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Scenario and strategic planningOn Q-Tech Source, the future of Document Imaging Outsourcing Services In QatarBN926 STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE
Table of contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION    1.1Scope of Analysis and Time Frame   1.2Background of Organization   1.3Imaging Outsourcing, The Technology &   The Service2.0 MAJOR STAKEHOLDERS    2.1Customers    2.2Vendors    2.3Employees    2.4Government3.0 TRENDS AND INDUSTRY ANALYSIS 3.1Porters Five Forces analysis on the industry   油  3.1.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers油     3.1.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers   油  3.1.3 Threat of New Entrants油     3.1.4 Threat of Substitute Products   油  3.1.5 Industry Rivalry3.2PEST3.3Q-Tech Sources Winning Factors4.0KEY UNCERTAINTIES5.0DEGREE OF INTERDEPENDCY AMONG KEY UNCERTAINTIES6.0KEY DRIVING FORCES7.0SCENARIO THEMES8.0THE PLAUSIBILITY OF THE SCENARIOS9.0DECISION SCENARIOS AND IMPLICATIONS油9.1 Scenario 1  Forces of Sum   9.2Scenario 2  Intensity of competition   油9.3Scenario 3  Head-on Competition10.0 CONCLUSION11.0RECOMMENDATIONS
INTRODUCTION what Is imaging ???
A growing number of organizations are moving from conventional hardcopy documents towards a digitizedEasily accessible and storage saving softcopy. Paper-based information and convert it to electronic images that are stored in a computer electronicallyAllowing everyone in the organization to access and use the digitized content with ease
What is outsourcing? The process of contracting external specialized organizations to carry out certain business processes with the aim of reaching optimum cost and process efficiency.
This explains the focus of our assignment Imaging Outsourcing at Q-TECH, and the ability to outsource their imaging needs.油Q-Tech Sources vast experience, spanning two decade, they are the market leader in the imaging outsourcing industry in Qatar.A question that raises itself??But how does Q-Tech source get their potential issues addressed??
The answer lies in Scenario PlanningImportant tool and practice for business survival and success.Foresee the threats that are emerging.Seek out opportunities and grasp better the odds of the future. It allows organization to focus on key issues that will impact their business  survival and sustainable growth
1.1 SCOPE OF ANALYSIS AND TIME FRAMEThe presentation studies in depth, the key trends and uncertainties and how it would affect the long-term sustainability of Q-Tech Source in Qatar.Due to the unstable and constantly evolving nature of technology, the planning process will be restricted to a 5 year time frame.
1.2	BACKGROUND OF ORGANIZATION They address the specific needs of every organization with key focus on reducing costs and risks while improving speed, efficiency, and security. 油Currently, Q-Tech Source has the largest imaging capacity in Qatar with a processing capacity of over 3 million pages a month. They are working towards the certification of International Standards Organization's
2.1	CustomersThe customer portfolio also includes government agencies such as the Immigration Department where they process large numbers of visa/passport applications.
2.2	VendorsThe vendors mainly compromise of: 1- technology providers such as imaging software products. 2- suppliers of specialized hardware such as high speed scanners and data storage server.
2.3	Employees Q-Tech Source community consists of over 1,500 employees over 5 different locations throughout Qatar, led by a team of professional managers with multi-disciplinary business experience.Seventy-two percent (72%) of the total workforce are directly involved in the imaging outsourcing services.
2.4	GovernmentQatar National Bank  (Government Body  Qatars Central Bank) mainly concerned with information security and reliability of the outsourcing operations. One example is the requirement by QNB for outsourcing companies such as Q-Tech Source is to have a disaster recovery centre
3.0	TRENDS AND INDUSTRY ANALYSIS 	bargaining power of SuppliersDependent on suppliers, due to uniqueness of technologythreat of Substitutes- Potential threat- Volatile technology - Frequent developments - More innovative document solutionsthreat of new Entrants- Growing interest- China - Less technologically advancedINDUSTRY COMPETITORSRIVALRY AMONG EXISTING FIRMS bargaining power of Buyers- Seek high quality & security- Limited bargaining power
3.1.1	Bargaining Power of SuppliersQ-Tech Source is considerably dependent on suppliers. Once a supplier is engaged, given the uniqueness of the imaging technology, it is somewhat difficult to engage another vendor as there is a long re-learning curve. This gives the suppliers a higher bargaining power over Q-Tech Source and other companies within the document imaging industry.
3.1.2	Bargaining Power of BuyersAlthough there are other outsourcing companies, Q-Tech Source is the market leader and currently one of the few outsourcing companies who are ISO (International Standard Organization) certified.although the buyers do have some bargaining power but it is somewhat limited.
油3.1.3	Threat of New EntrantsAs the outsourcing industry is profitable and holds a lot of potential, it naturally attracts new entrants However, as they are less technologically advanced, they have yet to become a real threat.
The two major factors that discourage new entrants are:
3.1.4 Threat of Substitute ProductsThreats from Traditional Data Entry solutionOutsourcing companies like Fuji Xerox who are still providing traditional data entry services in order to digitize documents are providing alternative solutions to imaging. In contrast their process involves highly manual labor and is less technology intensive, hence cheaper.
Continued Potential Threat  Digital PenThreats from innovative technologyPotential Threat  Digital Pen As technology is volatile, There is potential threat of new disruptive technologies e.g. digital pen that captures natural handwriting onto computing device is already available.
3.2	PEST analysis
Q-Tech Sources Winning Factors
4.0	KEY UNCERTAINTIESU1 = What if the repercussion of recession does not stabilize within the next  five years?the unemployment rate will increase and there will be reduction in the cost of employing laborcheap data entry clerks and there is a possibility of Q-Tech Sources customers converting to Data Entry instead of Imaging. recessions may cause IT industry failures
U2 = What if q-Tech Source gets involved in Joint Ventures and Mergers?Opportunity that Q-Tech Source can explore. It will allow them to acquire a wider range of competencies to be able to cater for more dynamic offeringsThey can provide e-document solutions with document automationSuch strategic alliances could give Q-Tech Source the competitive edge
U3 = What if there is threat from foreign players and disruptive technologies?Foreign competitors for instance from China will be offering similar services at even lower costs. Although they are not very mature in the technology industry as yet, they may emerge as real threats given time for them to gain expertise.
油U4 = What if the QNB imposes unfavorable legislation?There is a possibility that in the next 5 years, QNB may pass the following legislation:
5.0	DEGREE OF INTERDEPENDENCY AMONG KEY UNCERTAINTIES? U1 = What if the repercussion of recession does not stabilize within the next          five years?U2 = What if Q-Tech Source gets involved in Joint Ventures and Mergers?U3= What if there is threat from foreign players and disruptive technologies?U4 = What if the Qatar National Bank imposes unfavorable legislation?
The degree of correlation between the key uncertainties
7.0	SCENARIO THEMESScenario 1 (+)Force of Sums in Hostility
SCENARIO THEMES ContdScenario 2 (-) intensity-of Competition
SCENARIO THEMES contdScenario 3 (?) - Head-on CompetitionUnder these circumstances Q-TECH will face greater pressure in delivering the desired performance
9.0	DECISION SCENARIOS AND IMPLICATIONS9.1	Scenario 1  Forces of Sums in Hostility (+)
9.2	Scenario 2  Intensity of competition (-)In order to stop customers from switching to the foreign players Q-Tech needs to :
9.3	Scenario 3  Head-on Competition (?)
10.0	CONCLUSIONFrom the study of trends and uncertainties, the Three (3) difference likely scenarios were deduced: Forces of Sums in Hostility;
Intensity of competition;
Head-on Competition.

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Strategy and Management of Change

  • 1. Scenario and strategic planningOn Q-Tech Source, the future of Document Imaging Outsourcing Services In QatarBN926 STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE
  • 2. Table of contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1Scope of Analysis and Time Frame 1.2Background of Organization 1.3Imaging Outsourcing, The Technology & The Service2.0 MAJOR STAKEHOLDERS 2.1Customers 2.2Vendors 2.3Employees 2.4Government3.0 TRENDS AND INDUSTRY ANALYSIS 3.1Porters Five Forces analysis on the industry 油 3.1.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers油 3.1.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers 油 3.1.3 Threat of New Entrants油 3.1.4 Threat of Substitute Products 油 3.1.5 Industry Rivalry3.2PEST3.3Q-Tech Sources Winning Factors4.0KEY UNCERTAINTIES5.0DEGREE OF INTERDEPENDCY AMONG KEY UNCERTAINTIES6.0KEY DRIVING FORCES7.0SCENARIO THEMES8.0THE PLAUSIBILITY OF THE SCENARIOS9.0DECISION SCENARIOS AND IMPLICATIONS油9.1 Scenario 1 Forces of Sum 9.2Scenario 2 Intensity of competition 油9.3Scenario 3 Head-on Competition10.0 CONCLUSION11.0RECOMMENDATIONS
  • 3. INTRODUCTION what Is imaging ???
  • 4. A growing number of organizations are moving from conventional hardcopy documents towards a digitizedEasily accessible and storage saving softcopy. Paper-based information and convert it to electronic images that are stored in a computer electronicallyAllowing everyone in the organization to access and use the digitized content with ease
  • 5. What is outsourcing? The process of contracting external specialized organizations to carry out certain business processes with the aim of reaching optimum cost and process efficiency.
  • 6. This explains the focus of our assignment Imaging Outsourcing at Q-TECH, and the ability to outsource their imaging needs.油Q-Tech Sources vast experience, spanning two decade, they are the market leader in the imaging outsourcing industry in Qatar.A question that raises itself??But how does Q-Tech source get their potential issues addressed??
  • 7. The answer lies in Scenario PlanningImportant tool and practice for business survival and success.Foresee the threats that are emerging.Seek out opportunities and grasp better the odds of the future. It allows organization to focus on key issues that will impact their business survival and sustainable growth
  • 8. 1.1 SCOPE OF ANALYSIS AND TIME FRAMEThe presentation studies in depth, the key trends and uncertainties and how it would affect the long-term sustainability of Q-Tech Source in Qatar.Due to the unstable and constantly evolving nature of technology, the planning process will be restricted to a 5 year time frame.
  • 9. 1.2 BACKGROUND OF ORGANIZATION They address the specific needs of every organization with key focus on reducing costs and risks while improving speed, efficiency, and security. 油Currently, Q-Tech Source has the largest imaging capacity in Qatar with a processing capacity of over 3 million pages a month. They are working towards the certification of International Standards Organization's
  • 12. 2.1 CustomersThe customer portfolio also includes government agencies such as the Immigration Department where they process large numbers of visa/passport applications.
  • 13. 2.2 VendorsThe vendors mainly compromise of: 1- technology providers such as imaging software products. 2- suppliers of specialized hardware such as high speed scanners and data storage server.
  • 14. 2.3 Employees Q-Tech Source community consists of over 1,500 employees over 5 different locations throughout Qatar, led by a team of professional managers with multi-disciplinary business experience.Seventy-two percent (72%) of the total workforce are directly involved in the imaging outsourcing services.
  • 15. 2.4 GovernmentQatar National Bank (Government Body Qatars Central Bank) mainly concerned with information security and reliability of the outsourcing operations. One example is the requirement by QNB for outsourcing companies such as Q-Tech Source is to have a disaster recovery centre
  • 16. 3.0 TRENDS AND INDUSTRY ANALYSIS bargaining power of SuppliersDependent on suppliers, due to uniqueness of technologythreat of Substitutes- Potential threat- Volatile technology - Frequent developments - More innovative document solutionsthreat of new Entrants- Growing interest- China - Less technologically advancedINDUSTRY COMPETITORSRIVALRY AMONG EXISTING FIRMS bargaining power of Buyers- Seek high quality & security- Limited bargaining power
  • 17. 3.1.1 Bargaining Power of SuppliersQ-Tech Source is considerably dependent on suppliers. Once a supplier is engaged, given the uniqueness of the imaging technology, it is somewhat difficult to engage another vendor as there is a long re-learning curve. This gives the suppliers a higher bargaining power over Q-Tech Source and other companies within the document imaging industry.
  • 18. 3.1.2 Bargaining Power of BuyersAlthough there are other outsourcing companies, Q-Tech Source is the market leader and currently one of the few outsourcing companies who are ISO (International Standard Organization) certified.although the buyers do have some bargaining power but it is somewhat limited.
  • 19. 油3.1.3 Threat of New EntrantsAs the outsourcing industry is profitable and holds a lot of potential, it naturally attracts new entrants However, as they are less technologically advanced, they have yet to become a real threat.
  • 20. The two major factors that discourage new entrants are:
  • 21. 3.1.4 Threat of Substitute ProductsThreats from Traditional Data Entry solutionOutsourcing companies like Fuji Xerox who are still providing traditional data entry services in order to digitize documents are providing alternative solutions to imaging. In contrast their process involves highly manual labor and is less technology intensive, hence cheaper.
  • 22. Continued Potential Threat Digital PenThreats from innovative technologyPotential Threat Digital Pen As technology is volatile, There is potential threat of new disruptive technologies e.g. digital pen that captures natural handwriting onto computing device is already available.
  • 25. 4.0 KEY UNCERTAINTIESU1 = What if the repercussion of recession does not stabilize within the next five years?the unemployment rate will increase and there will be reduction in the cost of employing laborcheap data entry clerks and there is a possibility of Q-Tech Sources customers converting to Data Entry instead of Imaging. recessions may cause IT industry failures
  • 26. U2 = What if q-Tech Source gets involved in Joint Ventures and Mergers?Opportunity that Q-Tech Source can explore. It will allow them to acquire a wider range of competencies to be able to cater for more dynamic offeringsThey can provide e-document solutions with document automationSuch strategic alliances could give Q-Tech Source the competitive edge
  • 27. U3 = What if there is threat from foreign players and disruptive technologies?Foreign competitors for instance from China will be offering similar services at even lower costs. Although they are not very mature in the technology industry as yet, they may emerge as real threats given time for them to gain expertise.
  • 28. 油U4 = What if the QNB imposes unfavorable legislation?There is a possibility that in the next 5 years, QNB may pass the following legislation:
  • 29. 5.0 DEGREE OF INTERDEPENDENCY AMONG KEY UNCERTAINTIES? U1 = What if the repercussion of recession does not stabilize within the next five years?U2 = What if Q-Tech Source gets involved in Joint Ventures and Mergers?U3= What if there is threat from foreign players and disruptive technologies?U4 = What if the Qatar National Bank imposes unfavorable legislation?
  • 30. The degree of correlation between the key uncertainties
  • 33. 7.0 SCENARIO THEMESScenario 1 (+)Force of Sums in Hostility
  • 34. SCENARIO THEMES ContdScenario 2 (-) intensity-of Competition
  • 35. SCENARIO THEMES contdScenario 3 (?) - Head-on CompetitionUnder these circumstances Q-TECH will face greater pressure in delivering the desired performance
  • 37. 9.0 DECISION SCENARIOS AND IMPLICATIONS9.1 Scenario 1 Forces of Sums in Hostility (+)
  • 38. 9.2 Scenario 2 Intensity of competition (-)In order to stop customers from switching to the foreign players Q-Tech needs to :
  • 39. 9.3 Scenario 3 Head-on Competition (?)
  • 40. 10.0 CONCLUSIONFrom the study of trends and uncertainties, the Three (3) difference likely scenarios were deduced: Forces of Sums in Hostility;
  • 43. Strategic Alliance, Joint Venture, and Mergers & Acquisition has shown to be one area that could strengthen the survival of Q-Tech Source in these worse times to come.Scenario planning helps synthesize future opportunities and risks
  • 44. 11.0 RECOMMENDATIONCost managementOperational excellence for Outsourcing companies is particularly crucial. Strategic Alliances through Joint Ventures or Mergers and Acquisition with software companies