#3: 雅各書 2:19?你信神只有一位,你信的不錯!鬼魔也信,卻是戰驚。You raise your hand and make no more changesIs it simply a milestone you reached and can forget about itDo you have a problem if I call you a sinner? Charles Finney's Theology?From <http://www.spurgeon.org/~phil/articles/finney.htm> You must continue to grow and change until you die
#8: Where is the man caught in the act?It is a set up and the man is set free by the Pharisee and perhaps sent off with some moneyWhat did Jesus wrote?You cannot be false witnessWhy nobody stone the woman? Why didn't the Pharisee and Scribes stone the woman?Rome you cannot kill. Moses you have to kill the adulterer.
#13: The young generation know this verse. Should we not punish? Not discipline?Jesus come to forgive but the Father judge and discipline 路加福音 19:10 人子來,為要尋找、拯救失喪的人Jesus do judge the Pharisees but do not judge the woman because Jesus look at the deeper motives.
#14: 文士和法利賽人 : 一種工具耶穌 : 一個有著靈魂的人We often treat other people as things whenever we try to use them for some end of our own.The religious leaders try to use the woman but they are leaders of the people. They should take care of them.Jesus’s attitude 1) understanding – overlooking sin and evil 2) compassion, not looking for logical reason like the question Why do you love me Dad? There is just no answer to love.
#15: 住棚節結束Fire ceremonyAt the end of the first day of the feast, the priests and Levites went down to the Court of the Women. Four golden candlesticks were set up in the court. Mount Olivesevening everyone returned to the Temple fire ceremony and the torch dance! Levitical musicians played harps, cymbals, trumpets and other instruments [Psalms 122]. whole ceremony took on a new and greater meaning when YAHUSHUA stood in the Temple (John 8:12) and declared that He was the Light of the world,They need a notary
#18: We cannot know you unless you let us know you but people refuse that fact and invent waysThailand Buddha footprint. Holy water. Frog guarding. Lottery. End up killing the frog.Islam. Cross a bridge thin like a hair. Angel and devil on each shoulder weighting down.Why they cannot know GodThey judge according to the flesh. That is human religion. Physical acts.Nothing unclean touch their flesh but they rob a woman and invent ways to not care for their parentsPeople don't have problem earning salvation, they have problem with apology. Jesus speaks to the heart.
#22: The Jewish people totally missed Jesus' thread in verse 21Suicide? Jews can earn their way to God but suicideAre there many approaches to God? No verse 24Why Pharisee hate Jesus? Because they are self-righteous and when Jesus the light comes it reveal their deeds.Illustration: A party in dark and when someone come in the turn on the light, everybody hates him.
#23: There are proud of the Jewish covenant, they are not slaves.Jews have selective memory. They were salves to many nations, Assyria, Babylon, Persians, governed under Greek, Roman.Slave of Sin. Naturally do sin. Love God is unnatural thing. It is unnatural to please God. To believe Christ is not to be perfect and not sin but to struggle throughout his life to fight sin and eager to know God.To be free is to know God.
#25: Jesus points out a Contradiction: Abraham loves me and you are the descendent of Abraham but you want to kill me. Because you cannot take my teaching.Jesus is alluring an answer. Jesus said his teaching is from the father. Who is the father? People answer Abraham is the father. Jesus's father is God. The crowd change words "Our father is God"?Jesus is pointing out their concern is to protect their religion, the Jewish's identity. Are you following a religion??
#28: Saving faith is ever lasting and ever changingDNA of God is in Jesus, you have this DNA.Not just a milestone in your life that you forget aboutYou wear the cloth. Take in Jesus 上身. Partake