costs, a tight labor market, and advances in airplane and information technology. A Porter's Five Forces analysis found competition to be intense between Qantas and Virgin due to their dominance, with potential new entrants facing moderate to high barriers. Opportunities for the airlines include regional expansion and taking advantage of international route designations, while threats include rising costs and potential new competition. The document recommends strategies like cost cutting, differentiation, and workforce efficiencies for the airlines to gain competitive advantages.
1. Scenario and strategic planningOn Q-Tech Source, the future of Document Imaging Outsourcing Services In QatarBN926 STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE
2. Table of contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1Scope of Analysis and Time Frame 1.2Background of Organization 1.3Imaging Outsourcing, The Technology & The Service2.0 MAJOR STAKEHOLDERS 2.1Customers 2.2Vendors 2.3Employees 2.4Government3.0 TRENDS AND INDUSTRY ANALYSIS 3.1Porters Five Forces analysis on the industry 油 3.1.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers油 3.1.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers 油 3.1.3 Threat of New Entrants油 3.1.4 Threat of Substitute Products 油 3.1.5 Industry Rivalry3.2PEST3.3Q-Tech Sources Winning Factors4.0KEY UNCERTAINTIES5.0DEGREE OF INTERDEPENDCY AMONG KEY UNCERTAINTIES6.0KEY DRIVING FORCES7.0SCENARIO THEMES8.0THE PLAUSIBILITY OF THE SCENARIOS9.0DECISION SCENARIOS AND IMPLICATIONS油9.1 Scenario 1 Forces of Sum 9.2Scenario 2 Intensity of competition 油9.3Scenario 3 Head-on Competition10.0 CONCLUSION11.0RECOMMENDATIONS
4. A growing number of organizations are moving from conventional hardcopy documents towards a digitizedEasily accessible and storage saving softcopy. Paper-based information and convert it to electronic images that are stored in a computer electronicallyAllowing everyone in the organization to access and use the digitized content with ease
5. What is outsourcing? The process of contracting external specialized organizations to carry out certain business processes with the aim of reaching optimum cost and process efficiency.
6. This explains the focus of our assignment Imaging Outsourcing at Q-TECH, and the ability to outsource their imaging needs.油Q-Tech Sources vast experience, spanning two decade, they are the market leader in the imaging outsourcing industry in Qatar.A question that raises itself??But how does Q-Tech source get their potential issues addressed??
7. The answer lies in Scenario PlanningImportant tool and practice for business survival and success.Foresee the threats that are emerging.Seek out opportunities and grasp better the odds of the future. It allows organization to focus on key issues that will impact their business survival and sustainable growth
8. 1.1 SCOPE OF ANALYSIS AND TIME FRAMEThe presentation studies in depth, the key trends and uncertainties and how it would affect the long-term sustainability of Q-Tech Source in Qatar.Due to the unstable and constantly evolving nature of technology, the planning process will be restricted to a 5 year time frame.
9. 1.2 BACKGROUND OF ORGANIZATION They address the specific needs of every organization with key focus on reducing costs and risks while improving speed, efficiency, and security. 油Currently, Q-Tech Source has the largest imaging capacity in Qatar with a processing capacity of over 3 million pages a month. They are working towards the certification of International Standards Organization's
12. 2.1 CustomersThe customer portfolio also includes government agencies such as the Immigration Department where they process large numbers of visa/passport applications.
13. 2.2 VendorsThe vendors mainly compromise of: 1- technology providers such as imaging software products. 2- suppliers of specialized hardware such as high speed scanners and data storage server.
14. 2.3 Employees Q-Tech Source community consists of over 1,500 employees over 5 different locations throughout Qatar, led by a team of professional managers with multi-disciplinary business experience.Seventy-two percent (72%) of the total workforce are directly involved in the imaging outsourcing services.
15. 2.4 GovernmentQatar National Bank (Government Body Qatars Central Bank) mainly concerned with information security and reliability of the outsourcing operations. One example is the requirement by QNB for outsourcing companies such as Q-Tech Source is to have a disaster recovery centre
16. 3.0 TRENDS AND INDUSTRY ANALYSIS bargaining power of SuppliersDependent on suppliers, due to uniqueness of technologythreat of Substitutes- Potential threat- Volatile technology - Frequent developments - More innovative document solutionsthreat of new Entrants- Growing interest- China - Less technologically advancedINDUSTRY COMPETITORSRIVALRY AMONG EXISTING FIRMS bargaining power of Buyers- Seek high quality & security- Limited bargaining power
17. 3.1.1 Bargaining Power of SuppliersQ-Tech Source is considerably dependent on suppliers. Once a supplier is engaged, given the uniqueness of the imaging technology, it is somewhat difficult to engage another vendor as there is a long re-learning curve. This gives the suppliers a higher bargaining power over Q-Tech Source and other companies within the document imaging industry.
18. 3.1.2 Bargaining Power of BuyersAlthough there are other outsourcing companies, Q-Tech Source is the market leader and currently one of the few outsourcing companies who are ISO (International Standard Organization) certified.although the buyers do have some bargaining power but it is somewhat limited.
19. 油3.1.3 Threat of New EntrantsAs the outsourcing industry is profitable and holds a lot of potential, it naturally attracts new entrants However, as they are less technologically advanced, they have yet to become a real threat.
20. The two major factors that discourage new entrants are:
21. 3.1.4 Threat of Substitute ProductsThreats from Traditional Data Entry solutionOutsourcing companies like Fuji Xerox who are still providing traditional data entry services in order to digitize documents are providing alternative solutions to imaging. In contrast their process involves highly manual labor and is less technology intensive, hence cheaper.
22. Continued Potential Threat Digital PenThreats from innovative technologyPotential Threat Digital Pen As technology is volatile, There is potential threat of new disruptive technologies e.g. digital pen that captures natural handwriting onto computing device is already available.
25. 4.0 KEY UNCERTAINTIESU1 = What if the repercussion of recession does not stabilize within the next five years?the unemployment rate will increase and there will be reduction in the cost of employing laborcheap data entry clerks and there is a possibility of Q-Tech Sources customers converting to Data Entry instead of Imaging. recessions may cause IT industry failures
26. U2 = What if q-Tech Source gets involved in Joint Ventures and Mergers?Opportunity that Q-Tech Source can explore. It will allow them to acquire a wider range of competencies to be able to cater for more dynamic offeringsThey can provide e-document solutions with document automationSuch strategic alliances could give Q-Tech Source the competitive edge
27. U3 = What if there is threat from foreign players and disruptive technologies?Foreign competitors for instance from China will be offering similar services at even lower costs. Although they are not very mature in the technology industry as yet, they may emerge as real threats given time for them to gain expertise.
28. 油U4 = What if the QNB imposes unfavorable legislation?There is a possibility that in the next 5 years, QNB may pass the following legislation:
29. 5.0 DEGREE OF INTERDEPENDENCY AMONG KEY UNCERTAINTIES? U1 = What if the repercussion of recession does not stabilize within the next five years?U2 = What if Q-Tech Source gets involved in Joint Ventures and Mergers?U3= What if there is threat from foreign players and disruptive technologies?U4 = What if the Qatar National Bank imposes unfavorable legislation?
30. The degree of correlation between the key uncertainties
35. SCENARIO THEMES contdScenario 3 (?) - Head-on CompetitionUnder these circumstances Q-TECH will face greater pressure in delivering the desired performance
43. Strategic Alliance, Joint Venture, and Mergers & Acquisition has shown to be one area that could strengthen the survival of Q-Tech Source in these worse times to come.Scenario planning helps synthesize future opportunities and risks