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Survivor Panel  Businesses Who Survived Disasters
Speak on Lessons Learned


                                                            Bob Boyd, President, Agility Recovery
                                                            Anderson Baker, President, Gillis Ellis & Baker
                                                            Lauretta Smith, Vice President, BANK34
                                                            Alan Hedrick, Owner, County Wide Insurance

 Archived 2010 NPM Webinars:

 Business Preparedness  Can you go alone for 72
 hours?  Guest Speaker: David Paulison, Former FEMA
                                                                                    FOR AUDIO
                                                                      Please call 916-233-3087, access code
 Private Sector Preparedness Certification Program                                259-384-549
 Advantages for a small to mid-sized business?  Guest
 Speaker: Marcus Pollock, FEMA
 Business Preparedness  Both Inside and Outside of
 Your Organization  Guest Speaker: Jackie Snelling, DHS
                                                                          Listen through your computers
 Visit www.preparemybusiness.com to view Webinars                                     speakers
 and download presentation slides!
 Hear from selected business interruption survivors
    Anderson Baker, President, Gillis Ellis & Baker
    Lauretta Smith, Vice President, BANK34
    Alan Hedrick, Owner, County Wide Insurance
 Question and Answer session with distinguished guests
Gillis Ellis & Baker
Gillis Ellis & Baker

 Founded in 1933

 42 Employees

 Located in New Orleans, LA

 Provides insurance and risk
management to the families and
businesses of New Orleans, Louisiana
and the Gulf Coast
                                       Anderson Baker, III
 Impacted by Hurricane Katrina in
Spirit of the Trailer

 Life as we knew it was gone, but we had
a job to do. Our clients needed us and we
were there for them.
 Not much was certain, but we had each
other and that was enough.
 Can Do was our credoeverything
that can be done for our clients and for
each other will be done.
 There was no rank or organizational
chartall for one and one for all.
 An office with no walls, no privacy and
no rules works just fine.
 We took the worst that nature, man and
government could dish outand we are
not only still standing, we are winning!
Gillis Ellis & Baker Lessons Learned

 Ensuring current contact information for employees closest relative

 Have a plan for re-routing your telephones prior to and following any disaster

 People are priceless, focus on your employees and their specific needs
following any disaster

 Have a plan for contacting your clients and supply chain following any

 Founded in 1934

 2- location bank located in
Alamogordo, NM

 Philosophy - A good bank working
with good people, helping them
achieve the dreams that are most
important to them.
                                        Lauretta Smith
 Impacted by arsonist in April, 2010   Vice President
京温稼一34: The Disaster

Thursday, April 8, 2010

 Arsonist entered the building.
 Force entry into tenants office.
          (An attorney.)
 Set two fires.
 Crime happened in about 6 minutes.
 Sprinklers were activated.
 Six inches of water accumulated in
 No way to resume operations without
京温稼一34 Lessons Learned

 Have a Plan. Test your Plan.
           Work your Plan upon disaster.
 Solicit help from trained 3rd partner.
 Know shut-offs for electrical and water
           valves in branch.
 Have access to generator. Test annually.
 Have call tree in place. Test semi-annually.

 京温稼一34 operations resumed
 Monday, April 12.
County Wide Insurance
County Wide Insurance Agency

   Founded in 1972
   20 Employees
   Located in Dexter, MO
                                       Alan Hedrick, Owner
   Personal and Commercial
    Insurance Provider
   Impacted by Ice Storm in January
                                       Jason Comfort, Commercial
                                       Lines Agent

                                       Dave Ellinghouse, Agency
Warm Hands, Warm Heart

   Declared a disaster following an
    ice storm in 2009
   Generator delivered within 7
    hours following the storm
   Opened their offices to the
    local community as a warming
   Secured new business because
    they were the only business
    open in SW Missouri for days
    following the storm.
County Wide Insurance Lessons Learned

 Have your building inspected by a local electrician to pre-determine
generator needs

 Develop a plan for re-routing your phones following an interruption

 Make arrangements to have parking lots and walkways cleared

 5 Ps.Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance

                              Submit questions using the
                             Q & A function on your screen.

Archived 2010 NPM Webinars:

Business Preparedness  Can you go alone for 72 hours?  Guest Speaker: David Paulison, Former FEMA

Private Sector Preparedness Certification Program  Advantages for a small to mid-sized business?  Guest
Speaker: Marcus Pollock, FEMA

Business Preparedness  Both Inside and Outside of Your Organization  Guest Speaker: Jackie Snelling, DHS

Visit www.preparemybusiness.com to view Webinars and download presentation slides!
The Agility Story
Agility is in the business of saving businesses.
            For businesses large and small,
Agility is the difference between giving in to a crisis
                   and surviving one.
Agility Recovery Stories

Theres no such thing as a minor disruption.
Any event that prevents work from happening
can be catastrophic for a business.

In the past two years Agility responded to
over 560 disaster events. Including:

京温稼一34  Arson
CountyWide Insurance  Ice Storm
Central Bank Flood
Montgomery Barnett  Hurricane
Barnes Dennig CPA  Burst Pipe
Cowan Insurance  Server Failure
Federated Investors  G20 protest or
blocked street access
Mayfield Kentucky  Power outage
Agility Expertise

With Agility, you dont need to be all things
to all people.

In the midst of a disaster, its nearly impossible to
try to run your business and recover it at the
same time.

The responsibilities are too numerous, the must-
do list too long and the emotional demands too
taxing for one person to handle.

Thats the reason companies turn to Agility. We
take care of everything you need to get your
business back in business, freeing you to focus on
what matters most  your people, your customers
and your community.
Agility People

We work with you as insiders, not outsiders.                                There were times Agility
With Agility, you build relationships with a core team committed to   was working while the rest of us
understanding and prioritizing the unique needs of your business.         slept. That was incredible.
From client services to field operations, theyll partner with you        Christine Forbes, The Daniel and Henry Company
throughout the entire process, from set-up to recovery.
Agility Membership

Membership Lifecycle
Agility provides robust, sensible and
easy-to-implement recovery
solutions for an affordable monthly
membership fee.

Membership Features
 Immediate protection
 myAgility Planning Portal
 Alert Notification
 24-hour access
 Ongoing Education Programs
Agility Recovery Process

Agility bridges the gap between disaster and survival.
Too often businesses hit with a crisis close for good because theyre unable to respond quickly and effectively.
Thats not the case for Agility members. The moment the worst happens, were on the job accessing, strategizing
and mobilizing our resources to get your operation up and running without delay. Fact is, weve dedicated more
than twenty years to helping businesses recover  and weve been successful 100% of the time.
ReadySuite Recovery Solution

Whatever you need,
whenever you need it.

When disaster hits, Agility will
be there on the scene,
providing you with any, or all,
of the critical elements you
need to keep your business in

ReadySuite: $295/Month
Immediate protection
48 seat office space
5 Intel servers
Power generation
Phone and Internet connectivity
Testing Option
MyAgility Planning Portal
Prepare to survive.
      For more than twenty years, thousands
        of businesses have relied on Agility
to help plan for and recover from the unthinkable.
            Were ready when you are.

                              Submit questions using the
                             Q & A function on your screen.

                                                  Bob Boyd
                                               President & CEO
                                               Agility Recovery

Archived 2010 NPM Webinars:

Business Preparedness  Can you go alone for 72 hours?  Guest Speaker: David Paulison, Former FEMA

Private Sector Preparedness Certification Program  Advantages for a small to mid-sized business?  Guest
Speaker: Marcus Pollock, FEMA

Business Preparedness  Both Inside and Outside of Your Organization  Guest Speaker: Jackie Snelling, DHS

Visit www.preparemybusiness.com to view Webinars and download presentation slides!

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  • 1. Survivor Panel Businesses Who Survived Disasters Speak on Lessons Learned Panelists: Bob Boyd, President, Agility Recovery Anderson Baker, President, Gillis Ellis & Baker Lauretta Smith, Vice President, BANK34 Alan Hedrick, Owner, County Wide Insurance Archived 2010 NPM Webinars: Business Preparedness Can you go alone for 72 hours? Guest Speaker: David Paulison, Former FEMA FOR AUDIO Administrator Please call 916-233-3087, access code Private Sector Preparedness Certification Program 259-384-549 Advantages for a small to mid-sized business? Guest Speaker: Marcus Pollock, FEMA OR Business Preparedness Both Inside and Outside of Your Organization Guest Speaker: Jackie Snelling, DHS Listen through your computers Visit www.preparemybusiness.com to view Webinars speakers and download presentation slides!
  • 2. Agenda Hear from selected business interruption survivors Anderson Baker, President, Gillis Ellis & Baker Lauretta Smith, Vice President, BANK34 Alan Hedrick, Owner, County Wide Insurance Question and Answer session with distinguished guests
  • 4. Gillis Ellis & Baker Founded in 1933 42 Employees Located in New Orleans, LA Provides insurance and risk management to the families and businesses of New Orleans, Louisiana and the Gulf Coast Anderson Baker, III President Impacted by Hurricane Katrina in 2005
  • 5. Spirit of the Trailer Life as we knew it was gone, but we had a job to do. Our clients needed us and we were there for them. Not much was certain, but we had each other and that was enough. Can Do was our credoeverything that can be done for our clients and for each other will be done. There was no rank or organizational chartall for one and one for all. An office with no walls, no privacy and no rules works just fine. We took the worst that nature, man and government could dish outand we are not only still standing, we are winning!
  • 6. Gillis Ellis & Baker Lessons Learned Ensuring current contact information for employees closest relative Have a plan for re-routing your telephones prior to and following any disaster People are priceless, focus on your employees and their specific needs following any disaster Have a plan for contacting your clients and supply chain following any interruption
  • 8. BANK34 Founded in 1934 2- location bank located in Alamogordo, NM Philosophy - A good bank working with good people, helping them achieve the dreams that are most important to them. Lauretta Smith Impacted by arsonist in April, 2010 Vice President
  • 9. 京温稼一34: The Disaster Thursday, April 8, 2010 Arsonist entered the building. Force entry into tenants office. (An attorney.) Set two fires. Crime happened in about 6 minutes. Sprinklers were activated. Six inches of water accumulated in branch. No way to resume operations without help.
  • 10. 京温稼一34 Lessons Learned Have a Plan. Test your Plan. Work your Plan upon disaster. Solicit help from trained 3rd partner. Know shut-offs for electrical and water valves in branch. Have access to generator. Test annually. Have call tree in place. Test semi-annually. 京温稼一34 operations resumed Monday, April 12.
  • 12. County Wide Insurance Agency Founded in 1972 20 Employees Located in Dexter, MO Alan Hedrick, Owner Personal and Commercial Insurance Provider Impacted by Ice Storm in January 2009 Jason Comfort, Commercial Lines Agent Dave Ellinghouse, Agency Operations
  • 13. Warm Hands, Warm Heart Declared a disaster following an ice storm in 2009 Generator delivered within 7 hours following the storm Opened their offices to the local community as a warming shelter Secured new business because they were the only business open in SW Missouri for days following the storm.
  • 14. County Wide Insurance Lessons Learned Have your building inspected by a local electrician to pre-determine generator needs Develop a plan for re-routing your phones following an interruption Make arrangements to have parking lots and walkways cleared 5 Ps.Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance
  • 15. Questions? Submit questions using the Q & A function on your screen. Archived 2010 NPM Webinars: Business Preparedness Can you go alone for 72 hours? Guest Speaker: David Paulison, Former FEMA Administrator Private Sector Preparedness Certification Program Advantages for a small to mid-sized business? Guest Speaker: Marcus Pollock, FEMA Business Preparedness Both Inside and Outside of Your Organization Guest Speaker: Jackie Snelling, DHS Visit www.preparemybusiness.com to view Webinars and download presentation slides!
  • 17. Agility is in the business of saving businesses. For businesses large and small, Agility is the difference between giving in to a crisis and surviving one.
  • 18. Agility Recovery Stories Theres no such thing as a minor disruption. Any event that prevents work from happening can be catastrophic for a business. In the past two years Agility responded to over 560 disaster events. Including: 京温稼一34 Arson CountyWide Insurance Ice Storm Central Bank Flood Montgomery Barnett Hurricane Barnes Dennig CPA Burst Pipe Cowan Insurance Server Failure Federated Investors G20 protest or blocked street access Mayfield Kentucky Power outage
  • 19. Agility Expertise With Agility, you dont need to be all things to all people. In the midst of a disaster, its nearly impossible to try to run your business and recover it at the same time. The responsibilities are too numerous, the must- do list too long and the emotional demands too taxing for one person to handle. Thats the reason companies turn to Agility. We take care of everything you need to get your business back in business, freeing you to focus on what matters most your people, your customers and your community.
  • 20. Agility People We work with you as insiders, not outsiders. There were times Agility With Agility, you build relationships with a core team committed to was working while the rest of us understanding and prioritizing the unique needs of your business. slept. That was incredible. From client services to field operations, theyll partner with you Christine Forbes, The Daniel and Henry Company throughout the entire process, from set-up to recovery.
  • 21. Agility Membership Membership Lifecycle Agility provides robust, sensible and easy-to-implement recovery solutions for an affordable monthly membership fee. Membership Features Immediate protection myAgility Planning Portal Alert Notification 24-hour access Ongoing Education Programs Testing
  • 22. Agility Recovery Process Agility bridges the gap between disaster and survival. Too often businesses hit with a crisis close for good because theyre unable to respond quickly and effectively. Thats not the case for Agility members. The moment the worst happens, were on the job accessing, strategizing and mobilizing our resources to get your operation up and running without delay. Fact is, weve dedicated more than twenty years to helping businesses recover and weve been successful 100% of the time.
  • 23. ReadySuite Recovery Solution Whatever you need, whenever you need it. When disaster hits, Agility will be there on the scene, providing you with any, or all, of the critical elements you need to keep your business in business. ReadySuite: $295/Month Immediate protection 48 seat office space 5 Intel servers Power generation Phone and Internet connectivity Testing Option MyAgility Planning Portal
  • 24. Prepare to survive. For more than twenty years, thousands of businesses have relied on Agility to help plan for and recover from the unthinkable. Were ready when you are.
  • 25. Questions? Submit questions using the Q & A function on your screen. Bob Boyd President & CEO Agility Recovery 866.364.9696 Bob.Boyd@AgilityRecovery.com Archived 2010 NPM Webinars: Business Preparedness Can you go alone for 72 hours? Guest Speaker: David Paulison, Former FEMA Administrator Private Sector Preparedness Certification Program Advantages for a small to mid-sized business? Guest Speaker: Marcus Pollock, FEMA Business Preparedness Both Inside and Outside of Your Organization Guest Speaker: Jackie Snelling, DHS Visit www.preparemybusiness.com to view Webinars and download presentation slides!