2019/11/23 JJUG CCC 2019 Fall
オラクル社からGraalVMというOSSプロダクトが発表され、話題を呼んでいます。GraalVMは、Javaで書かれたJITコンパイラ、Graalを搭載しています。さらに、言語実装用のフレームワークTruffleを提供しており、そのフレームワークを使って実装したJavaScriptやRuby、Pythonなど他の言語を、GraalVMは高いパフォーマンス実行できます。GraalVMを多言語対応の仮想マシンと呼ぶ理由です。加えて、それらすべての言語間で、相互に呼び出しができます。また、ネイティブイメージを作成し、JVMを利用せずにアプリケーションを実行できます。MicronautやQuarkus、Helidonといった最新のフレームワークが、この機能を利用して起動時間の短縮を図っています。ともすれば、GraalVMとは、ネイティブイメージを作成するためのものである、というイメージを持たれている方もいるかもしれません。しかし、GraalVMが持つパワーは、それだけではありません。このセッションでは、上述のGraalVMの概要の説明やデモに加え、単にGraalVMの使い方に留まらず、GraalVMによって今後何が実現されるのか、世界でのGraalVMの活用事例、Java on iOSとの関連、といったことお話しします。
Cassandra Performance Tuning Like You've Been Doing It for Ten YearsJon Haddad
狠狠撸s from my performance talk at the 2023 Cassandra summit. Here I share my tools and process for improving Cassandra's performance. We look at the OODA loop, USE method, high level observability tools and system tools such as flame graphs and bcc-tools (ebpf). Using the example of giving more memory to Cassandra, we explore how to leverage async-profiler and bcc-tools to generate cpu flame graphs and histograms of I/O performance. We can see how identifying a performance bottleneck like time spent in decompression can guide us to solving the right problems - in this case resizing compression buffers.
talked by CI/CD Conference 2021 by CloudNative Days https://event.cloudnativedays.jp/cicd2021
re-upload: https://speakerdeck.com/whywaita/cyberagent-oss-cicd-myshoes-cicd2021
We all want our devices to boot faster, but how much effort do you want to dedicate to optimizing and maintaining a custom kernel and apps? This presentation offers a graded list of things you can do to reduce boot time. They start with simple changes, such as adjusting the position of your main application the init sequence. Then there are the changes you can make to the kernel and bootloader configuration to speed things up, and finally, there are moderately advanced techniques such as using U-Boot in falcon mode.
All of this is done using standard configuration techniques, with the idea of being able to maintain these changes in the future. I will show the effect of each of these changes on typical a embedded dev board so that you can judge for yourself where on the journey you want to jump off.
We all want our devices to boot faster, but how much effort do you want to dedicate to optimizing and maintaining a custom kernel and apps? This presentation offers a graded list of things you can do to reduce boot time. They start with simple changes, such as adjusting the position of your main application the init sequence. Then there are the changes you can make to the kernel and bootloader configuration to speed things up, and finally, there are moderately advanced techniques such as using U-Boot in falcon mode.
All of this is done using standard configuration techniques, with the idea of being able to maintain these changes in the future. I will show the effect of each of these changes on typical a embedded dev board so that you can judge for yourself where on the journey you want to jump off.