
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
Under Armours womens brand is a $400
  million a year growing market.

   According to a Gallup-Wellbeing Poll, 49.6% of those polled were
   women found to exercise more than three times a week. That is roughly
   166,160 consumers who need apparel to main their daily active

Running is gaining momentum!
Women of all ages are joining the running
UnderArmour Womens Running

Who Do We Want:
   Women runners 18+ from beginners to elite!

    What Do They Need:
       Highest quality apparel: performance enhancing and must have style.

         What Do We Want:
          UA is   the one-stop-shop for all running apparel and accessory needs
Connect, Interact, Convert!
             Creating interactions with clients via Facebook
             and Twitter:
              Providing training tips & relatable content
              Direct client feedback through polls and
              Link clients to landing page on UA women running
Pin It
Win it
         UA Womens Running Pinterest Page
          several boards featuring shoes, tops,
           bottoms and accessories
          Linking pinners back to the UA Womens
           Running landing page
          Showcasing content relative to the pinners
Traffic and Conversions:
Google Analytics is Key to Success!

             Google Analytics:
              Track UA web site traffic and conversion
              ID what categories convert more browsers
               to buyers
              SEO for improved search results of UA
               Womens Running page in consumers
               search results
              Identifying unique keywords for search
               results with low-competition and high
               result rates
Google AdWords Strategy:
      Target Audience and Rotate Content

Content is Key
 Rotate dual ads
 One featuring performance enhancing high
  quality running apparel
 Another focusing on style meeting performance
 Both ads feature Under Armour as the one stop
  for all running needs.
                                                  Budget Want You Want, Get the Results You
                                                     $150 cost per day
                                                     Ads annual budget of $54,000
                                                     ROI of 20%
                                                     AdWords will generate $64,800 in revenue
Budget Breakdown:
   Twitter page creation and maintenance (
   Facebook creation, maintenance and
    promotion ($3000/mo),
   Social media strategy creation with ongoing    Grand Total Strategy Cost:
    monitoring ($7500/mo),
    Blog creation and on-going content

    Creation of 24 5 minutes videos for web page
    featuring runner stories ($120,000/yr)
   Budget $54,000 annually to finance Google
    AdWords campaign at $150 per day.
Big Budget = Big Return
Return on Investment
   Minimum of 20% ROI = Revenue of $1,389,600
   Increase future ROI with focus on social media providing higher
    browser to buyer conversion
   Building UAs reputation as a the leader in womens running apparel.
    Through the use of various social media channels (Facebook,
    Pinterest, responsive web sites) and analyzing their positive and
    negative results in conversion, this campaign promises to increase
    return on investment for the UA womens brand of running apparel
    and build brand awareness and retention among women runners of all
    fitness levels
           Under Armour
The Leader In Womens Running Apparel

                      Presentation by:
                      Nicole Roofner

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Sweat, blood and style ua women's running apparel endure and conquer

  • 2. Under Armours womens brand is a $400 million a year growing market. According to a Gallup-Wellbeing Poll, 49.6% of those polled were women found to exercise more than three times a week. That is roughly 166,160 consumers who need apparel to main their daily active lifestyles! Running is gaining momentum! Women of all ages are joining the running revolution!
  • 3. UnderArmour Womens Running Apparel Who Do We Want: Women runners 18+ from beginners to elite! What Do They Need: Highest quality apparel: performance enhancing and must have style. What Do We Want: UA is the one-stop-shop for all running apparel and accessory needs
  • 4. Connect, Interact, Convert! Creating interactions with clients via Facebook and Twitter: Providing training tips & relatable content Direct client feedback through polls and questionnaires Link clients to landing page on UA women running site
  • 5. Pin It to Win it UA Womens Running Pinterest Page several boards featuring shoes, tops, bottoms and accessories Linking pinners back to the UA Womens Running landing page Showcasing content relative to the pinners
  • 6. Traffic and Conversions: Google Analytics is Key to Success! Google Analytics: Track UA web site traffic and conversion ID what categories convert more browsers to buyers SEO for improved search results of UA Womens Running page in consumers search results Identifying unique keywords for search results with low-competition and high result rates
  • 7. Google AdWords Strategy: Target Audience and Rotate Content Content is Key Rotate dual ads One featuring performance enhancing high quality running apparel Another focusing on style meeting performance Both ads feature Under Armour as the one stop for all running needs. Budget Want You Want, Get the Results You Need $150 cost per day Ads annual budget of $54,000 ROI of 20% AdWords will generate $64,800 in revenue
  • 8. Budget Breakdown: Twitter page creation and maintenance ( $3000/mo), Facebook creation, maintenance and promotion ($3000/mo), Social media strategy creation with ongoing Grand Total Strategy Cost: monitoring ($7500/mo), Blog creation and on-going content ($4,000/mo) Creation of 24 5 minutes videos for web page $1,158,000 featuring runner stories ($120,000/yr) Budget $54,000 annually to finance Google AdWords campaign at $150 per day.
  • 9. Big Budget = Big Return Return on Investment Minimum of 20% ROI = Revenue of $1,389,600 Increase future ROI with focus on social media providing higher browser to buyer conversion Building UAs reputation as a the leader in womens running apparel. Through the use of various social media channels (Facebook, Pinterest, responsive web sites) and analyzing their positive and negative results in conversion, this campaign promises to increase return on investment for the UA womens brand of running apparel and build brand awareness and retention among women runners of all fitness levels
  • 10. Questions? Concerns? Under Armour The Leader In Womens Running Apparel Presentation by: Nicole Roofner