Greencubator is a Ukrainian nonprofit that aims to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy in Ukraine. It does this through educational conferences for universities, public awareness campaigns like energy camps for youth, and events supporting green startups. Greencubator also works with media and the business community on publishing articles and conferences about opportunities in low-carbon growth. The organization was founded due to Ukraine's high energy costs and lack of energy efficiency culture, which costs the country billions annually. Greencubator hopes to build a culture of sustainable energy consumption through partnerships, media outreach, and community programs.
This document discusses Greencubator, an organization that promotes sustainable energy innovations and entrepreneurship in Ukraine. Greencubator connects energy professionals through events like TeslaCamps and supports green startups. It works on initiatives to develop energy-efficient universities, communities, and media while advocating for behavioral changes to reduce energy use and waste. Greencubator's goal is to empower people to become advocates, investors, and drivers of the energy revolution.
El documento propone presentar una obra de teatro que combine actores y marionetas para abordar temas como la sociedad y el medio ambiente, la buena convivencia escolar, el bullying, la vida sana y la prevenci坦n del abuso sexual. La obra ser鱈a interactiva, utilizar鱈a elementos audiovisuales y tendr鱈a una duraci坦n de una hora, adapt叩ndose para incluir interacci坦n con el p炭blico y material did叩ctico sobre los temas. Se sugiere adaptar el cuento infantil de Hansel y Gretel para impartir los diferentes conceptos.
Open-air, off-grid, renewables-powered summer school on the Azov sea focusing on Ukraine-specific sustainable development models bringing together: Educational exchange program alumni; Environmentalists; Ukrainian & International NGO organizations; Local & regional government and city officials; Engaged and active citizens.
The document introduces basic electronic gates and their functions. It describes that gates require a power supply and have two nominal voltage values representing 0s and 1s. The main gates are AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, EXOR and EXNOR, which are the building blocks for digital systems. Each gate is defined by its truth table, with NAND and NOR being able to represent all other gate functions.
Automotive industry and crisis (sturgeon jun 2010)earemike
This document analyzes how the global automotive industry has been impacted by the recent economic crisis, with a focus on developing countries. It finds that the crisis accelerated pre-existing trends of increasing importance of the automotive industry in developing regions due to rapid growth in car ownership. The co-location of automakers and suppliers in regional production networks has limited the crisis impact within regions. While countries like Mexico, China, and India initially relied on foreign investment, their industries are converging as they gain size and independence, with China particularly well-positioned due to leveraging local and global suppliers and a large domestic market.
The document provides an introduction to playing a magus character in the Ars Magica roleplaying game, explaining that magi have a supernatural Gift that allows them to perform magic but also makes others fearful; it overview the core magic system involving 15 Arts combining 5 Techniques and 10 Forms to cast spells formulaically or spontaneously; and uses examples to illustrate how a sample character might navigate challenges like crossing a river or dealing with pursuing bandits through spellcasting.
The author discusses their favorite Texas state symbols - the bluebonnet flower, jalapeno pepper, and Texas longhorn. The bluebonnet is beautiful and one of the state's symbols. Jalapenos are a favorite because the author enjoys spicy food. Texas longhorns are symbolic as the mascot for the University of Texas. Each symbol is discussed with an introduction to an additional interesting fact.
This document outlines nine tenets of passion-based learning: 1) reach out to disenfranchised students by making education more relevant to their lives; 2) show students how what they're learning applies outside of school; 3) empower teachers to incorporate more passion into their classrooms rather than focusing solely on standardized tests and compliance; 4) use enrichment models to identify students' strengths and provide authentic experiences in fields they are interested in.
Este documento describe los pasos para aplicar sellantes y fluor a los dientes de un paciente, incluyendo la preparaci坦n del 叩rea, el aislamiento con algodones o tela de caucho, la amelopastia y grabado 叩cido si es necesario, la aplicaci坦n y fotopolimerizaci坦n del sellante, y la aplicaci坦n y supervisi坦n del fluor con cremas dentales o soluci坦n. El proceso finaliza con el control de la placa bacteriana y la ense単anza de t辿cnicas de higiene oral al paciente.
The document introduces basic electronic gates and their functions. It describes that gates require a power supply and have two nominal voltage values representing 0s and 1s. The main gates are AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, EXOR and EXNOR, which are the building blocks for digital systems. Each gate is defined by its truth table, with NAND and NOR being able to represent all other gate functions.
Automotive industry and crisis (sturgeon jun 2010)earemike
This document analyzes how the global automotive industry has been impacted by the recent economic crisis, with a focus on developing countries. It finds that the crisis accelerated pre-existing trends of increasing importance of the automotive industry in developing regions due to rapid growth in car ownership. The co-location of automakers and suppliers in regional production networks has limited the crisis impact within regions. While countries like Mexico, China, and India initially relied on foreign investment, their industries are converging as they gain size and independence, with China particularly well-positioned due to leveraging local and global suppliers and a large domestic market.
The document provides an introduction to playing a magus character in the Ars Magica roleplaying game, explaining that magi have a supernatural Gift that allows them to perform magic but also makes others fearful; it overview the core magic system involving 15 Arts combining 5 Techniques and 10 Forms to cast spells formulaically or spontaneously; and uses examples to illustrate how a sample character might navigate challenges like crossing a river or dealing with pursuing bandits through spellcasting.
The author discusses their favorite Texas state symbols - the bluebonnet flower, jalapeno pepper, and Texas longhorn. The bluebonnet is beautiful and one of the state's symbols. Jalapenos are a favorite because the author enjoys spicy food. Texas longhorns are symbolic as the mascot for the University of Texas. Each symbol is discussed with an introduction to an additional interesting fact.
This document outlines nine tenets of passion-based learning: 1) reach out to disenfranchised students by making education more relevant to their lives; 2) show students how what they're learning applies outside of school; 3) empower teachers to incorporate more passion into their classrooms rather than focusing solely on standardized tests and compliance; 4) use enrichment models to identify students' strengths and provide authentic experiences in fields they are interested in.
Este documento describe los pasos para aplicar sellantes y fluor a los dientes de un paciente, incluyendo la preparaci坦n del 叩rea, el aislamiento con algodones o tela de caucho, la amelopastia y grabado 叩cido si es necesario, la aplicaci坦n y fotopolimerizaci坦n del sellante, y la aplicaci坦n y supervisi坦n del fluor con cremas dentales o soluci坦n. El proceso finaliza con el control de la placa bacteriana y la ense単anza de t辿cnicas de higiene oral al paciente.