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      Vinnichenko A. rimo 101
They were members of women's suffrage (right
to vote) movements in the late 19th and 20th
century, particularly in the United Kingdom and
United States.
The term "suffragette" was first used by the Daily
Mail newspaper to describe activists in the
movement for women's suffrage in the United
Kingdom, in particular members of the Women's
Social and Political Union (WSPU).

-1903- the Women's Social and Political Union
was founded by Emmeline Pankhurst
1912 was a turning point for the Suffragettes in the UK as
they turned to using more militant tactics such as
-chaining themselves to railings
-setting fire to mailbox contents
-smashing windows
-detonating bombs.

 This was because the current Prime Minister at the
time, Asquith, nearly signed a document giving women the right to
vote. But he pulled out at the last minute, as he thought the women
may vote against him.
One suffragette, Emily Davison, died under the
King's horse on June 5, 1913. She was trying to pin
a "vote for Women" banner on the kings horse.

                  Memorial edition
       of The Suffragette newspaper
           dedicated to Emily Davison
Many of her fellow suffragettes were
imprisoned and went on a hunger strike as
a tactic against the government. The
Liberal government responded with the
Cat and Mouse Act.

When a Suffragette was sent to prison, it
was assumed that she would go on hunger
strike as this caused the authorities
maximum discomfort. Act allowed the
Suffragettes to go on a hunger strike and
let them get weaker and weaker.

When the Suffragette was very weak, they
were released from prison.
-On 6 February, the Representation of the People Act 1918 was
passed, enfranchising women over the age of 30 who met minimum property
About 8.4 million women gained the vote.

-In November 1918, the Eligibility of Women Act was passed, allowing
women to be elected into Parliament.

-The Representation of the People Act 1928 extended the voting franchise to
all women over the age of 21, granting women the vote on the same terms as

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  • 1. Suffragettes Vinnichenko A. rimo 101
  • 2. They were members of women's suffrage (right to vote) movements in the late 19th and 20th century, particularly in the United Kingdom and United States.
  • 3. Term. The term "suffragette" was first used by the Daily Mail newspaper to describe activists in the movement for women's suffrage in the United Kingdom, in particular members of the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU). -1903- the Women's Social and Political Union was founded by Emmeline Pankhurst
  • 4. 1912 was a turning point for the Suffragettes in the UK as they turned to using more militant tactics such as -chaining themselves to railings -setting fire to mailbox contents -smashing windows -detonating bombs. This was because the current Prime Minister at the time, Asquith, nearly signed a document giving women the right to vote. But he pulled out at the last minute, as he thought the women may vote against him.
  • 5. One suffragette, Emily Davison, died under the King's horse on June 5, 1913. She was trying to pin a "vote for Women" banner on the kings horse. Memorial edition of The Suffragette newspaper dedicated to Emily Davison
  • 6. Many of her fellow suffragettes were imprisoned and went on a hunger strike as a tactic against the government. The Liberal government responded with the Cat and Mouse Act. When a Suffragette was sent to prison, it was assumed that she would go on hunger strike as this caused the authorities maximum discomfort. Act allowed the Suffragettes to go on a hunger strike and let them get weaker and weaker. When the Suffragette was very weak, they were released from prison.
  • 7. Acts. -On 6 February, the Representation of the People Act 1918 was passed, enfranchising women over the age of 30 who met minimum property qualifications. About 8.4 million women gained the vote. -In November 1918, the Eligibility of Women Act was passed, allowing women to be elected into Parliament. -The Representation of the People Act 1928 extended the voting franchise to all women over the age of 21, granting women the vote on the same terms as men.