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Introduction to
P r e s e n t e d B y : H a d i a Ah s a n
R o l l N o 0 1 6
P r e s e n t e d To : M a m As i m a
Introduction to Syntax
 In linguistics, syntax (from Ancient Greek 僚留両旅 "arrangement" from 僚 syn, "together",
and 略両旅 t叩xis, "an ordering")
 The study of the principles and processes by which sentences are constructed in particular
 The term syntax is also used to refer directly to the rules and principles that govern the
sentence structure of any individual language.
 For example "the syntax of Modern Irish." Modern research in syntax attempts to describe
languages in terms of such rules. Many professionals in this discipline attempt to find general
rules that apply to all natural languages.
 The term syntax is also used to refer to the rules governing the behavior of mathematical
systems, such as formal languages used in logic.
Definition of Syntax
 Syntax definition: Syntax is the grammatical structure of words and phrases
to create coherent sentences.
 Syntax is the proper order of words in a phrase or sentence.
 Syntax is a tool used in writing proper grammatical sentences.
 Native speakers of a language learn correct syntax without realizing it.
 The complexity of a writer's or speaker's sentences creates a formal or
informal level of diction that is presented to its audience.
Example of Syntax
 Syntax mean: Syntax is the grammatical structure of sentences. The format in which words
and phrases are arranged to create sentences is called syntax.
 Examples of Syntax in a Sentence:
The boy jumped happily.
The boy happily jumped.
Happily, the boy jumped
 By rearranging just one word in the sentence, a varied syntax is formed. Each is
grammatically correct and acceptable English language form.
Types of Sentence structure
 In English, a strong, active voice sentence will always have the subject doing the action of
the sentence. These sentences will follow a basic subject-verb-object format.
 There are four types of sentences: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex.
Each sentence is defined by the use of independent and dependent clauses, conjunctions,
and subordinators.
 Simple sentences A simple sentence is an independent clause with no conjunction or
dependent clause, follow a subject-verb format.
 Simple Syntax Examples:
The boy jumped.
The girl sang.
Types of Sentence structure
 Compound sentences A compound sentence is two independent clauses joined by a
conjunction (e.g., and, but, or, for, nor, yet, so) have more than one subject or verb.
 Compound Syntax Examples:
The boy jumped and the girl sang.
I did not go to the concert but I went to the fair.
 Complex sentences A complex sentence contains one independent clause and at least one
dependent clause. The clauses in a complex sentence are combined with conjunctions and
subordinators, terms that help the dependent clauses relate to the independent clause.
Subordinators can refer to the subject (who, which), the sequence/time (since, while), or the
causal elements (because, if) of the independent clause.
Types of Sentence structure
 Complex Syntax Examples:
The boy jumped even though he was nervous.
Because she was excited, the girl sang.
 Compound-complex sentences A compound-complex sentence contains multiple
independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. These sentences will contain both
conjunctions and subordinators.
 Compound-complex Syntax Examples:
Even though he was nervous, the boy jumped and he landed across the stream.
The girl sang and the woman shrieked because they were excited.
Example of Compound Complex Syntax

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  • 1. Introduction to Syntax P r e s e n t e d B y : H a d i a Ah s a n R o l l N o 0 1 6 P r e s e n t e d To : M a m As i m a
  • 2. Introduction to Syntax In linguistics, syntax (from Ancient Greek 僚留両旅 "arrangement" from 僚 syn, "together", and 略両旅 t叩xis, "an ordering") The study of the principles and processes by which sentences are constructed in particular languages". The term syntax is also used to refer directly to the rules and principles that govern the sentence structure of any individual language. For example "the syntax of Modern Irish." Modern research in syntax attempts to describe languages in terms of such rules. Many professionals in this discipline attempt to find general rules that apply to all natural languages. The term syntax is also used to refer to the rules governing the behavior of mathematical systems, such as formal languages used in logic.
  • 3. Definition of Syntax Syntax definition: Syntax is the grammatical structure of words and phrases to create coherent sentences. Syntax is the proper order of words in a phrase or sentence. Syntax is a tool used in writing proper grammatical sentences. Native speakers of a language learn correct syntax without realizing it. The complexity of a writer's or speaker's sentences creates a formal or informal level of diction that is presented to its audience.
  • 4. Example of Syntax Syntax mean: Syntax is the grammatical structure of sentences. The format in which words and phrases are arranged to create sentences is called syntax. Examples of Syntax in a Sentence: The boy jumped happily. The boy happily jumped. Happily, the boy jumped By rearranging just one word in the sentence, a varied syntax is formed. Each is grammatically correct and acceptable English language form.
  • 5. Types of Sentence structure In English, a strong, active voice sentence will always have the subject doing the action of the sentence. These sentences will follow a basic subject-verb-object format. There are four types of sentences: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex. Each sentence is defined by the use of independent and dependent clauses, conjunctions, and subordinators. Simple sentences A simple sentence is an independent clause with no conjunction or dependent clause, follow a subject-verb format. Simple Syntax Examples: The boy jumped. The girl sang.
  • 6. Types of Sentence structure Compound sentences A compound sentence is two independent clauses joined by a conjunction (e.g., and, but, or, for, nor, yet, so) have more than one subject or verb. Compound Syntax Examples: The boy jumped and the girl sang. I did not go to the concert but I went to the fair. Complex sentences A complex sentence contains one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. The clauses in a complex sentence are combined with conjunctions and subordinators, terms that help the dependent clauses relate to the independent clause. Subordinators can refer to the subject (who, which), the sequence/time (since, while), or the causal elements (because, if) of the independent clause.
  • 7. Types of Sentence structure Complex Syntax Examples: The boy jumped even though he was nervous. Because she was excited, the girl sang. Compound-complex sentences A compound-complex sentence contains multiple independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. These sentences will contain both conjunctions and subordinators. Compound-complex Syntax Examples: Even though he was nervous, the boy jumped and he landed across the stream. The girl sang and the woman shrieked because they were excited.
  • 8. Example of Compound Complex Syntax