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Sugar in our diet
The effects of too much sugar on our health
Children aged 7-10 years old need lots of energy and nutrients because theyre
still growing. The amount of energy that food and drink contains is measured in
kilocalories (kcal) and is commonly referred to as calories.
A report from 2011 estimated that the average energy requirements for
children aged 7-10 years old a day are:
Age (years) Boys Girls
7 1649kcal 1530kcal
8 1745kcal 1625kcal
9 1840kcal 1721kcal
10 2032kcal 1936kcal
However, these figures are only a guide. Children may need more or less than
these estimates depending on a number of factors, including how physically
active they are. (source www.nhs.uk)
How Much Sugar?
 Recommend daily intake of sugar for someone 4- 6 years is 19g per
day and for 7  10 years it is 24g per day. For anyone over 11years
then it is 30g per day (source www.nhs.uk)
 So how much sugar is there in a can of coke?
 So one can of coke represents more than your daily recommended
sugar intake
Other food items
Even those things that you might
think are healthy can be high in
Sugar in our diets - sweet poison
So what is the problem? Diabetes
 Diabetes  excess sugar can result in the development of type 2 diabetes. This is
where the body does not produce enough insulin to control the blood sugar levels.
 Complications caused by diabetes
 If diabetes isn't treated, it can lead to a number of other health problems.
 High glucose levels can damage blood vessels, nerves and organs.
 Heart disease and stroke
 Prolonged, poorly controlled blood glucose levels increase the likelihood of the
blood vessels becoming clogged up and narrowed by fatty substances
 This may result in poor blood supply to your heart, causing angina (a dull, heavy or
tight pain in the chest). It also increases the chance that a blood vessel in your
heart or brain will become blocked, leading to a heart attack or stroke.
 Nerve damage
 High blood glucose levels can damage the tiny blood vessels in your nerves. This can
cause a tingling or burning pain that spreads from your fingers and toes up through
your limbs. It can also cause numbness, which can lead to ulceration of the feet.
So what is the problem? Diabetes
 Diabetic retinopathy is when the retina becomes damaged. If it isn't treated,
it can damage your vision.
 Kidney disease
 If the small blood vessels of your kidney become blocked and leaky, your
kidneys will work less efficiently. It's usually associated with high blood
pressure, and treating this is a key part of management.
 Foot problems
 Damage to the nerves of the foot can mean small nicks and cuts aren't
noticed, and this, in combination with poor circulation, can lead to a foot ulcer.
 About 1 in 10 people with diabetes get a foot ulcer, which can cause a serious
Some Facts about Diabetes
 1.5 million deaths are directly attributed to diabetes each year.
 9%of adults in the world have diabetes.
 90%of people with diabetes in the world have type 2 diabetes. (Source WHO)
In 2013, the top 10 countries with higher prevalence of
diabetes are Tokelau (37.5%), Federated States of Micronesia
(35%), Marshall Islands (34.9%), Kiribati (28.8%), Cook Islands
(25.7%), Vanuatu (24%), Saudi Arabia (23.9%), Nauru (23.3%),
Kuwait (23.1%) and Qatar (22.9%). (Source: International Diabetes
Federation Global Atlas, 2013)
Sugar in our diets - sweet poison
So what is the problem?
 Tooth decay. Bacteria in the mouth
convert sugars into acid. This acid will
attack the teeth resulting in tooth decay
and ultimate loss of the teeth
Sugar in our diets - sweet poison
What to do?
 Cut back on the amount of sugar that you consume
 Check the labels to see how much sugar is in your food and drink
 Understand the difference between terms such as per serving, per 100ml,
per can
 Exercise more, even when it is hot or when you have exams you should still
be looking to exercise
 Guidelines for 5- to 18-year-olds
 To maintain a basic level of health, children and young people aged 5 to 18
need to do:
 at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day  this should
range from moderate activity, such as cycling and playground
activities, to vigorous activity, such as running and tennis
 on three days a week, these activities should involve exercises for strong
muscles, such as push-ups, and exercises for strong bones, such as jumping
and running. (source www.nhs.uk)
What is being done?
 In the UK a tax will be imposed on sugary drinks
 Soft drinks companies will pay a levy on drinks with added sugar from April
2018. This will apply to drinks with total sugar content above 5 grams per
100 millilitres, with a higher rate for more than 8 grams per 100 millilitres.
This wont need to be paid on milk-based drinks or fruit juices. (source
 There are calls in the UK to change labelling on foods to indicate how much
exercise the food item is worth
 The Royal Society for Public Health has called for the introduction of
activity equivalent calorie labelling, with symbols showing how many
minutes of several different physical activities are equivalent in the
calories expended to those in the product. (source www.bmj.com)
 What is being done in your home country?
Rethink your drink

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Sugar in our diets - sweet poison

  • 1. Sugar in our diet The effects of too much sugar on our health
  • 2. Children aged 7-10 years old need lots of energy and nutrients because theyre still growing. The amount of energy that food and drink contains is measured in kilocalories (kcal) and is commonly referred to as calories. A report from 2011 estimated that the average energy requirements for children aged 7-10 years old a day are: Age (years) Boys Girls 7 1649kcal 1530kcal 8 1745kcal 1625kcal 9 1840kcal 1721kcal 10 2032kcal 1936kcal However, these figures are only a guide. Children may need more or less than these estimates depending on a number of factors, including how physically active they are. (source www.nhs.uk)
  • 3. How Much Sugar? Recommend daily intake of sugar for someone 4- 6 years is 19g per day and for 7 10 years it is 24g per day. For anyone over 11years then it is 30g per day (source www.nhs.uk) So how much sugar is there in a can of coke? 35g So one can of coke represents more than your daily recommended sugar intake
  • 4. Other food items Even those things that you might think are healthy can be high in sugar
  • 6. So what is the problem? Diabetes Diabetes excess sugar can result in the development of type 2 diabetes. This is where the body does not produce enough insulin to control the blood sugar levels. Complications caused by diabetes If diabetes isn't treated, it can lead to a number of other health problems. High glucose levels can damage blood vessels, nerves and organs. Heart disease and stroke Prolonged, poorly controlled blood glucose levels increase the likelihood of the blood vessels becoming clogged up and narrowed by fatty substances This may result in poor blood supply to your heart, causing angina (a dull, heavy or tight pain in the chest). It also increases the chance that a blood vessel in your heart or brain will become blocked, leading to a heart attack or stroke. Nerve damage High blood glucose levels can damage the tiny blood vessels in your nerves. This can cause a tingling or burning pain that spreads from your fingers and toes up through your limbs. It can also cause numbness, which can lead to ulceration of the feet.
  • 7. So what is the problem? Diabetes Diabetic retinopathy is when the retina becomes damaged. If it isn't treated, it can damage your vision. Kidney disease If the small blood vessels of your kidney become blocked and leaky, your kidneys will work less efficiently. It's usually associated with high blood pressure, and treating this is a key part of management. Foot problems Damage to the nerves of the foot can mean small nicks and cuts aren't noticed, and this, in combination with poor circulation, can lead to a foot ulcer. About 1 in 10 people with diabetes get a foot ulcer, which can cause a serious infection.
  • 8. Some Facts about Diabetes 1.5 million deaths are directly attributed to diabetes each year. 9%of adults in the world have diabetes. 90%of people with diabetes in the world have type 2 diabetes. (Source WHO) In 2013, the top 10 countries with higher prevalence of diabetes are Tokelau (37.5%), Federated States of Micronesia (35%), Marshall Islands (34.9%), Kiribati (28.8%), Cook Islands (25.7%), Vanuatu (24%), Saudi Arabia (23.9%), Nauru (23.3%), Kuwait (23.1%) and Qatar (22.9%). (Source: International Diabetes Federation Global Atlas, 2013)
  • 10. So what is the problem? Tooth decay. Bacteria in the mouth convert sugars into acid. This acid will attack the teeth resulting in tooth decay and ultimate loss of the teeth
  • 12. What to do? Cut back on the amount of sugar that you consume Check the labels to see how much sugar is in your food and drink Understand the difference between terms such as per serving, per 100ml, per can Exercise more, even when it is hot or when you have exams you should still be looking to exercise Guidelines for 5- to 18-year-olds To maintain a basic level of health, children and young people aged 5 to 18 need to do: at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day this should range from moderate activity, such as cycling and playground activities, to vigorous activity, such as running and tennis on three days a week, these activities should involve exercises for strong muscles, such as push-ups, and exercises for strong bones, such as jumping and running. (source www.nhs.uk)
  • 13. What is being done? In the UK a tax will be imposed on sugary drinks Soft drinks companies will pay a levy on drinks with added sugar from April 2018. This will apply to drinks with total sugar content above 5 grams per 100 millilitres, with a higher rate for more than 8 grams per 100 millilitres. This wont need to be paid on milk-based drinks or fruit juices. (source www.gov.uk) There are calls in the UK to change labelling on foods to indicate how much exercise the food item is worth The Royal Society for Public Health has called for the introduction of activity equivalent calorie labelling, with symbols showing how many minutes of several different physical activities are equivalent in the calories expended to those in the product. (source www.bmj.com) What is being done in your home country?

Editor's Notes

  • #5: Show a number of food items and read out/hands up for the amount of sugar
  • #7: Diabetes excess sugar can result in the development of type 2 diabetes. This is where the body does not produce enough insulin to control the blood sugar levels. Complications caused by diabetes油 If diabetes isn't treated, it can lead to a number of other health problems. High glucose levels can damage blood vessels, nerves and organs. Even a mildly raised glucose level that doesn't cause any symptoms can have long-term damaging effects. Heart disease and stroke If you have diabetes, you're up to five times more likely to develop heart disease or have a油stroke. Prolonged, poorly controlled blood glucose levels increase the likelihood of油atherosclerosis (where the blood vessels become clogged up油and narrowed by fatty substances). This may result in poor blood supply to your heart, causing angina (a dull, heavy or tight pain in the chest). It also increases the chance that a blood vessel in your heart or brain will become blocked, leading to a油heart attack or stroke. Nerve damage High blood glucose levels can damage the tiny blood vessels in your nerves. This can cause a tingling or burning pain that spreads from your fingers and toes up through your limbs.油It can also cause numbness, which can lead to ulceration of the feet. Damage to the peripheral nervous system,油which includes all parts of the nervous system that lie outside the central nervous system,油is known as peripheral neuropathy. If the nerves in your digestive system are affected, you may experience nausea, vomiting,油diarrhoea or constipation. Diabetic retinopathy Diabetic retinopathy油is when the retina (the light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye) becomes damaged. Blood vessels in the retina can become blocked or leaky or can grow haphazardly. This prevents light from fully passing through to your retina. If it isn't treated, it can damage your vision. Annual eye checks are usually organised by a regional photographic unit. If significant damage is detected, you may be referred to an ophthalmologist (a doctor who specialises in treating eye conditions). The better you control your blood油glucose levels, the lower your risk of developing serious eye problems. Diabetic retinopathy can be managed using laser treatment if it's caught early enough. However, this will only preserve the sight you have rather than improve it. Kidney disease If the small blood vessels of your kidney become blocked and leaky, your kidneys will work less efficiently.油It's usually associated with high blood pressure, and treating this is a key part of management. In rare, severe cases,油kidney disease油can lead to kidney failure, and a kidney油replacement treatment with油dialysis, or sometimes kidney transplantation, will be necessary. Foot problems Damage to the nerves of the foot can mean油small nicks and cuts aren't noticed,油and this, in combination with poor circulation, can lead to a foot ulcer. About 1 in 10 people with diabetes get a foot ulcer, which can cause a serious infection. If you have diabetes, look out for sores and cuts that don't heal, puffiness or swelling, and skin that feels hot to the touch. You should also have your feet examined at least once a year. If poor circulation or nerve damage is detected, check your feet every day and report any changes to your doctor, nurse or podiatrist (foot care specialist). Read more about foot care and diabetes