The document is a rushes log for the production "Arabella" by Arctic Monkeys, produced by Casey Bennett. It contains details of 14 video files recording a performance of an actor lip syncing to a song from inside a car in various mid shots and closeups between 23 seconds and 3 minutes 29 seconds long. All of the video files will need to be manipulated and only cuts of the footage will be used.
This document summarizes the qualifications and experience of Gustavo Gasca as an installation supervisor with over 16 years of experience in the telecommunications industry. He has a proven track record of outstanding leadership, problem-solving skills, and completing all job requirements on time and under budget. His experience includes overseeing installation crews, conducting site surveys, installing telecommunications equipment, and interfacing with customers.
El documento habla sobre el uso de tablas hash y la función de dispersión para implementar una tabla hash. Menciona que se puede usar la clase Object ya que es comparable sin necesidad de un método CompareTo. También describe que la función de dispersión usará la regla de Horner reemplazando números por letras y el método charAt(int) de la clase String, y que habrá un problema de genericidad que se resolverá usando una función hash definida para Object.
Talkpush accelerates recruitment for high-volume employers by optimizing recruitment strategies, activating online channels, and automating screening. It sources hundreds or thousands of candidates through advertising and interviews hundreds daily using automated software. Talkpush consults on strategy, analyzes effectiveness, and integrates systems to streamline hiring. It aims to reduce costs by 50% while increasing efficiency and show rates.
The story follows Knight Erathen on a journey through time after encountering a mysterious one-legged old man calling himself the "Guard of the Future." Erathen is transported to modern-day America where he is confused by cars, toilets, and other modern technologies. He meets a boy named Benjamin who helps explain things and accompanies Erathen on a mission to rescue a kidnapped boy. After completing their mission, Erathen decides he wants to stay in the future rather than return to his own time, having enjoyed foods like McDonald's.
Sam Smith – I’m Not The Only One Analysis A2 OCR Mediafaerbs
This document provides a detailed summary and analysis of the music video for Sam Smith's song "I'm Not the Only One". It describes the symbolism in the video including the colors worn by the characters. The video depicts a man having an affair and his wife at home growing more distraught as she realizes what is happening. Through closeups and cuts between the two, the video conveys the wife's emotions of love, hatred, vulnerability and eventual confrontation with her husband about the affair. The colors, locations, and reactions of the characters reinforce the themes of innocence, guilt, and emotional pain explored in the song and story.
This document contains a log of video rushes for a music video shoot. It lists 46 different video clips ranging from a few seconds to over 3 minutes in length. Brief comments are provided for each clip, with most being described as at least partially useful or maybe useful for the final video, though some have issues like being blurry, wobbly, or cutting off too early. The majority of the clips appear to contain footage of the singer either lip syncing or singing at a field, on a bench, or inside a cafe.
Phil Nottingham: Building a More Human Brand — #FullStack15Stipso
Presentation given by Phil Nottingham, director of product marketing at Wistia, as part of Full Stack Marketing at the Turing Festival, 21 August 2015.
Detecting Diagonal Activity to Quantify Harmonic Structure Preservation With ...Waqas Tariq
Matrix multiplication is widely utilized in signal and image processing. In numerous cases, it may be considered faster than conventional algorithms. Images and sounds may be presented in a multi-dimensional matrix form. An application under study is detecting diagonal activities in matrices to quantifying the amount of harmonic structure preservation of musical tones using different algorithms may be employed in cochlear implant devices. In this paper, a new matrix is proposed that is when post multiplied with another matrix; the first row of the output represents indices of fully active detected diagonals in its upper triangle. A preprocessing matrix manipulation was be mandatory. The results show that Omran matrix is powerful in this application and illustrated higher performance of one of the utilized algorithms with respect to others.
The rushes log contains 8 video clips filmed for a music video for James Bay's song "Scars". The clips include close-ups of James Bay singing straight to the camera, the side of his face, and his mouth. There are also shots of him sitting in a chair in a black box room while the camera circles around him, a close-up of his face singing in a loft, and mid shots of him sitting on a kitchen floor and walking around showing emotion while singing. All clips will be trimmed down to their best parts.
El documento explica el funcionamiento de los motores de hidrógeno, analizando sus ventajas y desventajas. Funcionan mediante una reacción química entre el hidrógeno y el oxígeno que produce electricidad para mover el vehículo y agua como subproducto. Sus ventajas incluyen cero emisiones contaminantes y obtener el hidrógeno del agua. Sus desventajas son que el hidrógeno no es un combustible primario y requiere un costoso sistema de almacenamiento.
This risk assessment document from Haydon Media identifies potential risks for their production of the Arctic Monkeys music video 'Arabella'. The key risks include tripping over wiring on the floor, electrical fires from overheating lights, equipment damage from misuse, and medical issues from crew members' health conditions. The document outlines ways to minimize each risk, such as taping wires down, turning lights off when not in use, regularly checking equipment, and ensuring crew have necessary medications. The producer Casey Bennett is responsible for overseeing the risk mitigation strategies.
Cinta adalah kekuatan terbesar di alam raya ini menurut Rhonda Byrne, penulis buku best seller The Secret dalam serial berikutnya yaitu The Power. Jika cinta adalah kekuatan terbesar, maka saatnya kita belajar dari sosok paling agung yang memberikan teladan tentang cinta dan mencintai.
IoT 2010 Talk on System Infrastructure for the Internet of Things.Fahim Kawsar
Supporting Article:
Fahim Kawsar, Gerd Kortuem and Bashar Altakrouri "Supporting Interaction with the Internet of Things across Objects, Time and Space "; Internet of Things 2010 Conference (IoT-2010), Nov 29 - Dec 1, Tokyo, Japan.
La vestimenta en la Antigua Roma variaba según la edad, género, clase social y situación. Los ni?os varones usaban la bulla y la túnica praetexta, y a los 16 a?os recibían la túnica viril que los convertía en ciudadanos. Las togas distinguían a ciudadanos, magistrados, candidatos y generales. Las mujeres usaban la stola y palla, y las prostitutas se identificaban por la toga muliebris de color rojo o verde. El calzado también difería entre patricios, senadores,
Este documento trata sobre la gestión de datos y sistemas de bases de datos. Explica conceptos como datos, información, sistemas de información y sus funciones básicas. Compara sistemas de ficheros con sistemas de bases de datos, y describe ventajas de estos últimos como reducción de redundancia e inconsistencia. También cubre historia, arquitectura, modelos, lenguajes y componentes de los sistemas de gestión de bases de datos. Por último, resume la Ley de Protección de Datos espa?ola en cuanto a obtención y uso de datos
El documento describe diferentes tipos de fallos de mercado como las externalidades, bienes públicos y la información imperfecta. Las externalidades pueden ser positivas o negativas y afectan a terceros no involucrados directamente en la producción o consumo de un bien. Los bienes públicos son no excluibles y no rivales. La información imperfecta ocurre cuando los consumidores y productores tienen accesos desiguales a la información.
By 2050 the world’s urban population is expected to grow by 72%. This steep growth creates an unprecedented urge for understanding cities to enable planning for the future societal, economical and environmental well being of their citizens. The increasing deployments of Internet of Thing (IoT) technologies and the rise of so-called “Sensored Cities” are opening up new opportunities towards forming a profound understanding of the relationship of the citizens with their cities. Dr. Fahim Kawsar, the Director of the Internet of Things research at Bell Labs thinks that while silicon sensing helps us to know our cities quantitatively, it is also important to understand the city qualitatively by capturing the subjective metrics such as citizen well being, perception of safety, trust, cleanliness, friendliness, happiness, etc. In his talk he will explain how Bell labs’ research is addressing this aspect of urban landscape.
El documento presenta los diferentes modelos de mercado, incluyendo la competencia perfecta, el monopolio, el oligopolio y la competencia monopolística. Describe las características de cada modelo, como el número de oferentes, la homogeneidad del producto, y la capacidad de influir los precios. Examina también las causas de los monopolios y las medidas que los gobiernos pueden tomar para regularlos, como impedir su formación, dividir monopolios existentes, o establecer precios máximos.
Este documento resume conceptos clave de la economía. Explica que la economía estudia cómo administrar recursos escasos para satisfacer necesidades humanas ilimitadas. Distingue entre microeconomía, que analiza el comportamiento de unidades económicas individuales, y macroeconomía, que estudia la economía en su conjunto. También describe las principales etapas de la actividad económica humana y los conceptos de recursos escasos, necesidades ilimitadas y coste de oportunidad.
Este documento describe y compara los principales sistemas económicos. Explica que todo sistema debe responder a tres preguntas básicas: qué producir, cómo producir y para quién producir. Luego describe la economía de mercado capitalista, el sistema de planificación central comunista y las economías mixtas, que combinan elementos de mercado y planificación central. Finalmente, analiza las diferencias entre neoliberalismo y keynesianismo dentro de las economías mixtas.
Sarah Palin went on a $150,000 shopping spree and wore a $2,500 Valentino jacket to the Republican National Congress. The document mentions Palin wearing the expensive jacket multiple times and asks what someone would buy with $150,000, referring to the large amount Palin allegedly spent on new clothes and accessories.
A young girl named Lin Miaoke was credited with singing at the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, but it was actually another girl, Yang Peiyi, who sang because Yang was deemed more aesthetically pleasing without buck teeth. Perfection came at the cost of truth at the Olympics opening ceremony.
George Bush Daughter Jenna Married Henry Hagarcoolstuff
Jenna Bush, daughter of President George W. Bush, married Henry Hager on May 10th, 2008 in Crawford, Texas. Henry Hager is from a family in Virginia and had previously worked for Karl Rove. Jenna Bush and Henry Hager became engaged in August 2007 and were married in front of friends and family at the Bush family ranch.
The document is a presentation by Yahoo! to investors in March 2008 that discusses Yahoo!'s strategic plans and financial projections. It summarizes that Yahoo! expects revenue excluding traffic acquisition costs (Revenue ex-TAC) to grow from $5.7 billion in 2008 to $7.1 billion in 2009 and $8.8 billion in 2010. It also projects operating cash flow (OCF) to double from $1.9 billion in 2008 to $3.7 billion by 2010, significantly exceeding Wall Street estimates. The presentation outlines Yahoo!'s unique assets and strategic positioning in Asia as the basis for its growth projections.
Phil Nottingham: Building a More Human Brand — #FullStack15Stipso
Presentation given by Phil Nottingham, director of product marketing at Wistia, as part of Full Stack Marketing at the Turing Festival, 21 August 2015.
Detecting Diagonal Activity to Quantify Harmonic Structure Preservation With ...Waqas Tariq
Matrix multiplication is widely utilized in signal and image processing. In numerous cases, it may be considered faster than conventional algorithms. Images and sounds may be presented in a multi-dimensional matrix form. An application under study is detecting diagonal activities in matrices to quantifying the amount of harmonic structure preservation of musical tones using different algorithms may be employed in cochlear implant devices. In this paper, a new matrix is proposed that is when post multiplied with another matrix; the first row of the output represents indices of fully active detected diagonals in its upper triangle. A preprocessing matrix manipulation was be mandatory. The results show that Omran matrix is powerful in this application and illustrated higher performance of one of the utilized algorithms with respect to others.
The rushes log contains 8 video clips filmed for a music video for James Bay's song "Scars". The clips include close-ups of James Bay singing straight to the camera, the side of his face, and his mouth. There are also shots of him sitting in a chair in a black box room while the camera circles around him, a close-up of his face singing in a loft, and mid shots of him sitting on a kitchen floor and walking around showing emotion while singing. All clips will be trimmed down to their best parts.
El documento explica el funcionamiento de los motores de hidrógeno, analizando sus ventajas y desventajas. Funcionan mediante una reacción química entre el hidrógeno y el oxígeno que produce electricidad para mover el vehículo y agua como subproducto. Sus ventajas incluyen cero emisiones contaminantes y obtener el hidrógeno del agua. Sus desventajas son que el hidrógeno no es un combustible primario y requiere un costoso sistema de almacenamiento.
This risk assessment document from Haydon Media identifies potential risks for their production of the Arctic Monkeys music video 'Arabella'. The key risks include tripping over wiring on the floor, electrical fires from overheating lights, equipment damage from misuse, and medical issues from crew members' health conditions. The document outlines ways to minimize each risk, such as taping wires down, turning lights off when not in use, regularly checking equipment, and ensuring crew have necessary medications. The producer Casey Bennett is responsible for overseeing the risk mitigation strategies.
Cinta adalah kekuatan terbesar di alam raya ini menurut Rhonda Byrne, penulis buku best seller The Secret dalam serial berikutnya yaitu The Power. Jika cinta adalah kekuatan terbesar, maka saatnya kita belajar dari sosok paling agung yang memberikan teladan tentang cinta dan mencintai.
IoT 2010 Talk on System Infrastructure for the Internet of Things.Fahim Kawsar
Supporting Article:
Fahim Kawsar, Gerd Kortuem and Bashar Altakrouri "Supporting Interaction with the Internet of Things across Objects, Time and Space "; Internet of Things 2010 Conference (IoT-2010), Nov 29 - Dec 1, Tokyo, Japan.
La vestimenta en la Antigua Roma variaba según la edad, género, clase social y situación. Los ni?os varones usaban la bulla y la túnica praetexta, y a los 16 a?os recibían la túnica viril que los convertía en ciudadanos. Las togas distinguían a ciudadanos, magistrados, candidatos y generales. Las mujeres usaban la stola y palla, y las prostitutas se identificaban por la toga muliebris de color rojo o verde. El calzado también difería entre patricios, senadores,
Este documento trata sobre la gestión de datos y sistemas de bases de datos. Explica conceptos como datos, información, sistemas de información y sus funciones básicas. Compara sistemas de ficheros con sistemas de bases de datos, y describe ventajas de estos últimos como reducción de redundancia e inconsistencia. También cubre historia, arquitectura, modelos, lenguajes y componentes de los sistemas de gestión de bases de datos. Por último, resume la Ley de Protección de Datos espa?ola en cuanto a obtención y uso de datos
El documento describe diferentes tipos de fallos de mercado como las externalidades, bienes públicos y la información imperfecta. Las externalidades pueden ser positivas o negativas y afectan a terceros no involucrados directamente en la producción o consumo de un bien. Los bienes públicos son no excluibles y no rivales. La información imperfecta ocurre cuando los consumidores y productores tienen accesos desiguales a la información.
By 2050 the world’s urban population is expected to grow by 72%. This steep growth creates an unprecedented urge for understanding cities to enable planning for the future societal, economical and environmental well being of their citizens. The increasing deployments of Internet of Thing (IoT) technologies and the rise of so-called “Sensored Cities” are opening up new opportunities towards forming a profound understanding of the relationship of the citizens with their cities. Dr. Fahim Kawsar, the Director of the Internet of Things research at Bell Labs thinks that while silicon sensing helps us to know our cities quantitatively, it is also important to understand the city qualitatively by capturing the subjective metrics such as citizen well being, perception of safety, trust, cleanliness, friendliness, happiness, etc. In his talk he will explain how Bell labs’ research is addressing this aspect of urban landscape.
El documento presenta los diferentes modelos de mercado, incluyendo la competencia perfecta, el monopolio, el oligopolio y la competencia monopolística. Describe las características de cada modelo, como el número de oferentes, la homogeneidad del producto, y la capacidad de influir los precios. Examina también las causas de los monopolios y las medidas que los gobiernos pueden tomar para regularlos, como impedir su formación, dividir monopolios existentes, o establecer precios máximos.
Este documento resume conceptos clave de la economía. Explica que la economía estudia cómo administrar recursos escasos para satisfacer necesidades humanas ilimitadas. Distingue entre microeconomía, que analiza el comportamiento de unidades económicas individuales, y macroeconomía, que estudia la economía en su conjunto. También describe las principales etapas de la actividad económica humana y los conceptos de recursos escasos, necesidades ilimitadas y coste de oportunidad.
Este documento describe y compara los principales sistemas económicos. Explica que todo sistema debe responder a tres preguntas básicas: qué producir, cómo producir y para quién producir. Luego describe la economía de mercado capitalista, el sistema de planificación central comunista y las economías mixtas, que combinan elementos de mercado y planificación central. Finalmente, analiza las diferencias entre neoliberalismo y keynesianismo dentro de las economías mixtas.
Sarah Palin went on a $150,000 shopping spree and wore a $2,500 Valentino jacket to the Republican National Congress. The document mentions Palin wearing the expensive jacket multiple times and asks what someone would buy with $150,000, referring to the large amount Palin allegedly spent on new clothes and accessories.
A young girl named Lin Miaoke was credited with singing at the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, but it was actually another girl, Yang Peiyi, who sang because Yang was deemed more aesthetically pleasing without buck teeth. Perfection came at the cost of truth at the Olympics opening ceremony.
George Bush Daughter Jenna Married Henry Hagarcoolstuff
Jenna Bush, daughter of President George W. Bush, married Henry Hager on May 10th, 2008 in Crawford, Texas. Henry Hager is from a family in Virginia and had previously worked for Karl Rove. Jenna Bush and Henry Hager became engaged in August 2007 and were married in front of friends and family at the Bush family ranch.
The document is a presentation by Yahoo! to investors in March 2008 that discusses Yahoo!'s strategic plans and financial projections. It summarizes that Yahoo! expects revenue excluding traffic acquisition costs (Revenue ex-TAC) to grow from $5.7 billion in 2008 to $7.1 billion in 2009 and $8.8 billion in 2010. It also projects operating cash flow (OCF) to double from $1.9 billion in 2008 to $3.7 billion by 2010, significantly exceeding Wall Street estimates. The presentation outlines Yahoo!'s unique assets and strategic positioning in Asia as the basis for its growth projections.
Benazir Bhutto was the first female Prime Minister of Pakistan. She was elected Prime Minister in 1988 and 1993 but lost power both times. The document outlines key events in her political career including her time at Oxford University, marriage, visits with foreign leaders like Clinton, and return to Pakistan in 2007 after years in exile.
What should Yahoo do regarding social networkscoolstuff
Yahoo's 100 day review is assessing its strategic direction regarding social networks. Social networks are growing much faster than traditional portals and may become the new paradigm. They have massive user data that could be valuable for behavioral targeting. Major social networks were analyzed, such as MySpace, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn. Social networking has over 115 million domestic users, growing much faster than Yahoo, and is a global phenomenon. Page views on social networks are increasing rapidly while declining on Yahoo sites.
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