O documento discute quem 辿 Jesus, com base em perguntas feitas aos disc鱈pulos e em um epis坦dio onde Jesus acalma uma tempestade. Apresenta Jesus como tendo poder sobre a cria巽達o e a natureza, e questiona as crian巽as sobre quem tem todo o poder sobre a obra criadora.
Sanjoy Das provides his curriculum vitae, including personal details such as date of birth, address, and academic qualifications. He completed his 10th grade in 2007 with 65.5% marks, 12th grade in 2010 with 52.4% marks, and a 3-year diploma in electrical engineering in 2015 from Asansol Polytechnic with 68.7% marks. His areas of interest are in electrical maintenance and design. He declares that all information provided is true, correct and complete.
The document discusses options for addressing increasing cyber attacks, particularly against the US Federal government. It notes several existing information sharing programs between government and private sectors. While a new program called CISA is proposed, the document questions if another program is needed given existing overlap. Instead, it suggests prioritizing security over surveillance, responsibly disclosing vulnerabilities, enforcing two-factor authentication, limiting contractors, and allowing security research to strengthen defenses long-term through a strategic, systematic approach rather than an urgent "sprint".
El documento presenta informaci坦n sobre varios temas filos坦ficos de manera desordenada. Habla sobre la naturaleza del amor, la libertad, la belleza, el tiempo, la vida en sociedad y m叩s, reconociendo la complejidad de cada tema y la interconexi坦n entre ellos. El documento enfatiza que la filosof鱈a estudia conceptos profundos que tienen m炭ltiples niveles de significado.
Christian Karasiewicz shares with you 36 power tips for Pinterest users on getting started with Pinterest and learning how to integrate Pinterest into your social media strategy.
[SESG6043][Ben Williams][Delays in the European New Build Renaissance]Ben Williams
The document discusses delays in the European nuclear new build renaissance. It outlines construction delays for the EPR and VVER reactors currently under construction in Europe. These projects are severely behind schedule and over budget due to various technical issues. The Fukushima disaster in 2011 also caused significant neutral delays through safety reviews, changes in public and political support for nuclear power, and shifts in energy policies across Europe. Many planned new nuclear projects have been cancelled or delayed as a result. While the Chinese EPR reactors are on schedule, the European experience demonstrates the challenges facing the expansion of nuclear power.
Tarun Dhaka is a 7th semester B.Tech student in Civil Engineering at the National Institute of Technology in Raipur, India. He has work experience in civil engineering projects through summer training and internships. His current project involves optimizing irrigation scheduling using linear programming with a focus on drip irrigation systems in India. He is skilled in design programs like Staad.Pro and AutoCAD as well as MS Office applications.
Sai Kalva has a Bachelor of Science in Business Finance from Indiana University expected in May 2015. He has experience as a Revenue Analyst Intern at Interactive Intelligence Inc. and as a Transfers Adviser Intern at Legacy Practice Management. He is currently the Eminent Treasurer for Sigma Alpha Epsilon, where he manages finances for 40 active members.
Este documento describe una actividad grupal para estudiantes de tercer a単o sobre figuras geom辿tricas. Los estudiantes se dividen en grupos y cada grupo recibe una figura geom辿trica espec鱈fica. Usando PowerPoint, los estudiantes importan una imagen de su figura, escriben las f坦rmulas para el 叩rea y per鱈metro, y presentan sus hallazgos ante la clase. El objetivo es que los estudiantes aprendan a describir las f坦rmulas de 叩rea y per鱈metro de diferentes figuras geom辿tricas.
This document discusses Japan's convenience store market. Seven Eleven is the largest chain with a 33.9% market share, followed by Lawson at 18.9% and Family Mart at 12.2%. In terms of annual sales, Seven Eleven leads with 2,498.7 billion yen, followed by Lawson at 1,031.7 billion yen and Family Mart at 898.7 billion yen. Processed food accounts for the largest percentage of product sales at 30%, followed by nonfood items at 29% and fast food at 13%.
Jonh Holland-Market for information. Economic function and the role of social...Fundaci坦n Ram坦n Areces
El 21 de abril de 2015 la Fundaci坦n Ram坦n Areces acogi坦 una conferencia del profesor John Holland, de la Universidad de Glasgow, quien analiz坦 'El mercado de la informaci坦n y el papel de los intermediarios financieros'. Estuvo organizada en colaboraci坦n con la C叩tedra UAM-Auditores Madrid de Informaci坦n Financiera Corporativa.
This document outlines 8 principles for making user research lean:
1. Just do it - Conduct research in real world locations like coffee shops and airports.
2. It's a collective effort - Research should involve the whole product team to surface assumptions and gaps.
3. Know your assumptions - Sketching helps reveal assumptions.
4. Mix discovery and validation - Blend new ideas generation with improving existing products.
5. Go beyond listening, watch what they do - Observation provides important insights beyond interviews.
6. Quality over quantity - Look for patterns rather than large samples.
7. Go beyond interviews and observations - Methods like phone tours, diaries and concept comparisons provide additional insights.
Presentaci坦n gira alianza pacifico para m辿xico, agroindustria y servicios, pe...ProColombia
El documento presenta informaci坦n sobre hacer negocios en M辿xico como parte de la Alianza del Pac鱈fico. M辿xico es la segunda econom鱈a m叩s grande de Am辿rica Latina y tiene una poblaci坦n de m叩s de 116 millones de habitantes. El documento analiza el perfil del mercado mexicano, la situaci坦n actual de las exportaciones colombianas a M辿xico, sectores de oportunidad como la agroindustria, y recomendaciones para exportar a M辿xico.
The role of cinematography in film has evolved significantly from the early days of fixed cameras to utilizing various shot types and mobile cameras to enhance storytelling and draw audiences into the world of the film. Early films showed single scenes from fixed positions while modern films use a variety of shots like establishing shots, close-ups, and handheld camerawork to provide context, direct attention, and influence audience perspective. As technology advanced, directors gained more options for shot placement and camera movement to immerse viewers and convey meaningful information visually.
This document is a resume for Mohammed Kashif Ali, a Mechanical Engineer with 4 years of experience working in Dubai, UAE. It summarizes his career objective to make optimal use of his skills and abilities in an organization that offers growth. It then details his educational qualifications including a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, as well as his computer skills and experience working as a Mechanical Engineer on projects like hotels and apartments in Hyderabad, India from 2012 to 2016. It concludes with his personal details such as date of birth, addresses, and passport information.
Yapay Sinir A脹 Gelitirmesi ve Karakter Tan脹maBusra Pamuk
Lisans bitirme projesi olarak haz脹rlam脹 olduum projenin rapor dosyas脹d脹r. Projemde k脹saca; ileri beslemeli yapay sinir a脹 modelini ve 旦renme ilemini ger巽ekletirmek i巽in geri besleme algoritmas脹n脹 Java programlama dilini kullanarak implement ettim. Oluturduum yapay sinir a脹n脹 bir aray端z ile birletirerek harf tan脹ma yapan bir sistem oluturdum.
Mobil Uygulama Gelitiricileri 聴巽in TavsiyelerBurak Budak
r端n y旦neticileri mobil uygulama gelitirirken nelere dikkat etmeli? Hangi y旦ntemleri kullanmal脹? Kullan脹c脹lar脹 nas脹l elde tutabilir, nas脹l size daha bal脹 hale getirebilirsiniz? Prototip haz脹rlarken hangi uygulamalar脹 kullanabilirsiniz? rnek alabileceiniz uygulamalar nelerdir?
Bu sunumda bu konulara k脹sa cevaplar bulacaks脹n脹z, sormak istediiniz her soruyu bana iletiim bilgilerimden ulaarak sorabilirsiniz.
International ICT Seagulls Project invites you to participate in.
Uluslararas脹 Biliimci ve Lider Mart脹lar kat脹l脹m脹n脹z脹 bekliyor.
Tarun Dhaka is a 7th semester B.Tech student in Civil Engineering at the National Institute of Technology in Raipur, India. He has work experience in civil engineering projects through summer training and internships. His current project involves optimizing irrigation scheduling using linear programming with a focus on drip irrigation systems in India. He is skilled in design programs like Staad.Pro and AutoCAD as well as MS Office applications.
Sai Kalva has a Bachelor of Science in Business Finance from Indiana University expected in May 2015. He has experience as a Revenue Analyst Intern at Interactive Intelligence Inc. and as a Transfers Adviser Intern at Legacy Practice Management. He is currently the Eminent Treasurer for Sigma Alpha Epsilon, where he manages finances for 40 active members.
Este documento describe una actividad grupal para estudiantes de tercer a単o sobre figuras geom辿tricas. Los estudiantes se dividen en grupos y cada grupo recibe una figura geom辿trica espec鱈fica. Usando PowerPoint, los estudiantes importan una imagen de su figura, escriben las f坦rmulas para el 叩rea y per鱈metro, y presentan sus hallazgos ante la clase. El objetivo es que los estudiantes aprendan a describir las f坦rmulas de 叩rea y per鱈metro de diferentes figuras geom辿tricas.
This document discusses Japan's convenience store market. Seven Eleven is the largest chain with a 33.9% market share, followed by Lawson at 18.9% and Family Mart at 12.2%. In terms of annual sales, Seven Eleven leads with 2,498.7 billion yen, followed by Lawson at 1,031.7 billion yen and Family Mart at 898.7 billion yen. Processed food accounts for the largest percentage of product sales at 30%, followed by nonfood items at 29% and fast food at 13%.
Jonh Holland-Market for information. Economic function and the role of social...Fundaci坦n Ram坦n Areces
El 21 de abril de 2015 la Fundaci坦n Ram坦n Areces acogi坦 una conferencia del profesor John Holland, de la Universidad de Glasgow, quien analiz坦 'El mercado de la informaci坦n y el papel de los intermediarios financieros'. Estuvo organizada en colaboraci坦n con la C叩tedra UAM-Auditores Madrid de Informaci坦n Financiera Corporativa.
This document outlines 8 principles for making user research lean:
1. Just do it - Conduct research in real world locations like coffee shops and airports.
2. It's a collective effort - Research should involve the whole product team to surface assumptions and gaps.
3. Know your assumptions - Sketching helps reveal assumptions.
4. Mix discovery and validation - Blend new ideas generation with improving existing products.
5. Go beyond listening, watch what they do - Observation provides important insights beyond interviews.
6. Quality over quantity - Look for patterns rather than large samples.
7. Go beyond interviews and observations - Methods like phone tours, diaries and concept comparisons provide additional insights.
Presentaci坦n gira alianza pacifico para m辿xico, agroindustria y servicios, pe...ProColombia
El documento presenta informaci坦n sobre hacer negocios en M辿xico como parte de la Alianza del Pac鱈fico. M辿xico es la segunda econom鱈a m叩s grande de Am辿rica Latina y tiene una poblaci坦n de m叩s de 116 millones de habitantes. El documento analiza el perfil del mercado mexicano, la situaci坦n actual de las exportaciones colombianas a M辿xico, sectores de oportunidad como la agroindustria, y recomendaciones para exportar a M辿xico.
The role of cinematography in film has evolved significantly from the early days of fixed cameras to utilizing various shot types and mobile cameras to enhance storytelling and draw audiences into the world of the film. Early films showed single scenes from fixed positions while modern films use a variety of shots like establishing shots, close-ups, and handheld camerawork to provide context, direct attention, and influence audience perspective. As technology advanced, directors gained more options for shot placement and camera movement to immerse viewers and convey meaningful information visually.
This document is a resume for Mohammed Kashif Ali, a Mechanical Engineer with 4 years of experience working in Dubai, UAE. It summarizes his career objective to make optimal use of his skills and abilities in an organization that offers growth. It then details his educational qualifications including a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, as well as his computer skills and experience working as a Mechanical Engineer on projects like hotels and apartments in Hyderabad, India from 2012 to 2016. It concludes with his personal details such as date of birth, addresses, and passport information.
Yapay Sinir A脹 Gelitirmesi ve Karakter Tan脹maBusra Pamuk
Lisans bitirme projesi olarak haz脹rlam脹 olduum projenin rapor dosyas脹d脹r. Projemde k脹saca; ileri beslemeli yapay sinir a脹 modelini ve 旦renme ilemini ger巽ekletirmek i巽in geri besleme algoritmas脹n脹 Java programlama dilini kullanarak implement ettim. Oluturduum yapay sinir a脹n脹 bir aray端z ile birletirerek harf tan脹ma yapan bir sistem oluturdum.
Mobil Uygulama Gelitiricileri 聴巽in TavsiyelerBurak Budak
r端n y旦neticileri mobil uygulama gelitirirken nelere dikkat etmeli? Hangi y旦ntemleri kullanmal脹? Kullan脹c脹lar脹 nas脹l elde tutabilir, nas脹l size daha bal脹 hale getirebilirsiniz? Prototip haz脹rlarken hangi uygulamalar脹 kullanabilirsiniz? rnek alabileceiniz uygulamalar nelerdir?
Bu sunumda bu konulara k脹sa cevaplar bulacaks脹n脹z, sormak istediiniz her soruyu bana iletiim bilgilerimden ulaarak sorabilirsiniz.
International ICT Seagulls Project invites you to participate in.
Uluslararas脹 Biliimci ve Lider Mart脹lar kat脹l脹m脹n脹z脹 bekliyor.
Mustafa Deerli - 2015 - UYMS 2015 Sunum - Mobil 聴letim Sistemleri (iOS ve A...Dr. Mustafa Deerli
Mustafa Deerli - 2015 - UYMS 2015 Sunum - Mobil 聴letim Sistemleri (iOS ve Android) A巽脹s脹ndan Kullan脹c脹 Memnuniyetini Etkileyen Fakt旦rler
Bu arat脹rmada, mobil iletim sistemlerinin (iOS ve Android) birtak脹m 旦zelliklerinin,
kullan脹c脹lar a巽脹s脹ndan memnuniyeti salamada ne derece etkili olduunun
belirlenmesi ama巽lanm脹t脹r. Bu kapsamda, g端n端m端zde ak脹ll脹 telefon pazar脹nda
iletim sistemleri a巽脹s脹ndan lider olan iOS ve Android iletim sistemlerinin baz脹
旦zelliklerinin kullan脹c脹lar脹n脹n alg脹lar脹 ve deerlendirmeleri a巽脹s脹ndan birbirlerine g旦re
端st端nl端kleri veya farklar脹 tespit edilmitir. al脹mada 旦ncelikle mobil iletim
sistemleri a巽脹s脹ndan kullan脹c脹lar脹n memnuniyetini etkileyebilecei deerlendirilen
26 temel fakt旦r belirlenmi ve bu fakt旦rlerin iOS veya Android kullan脹c脹lar脹 i巽in
memnuniyeti salamada ger巽ekten etkili olup olmad脹klar脹 ve etkili iseler ne kadar
etkili olduklar脹n脹 belirlemek 端zere 旦zg端n ve kapsaml脹 bir anket gelitirilmitir.
Gelitirilen anket ile 513 kiiden veri toplanm脹t脹r. Elde edilen 513 veri 巽eitli
a巽脹lardan g旦zden ge巽irilmi ve deerlendirilmi, ayr脹ca anketin g端venilirlii kontrol
edilmitir. Ard脹ndan toplanan veriler 端zerinde betimsel istatistik, 巽脹kar脹msal istatistik
ve t-testler uygulanarak iOS ve/veya Android kullan脹c脹lar脹n脹n memnuniyetini
belirleyen fakt旦rler balam脹nda birtak脹m 旦nemli tespitlere ve iOS ve Android
kullan脹c脹lar脹n脹 istatistiksel olarak 旦nemli derecede anlaml脹 ekilde ayr脹t脹ran
sonu巽lara ula脹lm脹t脹r.
In this research, it was mainly aimed to determine how some of the features of
mobile operating systems (iOS and Android) are effective in order to promote
the user satisfaction regarding users views. In this context, certain features of
iOS and Android, leaders in the smartphone market regarding operating
systems, were compared and contrasted with respect to users perceptions
and evaluations. In the study, primarily, 26 key factors which are anticipated to
be influencing concerning user satisfaction were determined, and an
authentic and comprehensive questionnaire was developed to determine
whether these factors are effective on the subject of user satisfaction, and if
so, how effective they are. By using the developed questionnaire, data was
collected from 513 people. Collected data was reviewed and evaluated
regarding certain aspects, and the reliability of the questionnaire was
checked. After this, by applying descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and
t-tests on the collected data, a number of important and statistically
significantly meaningful conclusions about the factors influencing the user
satisfaction regarding mobile operating systems were drawn.
Mobil 聴letim Sistemleri (iOS ve Android) A巽脹s脹ndan Kullan脹c脹 Memnuniyetini Etkileyen Fakt旦rler
Mustafa Deerli, Emre Demirba ve Metehan Tolon
UYMS 2015 - 9. Ulusal Yaz脹l脹m M端hendislii Sempozyumu, 09 -11 Eyl端l 2015, 聴zmir
The document lists 5 names: Meral OLAKOLU, Can Ahmet DARACI, Osman EL聴K, Mehmet BYKKARTAL, and mer CANDAN. No other information is provided about these individuals.
G脹dalarda Taklit ve Tai_ ilbas.pdf Counterfeit and AdulterationA. 聴rfan 聴LBA
T端rkiye'de g脹dalarda taklit ve tai ile m端cadele.
G脹da sahtecilii 旦rnekle ve 旦nlemler.
Denetim ve Kontrol
T端ketici haklar脹n脹 koruma
Haks脹z rekabeti 旦nleme
5. Projenin Y旦ntemi
Duyarak G旦r端yorum projesi iki aamadan oluacakt脹r;
1. Duyarak G旦r端yorum Projesi sistemini tasarlama.
2. Duyarak G旦r端yorum Projesi sistemini uygulama.
7. Duyarak G旦r端yorum Projesi sistemini tasarlamada
ADDIE modeli esas al脹nacakt脹r. ADDIE modeli
basamaklar脹na g旦re proje ekipmanlar脹n脹n aamalar脹 yer
8. Analiz
G旦rme engelli bireylerin s脹navlara esnas脹nda
kar脹lat脹klar脹 sorunlar脹 tespit etmek i巽in m端lakatlar
yap脹lacakt脹r. Ayr脹ca bu bireylerin s脹nav esnas脹nda
onlara yard脹mc脹 olan koordinat旦r 旦retmenler veya
arat脹rma g旦revlileri ile g旦r端端p fikir al脹nacakt脹r.
13. Uygulama
Ak脹ll脹 telefonlara uygulama y端klenerek uzman g旦r端端
al脹n脹p program eksikleri tespit edilip d端zenlemeler ve
ara deerlendirmeler yap脹lacakt脹r.
16. rneklem Ara巽lar脹
Bir g旦rme engelliler okulunda toplam 2 旦renci
旦rneklem olarak se巽ilecektir.
17. Veri Toplanmas脹
G旦rme engelli 旦rencilere y旦nelik haz脹rlanan Ak脹ll脹
Soru Kitap巽脹脹 ak脹ll脹 tablet/telefon kullan脹larak
gelitirilmi olan uygulama arac脹 ile 旦rencilerin bu
uygulamay脹 kullanmas脹 sonucunda yap脹lan m端lakat ile
birlikte verilerin toplanmas脹 hedeflenmitir.
18. Veri Analizi
Yap脹lan m端lakatlar sonucunda elde edilen veriler
amac脹na uygun analiz edilecektir.
19. 聴P No
Kim(ler) Taraf脹ndan Yap脹laca脹
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Literat端r taramas脹
Osman EL聴K
Can Ahmet DARACI
Osman EL聴K
Can Ahmet DARACI
Osman EL聴K
Can Ahmet DARACI
Can Ahmet DARACI
Osman EL聴K
Osman EL聴K
Can Ahmet DARACI
Osman EL聴K
Can Ahmet DARACI