V叩転en鱈 炭astn鱈ci, srden V叩s zveme k 炭asti na na邸鱈 online prezentaci o Vala邸sk辿m regionu od autora Valach.cz, kter叩 se bude konat na na邸鱈 webov辿 platform. Prezentace bude dostupn叩 pro z叩jemce z cel辿ho svta a nab鱈dne pohodl鱈 sledov叩n鱈 z domova. Pipojit se m哲転ete prostednictv鱈m odkazu, kter箪 obdr転鱈te po registraci na na邸em webu. Bhem prezentace v叩m pedstav鱈me bohatou kulturu, tradice, zaj鱈mavosti a turistick辿 atrakce Vala邸ska.
This document provides guidance on preparing a basic family budget in 5 points:
1. Add up all net household income including salaries, pensions, benefits, business income, and rents.
2. Calculate all expenditures including bills, food, transportation, clothing, entertainment, and services to determine total spending.
3. Compare total income to total expenditures and ensure income exceeds or equals expenses, with any surplus going to savings and any deficit addressed by reducing costs, increasing income, or obtaining loans.
4. Review expenses and identify unnecessary "luxury" costs that can be reduced or eliminated to lower total spending.
5. Regularly update and check the budget to monitor that income still covers needs and make adjustments if
V叩転en鱈 炭astn鱈ci, srden V叩s zveme k 炭asti na na邸鱈 online prezentaci o Vala邸sk辿m regionu od autora Valach.cz, kter叩 se bude konat na na邸鱈 webov辿 platform. Prezentace bude dostupn叩 pro z叩jemce z cel辿ho svta a nab鱈dne pohodl鱈 sledov叩n鱈 z domova. Pipojit se m哲転ete prostednictv鱈m odkazu, kter箪 obdr転鱈te po registraci na na邸em webu. Bhem prezentace v叩m pedstav鱈me bohatou kulturu, tradice, zaj鱈mavosti a turistick辿 atrakce Vala邸ska.
This document provides guidance on preparing a basic family budget in 5 points:
1. Add up all net household income including salaries, pensions, benefits, business income, and rents.
2. Calculate all expenditures including bills, food, transportation, clothing, entertainment, and services to determine total spending.
3. Compare total income to total expenditures and ensure income exceeds or equals expenses, with any surplus going to savings and any deficit addressed by reducing costs, increasing income, or obtaining loans.
4. Review expenses and identify unnecessary "luxury" costs that can be reduced or eliminated to lower total spending.
5. Regularly update and check the budget to monitor that income still covers needs and make adjustments if
The Slovak students connected via videoconference with their partners from Italy. They were able to see each other for the first time and had a fun communication, answering questions for each other. The Italian students presented their national cuisine and popular meals, while the Slovak students introduced a traditional Christmas pastry that is also eaten regularly.
The document records a videoconference between locations in Slovakia and Italy on February 11, 2016. Representatives from Slovakia and Italy participated in the videoconference and exchanged communications. The videoconference involved discussions between the two countries.
Slovak national foods include Bryndzov辿 halu邸ky, which are small potato dumplings topped with sheep cheese and bacon; Lok邸e, which are potato pancakes; and Zemiakov辿 placky, potato pancakes fried in oil with garlic and flour. Soups like Kapustnica, made of sour cabbage and smoked pork sausage and sometimes containing mushrooms or plums, are also common. Popular sweets include Trdeln鱈k, sweet pastry dough wrapped around a stick, grilled and topped with sugar and walnuts, and Kysnut辿 peen辿 buchty, baked dumplings filled with jam, fruit or chocolate.
Snow is precipitation that falls from clouds in the form of crystalline water ice flakes. Snowflakes are accumulations of millions of tiny ice crystals that form together and fall from clouds at low temperatures. While snowflakes generally have a soft, white, and fluffy structure, their specific shape is determined by the altitude and temperatures during formation, with the six main patterns being star-shaped, bullets, columns, needles, plates, and dendrites.
Fog is a visible mass of cloud water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air near the Earth's surface that forms when the air temperature and dew point are within 2.5属C of each other. Fog influences human activities like shipping and travel. It can form in different ways depending on the type of cooling that causes the water vapor in the air to condense into droplets. The document provides information on what fog is, how it forms, its different types, resources for further information, and concludes with thanks.
2. Z叩kladn鱈 informace
Stedoesk箪 kraj le転鱈 uprosted ech
Rozloha : 11 014 km2
Poet obyvatel : 1 154 193
Hustota os鱈dlen鱈 : 105 obyvatel/km2
Krajsk辿 msto : Praha ( 1 194 407 obyvatel )
Okresy : Bene邸ov, Beroun, Kladno, Kol鱈n, Kutn叩 Hora, Mln鱈k, Mlad叩 Boleslav,
Nymburk, Praha-v箪chod, Praha-z叩pad, P鱈bram, Rakovn鱈k
Nejvy邸邸鱈 bod : Tok 864 m. n. m.
Nejni転邸鱈 bod : Hladina eky Labe u Doln鱈ch Bekovic 153 m. n. m.
6. P鱈rodn鱈 podm鱈nky
Povrch : Le転鱈 v centr叩ln鱈 叩sti esk辿 kotliny. Jeho reli辿f je pomrn m叩lo lenit箪.
Sever a V箪chod je rovinat箪, na jihu a jihoz叩pad pevl叩daj鱈 vrchoviny.
Podneb鱈 : Je na vt邸in 炭zem鱈 p鱈zniv辿. Z叩padn鱈 叩st, ale 叩sten i severn鱈 叩st, m叩
pro zemdlstv鱈 m叩lo sr叩転ek. D哲vodem je de邸泥ov箪 st鱈n Kru邸n箪ch hor. Nejteplej邸鱈
podneb鱈 je v Polab鱈 a doln鱈m Povltav鱈.
Vodstvo : 艶一霞 : Berounka, Vltava, Jizera, Labe, S叩zava
Ochrana p鱈rody : CHKO Kivokl叩tsko, 悪看一看鱈稼壊一看, esk箪 kras, esk叩 r叩j a Blan鱈k
8. Obyvatelstvo
Celkov箪 p鱈r哲stek je nejvy邸邸鱈 ze v邸ech kraj哲 republiky
V箪voj se zaal v箪razn mnit ve 2. polovin 90 let
D哲vodem je zejm辿na neust叩l箪 p鱈r哲stek sthov叩n鱈m
Nejv鱈ce lidnat箪m krajem je Kladno : V鱈ce ne転 150 000 obyvatel
V okresech Mlad叩 Boleslav, Praha-v箪chod a P鱈bram : Pes 100 000 obyvatel
Populan nejmen邸鱈 okres Rakovn鱈k : Necel箪ch 55 000 obyvatel
10. Nejvt邸鱈mi pr哲myslov箪mi odvtv鱈mi jsou : Stroj鱈renstv鱈, chemie a potravin叩stv鱈
Podnikem celost叩tn鱈ho v箪znamu se stala koda Mlad叩 Boleslav
Je zde zastoupeno v邸ak i : Skl叩stv鱈, keramika a polygrafie
padek zaznamenaly : T転ba uhl鱈, ocel叩stv鱈 a ko転edln箪 pr哲mysl
V zemdlstv鱈 vynik叩 hlavn pstov叩n鱈 : P邸enice, jemene, cukrov辿 epy, brambor,
ovoce, zeleniny a okrasn箪ch rostlin
Rozv鱈j鱈 se i pstov叩n鱈 energetick箪ch rostlin zejm辿na epky olejky
11. Pam叩tky
Stedoesk箪 kraj se m哲転e py邸nit des鱈tkami n叩dhern箪ch m鱈st spojen箪ch s histori鱈 a
kulturn鱈m 転ivotem. Zejm nejv箪znamnj邸鱈 z nich je Historick辿 j叩dro Kutn辿 Hory s
chr叩mem sv. Barbory a katedr叩lou Nanebevzet鱈 Pany Marie Sedlci, kter辿 bylo
zaazeno do presti転n鱈ho Seznamu svtov辿ho kulturn鱈ho ddictv鱈 UNESCO.
14. V bl鱈zkosti na邸鱈 邸koly se nach叩z鱈 z叩mek
Pat鱈 mezi nejv箪znamnj邸鱈 stavby emp鱈rov辿 architektury v ech叩ch. Nach叩z鱈 se
nedaleko Kutn辿 Hory.
15. ternberk
Hrad esk箪 ternberk zalo転il kolem roku 1241 Zdeslav z Divi邸ova, pojmenoval jej
podle rodov辿ho erbu, zlat辿 osmihrot辿 hvzdy, a podle dobov辿ho zvyku
ponmovat n叩zvy, teda Sternberg (stern - hvzda, Berg - hora) a pijal nov箪
p鱈domek ze Sternberga.
16. S叩zavsk箪 kl叩邸ter
Je komplex staveb historick辿ho kl叩邸tera. Le転鱈 v msteku S叩zava nad
stejnojmennou ekou.
17. N叩rodn鱈 kulturn鱈 pam叩tky
Hrad Kivokl叩t
Kutn叩 Hora
Lev箪 Hradec
Pr哲honick箪 park