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Nisha Streeter
810 E 152nd Street, Apt 212 |NY, NY 10455 | (917) 548 - 1207 | Nisha.Streeter@gmail.com
Personal Profile
 Self-motivated, resourceful and passionate Administrative Professional who excels at prioritizing, completing tasks
simultaneously, and following through to achieve project goals.
 Results-driven and eager to offer excellent oral and written communication skills
 Proactive with the ability to work independently as well as in a team while providing excellent customer service
 Knowledge of production processes in order to develop, produce, and deliver
 Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Proposal Writing, Time Management, Operating office equipment, and
Data Entry
North Carolina Agricultural and State University, Greensboro, NC
B.A. in Marketing - May 2012, GPA 3.0
 Related Coursework: Principles of Accounting I and II, Principles of Economics Micro & Macro, Elementary Statistics,
Advanced Statistics, Business Communications, Managerial Accounting, Finance, Marketing Research, Supply Chain
Management, Speech fundamentals, Selling and Sales Management, Customer Relationship Marketing & Management
Concepts, Consumer behavior, and Integrated marketing communications
 College Honors Recognition: Deans List, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Miller Heiman Certificate for Conceptual
Selling & Strategic Selling
 Leadership Participation:
o Pi Sigma Epsilon (Zeta Pi Chapter): Vice President
Competed in 3M Sales for Social Impact Competition and received an award in St. Paul, Minnesota; created a
business plan to implement a solar water pasteurizer for people in Haiti (inexpensive and easy to operate).
o American Marketing Association: Vice President of Advertising
Presented Monthly goals and programs; created advertisement Flyers and commercial for NC A&T T.V. to promote
programs, and events; and recruited 20 American Marketing Association chapter members, managed 7 for the
Advertising committee (creating awareness for Job Readiness programs and events on campus).
Professional Experience
McLaughlin & Stern LLP, New York, New York
Office Specialist - December 2015 - Present
 Screen and direct incoming calls and mail for approximately 150 attorneys and paralegals daily.
 Manage scheduling of conference room reservations.
Samuel D. Proctor Corporation, Non-Profit, New York, New York
Administrative Assistant (Social Services) - March 2015 - December 2015
 Created a system on Microsoft excel and word to track all critical files required by the Department of Homeless Services.
This system was successful in eliminating misplacement of documents, and helped enforced deadlines. It ultimately
resulted in passing the semi-annual audit, meeting quarterly goals, as well as keeping billing and all critical documents
 Managed capital purchases, direct vendor relations, generated and maintained equipment tracking records on Web
purchasing system.
 Participated in budget development (including new needs project request), budget modifications, and expense
monitoring functions.
 Shadowed Case Managers, developed case files, assisted with client assessment and evaluations, crisis management,
and trained interns.
New York City Housing Authority, New York, New York
Program Coordinator | Inspection Coordination Assistant - July 2014 - November 2014
 Scheduled HPD inspections in Siebel. Compiled the annual inspections list for the 21 LLC developments.
 Assembled daily and weekly inspection schedules for HPD Inspectors; Generated daily inspection result reports from
Global Bay.
 Implemented a new system on excel to efficiently and effectively track HPD inspection results.
 Compiled monthly statistics on HPD annual, initial and quality control inspections on excel spreadsheets.
 Recruited and Interviewed over 250 prospective summer youth employees, and hosted job readiness programs.
Dun & Bradstreet Credibility Corp, Greensboro, NC
Credit Advisor - October 2012 - July 2013
 Achieved monthly direct revenue goals of $1,500 by selling credibility solutions to small business owners to improve
their Duns Credit Number, resulting in the business owners gaining more clients, enhancing their online presence, and
obtaining better credit terms with business vendors.
 Made over 200 outgoing calls daily to create awareness of business credit scores, and assist with monitoring and
building credit files.
Terry Labonte Chevrolet, Greensboro, NC
Sales Consultant - April 2012 - October 2012
 Exceeded monthly sales quotas and sold an average of 2-3 vehicles per week. Acknowledged as Salesperson of the
month multiple times.
 Operated telephone switchboard to answer, screen, forward calls; provided information to customers and employees,
scheduled appointments, and filed and maintained financial records.
Professional Affiliations
 Pathematics Runway Tutor: Created lesson plans, to improve math, and reading skills for a total of 5 second-grade students
whom attended low-income schools.
 NC A&T Register: Register Reporter/ Advertising Sales Agent- Wrote and Published weekly articles about campus events in
Universitys newsletter. Sold and created advertisements for local businesses in campus newsletter.
 Reasons 2 Rhyme: Public Relations Agent  Wrote press releases for non-profit organization; for poetry slam events. Created
and distributed literature to promote events.
 Entourage: Marketing Representative- Hosted and promoted monthly social events for College students.
 NY/NJ Connection: Club member- Participated in community service projects such as; restoring a Salvation Army, hosting
clothing, food and school supplies drive.
Civic Activities
 Greensboro Urban Ministry: Volunteer- Organized, and participated in soup kitchen event to feed homeless populace in
Greensboro, NC.
 Salvation Army: Volunteer- Assisted with the restoration of a Greensboro, NC Salvation Army by painting and cleaning the

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  • 1. Nisha Streeter 810 E 152nd Street, Apt 212 |NY, NY 10455 | (917) 548 - 1207 | Nisha.Streeter@gmail.com Personal Profile Self-motivated, resourceful and passionate Administrative Professional who excels at prioritizing, completing tasks simultaneously, and following through to achieve project goals. Results-driven and eager to offer excellent oral and written communication skills Proactive with the ability to work independently as well as in a team while providing excellent customer service Knowledge of production processes in order to develop, produce, and deliver Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Proposal Writing, Time Management, Operating office equipment, and Data Entry Education North Carolina Agricultural and State University, Greensboro, NC B.A. in Marketing - May 2012, GPA 3.0 Related Coursework: Principles of Accounting I and II, Principles of Economics Micro & Macro, Elementary Statistics, Advanced Statistics, Business Communications, Managerial Accounting, Finance, Marketing Research, Supply Chain Management, Speech fundamentals, Selling and Sales Management, Customer Relationship Marketing & Management Concepts, Consumer behavior, and Integrated marketing communications College Honors Recognition: Deans List, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Miller Heiman Certificate for Conceptual Selling & Strategic Selling Leadership Participation: o Pi Sigma Epsilon (Zeta Pi Chapter): Vice President Competed in 3M Sales for Social Impact Competition and received an award in St. Paul, Minnesota; created a business plan to implement a solar water pasteurizer for people in Haiti (inexpensive and easy to operate). o American Marketing Association: Vice President of Advertising Presented Monthly goals and programs; created advertisement Flyers and commercial for NC A&T T.V. to promote programs, and events; and recruited 20 American Marketing Association chapter members, managed 7 for the Advertising committee (creating awareness for Job Readiness programs and events on campus). Professional Experience McLaughlin & Stern LLP, New York, New York Office Specialist - December 2015 - Present Screen and direct incoming calls and mail for approximately 150 attorneys and paralegals daily. Manage scheduling of conference room reservations. Samuel D. Proctor Corporation, Non-Profit, New York, New York Administrative Assistant (Social Services) - March 2015 - December 2015 Created a system on Microsoft excel and word to track all critical files required by the Department of Homeless Services. This system was successful in eliminating misplacement of documents, and helped enforced deadlines. It ultimately resulted in passing the semi-annual audit, meeting quarterly goals, as well as keeping billing and all critical documents current. Managed capital purchases, direct vendor relations, generated and maintained equipment tracking records on Web purchasing system. Participated in budget development (including new needs project request), budget modifications, and expense monitoring functions. Shadowed Case Managers, developed case files, assisted with client assessment and evaluations, crisis management, and trained interns. New York City Housing Authority, New York, New York Program Coordinator | Inspection Coordination Assistant - July 2014 - November 2014 Scheduled HPD inspections in Siebel. Compiled the annual inspections list for the 21 LLC developments.
  • 2. Assembled daily and weekly inspection schedules for HPD Inspectors; Generated daily inspection result reports from Global Bay. Implemented a new system on excel to efficiently and effectively track HPD inspection results. Compiled monthly statistics on HPD annual, initial and quality control inspections on excel spreadsheets. Recruited and Interviewed over 250 prospective summer youth employees, and hosted job readiness programs. Dun & Bradstreet Credibility Corp, Greensboro, NC Credit Advisor - October 2012 - July 2013 Achieved monthly direct revenue goals of $1,500 by selling credibility solutions to small business owners to improve their Duns Credit Number, resulting in the business owners gaining more clients, enhancing their online presence, and obtaining better credit terms with business vendors. Made over 200 outgoing calls daily to create awareness of business credit scores, and assist with monitoring and building credit files. Terry Labonte Chevrolet, Greensboro, NC Sales Consultant - April 2012 - October 2012 Exceeded monthly sales quotas and sold an average of 2-3 vehicles per week. Acknowledged as Salesperson of the month multiple times. Operated telephone switchboard to answer, screen, forward calls; provided information to customers and employees, scheduled appointments, and filed and maintained financial records. Professional Affiliations Pathematics Runway Tutor: Created lesson plans, to improve math, and reading skills for a total of 5 second-grade students whom attended low-income schools. NC A&T Register: Register Reporter/ Advertising Sales Agent- Wrote and Published weekly articles about campus events in Universitys newsletter. Sold and created advertisements for local businesses in campus newsletter. Reasons 2 Rhyme: Public Relations Agent Wrote press releases for non-profit organization; for poetry slam events. Created and distributed literature to promote events. Entourage: Marketing Representative- Hosted and promoted monthly social events for College students. NY/NJ Connection: Club member- Participated in community service projects such as; restoring a Salvation Army, hosting clothing, food and school supplies drive. Civic Activities Greensboro Urban Ministry: Volunteer- Organized, and participated in soup kitchen event to feed homeless populace in Greensboro, NC. Salvation Army: Volunteer- Assisted with the restoration of a Greensboro, NC Salvation Army by painting and cleaning the establishment.