#17: 你們這七十年,在五月、七月禁食悲哀,豈是絲毫向我禁食嗎??6?你們吃喝,不是為自己吃,為自己喝嗎?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------五月七月舉行禁食齋戒悔罪 This same date is still remembered today by many Jews, since the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans in 70AD?每在五月七月舉行禁食齋戒悔罪之會,如今已是歸回時期,故有人問祭司和先知還應否繼續遵守4th month - It was on the 9th day of this month that the walls of Jerusalem were breached (Jer 39:2) 5th month - This seems to be an exact date for the burning of the Temple under Nebuzaradan as previously noted (Jer 52:12-13).7th month - The fast of the seventh month could refer to the Day of Atonement10th month - This day marked the beginning of Nebuchadnezzar’s siege of Jerusalem and is an absolute date given to us by the Scriptural account (II Kings 25:1). 責備性的信息。習傳風俗。只有外表之禁食,而全無內心之悔罪。如果不服從禁食是無用的習為常,表面的心, 幾乎是虛偽? Why do you go to church? ritual, bored with church, “looking spiritual”, social?Where is your heart, really? The Lord desires righteousness rather than ritual!真正的敬拜是服從,而不是禮儀崇拜耶和華藉從前的先知所宣告的話,你們不當聽嗎?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------People can argue the word “Devotion” never appear in the Bible. This reflect non-服從.要按至理判斷,各人以慈愛憐憫弟兄。?10?不可欺壓寡婦、孤兒、寄居的,和貧窮人。---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is what God is looking for. If you禁食悲哀 and at the same time不憐憫弟兄, 欺壓孤兒寡婦, then you probably don’t understand the meaning of禁食Having concern and compassion for the poor and helpless is not just a mandate for God’s people of Old Testament times. His people today also need to be concerned about social problems. For example, James 1:27 says,?“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…” If you truly think you love God and you found yourself not loving people, THIS IS A PROBLEM. You are faking yourself.
#21: 撒迦利亞描繪了一幅未來的圖畫----- 興盛而平安的錫安, 在公義, 仁慈, 真理的管理之下, 街上滿了快樂的兒童與老年人, 列國到這裏來學習認識神8:2-3我為錫安心裡極其火熱,耶和華如此說:我現在回到錫安,要住在耶路撒冷中。------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------God make the initiative. He returned first. Not the people returning first. See where God is.詩篇127:1 若不是耶和華建造房屋、建造的人就枉然勞力.若不是耶和華看守城池、看守的人就枉然儆醒。8:6到那日,這事在餘剩的民眼中看為希奇,在我眼中也看為希奇嗎?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3:20 神能照着運行在我們心裏的大力、充充足足的成就一切超過我們所求所想的.10:27在人是不能、在 神卻不然.因為 神凡事都能。Think what God is doing now, everyday? What is he working on? He is giving blessing. He want us to be blessed.8:16??你們所當行的是這樣:各人與鄰舍說話誠實,在城門口按至理判斷,使人和睦。?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Application------------------1. Standing on God’s promise. Don’t doubtHis promises and bring back the Israelites2. Nothing is too difficult for GodWhen your circumstances don’t change, you should not murmur and complain about God.3. God will respond to your prayer at the right timeEcclesiastes 3:1 says that there is a time for everything.Fruits come at a season.
#24: Wait the minute, didn’t we just read the Zechariah encourage 所羅巴 and Jewish to build the temple. Why does the book Zechariah come after building the temple?